@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
'use strict'
import { Disposable , ExtensionContext , languages , Location , Position , Range , Uri , workspace } from 'vscode' ;
import { DocumentSchemes , WorkspaceState } from './constants' ;
import { IConfig } from './configuration' ;
import GitCodeLensProvider from './gitCodeLensProvider' ;
import Git from './git' ;
import { basename , dirname , extname , join } from 'path' ;
import * as moment from 'moment' ;
import * as _ from 'lodash' ;
import { exists , readFile } from 'fs'
import Git , { GitBlameEnricher , GitBlameFormat , GitCommit , IGitAuthor , IGitBlame , IGitBlameCommitLines , IGitBlameLine , IGitBlameLines , IGitCommit } from './git' ;
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as ignore from 'ignore' ;
import * as _ from 'lodash' ;
import * as moment from 'moment' ;
import * as path from 'path' ;
const commitMessageMatcher = /^([\^0-9a-fA-F]{7})\s(.*)$/gm ;
const blamePorcelainMatcher = /^([\^0-9a-fA-F]{40})\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)(?:\s([0-9]+))?\n^author-mail\s(.*)\n^author-tz\s(.*)\n^committer-mail\s(.*)\n^committer-tz\s(.*)\n(?:^previous\s(.*)?\s(.*)\n)?^(.*)$/gm ;
const blameLinePorcelainMatcher = /^([\^0-9a-fA-F]{40})\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)(?:\s([0-9]+))?\n^author-mail\s(.*)\n^author-tz\s(.*)\n^committer-mail\s(.*)\n^committer-tz\s(.*)\n(?:^previous\s(.*)?\s(.*)\n^(.*)$/gm ;
export { Git } ;
export * from './git' ;
interface IBlameCacheEntry {
//date: Date;
@ -28,26 +28,29 @@ enum RemoveCacheReason {
export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
public repoPath : string ;
private _blames : Map < string , IBlameCacheEntry > ;
private _blameCache : Map < string , IBlameCacheEntry > ;
private _blameCacheDisposable : Disposable ;
private _config : IConfig ;
private _disposable : Disposable ;
private _codeLensProviderSubscription : Disposable ;
private _codeLensProviderDisposable : Disposable ;
private _gitignore : Promise < ignore.Ignore > ;
// TODO: Needs to be a Map so it can debounce per file
private _removeCachedBlameFn : ( ( string , boolean ) = > void ) & _ . Cancelable ;
static BlameEmptyPromise = Promise . resolve ( < IGitBlame > null ) ;
static BlameFormat = GitBlameFormat . porcelain ;
constructor ( private context : ExtensionContext ) {
super ( ( ) = > this . dispose ( ) ) ;
this . repoPath = context . workspaceState . get ( WorkspaceState . RepoPath ) as string ;
this . _onConfigure ( ) ;
this . _gitignore = new Promise < ignore.Ignore > ( ( resolve , reject ) = > {
const gitignorePath = join ( this . repoPath , '.gitignore' ) ;
exists ( gitignorePath , e = > {
const gitignorePath = path . join( this . repoPath , '.gitignore' ) ;
fs . exists( gitignorePath , e = > {
if ( e ) {
readFile ( gitignorePath , 'utf8' , ( err , data ) = > {
fs . readFile( gitignorePath , 'utf8' , ( err , data ) = > {
if ( ! err ) {
resolve ( ignore ( ) . add ( data ) ) ;
return ;
@ -60,33 +63,60 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
} ) ;
} ) ;
// TODO: Cache needs to be cleared on file changes -- createFileSystemWatcher or timeout?
this . _blames = new Map ( ) ;
this . _registerCodeLensProvider ( ) ;
this . _removeCachedBlameFn = _ . debounce ( this . _removeCachedBlame . bind ( this ) , 2500 ) ;
const subscriptions : Disposable [ ] = [ ] ;
// TODO: Maybe stop clearing on close and instead limit to a certain number of recent blames
subscriptions . push ( workspace . onDidCloseTextDocument ( d = > this . _removeCachedBlame ( d . fileName , RemoveCacheReason . DocumentClosed ) ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( workspace . onDidSaveTextDocument ( d = > this . _removeCachedBlameFn ( d . fileName , RemoveCacheReason . DocumentSaved ) ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( workspace . onDidChangeTextDocument ( e = > this . _removeCachedBlameFn ( e . document . fileName , RemoveCacheReason . DocumentChanged ) ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( workspace . onDidChangeConfiguration ( ( ) = > this . _registerCodeLensProvider ( ) ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( workspace . onDidChangeConfiguration ( ( ) = > this . _onConfigure ( ) ) ) ;
this . _disposable = Disposable . from ( . . . subscriptions ) ;
dispose() {
this . _blames . clear ( ) ;
this . _disposable && this . _disposable . dispose ( ) ;
this . _codeLensProviderSubscription && this . _codeLensProviderSubscription . dispose ( ) ;
this . _codeLensProviderDisposable && this . _codeLensProviderDisposable . dispose ( ) ;
this . _blameCacheDisposable && this . _blameCacheDisposable . dispose ( ) ;
this . _blameCache && this . _blameCache . clear ( ) ;
private _registerCodeLensProvider() {
if ( this . _codeLensProviderSubscription ) {
this . _codeLensProviderSubscription . dispose ( ) ;
public get UseCaching() {
return ! ! this . _blameCache ;
private _onConfigure() {
const config = workspace . getConfiguration ( ) . get < IConfig > ( 'gitlens' ) ;
if ( ! _ . isEqual ( config . codeLens , this . _config && this . _config . codeLens ) ) {
this . _codeLensProviderDisposable && this . _codeLensProviderDisposable . dispose ( ) ;
if ( config . codeLens . recentChange . enabled || config . codeLens . authors . enabled ) {
this . _codeLensProviderDisposable = languages . registerCodeLensProvider ( GitCodeLensProvider . selector , new GitCodeLensProvider ( this . context , this ) ) ;
} else {
this . _codeLensProviderDisposable = null ;
this . _codeLensProviderSubscription = languages . registerCodeLensProvider ( GitCodeLensProvider . selector , new GitCodeLensProvider ( this . context , this ) ) ;
if ( ! _ . isEqual ( config . advanced , this . _config && this . _config . advanced ) ) {
if ( config . advanced . caching . enabled ) {
// TODO: Cache needs to be cleared on file changes -- createFileSystemWatcher or timeout?
this . _blameCache = new Map ( ) ;
const disposables : Disposable [ ] = [ ] ;
// TODO: Maybe stop clearing on close and instead limit to a certain number of recent blames
disposables . push ( workspace . onDidCloseTextDocument ( d = > this . _removeCachedBlame ( d . fileName , RemoveCacheReason . DocumentClosed ) ) ) ;
const removeCachedBlameFn = _ . debounce ( this . _removeCachedBlame . bind ( this ) , 2500 ) ;
disposables . push ( workspace . onDidSaveTextDocument ( d = > removeCachedBlameFn ( d . fileName , RemoveCacheReason . DocumentSaved ) ) ) ;
disposables . push ( workspace . onDidChangeTextDocument ( e = > removeCachedBlameFn ( e . document . fileName , RemoveCacheReason . DocumentChanged ) ) ) ;
this . _blameCacheDisposable = Disposable . from ( . . . disposables ) ;
} else {
this . _blameCacheDisposable && this . _blameCacheDisposable . dispose ( ) ;
this . _blameCacheDisposable = null ;
this . _blameCache && this . _blameCache . clear ( ) ;
this . _blameCache = null ;
this . _config = config ;
private _getBlameCacheKey ( fileName : string ) {
@ -94,16 +124,18 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
private _removeCachedBlame ( fileName : string , reason : RemoveCacheReason ) {
if ( ! this . UseCaching ) return ;
fileName = Git . normalizePath ( fileName , this . repoPath ) ;
const cacheKey = this . _getBlameCacheKey ( fileName ) ;
if ( reason === RemoveCacheReason . DocumentClosed ) {
// Don't remove broken blame on close (since otherwise we'll have to run the broken blame again)
const entry = this . _blames . get ( cacheKey ) ;
const entry = this . _blameCache . get ( cacheKey ) ;
if ( entry && entry . errorMessage ) return ;
if ( this . _blames . delete ( cacheKey ) ) {
if ( this . _blameCache . delete ( cacheKey ) ) {
console . log ( '[GitLens]' , ` Clear blame cache: cacheKey= ${ cacheKey } , reason= ${ RemoveCacheReason [ reason ] } ` ) ;
// if (reason === RemoveCacheReason.DocumentSaved) {
@ -121,8 +153,10 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
fileName = Git . normalizePath ( fileName , this . repoPath ) ;
const cacheKey = this . _getBlameCacheKey ( fileName ) ;
let entry = this . _blames . get ( cacheKey ) ;
if ( entry !== undefined ) return entry . blame ;
if ( this . UseCaching ) {
let entry = this . _blameCache . get ( cacheKey ) ;
if ( entry !== undefined ) return entry . blame ;
return this . _gitignore . then ( ignore = > {
let blame : Promise < IGitBlame > ;
@ -130,110 +164,43 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
console . log ( '[GitLens]' , ` Skipping blame; ${ fileName } is gitignored ` ) ;
blame = GitProvider . BlameEmptyPromise ;
} else {
//blame = Git.blameLinePorcelain(fileName, this.repoPath)
blame = Git . blamePorcelain ( fileName , this . repoPath )
. then ( data = > {
if ( ! data ) return null ;
const authors : Map < string , IGitAuthor > = new Map ( ) ;
const commits : Map < string , IGitCommit > = new Map ( ) ;
const lines : Array < IGitCommitLine > = [ ] ;
let m : Array < string > ;
//while ((m = blameLinePorcelainMatcher.exec(data)) != null) {
while ( ( m = blamePorcelainMatcher . exec ( data ) ) != null ) {
const sha = m [ 1 ] . substring ( 0 , 8 ) ;
const previousSha = m [ 14 ] ;
let commit = commits . get ( sha ) ;
if ( ! commit ) {
const authorName = m [ 5 ] . trim ( ) ;
let author = authors . get ( authorName ) ;
if ( ! author ) {
author = {
name : authorName ,
lineCount : 0
} ;
authors . set ( authorName , author ) ;
commit = new GitCommit ( this . repoPath , sha , fileName , authorName , moment ( ` ${ m [ 7 ] } ${ m [ 8 ] } ` , 'X Z' ) . toDate ( ) , m [ 13 ] ) ;
const originalFileName = m [ 16 ] ;
if ( ! fileName . toLowerCase ( ) . endsWith ( originalFileName . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) {
commit . originalFileName = originalFileName ;
if ( previousSha ) {
commit . previousSha = previousSha . substring ( 0 , 8 ) ;
commit . previousFileName = m [ 15 ] ;
commits . set ( sha , commit ) ;
const line : IGitCommitLine = {
sha ,
line : parseInt ( m [ 3 ] , 10 ) - 1 ,
originalLine : parseInt ( m [ 2 ] , 10 ) - 1
//code: m[17]
if ( previousSha ) {
line . previousSha = previousSha . substring ( 0 , 8 ) ;
commit . lines . push ( line ) ;
lines . push ( line ) ;
const enricher = new GitBlameEnricher ( GitProvider . BlameFormat , this . repoPath ) ;
blame = Git . blame ( GitProvider . BlameFormat , fileName , this . repoPath )
. then ( data = > enricher . enrich ( data , fileName ) ) ;
if ( this . UseCaching ) {
// Trap and cache expected blame errors
blame . catch ( ex = > {
const msg = ex && ex . toString ( ) ;
if ( msg && ( msg . includes ( 'is outside repository' ) || msg . includes ( 'no such path' ) ) ) {
console . log ( '[GitLens]' , ` Replace blame cache: cacheKey= ${ cacheKey } ` ) ;
this . _blameCache . set ( cacheKey , < IBlameCacheEntry > {
//date: new Date(),
blame : GitProvider.BlameEmptyPromise ,
errorMessage : msg
} ) ;
return GitProvider . BlameEmptyPromise ;
commits . forEach ( c = > authors . get ( c . author ) . lineCount += c . lines . length ) ;
const sortedAuthors : Map < string , IGitAuthor > = new Map ( ) ;
const values = Array . from ( authors . values ( ) )
. sort ( ( a , b ) = > b . lineCount - a . lineCount )
. forEach ( a = > sortedAuthors . set ( a . name , a ) ) ;
const sortedCommits : Map < string , IGitCommit > = new Map ( ) ;
Array . from ( commits . values ( ) )
. sort ( ( a , b ) = > b . date . getTime ( ) - a . date . getTime ( ) )
. forEach ( c = > sortedCommits . set ( c . sha , c ) ) ;
const brokenBlame = this . _blameCache . get ( cacheKey ) ;
if ( brokenBlame ) {
brokenBlame . errorMessage = msg ;
this . _blameCache . set ( cacheKey , brokenBlame ) ;
return {
authors : sortedAuthors ,
commits : sortedCommits ,
lines : lines
} ;
throw ex ;
} ) ;
// Trap and cache expected blame errors
blame . catch ( ex = > {
const msg = ex && ex . toString ( ) ;
if ( msg && ( msg . includes ( 'is outside repository' ) || msg . includes ( 'no such path' ) ) ) {
console . log ( '[GitLens]' , ` Replace blame cache: cacheKey= ${ cacheKey } ` ) ;
this . _blames . set ( cacheKey , < IBlameCacheEntry > {
//date: new Date(),
blame : GitProvider.BlameEmptyPromise ,
errorMessage : msg
} ) ;
return GitProvider . BlameEmptyPromise ;
const brokenBlame = this . _blames . get ( cacheKey ) ;
if ( brokenBlame ) {
brokenBlame . errorMessage = msg ;
this . _blames . set ( cacheKey , brokenBlame ) ;
throw ex ;
if ( this . UseCaching ) {
console . log ( '[GitLens]' , ` Add blame cache: cacheKey= ${ cacheKey } ` ) ;
this . _blameCache . set ( cacheKey , < IBlameCacheEntry > {
//date: new Date(),
blame : blame
} ) ;
console . log ( '[GitLens]' , ` Add blame cache: cacheKey= ${ cacheKey } ` ) ;
this . _blames . set ( cacheKey , < IBlameCacheEntry > {
//date: new Date(),
blame : blame
} ) ;
return blame ;
} ) ;
@ -326,9 +293,9 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
const locations : Array < Location > = [ ] ;
Array . from ( blame . commits . values ( ) )
. forEach ( ( c , i ) = > {
const uri = c . toBlameUri ( i + 1 , commitCount , range ) ;
const uri = GitProvider . toBlameUri ( c , i + 1 , commitCount , range ) ;
c . lines . forEach ( l = > locations . push ( new Location ( c . originalFileName
? c . toBlameUri ( i + 1 , commitCount , range , c . originalFileName )
? GitProvider . toBlameUri ( c , i + 1 , commitCount , range , c . originalFileName )
: uri ,
new Position ( l . originalLine , 0 ) ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
@ -357,6 +324,8 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
// });
// }
// const commitMessageMatcher = /^([\^0-9a-fA-F]{7})\s(.*)$/gm;
// getCommitMessage(sha: string) {
// return Git.getCommitMessage(sha, this.repoPath);
// }
@ -381,132 +350,56 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
return Git . getVersionedFileText ( fileName , this . repoPath , sha ) ;
fromBlameUri ( uri : Uri ) : IGitBlameUriData {
static fromBlameUri ( uri : Uri ) : IGitBlameUriData {
if ( uri . scheme !== DocumentSchemes . GitBlame ) throw new Error ( ` fromGitUri(uri= ${ uri } ) invalid scheme ` ) ;
const data = this . _fromGitUri < IGitBlameUriData > ( uri ) ;
const data = GitProvider . _fromGitUri < IGitBlameUriData > ( uri ) ;
data . range = new Range ( data . range [ 0 ] . line , data . range [ 0 ] . character , data . range [ 1 ] . line , data . range [ 1 ] . character ) ;
return data ;
fromGitUri ( uri : Uri ) {
static fromGitUri ( uri : Uri ) {
if ( uri . scheme !== DocumentSchemes . Git ) throw new Error ( ` fromGitUri(uri= ${ uri } ) invalid scheme ` ) ;
return this . _fromGitUri < IGitUriData > ( uri ) ;
return GitProvider . _fromGitUri < IGitUriData > ( uri ) ;
private _fromGitUri < T extends IGitUriData > ( uri : Uri ) : T {
private static _fromGitUri < T extends IGitUriData > ( uri : Uri ) : T {
return JSON . parse ( uri . query ) as T ;
export interface IGitBlame {
authors : Map < string , IGitAuthor > ;
commits : Map < string , IGitCommit > ;
lines : IGitCommitLine [ ] ;
export interface IGitBlameLine {
author : IGitAuthor ;
commit : IGitCommit ;
line : IGitCommitLine ;
export interface IGitBlameLines extends IGitBlame {
allLines : IGitCommitLine [ ] ;
export interface IGitBlameCommitLines {
author : IGitAuthor ;
commit : IGitCommit ;
lines : IGitCommitLine [ ] ;
export interface IGitAuthor {
name : string ;
lineCount : number ;
export interface IGitCommit {
sha : string ;
fileName : string ;
author : string ;
date : Date ;
message : string ;
lines : IGitCommitLine [ ] ;
originalFileName? : string ;
previousSha? : string ;
previousFileName? : string ;
toPreviousUri ( ) : Uri ;
toUri ( ) : Uri ;
toBlameUri ( index : number , commitCount : number , range : Range , originalFileName? : string ) ;
toGitUri ( index : number , commitCount : number , originalFileName? : string ) ;
class GitCommit implements IGitCommit {
lines : IGitCommitLine [ ] ;
originalFileName? : string ;
previousSha? : string ;
previousFileName? : string ;
constructor ( private repoPath : string , public sha : string , public fileName : string , public author : string , public date : Date , public message : string ,
lines? : IGitCommitLine [ ] , originalFileName? : string , previousSha? : string , previousFileName? : string ) {
this . lines = lines || [ ] ;
this . originalFileName = originalFileName ;
this . previousSha = previousSha ;
this . previousFileName = previousFileName ;
toPreviousUri ( ) : Uri {
return this . previousFileName ? Uri . file ( join ( this . repoPath , this . previousFileName ) ) : this . toUri ( ) ;
toUri ( ) : Uri {
return Uri . file ( join ( this . repoPath , this . originalFileName || this . f ileName) ) ;
static toBlameUri ( commit : IGitCommit , index : number , commitCount : number , range : Range , originalFileName? : string ) {
return GitProvider . _toGitUri ( commit , DocumentSchemes . GitBlame , commitCount , GitProvider . _toGitBlameUriData ( commit , index , range , originalFileName ) ) ;
toBlameUri ( index : number , commitCount : number , range : Range , originalFileName? : string ) {
return this . _toGitUri ( DocumentSchemes . GitBlame , commitCount , this . _toGitBlame UriData ( index , range , originalFileName ) ) ;
static toGitUri ( commit : IGitCommit , index : number , commitCount : number , originalFileName? : string ) {
return GitProvider . _toGitUri ( commit , DocumentSchemes . Git , commitCount , GitProvider . _toGitUriData ( commit , index , originalFileName ) ) ;
toGitUri ( index : number , commitCount : number , originalFileName? : string ) {
return this . _toGitUri ( DocumentSchemes . Git , commitCount , this . _toGitUriData ( index , originalFileName ) ) ;
private _toGitUri ( scheme : DocumentSchemes , commitCount : number , data : IGitUriData | IGitBlameUriData ) {
private static _toGitUri ( commit : IGitCommit , scheme : DocumentSchemes , commitCount : number , data : IGitUriData | IGitBlameUriData ) {
const pad = n = > ( "0000000" + n ) . slice ( - ( "" + commitCount ) . length ) ;
const ext = extname ( data . fileName ) ;
// const p ath = `{commit.sha}: {ext}`;
const p ath = ` ${ dirname ( data . fileName ) } / ${ this . sha } ${ ext } ` ;
const ext = path . extname ( data . fileName ) ;
// const uriPath = `{commit.sha}: {ext}`;
const uriPath = ` ${ path . dirname ( data . fileName ) } / ${ commit . sha } ${ ext } ` ;
// NOTE: Need to specify an index here, since I can't control the sort order -- just alphabetic or by file location
return Uri . parse ( ` ${ scheme } : ${ pad ( data . index ) } . ${ this . author } , ${ moment ( this . date ) . format ( 'MMM D, YYYY hh:MM a' ) } - ${ p ath} ? ${ JSON . stringify ( data ) } ` ) ;
return Uri . parse ( ` ${ scheme } : ${ pad ( data . index ) } . ${ commit . author } , ${ moment ( commit . date ) . format ( 'MMM D, YYYY hh:MM a' ) } - ${ uriPath } ? ${ JSON . stringify ( data ) } ` ) ;
private _toGitUriData < T extends IGitUriData > ( index : number , originalFileName? : string ) : T {
const fileName = originalFileName || this . fileName ;
const data = { fileName : this.fileName , sha : this .sha, index : index } as T ;
private static _toGitUriData < T extends IGitUriData > ( commit : IGitCommit , index : number , originalFileName? : string ) : T {
const fileName = originalFileName || commit . fileName ;
const data = { fileName : commit.fileName , sha : commit.sha , index : index } as T ;
if ( originalFileName ) {
data . originalFileName = originalFileName ;
return data ;
private _toGitBlameUriData ( index : number , range : Range , originalFileName? : string ) {
const data = this . _toGitUriData < IGitBlameUriData > ( index , originalFileName ) ;
private static _toGitBlameUriData ( commit : IGitCommit , index : number , range : Range , originalFileName? : string ) {
const data = this . _toGitUriData < IGitBlameUriData > ( commit , index , originalFileName ) ;
data . range = range ;
return data ;
export interface IGitCommitLine {
sha : string ;
previousSha? : string ;
line : number ;
originalLine : number ;
code? : string ;
export interface IGitUriData {
fileName : string ,
originalFileName? : string ;