- 'use strict';
- import { Functions, Iterables, Strings } from './system';
- import { CancellationToken, CodeLens, CodeLensProvider, commands, DocumentSelector, Event, EventEmitter, ExtensionContext, Position, Range, SymbolInformation, SymbolKind, TextDocument, Uri, workspace } from 'vscode';
- import { Commands } from './commands';
- import { BuiltInCommands, DocumentSchemes } from './constants';
- import { CodeLensCommand, CodeLensLocation, IConfig, ICodeLensLanguageLocation } from './configuration';
- import { GitCommit, GitService, GitUri, IGitBlame, IGitBlameLines } from './gitService';
- import { Logger } from './logger';
- import * as moment from 'moment';
- export class GitRecentChangeCodeLens extends CodeLens {
- constructor(private blame: () => IGitBlameLines, public uri: GitUri, public symbolKind: SymbolKind, public blameRange: Range, public isFullRange: boolean, range: Range) {
- super(range);
- }
- getBlame(): IGitBlameLines {
- return this.blame();
- }
- }
- export class GitAuthorsCodeLens extends CodeLens {
- constructor(private blame: () => IGitBlameLines, public uri: GitUri, public symbolKind: SymbolKind, public blameRange: Range, public isFullRange: boolean, range: Range) {
- super(range);
- }
- getBlame(): IGitBlameLines {
- return this.blame();
- }
- }
- export class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
- private _onDidChangeCodeLensesEmitter = new EventEmitter<void>();
- public get onDidChangeCodeLenses(): Event<void> {
- return this._onDidChangeCodeLensesEmitter.event;
- }
- static selector: DocumentSelector = { scheme: DocumentSchemes.File };
- private _config: IConfig;
- private _documentIsDirty: boolean;
- constructor(context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitService) {
- this._config = workspace.getConfiguration('').get<IConfig>('gitlens');
- }
- reset() {
- this._config = workspace.getConfiguration('').get<IConfig>('gitlens');
- Logger.log('Triggering a reset of the git CodeLens provider');
- this._onDidChangeCodeLensesEmitter.fire();
- }
- async provideCodeLenses(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): Promise<CodeLens[]> {
- this._documentIsDirty = document.isDirty;
- let languageLocations = this._config.codeLens.languageLocations.find(_ => _.language.toLowerCase() === document.languageId);
- if (languageLocations == null) {
- languageLocations = {
- language: undefined,
- location: this._config.codeLens.location,
- customSymbols: this._config.codeLens.locationCustomSymbols
- } as ICodeLensLanguageLocation;
- }
- const lenses: CodeLens[] = [];
- if (languageLocations.location === CodeLensLocation.None) return lenses;
- const gitUri = await GitUri.fromUri(document.uri, this.git);
- const blamePromise = this.git.getBlameForFile(gitUri);
- let blame: IGitBlame;
- if (languageLocations.location === CodeLensLocation.Document) {
- blame = await blamePromise;
- if (!blame || !blame.lines.length) return lenses;
- }
- else {
- const values = await Promise.all([
- blamePromise as Promise<any>,
- commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.ExecuteDocumentSymbolProvider, document.uri) as Promise<any>
- ]);
- blame = values[0] as IGitBlame;
- if (!blame || !blame.lines.length) return lenses;
- const symbols = values[1] as SymbolInformation[];
- Logger.log('GitCodeLensProvider.provideCodeLenses:', `${symbols.length} symbol(s) found`);
- symbols.forEach(sym => this._provideCodeLens(gitUri, document, sym, languageLocations, blame, lenses));
- }
- if (languageLocations.location !== CodeLensLocation.Custom || (languageLocations.customSymbols || []).find(_ => _.toLowerCase() === 'file')) {
- // Check if we have a lens for the whole document -- if not add one
- if (!lenses.find(l => l.range.start.line === 0 && l.range.end.line === 0)) {
- const blameRange = document.validateRange(new Range(0, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000));
- let blameForRangeFn: () => IGitBlameLines;
- if (this._documentIsDirty || this._config.codeLens.recentChange.enabled) {
- blameForRangeFn = Functions.once(() => this.git.getBlameForRangeSync(blame, gitUri, blameRange));
- lenses.push(new GitRecentChangeCodeLens(blameForRangeFn, gitUri, SymbolKind.File, blameRange, true, new Range(0, 0, 0, blameRange.start.character)));
- }
- if (this._config.codeLens.authors.enabled) {
- if (!blameForRangeFn) {
- blameForRangeFn = Functions.once(() => this.git.getBlameForRangeSync(blame, gitUri, blameRange));
- }
- if (!this._documentIsDirty) {
- lenses.push(new GitAuthorsCodeLens(blameForRangeFn, gitUri, SymbolKind.File, blameRange, true, new Range(0, 1, 0, blameRange.start.character)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return lenses;
- }
- private _validateSymbolAndGetBlameRange(document: TextDocument, symbol: SymbolInformation, languageLocation: ICodeLensLanguageLocation): Range | undefined {
- let valid: boolean = false;
- let range: Range | undefined;
- switch (languageLocation.location) {
- case CodeLensLocation.All:
- case CodeLensLocation.DocumentAndContainers:
- switch (symbol.kind) {
- case SymbolKind.File:
- valid = true;
- // Adjust the range to be the whole file
- range = document.validateRange(new Range(0, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000));
- break;
- case SymbolKind.Package:
- case SymbolKind.Module:
- // Adjust the range to be the whole file
- if (symbol.location.range.start.line === 0 && symbol.location.range.end.line === 0) {
- range = document.validateRange(new Range(0, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000));
- }
- valid = true;
- break;
- case SymbolKind.Namespace:
- case SymbolKind.Class:
- case SymbolKind.Interface:
- valid = true;
- break;
- case SymbolKind.Constructor:
- case SymbolKind.Method:
- case SymbolKind.Function:
- case SymbolKind.Property:
- case SymbolKind.Enum:
- valid = languageLocation.location === CodeLensLocation.All;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case CodeLensLocation.Custom:
- valid = !!(languageLocation.customSymbols || []).find(_ => _.toLowerCase() === SymbolKind[symbol.kind].toLowerCase());
- if (valid) {
- switch (symbol.kind) {
- case SymbolKind.File:
- // Adjust the range to be the whole file
- range = document.validateRange(new Range(0, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000));
- break;
- case SymbolKind.Package:
- case SymbolKind.Module:
- // Adjust the range to be the whole file
- if (symbol.location.range.start.line === 0 && symbol.location.range.end.line === 0) {
- range = document.validateRange(new Range(0, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return valid ? range || symbol.location.range : undefined;
- }
- private _provideCodeLens(gitUri: GitUri, document: TextDocument, symbol: SymbolInformation, languageLocation: ICodeLensLanguageLocation, blame: IGitBlame, lenses: CodeLens[]): void {
- const blameRange = this._validateSymbolAndGetBlameRange(document, symbol, languageLocation);
- if (!blameRange) return;
- const line = document.lineAt(symbol.location.range.start);
- // Make sure there is only 1 lens per line
- if (lenses.length && lenses[lenses.length - 1].range.start.line === line.lineNumber) return;
- let startChar = -1;
- try {
- startChar = line.text.search(`\\b${Strings.escapeRegExp(symbol.name)}\\b`);
- }
- catch (ex) { }
- if (startChar === -1) {
- startChar = line.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex;
- }
- else {
- startChar += Math.floor(symbol.name.length / 2);
- }
- let blameForRangeFn: () => IGitBlameLines;
- if (this._documentIsDirty || this._config.codeLens.recentChange.enabled) {
- blameForRangeFn = Functions.once(() => this.git.getBlameForRangeSync(blame, gitUri, blameRange));
- lenses.push(new GitRecentChangeCodeLens(blameForRangeFn, gitUri, symbol.kind, blameRange, false, line.range.with(new Position(line.range.start.line, startChar))));
- startChar++;
- }
- if (this._config.codeLens.authors.enabled) {
- let multiline = !blameRange.isSingleLine;
- // HACK for Omnisharp, since it doesn't return full ranges
- if (!multiline && document.languageId === 'csharp') {
- switch (symbol.kind) {
- case SymbolKind.File:
- break;
- case SymbolKind.Package:
- case SymbolKind.Module:
- case SymbolKind.Namespace:
- case SymbolKind.Class:
- case SymbolKind.Interface:
- case SymbolKind.Constructor:
- case SymbolKind.Method:
- case SymbolKind.Function:
- case SymbolKind.Enum:
- multiline = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (multiline) {
- if (!blameForRangeFn) {
- blameForRangeFn = Functions.once(() => this.git.getBlameForRangeSync(blame, gitUri, blameRange));
- }
- if (!this._documentIsDirty) {
- lenses.push(new GitAuthorsCodeLens(blameForRangeFn, gitUri, symbol.kind, blameRange, false, line.range.with(new Position(line.range.start.line, startChar))));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- resolveCodeLens(lens: CodeLens, token: CancellationToken): CodeLens | Thenable<CodeLens> {
- if (lens instanceof GitRecentChangeCodeLens) return this._resolveGitRecentChangeCodeLens(lens, token);
- if (lens instanceof GitAuthorsCodeLens) return this._resolveGitAuthorsCodeLens(lens, token);
- return Promise.reject<CodeLens>(undefined);
- }
- _resolveGitRecentChangeCodeLens(lens: GitRecentChangeCodeLens, token: CancellationToken): CodeLens {
- // Since blame information isn't valid when there are unsaved changes -- update the lenses appropriately
- let title: string;
- if (this._documentIsDirty) {
- if (this._config.codeLens.recentChange.enabled && this._config.codeLens.authors.enabled) {
- title = 'Cannot determine recent change or authors (unsaved changes)';
- }
- else if (this._config.codeLens.recentChange.enabled) {
- title = 'Cannot determine recent change (unsaved changes)';
- }
- else {
- title = 'Cannot determine authors (unsaved changes)';
- }
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: undefined
- };
- return lens;
- }
- const blame = lens.getBlame();
- const recentCommit = Iterables.first(blame.commits.values());
- title = `${recentCommit.author}, ${moment(recentCommit.date).fromNow()}`;
- if (this._config.advanced.codeLens.debug) {
- title += ` [${SymbolKind[lens.symbolKind]}(${lens.blameRange.start.line + 1}-${lens.blameRange.end.line + 1}), Commit (${recentCommit.shortSha})]`;
- }
- switch (this._config.codeLens.recentChange.command) {
- case CodeLensCommand.BlameAnnotate: return this._applyBlameAnnotateCommand<GitRecentChangeCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowBlameHistory: return this._applyShowBlameHistoryCommand<GitRecentChangeCodeLens>(title, lens, blame, recentCommit);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowFileHistory: return this._applyShowFileHistoryCommand<GitRecentChangeCodeLens>(title, lens, blame, recentCommit);
- case CodeLensCommand.DiffWithPrevious: return this._applyDiffWithPreviousCommand<GitRecentChangeCodeLens>(title, lens, blame, recentCommit);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCommitDetails: return this._applyShowQuickCommitDetailsCommand<GitRecentChangeCodeLens>(title, lens, blame, recentCommit);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCommitFileDetails: return this._applyShowQuickCommitFileDetailsCommand<GitRecentChangeCodeLens>(title, lens, blame, recentCommit);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickFileHistory: return this._applyShowQuickFileHistoryCommand<GitRecentChangeCodeLens>(title, lens, blame, recentCommit);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory: return this._applyShowQuickBranchHistoryCommand<GitRecentChangeCodeLens>(title, lens, blame, recentCommit);
- default: return lens;
- }
- }
- _resolveGitAuthorsCodeLens(lens: GitAuthorsCodeLens, token: CancellationToken): CodeLens {
- const blame = lens.getBlame();
- const count = blame.authors.size;
- let title = `${count} ${count > 1 ? 'authors' : 'author'} (${Iterables.first(blame.authors.values()).name}${count > 1 ? ' and others' : ''})`;
- if (this._config.advanced.codeLens.debug) {
- title += ` [${SymbolKind[lens.symbolKind]}(${lens.blameRange.start.line + 1}-${lens.blameRange.end.line + 1}), Authors (${Iterables.join(Iterables.map(blame.authors.values(), _ => _.name), ', ')})]`;
- }
- switch (this._config.codeLens.authors.command) {
- case CodeLensCommand.BlameAnnotate: return this._applyBlameAnnotateCommand<GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowBlameHistory: return this._applyShowBlameHistoryCommand<GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowFileHistory: return this._applyShowFileHistoryCommand<GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- case CodeLensCommand.DiffWithPrevious: return this._applyDiffWithPreviousCommand<GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCommitDetails: return this._applyShowQuickCommitDetailsCommand<GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCommitFileDetails: return this._applyShowQuickCommitFileDetailsCommand<GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickFileHistory: return this._applyShowQuickFileHistoryCommand<GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- case CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory: return this._applyShowQuickBranchHistoryCommand<GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title, lens, blame);
- default: return lens;
- }
- }
- _applyBlameAnnotateCommand<T extends GitRecentChangeCodeLens | GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title: string, lens: T, blame: IGitBlameLines): T {
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: Commands.ToggleBlame,
- arguments: [Uri.file(lens.uri.fsPath)]
- };
- return lens;
- }
- _applyShowBlameHistoryCommand<T extends GitRecentChangeCodeLens | GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title: string, lens: T, blame: IGitBlameLines, commit?: GitCommit): T {
- let line = lens.range.start.line;
- if (commit) {
- const blameLine = commit.lines.find(_ => _.line === line);
- if (blameLine) {
- line = blameLine.originalLine;
- }
- }
- const position = lens.isFullRange ? new Position(1, 0) : lens.range.start;
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: Commands.ShowBlameHistory,
- arguments: [Uri.file(lens.uri.fsPath), lens.blameRange, position, commit && commit.sha, line]
- };
- return lens;
- }
- _applyShowFileHistoryCommand<T extends GitRecentChangeCodeLens | GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title: string, lens: T, blame: IGitBlameLines, commit?: GitCommit): T {
- let line = lens.range.start.line;
- if (commit) {
- const blameLine = commit.lines.find(_ => _.line === line);
- if (blameLine) {
- line = blameLine.originalLine;
- }
- }
- const position = lens.isFullRange ? new Position(1, 0) : lens.range.start;
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: Commands.ShowFileHistory,
- arguments: [Uri.file(lens.uri.fsPath), position, commit && commit.sha, line]
- };
- return lens;
- }
- _applyDiffWithPreviousCommand<T extends GitRecentChangeCodeLens | GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title: string, lens: T, blame: IGitBlameLines, commit?: GitCommit): T {
- if (!commit) {
- const blameLine = blame.allLines[lens.range.start.line];
- commit = blame.commits.get(blameLine.sha);
- }
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: Commands.DiffWithPrevious,
- arguments: [
- Uri.file(lens.uri.fsPath),
- commit,
- lens.isFullRange ? undefined : lens.blameRange
- ]
- };
- return lens;
- }
- _applyShowQuickCommitDetailsCommand<T extends GitRecentChangeCodeLens | GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title: string, lens: T, blame: IGitBlameLines, commit?: GitCommit): T {
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCommitDetails,
- arguments: [Uri.file(lens.uri.fsPath), commit.sha, commit]
- };
- return lens;
- }
- _applyShowQuickCommitFileDetailsCommand<T extends GitRecentChangeCodeLens | GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title: string, lens: T, blame: IGitBlameLines, commit?: GitCommit): T {
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCommitFileDetails,
- arguments: [Uri.file(lens.uri.fsPath), commit.sha, commit]
- };
- return lens;
- }
- _applyShowQuickFileHistoryCommand<T extends GitRecentChangeCodeLens | GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title: string, lens: T, blame: IGitBlameLines, commit?: GitCommit): T {
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickFileHistory,
- arguments: [Uri.file(lens.uri.fsPath), lens.isFullRange ? undefined : lens.blameRange]
- };
- return lens;
- }
- _applyShowQuickBranchHistoryCommand<T extends GitRecentChangeCodeLens | GitAuthorsCodeLens>(title: string, lens: T, blame: IGitBlameLines, commit?: GitCommit): T {
- lens.command = {
- title: title,
- command: CodeLensCommand.ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory,
- arguments: [Uri.file(lens.uri.fsPath)]
- };
- return lens;
- }
- }