- export * from './config';
- import type { ConfigurationChangeEvent, ConfigurationScope, Event, ExtensionContext } from 'vscode';
- import { ConfigurationTarget, EventEmitter, workspace } from 'vscode';
- import type { Config } from './config';
- import { areEqual } from './system/object';
- const configPrefix = 'gitlens';
- interface ConfigurationOverrides {
- get<T extends ConfigPath>(section: T, value: ConfigPathValue<T>): ConfigPathValue<T>;
- getAll(config: Config): Config;
- onChange(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent): ConfigurationChangeEvent;
- }
- export class Configuration {
- static configure(context: ExtensionContext): void {
- context.subscriptions.push(
- workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(configuration.onConfigurationChanged, configuration),
- );
- }
- private _onDidChange = new EventEmitter<ConfigurationChangeEvent>();
- get onDidChange(): Event<ConfigurationChangeEvent> {
- return this._onDidChange.event;
- }
- private _onDidChangeAny = new EventEmitter<ConfigurationChangeEvent>();
- get onDidChangeAny(): Event<ConfigurationChangeEvent> {
- return this._onDidChangeAny.event;
- }
- private _onWillChange = new EventEmitter<ConfigurationChangeEvent>();
- get onWillChange(): Event<ConfigurationChangeEvent> {
- return this._onWillChange.event;
- }
- private onConfigurationChanged(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
- if (!e.affectsConfiguration(configPrefix)) {
- this._onDidChangeAny.fire(e);
- return;
- }
- this._onWillChange.fire(e);
- if (this._overrides?.onChange != null) {
- e = this._overrides.onChange(e);
- }
- this._onDidChangeAny.fire(e);
- this._onDidChange.fire(e);
- }
- private _overrides: Partial<ConfigurationOverrides> | undefined;
- applyOverrides(overrides: ConfigurationOverrides): void {
- this._overrides = overrides;
- }
- clearOverrides(): void {
- if (this._overrides == null) return;
- // Don't clear the "onChange" override as we need to keep it until the stack unwinds (so the the event propagates with the override)
- this._overrides.get = undefined;
- this._overrides.getAll = undefined;
- queueMicrotask(() => (this._overrides = undefined));
- }
- get<T extends ConfigPath>(section: T, scope?: ConfigurationScope | null): ConfigPathValue<T>;
- get<T extends ConfigPath>(
- section: T,
- scope: ConfigurationScope | null | undefined,
- defaultValue: NonNullable<ConfigPathValue<T>>,
- ): NonNullable<ConfigPathValue<T>>;
- get<T extends ConfigPath>(
- section: T,
- scope?: ConfigurationScope | null,
- defaultValue?: NonNullable<ConfigPathValue<T>>,
- ): ConfigPathValue<T> {
- const value =
- defaultValue === undefined
- ? workspace.getConfiguration(configPrefix, scope).get<ConfigPathValue<T>>(section)!
- : workspace.getConfiguration(configPrefix, scope).get<ConfigPathValue<T>>(section, defaultValue)!;
- return this._overrides?.get == null ? value : this._overrides.get<T>(section, value);
- }
- getAll(skipOverrides?: boolean): Config {
- const config = workspace.getConfiguration().get<Config>(configPrefix)!;
- return skipOverrides || this._overrides?.getAll == null ? config : this._overrides.getAll(config);
- }
- getAny<T>(section: string, scope?: ConfigurationScope | null): T | undefined;
- getAny<T>(section: string, scope: ConfigurationScope | null | undefined, defaultValue: T): T;
- getAny<T>(section: string, scope?: ConfigurationScope | null, defaultValue?: T): T | undefined {
- return defaultValue === undefined
- ? workspace.getConfiguration(undefined, scope).get<T>(section)
- : workspace.getConfiguration(undefined, scope).get<T>(section, defaultValue);
- }
- changed<T extends ConfigPath>(
- e: ConfigurationChangeEvent | undefined,
- section: T | T[],
- scope?: ConfigurationScope | null | undefined,
- ): boolean {
- if (e == null) return true;
- return Array.isArray(section)
- ? section.some(s => e.affectsConfiguration(`${configPrefix}.${s}`, scope!))
- : e.affectsConfiguration(`${configPrefix}.${section}`, scope!);
- }
- inspect<T extends ConfigPath, V extends ConfigPathValue<T>>(section: T, scope?: ConfigurationScope | null) {
- return workspace
- .getConfiguration(configPrefix, scope)
- .inspect<V>(section === undefined ? configPrefix : section);
- }
- inspectAny<T>(section: string, scope?: ConfigurationScope | null) {
- return workspace.getConfiguration(undefined, scope).inspect<T>(section);
- }
- async migrate<T extends ConfigPath>(
- from: string,
- to: T,
- options: { fallbackValue?: ConfigPathValue<T>; migrationFn?(value: any): ConfigPathValue<T> },
- ): Promise<boolean> {
- const inspection = configuration.inspect(from as any);
- if (inspection === undefined) return false;
- let migrated = false;
- if (inspection.globalValue !== undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn != null ? options.migrationFn(inspection.globalValue) : inspection.globalValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.Global,
- );
- migrated = true;
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- if (inspection.workspaceValue !== undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn != null
- ? options.migrationFn(inspection.workspaceValue)
- : inspection.workspaceValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.Workspace,
- );
- migrated = true;
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Workspace);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- if (inspection.workspaceFolderValue !== undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn != null
- ? options.migrationFn(inspection.workspaceFolderValue)
- : inspection.workspaceFolderValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder,
- );
- migrated = true;
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- if (!migrated && options.fallbackValue !== undefined) {
- await this.update(to, options.fallbackValue, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
- migrated = true;
- }
- return migrated;
- }
- async migrateIfMissing<T extends ConfigPath>(
- from: string,
- to: T,
- options: { migrationFn?(value: any): ConfigPathValue<T> },
- ): Promise<void> {
- const fromInspection = configuration.inspect(from as any);
- if (fromInspection === undefined) return;
- const toInspection = configuration.inspect(to);
- if (fromInspection.globalValue !== undefined) {
- if (toInspection === undefined || toInspection.globalValue === undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn != null
- ? options.migrationFn(fromInspection.globalValue)
- : fromInspection.globalValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.Global,
- );
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- }
- if (fromInspection.workspaceValue !== undefined) {
- if (toInspection === undefined || toInspection.workspaceValue === undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn != null
- ? options.migrationFn(fromInspection.workspaceValue)
- : fromInspection.workspaceValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.Workspace,
- );
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Workspace);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- }
- if (fromInspection.workspaceFolderValue !== undefined) {
- if (toInspection === undefined || toInspection.workspaceFolderValue === undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn != null
- ? options.migrationFn(fromInspection.workspaceFolderValue)
- : fromInspection.workspaceFolderValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder,
- );
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- }
- }
- matches<T extends ConfigPath>(match: T, section: ConfigPath, value: unknown): value is ConfigPathValue<T> {
- return match === section;
- }
- name<T extends ConfigPath>(section: T): string {
- return section;
- }
- update<T extends ConfigPath>(
- section: T,
- value: ConfigPathValue<T> | undefined,
- target: ConfigurationTarget,
- ): Thenable<void> {
- return workspace.getConfiguration(configPrefix).update(section, value, target);
- }
- updateAny(
- section: string,
- value: any,
- target: ConfigurationTarget,
- scope?: ConfigurationScope | null,
- ): Thenable<void> {
- return workspace
- .getConfiguration(undefined, target === ConfigurationTarget.Global ? undefined : scope!)
- .update(section, value, target);
- }
- updateEffective<T extends ConfigPath>(section: T, value: ConfigPathValue<T> | undefined): Thenable<void> {
- const inspect = configuration.inspect(section)!;
- if (inspect.workspaceFolderValue !== undefined) {
- if (value === inspect.workspaceFolderValue) return Promise.resolve(undefined);
- return configuration.update(section, value, ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder);
- }
- if (inspect.workspaceValue !== undefined) {
- if (value === inspect.workspaceValue) return Promise.resolve(undefined);
- return configuration.update(section, value, ConfigurationTarget.Workspace);
- }
- if (inspect.globalValue === value || (inspect.globalValue === undefined && value === inspect.defaultValue)) {
- return Promise.resolve(undefined);
- }
- return configuration.update(
- section,
- areEqual(value, inspect.defaultValue) ? undefined : value,
- ConfigurationTarget.Global,
- );
- }
- }
- export const configuration = new Configuration();
- type SubPath<T, Key extends keyof T> = Key extends string
- ? T[Key] extends Record<string, any>
- ?
- | `${Key}.${SubPath<T[Key], Exclude<keyof T[Key], keyof any[]>> & string}`
- | `${Key}.${Exclude<keyof T[Key], keyof any[]> & string}`
- : never
- : never;
- type Path<T> = SubPath<T, keyof T> | keyof T;
- type PathValue<T, P extends Path<T>> = P extends `${infer Key}.${infer Rest}`
- ? Key extends keyof T
- ? Rest extends Path<T[Key]>
- ? PathValue<T[Key], Rest>
- : never
- : never
- : P extends keyof T
- ? T[P]
- : never;
- type ConfigPath = Path<Config>;
- type ConfigPathValue<P extends ConfigPath> = PathValue<Config, P>;