@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import {
} from 'vscode' ;
import { Config } from './config' ;
import { extensionId } from './constants' ;
import { Functions , Objects } from './system' ;
import { Objects } from './system' ;
const emptyConfig : Config = new Proxy < Config > ( { } as Config , {
get : function ( ) {
@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ const emptyConfig: Config = new Proxy({} as Config, {
} ) ;
type ConfigInspection < T > = {
key : string ;
defaultValue? : T ;
globalValue? : T ;
workspaceValue? : T ;
workspaceFolderValue? : T ;
} ;
export interface ConfigurationWillChangeEvent {
change : ConfigurationChangeEvent ;
transform ? ( e : ConfigurationChangeEvent ) : ConfigurationChangeEvent ;
@ -70,7 +78,62 @@ export class Configuration {
affectsConfiguration : ( section : string , resource? : Uri ) = > true
} ;
get < T > ( section? : string , resource? : Uri | null , defaultValue? : T ) : T {
get ( ) : Config ;
get < S1 extends keyof Config > ( s1 : S1 , resource? : Uri | null , defaultValue? : Config [ S1 ] ) : Config [ S1 ] ;
get < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
resource? : Uri | null ,
defaultValue? : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ]
) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ;
get < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] , S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
s3 : S3 ,
resource? : Uri | null ,
defaultValue? : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] ;
get <
S1 extends keyof Config ,
S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] ,
S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ,
S4 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
> (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
s3 : S3 ,
s4 : S4 ,
resource? : Uri | null ,
defaultValue? : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] [ S4 ]
) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] [ S4 ] ;
get < T > ( . . . args : any [ ] ) : T {
let section : string | undefined ;
let resource : Uri | null | undefined ;
let defaultValue : T | undefined ;
if ( args . length > 0 ) {
section = args [ 0 ] ;
if ( typeof args [ 1 ] === 'string' ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 1 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 2 ] === 'string' ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 2 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 2 ] === 'string' ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 3 ] } ` ;
resource = args [ 4 ] ;
defaultValue = args [ 5 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 3 ] ;
defaultValue = args [ 4 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 2 ] ;
defaultValue = args [ 3 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 1 ] ;
defaultValue = args [ 2 ] ;
return defaultValue === undefined
? workspace
. getConfiguration ( section === undefined ? undefined : extensionId , resource )
@ -86,7 +149,46 @@ export class Configuration {
: workspace . getConfiguration ( undefined , resource ) . get < T > ( section , defaultValue ) ! ;
changed ( e : ConfigurationChangeEvent , section : string , resource? : Uri | null ) {
changed < S1 extends keyof Config > ( e : ConfigurationChangeEvent , s1 : S1 , resource? : Uri | null ) : boolean ;
changed < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] > (
e : ConfigurationChangeEvent ,
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
resource? : Uri | null
) : boolean ;
changed < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] , S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > (
e : ConfigurationChangeEvent ,
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
s3 : S3 ,
resource? : Uri | null
) : boolean ;
changed <
S1 extends keyof Config ,
S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] ,
S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ,
S4 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
> ( e : ConfigurationChangeEvent , s1 : S1 , s2 : S2 , s3 : S3 , s4 : S4 , resource? : Uri | null ) : boolean ;
changed ( e : ConfigurationChangeEvent , . . . args : any [ ] ) {
let section : string = args [ 0 ] ;
let resource : Uri | null | undefined ;
if ( typeof args [ 1 ] === 'string' ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 1 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 2 ] === 'string' ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 2 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 3 ] === 'string' ) {
section += args [ 3 ] ;
resource = args [ 4 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 3 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 2 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 1 ] ;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion
return e . affectsConfiguration ( ` ${ extensionId } . ${ section } ` , resource ! ) ;
@ -95,7 +197,44 @@ export class Configuration {
return e === this . initializingChangeEvent ;
inspect ( section? : string , resource? : Uri | null ) {
inspect < S1 extends keyof Config > ( s1 : S1 , resource? : Uri | null ) : ConfigInspection < Config [ S1 ] > | undefined ;
inspect < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
resource? : Uri | null
) : ConfigInspection < Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > | undefined ;
inspect < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] , S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
s3 : S3 ,
resource? : Uri | null
) : ConfigInspection < Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] > | undefined ;
inspect <
S1 extends keyof Config ,
S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] ,
S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ,
S4 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
> ( s1 : S1 , s2 : S2 , s3 : S3 , s4 : S4 , resource? : Uri | null ) : ConfigInspection < Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] [ S4 ] > | undefined ;
inspect ( . . . args : any [ ] ) {
let section : string = args [ 0 ] ;
let resource : Uri | null | undefined ;
if ( typeof args [ 1 ] === 'string' ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 1 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 2 ] === 'string' ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 2 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 3 ] === 'string' ) {
section += args [ 3 ] ;
resource = args [ 4 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 3 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 2 ] ;
} else {
resource = args [ 1 ] ;
return workspace
. getConfiguration ( section === undefined ? undefined : extensionId , resource )
. inspect ( section === undefined ? extensionId : section ) ;
@ -105,19 +244,69 @@ export class Configuration {
return workspace . getConfiguration ( undefined , resource ) . inspect ( section ) ;
async migrate < TFrom , TTo > (
migrate < S1 extends keyof Config > (
from : string ,
to : string ,
options : { fallbackValue? : TTo ; migrationFn ? ( value : TFrom ) : TTo } = { }
) : Promise < boolean > {
const inspection = configuration . inspect ( from ) ;
to1 : S1 ,
options : { fallbackValue? : Config [ S1 ] ; migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : Config [ S1 ] }
) : Promise < boolean > ;
migrate < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] > (
from : string ,
to1 : S1 ,
to2 : S2 ,
options : { fallbackValue? : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ; migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] }
) : Promise < boolean > ;
migrate < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] , S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > (
from : string ,
to1 : S1 ,
to2 : S2 ,
to3 : S3 ,
options : { fallbackValue? : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] ; migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] }
) : Promise < boolean > ;
migrate <
S1 extends keyof Config ,
S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] ,
S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ,
S4 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
> (
from : string ,
to1 : S1 ,
to2 : S2 ,
to3 : S3 ,
to4 : S4 ,
options : { fallbackValue? : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] [ S4 ] ; migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] [ S4 ] }
) : Promise < boolean > ;
async migrate ( from : string , . . . args : any [ ] ) : Promise < boolean > {
let to : string = args [ 0 ] ;
let options : { fallbackValue? : any ; migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : any } | undefined ;
if ( typeof args [ 1 ] === 'string' && args . length > 3 ) {
to += ` . ${ args [ 1 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 2 ] === 'string' && args . length > 4 ) {
to += ` . ${ args [ 2 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 3 ] === 'string' && args . length > 5 ) {
to += ` . ${ args [ 3 ] } ` ;
options = args [ 4 ] ;
} else {
options = args [ 3 ] ;
} else {
options = args [ 2 ] ;
} else {
options = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( options === undefined ) {
options = { } ;
const inspection = configuration . inspect ( from as any ) ;
if ( inspection === undefined ) return false ;
let migrated = false ;
if ( inspection . globalValue !== undefined ) {
await this . update (
to ,
options . migrationFn ? options . migrationFn ( inspection . globalValue as TFrom ) : inspection . globalValue ,
to as any ,
options . migrationFn ? options . migrationFn ( inspection . globalValue ) : inspection . globalValue ,
ConfigurationTarget . Global
) ;
migrated = true ;
@ -132,10 +321,8 @@ export class Configuration {
if ( inspection . workspaceValue !== undefined ) {
await this . update (
to ,
options . migrationFn
? options . migrationFn ( inspection . workspaceValue as TFrom )
: inspection . workspaceValue ,
to as any ,
options . migrationFn ? options . migrationFn ( inspection . workspaceValue ) : inspection . workspaceValue ,
ConfigurationTarget . Workspace
) ;
migrated = true ;
@ -150,9 +337,9 @@ export class Configuration {
if ( inspection . workspaceFolderValue !== undefined ) {
await this . update (
to ,
to as any ,
options . migrationFn
? options . migrationFn ( inspection . workspaceFolderValue as TFrom )
? options . migrationFn ( inspection . workspaceFolderValue )
: inspection . workspaceFolderValue ,
ConfigurationTarget . WorkspaceFolder
) ;
@ -167,25 +354,78 @@ export class Configuration {
if ( ! migrated && options . fallbackValue !== undefined ) {
await this . update ( to , options . fallbackValue , ConfigurationTarget . Global ) ;
await this . update ( to as any , options . fallbackValue , ConfigurationTarget . Global ) ;
migrated = true ;
return migrated ;
async migrateIfMissing < TFrom , TTo > ( from : string , to : string , options : { migrationFn ? ( value : TFrom ) : TTo } = { } ) {
const fromInspection = configuration . inspect ( from ) ;
migrateIfMissing < S1 extends keyof Config > (
from : string ,
to1 : S1 ,
options : { migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : Config [ S1 ] }
) : Promise < void > ;
migrateIfMissing < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] > (
from : string ,
to1 : S1 ,
to2 : S2 ,
options : { migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] }
) : Promise < void > ;
migrateIfMissing < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] , S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > (
from : string ,
to1 : S1 ,
to2 : S2 ,
to3 : S3 ,
options : { migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] }
) : Promise < void > ;
migrateIfMissing <
S1 extends keyof Config ,
S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] ,
S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ,
S4 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
> (
from : string ,
to1 : S1 ,
to2 : S2 ,
to3 : S3 ,
to4 : S4 ,
options : { migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] [ S4 ] }
) : Promise < void > ;
async migrateIfMissing ( from : string , . . . args : any [ ] ) : Promise < void > {
let to : string = args [ 0 ] ;
let options : { migrationFn ? ( value : any ) : any } | undefined ;
if ( typeof args [ 1 ] === 'string' && args . length > 3 ) {
to += ` . ${ args [ 1 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 2 ] === 'string' && args . length > 4 ) {
to += ` . ${ args [ 2 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 3 ] === 'string' && args . length > 5 ) {
to += ` . ${ args [ 3 ] } ` ;
options = args [ 4 ] ;
} else {
options = args [ 3 ] ;
} else {
options = args [ 2 ] ;
} else {
options = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( options === undefined ) {
options = { } ;
// async migrateIfMissing<TFrom, TTo>(from: string, to: string, options: { migrationFn?(value: TFrom): TTo } = {}) {
const fromInspection = configuration . inspect ( from as any ) ;
if ( fromInspection === undefined ) return ;
const toInspection = configuration . inspect ( to ) ;
const toInspection = configuration . inspect ( to as any ) ;
if ( fromInspection . globalValue !== undefined ) {
if ( toInspection === undefined || toInspection . globalValue === undefined ) {
await this . update (
to ,
options . migrationFn
? options . migrationFn ( fromInspection . globalValue as TFrom )
: fromInspection . globalValue ,
to as any ,
options . migrationFn ? options . migrationFn ( fromInspection . globalValue ) : fromInspection . globalValue ,
ConfigurationTarget . Global
) ;
// Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
@ -201,9 +441,9 @@ export class Configuration {
if ( fromInspection . workspaceValue !== undefined ) {
if ( toInspection === undefined || toInspection . workspaceValue === undefined ) {
await this . update (
to ,
to as any ,
options . migrationFn
? options . migrationFn ( fromInspection . workspaceValue as TFrom )
? options . migrationFn ( fromInspection . workspaceValue )
: fromInspection . workspaceValue ,
ConfigurationTarget . Workspace
) ;
@ -220,9 +460,9 @@ export class Configuration {
if ( fromInspection . workspaceFolderValue !== undefined ) {
if ( toInspection === undefined || toInspection . workspaceFolderValue === undefined ) {
await this . update (
to ,
to as any ,
options . migrationFn
? options . migrationFn ( fromInspection . workspaceFolderValue as TFrom )
? options . migrationFn ( fromInspection . workspaceFolderValue )
: fromInspection . workspaceFolderValue ,
ConfigurationTarget . WorkspaceFolder
) ;
@ -237,14 +477,77 @@ export class Configuration {
name < K extends keyof Config > ( name : K ) {
return Functions . propOf ( emptyConfig , name ) ;
name < S1 extends keyof Config > ( s1 : S1 ) : string ;
name < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] > ( s1 : S1 , s2 : S2 ) : string ;
name < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] , S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
s3 : S3
) : string ;
name <
S1 extends keyof Config ,
S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] ,
S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ,
S4 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
> ( s1 : S1 , s2 : S2 , s3 : S3 , s4 : S4 ) : string ;
name ( . . . args : string [ ] ) {
return args . join ( '.' ) ;
update ( section : string , value : any , target : ConfigurationTarget , resource? : Uri | null ) {
return workspace
. getConfiguration ( extensionId , target === ConfigurationTarget . Global ? undefined : resource ! )
. update ( section , value , target ) ;
update < S1 extends keyof Config > ( s1 : S1 , value : Config [ S1 ] | undefined , target : ConfigurationTarget ) : Thenable < void > ;
update < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
value : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] | undefined ,
target : ConfigurationTarget
) : Thenable < void > ;
update < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] , S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
s3 : S3 ,
value : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] | undefined ,
target : ConfigurationTarget
) : Thenable < void > ;
update <
S1 extends keyof Config ,
S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] ,
S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ,
S4 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
> (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
s3 : S3 ,
s4 : S4 ,
value : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] [ S4 ] | undefined ,
target : ConfigurationTarget
) : Thenable < void > ;
update ( . . . args : any [ ] ) {
let section : string = args [ 0 ] ;
let value ;
let target : ConfigurationTarget ;
if ( typeof args [ 1 ] === 'string' && args . length > 3 ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 1 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 2 ] === 'string' && args . length > 4 ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 2 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 3 ] === 'string' && args . length > 5 ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 3 ] } ` ;
value = args [ 4 ] ;
target = args [ 5 ] ;
} else {
value = args [ 3 ] ;
target = args [ 4 ] ;
} else {
value = args [ 2 ] ;
target = args [ 3 ] ;
} else {
value = args [ 1 ] ;
target = args [ 2 ] ;
return workspace . getConfiguration ( extensionId ) . update ( section , value , target ) ;
updateAny ( section : string , value : any , target : ConfigurationTarget , resource? : Uri | null ) {
@ -253,18 +556,55 @@ export class Configuration {
. update ( section , value , target ) ;
updateEffective ( section : string , value : any , resource : Uri | null = null ) : Thenable < void > {
const inspect = configuration . inspect ( section , resource ) ! ;
updateEffective < S1 extends keyof Config > ( s1 : S1 , value : Config [ S1 ] ) : Thenable < void > ;
updateEffective < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
value : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ]
) : Thenable < void > ;
updateEffective < S1 extends keyof Config , S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] , S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] > (
s1 : S1 ,
s2 : S2 ,
s3 : S3 ,
value : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
) : Thenable < void > ;
updateEffective <
S1 extends keyof Config ,
S2 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] ,
S3 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] ,
S4 extends keyof Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ]
> ( s1 : S1 , s2 : S2 , s3 : S3 , s4 : S4 , value : Config [ S1 ] [ S2 ] [ S3 ] [ S4 ] ) : Thenable < void > ;
updateEffective ( . . . args : any [ ] ) {
let section : string = args [ 0 ] ;
let value ;
if ( typeof args [ 1 ] === 'string' && args . length > 2 ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 1 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 2 ] === 'string' && args . length > 3 ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 2 ] } ` ;
if ( typeof args [ 3 ] === 'string' && args . length > 4 ) {
section += ` . ${ args [ 3 ] } ` ;
value = args [ 4 ] ;
} else {
value = args [ 3 ] ;
} else {
value = args [ 2 ] ;
} else {
value = args [ 1 ] ;
const inspect = configuration . inspect ( section as any ) ! ;
if ( inspect . workspaceFolderValue !== undefined ) {
if ( value === inspect . workspaceFolderValue ) return Promise . resolve ( undefined ) ;
return configuration . update ( section , value , ConfigurationTarget . WorkspaceFolder , resource ) ;
return configuration . update ( section as any , value , ConfigurationTarget . WorkspaceFolder ) ;
if ( inspect . workspaceValue !== undefined ) {
if ( value === inspect . workspaceValue ) return Promise . resolve ( undefined ) ;
return configuration . update ( section , value , ConfigurationTarget . Workspace ) ;
return configuration . update ( section as any , value , ConfigurationTarget . Workspace ) ;
if ( inspect . globalValue === value || ( inspect . globalValue === undefined && value === inspect . defaultValue ) ) {
@ -272,7 +612,7 @@ export class Configuration {
return configuration . update (
section ,
section as any ,
Objects . areEquivalent ( value , inspect . defaultValue ) ? undefined : value ,
ConfigurationTarget . Global
) ;