- 'use strict';
- export * from './ui/config';
- import {
- ConfigurationChangeEvent,
- ConfigurationTarget,
- Event,
- EventEmitter,
- ExtensionContext,
- Uri,
- workspace
- } from 'vscode';
- import { CommandContext, extensionId, setCommandContext } from './constants';
- import { Container } from './container';
- import { clearGravatarCache } from './git/gitService';
- import { Functions } from './system';
- import { Config, KeyMap } from './ui/config';
- const emptyConfig: any = new Proxy<any>({} as Config, {
- get(target, propKey, receiver) {
- return emptyConfig;
- }
- });
- export class Configuration {
- static configure(context: ExtensionContext) {
- context.subscriptions.push(
- workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(configuration.onConfigurationChanged, configuration)
- );
- }
- private _onDidChange = new EventEmitter<ConfigurationChangeEvent>();
- get onDidChange(): Event<ConfigurationChangeEvent> {
- return this._onDidChange.event;
- }
- private readonly _configAffectedByMode: string[];
- constructor() {
- this._configAffectedByMode = [
- `gitlens.${this.name('mode').value}`,
- `gitlens.${this.name('modes').value}`,
- `gitlens.${this.name('codeLens').value}`,
- `gitlens.${this.name('currentLine').value}`,
- `gitlens.${this.name('fileHistoryExplorer').value}`,
- `gitlens.${this.name('hovers').value}`,
- `gitlens.${this.name('lineHistoryExplorer').value}`,
- `gitlens.${this.name('repositoriesExplorer').value}`,
- `gitlens.${this.name('statusBar').value}`
- ];
- }
- private onConfigurationChanged(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
- if (!e.affectsConfiguration(extensionId, null!)) return;
- Container.resetConfig();
- if (configuration.changed(e, configuration.name('defaultGravatarsStyle').value)) {
- clearGravatarCache();
- }
- const section = configuration.name('keymap').value;
- if (configuration.changed(e, section)) {
- setCommandContext(CommandContext.KeyMap, this.get<KeyMap>(section));
- }
- if (
- configuration.changed(e, configuration.name('mode').value) ||
- configuration.changed(e, configuration.name('modes').value)
- ) {
- const original = e.affectsConfiguration;
- e = {
- ...e,
- affectsConfiguration: (section: string, resource?: Uri) => {
- if (this._configAffectedByMode.some(n => section.startsWith(n))) {
- return true;
- }
- return original(section, resource);
- }
- } as ConfigurationChangeEvent;
- }
- this._onDidChange.fire(e);
- }
- readonly initializingChangeEvent: ConfigurationChangeEvent = {
- affectsConfiguration: (section: string, resource?: Uri) => false
- };
- get<T>(section?: string, resource?: Uri | null, defaultValue?: T) {
- return defaultValue === undefined
- ? workspace
- .getConfiguration(section === undefined ? undefined : extensionId, resource!)
- .get<T>(section === undefined ? extensionId : section)!
- : workspace
- .getConfiguration(section === undefined ? undefined : extensionId, resource!)
- .get<T>(section === undefined ? extensionId : section, defaultValue)!;
- }
- changed(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent, section: string, resource?: Uri | null) {
- return e.affectsConfiguration(`${extensionId}.${section}`, resource!);
- }
- initializing(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
- return e === this.initializingChangeEvent;
- }
- inspect(section?: string, resource?: Uri | null) {
- return workspace
- .getConfiguration(section === undefined ? undefined : extensionId, resource!)
- .inspect(section === undefined ? extensionId : section);
- }
- async migrate<TFrom, TTo>(
- from: string,
- to: string,
- options: { fallbackValue?: TTo; migrationFn?(value: TFrom): TTo } = {}
- ): Promise<boolean> {
- const inspection = configuration.inspect(from);
- if (inspection === undefined) return false;
- let migrated = false;
- if (inspection.globalValue !== undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn ? options.migrationFn(inspection.globalValue as TFrom) : inspection.globalValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.Global
- );
- migrated = true;
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- if (inspection.workspaceValue !== undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn
- ? options.migrationFn(inspection.workspaceValue as TFrom)
- : inspection.workspaceValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.Workspace
- );
- migrated = true;
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Workspace);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- if (inspection.workspaceFolderValue !== undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn
- ? options.migrationFn(inspection.workspaceFolderValue as TFrom)
- : inspection.workspaceFolderValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder
- );
- migrated = true;
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- if (!migrated && options.fallbackValue !== undefined) {
- await this.update(to, options.fallbackValue, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
- migrated = true;
- }
- return migrated;
- }
- async migrateIfMissing<TFrom, TTo>(from: string, to: string, options: { migrationFn?(value: TFrom): TTo } = {}) {
- const fromInspection = configuration.inspect(from);
- if (fromInspection === undefined) return;
- const toInspection = configuration.inspect(to);
- if (fromInspection.globalValue !== undefined) {
- if (toInspection === undefined || toInspection.globalValue === undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn
- ? options.migrationFn(fromInspection.globalValue as TFrom)
- : fromInspection.globalValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.Global
- );
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- }
- if (fromInspection.workspaceValue !== undefined) {
- if (toInspection === undefined || toInspection.workspaceValue === undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn
- ? options.migrationFn(fromInspection.workspaceValue as TFrom)
- : fromInspection.workspaceValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.Workspace
- );
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.Workspace);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- }
- if (fromInspection.workspaceFolderValue !== undefined) {
- if (toInspection === undefined || toInspection.workspaceFolderValue === undefined) {
- await this.update(
- to,
- options.migrationFn
- ? options.migrationFn(fromInspection.workspaceFolderValue as TFrom)
- : fromInspection.workspaceFolderValue,
- ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder
- );
- // Can't delete the old setting currently because it errors with `Unable to write to User Settings because <setting name> is not a registered configuration`
- // if (from !== to) {
- // try {
- // await this.update(from, undefined, ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder);
- // }
- // catch { }
- // }
- }
- }
- }
- name<K extends keyof Config>(name: K) {
- return Functions.propOf(emptyConfig as Config, name);
- }
- update(section: string, value: any, target: ConfigurationTarget, resource?: Uri | null) {
- return workspace
- .getConfiguration(extensionId, target === ConfigurationTarget.Global ? undefined : resource!)
- .update(section, value, target);
- }
- async updateEffective(section: string, value: any, resource: Uri | null = null) {
- const inspect = await configuration.inspect(section, resource)!;
- if (inspect.workspaceFolderValue !== undefined) {
- if (value === inspect.workspaceFolderValue) return;
- return await configuration.update(section, value, ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder, resource);
- }
- if (inspect.workspaceValue !== undefined) {
- if (value === inspect.workspaceValue) return;
- return await configuration.update(section, value, ConfigurationTarget.Workspace);
- }
- if (inspect.globalValue === value || (inspect.globalValue === undefined && value === inspect.defaultValue)) {
- return;
- }
- return await configuration.update(
- section,
- value === inspect.defaultValue ? undefined : value,
- ConfigurationTarget.Global
- );
- }
- }
- export const configuration = new Configuration();