@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
'use strict'
import { commands , DecorationInstanceRenderOptions , DecorationOptions , Diagnostic , DiagnosticCollection , DiagnosticSeverity , Disposable , ExtensionContext , languages , OverviewRulerLane , Position , Range , TextEditor , TextEditorDecorationType , Uri , window , workspace } from 'vscode' ;
import { BuiltInCommands , Commands , DocumentSchemes } from './constants' ;
import GitProvider , { IGitBlame } from './gitProvider' ;
import { BlameAnnotationStyle , IBlameConfig } from './configuration' ;
import GitProvider , { IGitBlame , IGitCommit } from './gitProvider' ;
import GitCodeActionsProvider from './gitCodeActionProvider' ;
import { DiagnosticCollectionName , DiagnosticSource } from './constants' ;
import * as moment from 'moment' ;
const blameDecoration : TextEditorDecorationType = window . createTextEditorDecorationType ( {
before : {
margin : '0 1.75em 0 0' ,
width : '5em'
} ,
margin : '0 1.75em 0 0'
} ) ;
let highlightDecoration : TextEditorDecorationType ;
export default class GitBlameController extends Disposable {
@ -92,9 +91,11 @@ export default class GitBlameController extends Disposable {
class GitBlameEditorController extends Disposable {
public uri : Uri ;
private _disposable : Disposable ;
private _blame : Promise < IGitBlame > ;
private _config : IBlameConfig ;
private _diagnostics : DiagnosticCollection ;
private _disposable : Disposable ;
private _toggleWhitespace : boolean ;
constructor ( private context : ExtensionContext , private git : GitProvider , public editor : TextEditor ) {
@ -104,24 +105,28 @@ class GitBlameEditorController extends Disposable {
const fileName = this . uri . fsPath ;
this . _blame = this . git . getBlameForFile ( fileName ) ;
this . _config = workspace . getConfiguration ( 'gitlens' ) . get < IBlameConfig > ( 'blame' ) ;
const subscriptions : Disposable [ ] = [ ] ;
this . _diagnostics = languages . createDiagnosticCollection ( DiagnosticCollectionName ) ;
subscriptions . push ( this . _diagnostics ) ;
if ( this . _config . annotation . useCodeActions ) {
this . _diagnostics = languages . createDiagnosticCollection ( DiagnosticCollectionName ) ;
subscriptions . push ( this . _diagnostics ) ;
subscriptions . push ( languages . registerCodeActionsProvider ( GitCodeActionsProvider . selector , new GitCodeActionsProvider ( this . context , this . git ) ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( languages . registerCodeActionsProvider ( GitCodeActionsProvider . selector , new GitCodeActionsProvider ( this . context , this . git ) ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( window . onDidChangeTextEditorSelection ( e = > {
const activeLine = e . selections [ 0 ] . active . line ;
this . _diagnostics . clear ( ) ;
this . _diagnostics && this . _diagnostics . clear ( ) ;
this . git . getBlameForLine ( e . textEditor . document . fileName , activeLine )
. then ( blame = > {
if ( ! blame ) return ;
// Add the bogus diagnostics to provide code actions for this sha
this . _diagnostics . set ( editor . document . uri , [ this . _getDiagnostic ( editor , activeLine , blame . commit . sha ) ] ) ;
this . _diagnostics && this . _diagnostics . set ( editor . document . uri , [ this . _getDiagnostic ( editor , activeLine , blame . commit . sha ) ] ) ;
this . applyHighlight ( blame . commit . sha ) ;
} ) ;
@ -156,60 +161,151 @@ class GitBlameEditorController extends Disposable {
if ( ! blame || ! blame . lines . length ) return ;
// HACK: Until https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11485 is fixed -- toggle whitespace off
this . _toggleWhitespace = workspace . getConfiguration ( 'editor' ) . get ( 'renderWhitespace' ) as boolean ;
const whitespace = workspace . getConfiguration ( 'editor' ) . get < string > ( 'renderWhitespace' ) ;
this . _toggleWhitespace = whitespace !== 'false' && whitespace !== 'none' ;
if ( this . _toggleWhitespace ) {
commands . executeCommand ( BuiltInCommands . ToggleRenderWhitespace ) ;
let lastSha ;
const blameDecorationOptions : DecorationOptions [ ] = blame . lines . map ( l = > {
let color = '#6b6b6b' ;
let blameDecorationOptions : DecorationOptions [ ]
switch ( this . _config . annotation . style ) {
case BlameAnnotationStyle . Compact :
blameDecorationOptions = this . _getCompactGutterDecorations ( blame ) ;
break ;
case BlameAnnotationStyle . Expanded :
blameDecorationOptions = this . _getExpandedGutterDecorations ( blame ) ;
break ;
this . editor . setDecorations ( blameDecoration , blameDecorationOptions ) ;
const c = blame . commits . get ( l . sha ) ;
if ( c . previousSha ) {
color = '#999999' ;
sha = sha || blame . commits . values ( ) . next ( ) . value . sha ;
let gutter = '' ;
if ( lastSha !== l . sha || true ) { // TODO: Add a config option
gutter = l . sha . substring ( 0 , 8 ) ;
if ( gutter === '00000000' ) {
if ( c . previousSha ) {
const pc = blame . commits . get ( c . previousSha ) ;
if ( pc && pc . lines . find ( _ = > _ . line === l . line ) ) {
gutter = c . previousSha . substring ( 0 , 8 ) ;
color = 'rgba(0, 188, 242, 0.6)' ;
else {
color = 'rgba(127, 186, 0, 0.6)' ;
} else {
color = 'rgba(127, 186, 0, 0.6)' ;
lastSha = l . sha ;
if ( this . _diagnostics ) {
// Add the bogus diagnostics to provide code actions for this sha
const activeLine = this . editor . selection . active . line ;
this . _diagnostics . clear ( ) ;
this . _diagnostics . set ( this . editor . document . uri , [ this . _getDiagnostic ( this . editor , activeLine , sha ) ] ) ;
return < DecorationOptions > {
range : this.editor.document.validateRange ( new Range ( l . line , 0 , l . line , 0 ) ) ,
hoverMessage : ` ${ c . message } \ n ${ c . author } , ${ moment ( c . date ) . format ( 'MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a' ) } ` ,
renderOptions : { before : { color : color , contentText : gutter } }
} ;
} ) ;
return this . applyHighlight ( sha ) ;
} ) ;
this . editor . setDecorations ( blameDecoration , blameDecorationOptions ) ;
_getCompactGutterDecorations ( blame : IGitBlame ) : DecorationOptions [ ] {
let count = 0 ;
let lastSha ;
return blame . lines . map ( l = > {
let color = l . previousSha ? '#999999' : '#6b6b6b' ;
let commit = blame . commits . get ( l . sha ) ;
let hoverMessage : string | Array < string > = [ commit . message , ` ${ commit . author } , ${ moment ( commit . date ) . format ( 'MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a' ) } ` ] ;
if ( l . sha . startsWith ( '00000000' ) ) {
color = 'rgba(0, 188, 242, 0.6)' ;
hoverMessage = '' ;
sha = sha || blame . commits . values ( ) . next ( ) . value . sha ;
let gutter = '' ;
if ( lastSha === l . sha ) {
count ++ ;
if ( count === 1 ) {
gutter = ` \ 00a6 \ 00a0 ${ this . _getAuthor ( commit , 17 , true ) } ` ;
} else if ( count === 2 ) {
gutter = ` \ 00a6 \ 00a0 ${ this . _getDate ( commit , true ) } ` ;
} else {
gutter = '\ 00a6\ 00a0' ;
} else {
count = 0 ;
gutter = commit . sha . substring ( 0 , 8 ) ;
lastSha = l . sha ;
// Add the bogus diagnostics to provide code actions for this sha
const activeLine = this . editor . selection . active . line ;
this . _diagnostics . clear ( ) ;
this . _diagnostics . set ( this . editor . document . uri , [ this . _getDiagnostic ( this . editor , activeLine , sha ) ] ) ;
return < DecorationOptions > {
range : this.editor.document.validateRange ( new Range ( l . line , 0 , l . line , 0 ) ) ,
hoverMessage : [ commit . message , ` ${ commit . author } , ${ moment ( commit . date ) . format ( 'MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a' ) } ` ] ,
renderOptions : { before : { color : color , contentText : gutter , width : '11em' } }
} ;
} ) ;
return this . applyHighlight ( sha ) ;
_getExpandedGutterDecorations ( blame : IGitBlame ) : DecorationOptions [ ] {
let width = 0 ;
if ( this . _config . annotation . sha ) {
width += 5 ;
if ( this . _config . annotation . date ) {
if ( width > 0 ) {
width += 7 ;
} else {
width += 6 ;
if ( this . _config . annotation . author ) {
if ( width > 5 + 6 ) {
width += 12 ;
} else if ( width > 0 ) {
width += 11 ;
} else {
width += 10 ;
return blame . lines . map ( l = > {
let color = l . previousSha ? '#999999' : '#6b6b6b' ;
let commit = blame . commits . get ( l . sha ) ;
let hoverMessage : string | Array < string > = [ commit . message , ` ${ commit . author } , ${ moment ( commit . date ) . format ( 'MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a' ) } ` ] ;
if ( l . sha . startsWith ( '00000000' ) ) {
color = 'rgba(0, 188, 242, 0.6)' ;
hoverMessage = '' ;
// if (l.previousSha) {
// let previousCommit = blame.commits.get(l.previousSha);
// if (previousCommit) {//} && previousCommit.lines.find(_ => _.line === l.originalLine)) {
// commit = previousCommit;
// color = 'rgba(0, 188, 242, 0.6)';
// }
// else {
// color = 'rgba(127, 186, 0, 0.6)';
// }
// } else {
// color = 'rgba(127, 186, 0, 0.6)';
// }
const gutter = this . _getGutter ( commit ) ;
return < DecorationOptions > {
range : this.editor.document.validateRange ( new Range ( l . line , 0 , l . line , 0 ) ) ,
hoverMessage : hoverMessage ,
renderOptions : { before : { color : color , contentText : gutter , width : ` ${ width } em ` } }
} ;
} ) ;
_getAuthor ( commit : IGitCommit , max : number = 17 , force : boolean = false ) {
if ( ! force && ! this . _config . annotation . author ) return '' ;
if ( commit . author . length > max ) {
return ` ${ commit . author . substring ( 0 , max - 1 ) } \ 2026 ` ;
return commit . author ;
_getDate ( commit : IGitCommit , force? : boolean ) {
if ( ! force && ! this . _config . annotation . date ) return '' ;
return moment ( commit . date ) . format ( 'MM/DD/YYYY' ) ;
_getGutter ( commit : IGitCommit ) {
const author = this . _getAuthor ( commit ) ;
const date = this . _getDate ( commit ) ;
if ( this . _config . annotation . sha ) {
return ` ${ commit . sha . substring ( 0 , 8 ) } ${ ( date ? ` \ 00a0 \ 2022 \ 00a0 ${ date } ` : '' ) } ${ ( author ? ` \ 00a0 \ 2022 \ 00a0 ${ author } ` : '' ) } ` ;
} else if ( this . _config . annotation . date ) {
return ` ${ date } ${ ( author ? ` \ 00a0 \ 2022 \ 00a0 ${ author } ` : '' ) } ` ;
} else {
return author ;
applyHighlight ( sha : string ) {
return this . _blame . then ( blame = > {
if ( ! blame || ! blame . lines . length ) return ;