- 'use strict';
- import { commands, ConfigurationChangeEvent, ConfigurationScope, ExtensionContext } from 'vscode';
- import { Autolinks } from './annotations/autolinks';
- import { FileAnnotationController } from './annotations/fileAnnotationController';
- import { LineAnnotationController } from './annotations/lineAnnotationController';
- import { clearAvatarCache } from './avatars';
- import { GitCodeLensController } from './codelens/codeLensController';
- import { Commands, ToggleFileAnnotationCommandArgs } from './commands';
- import { AnnotationsToggleMode, Config, configuration, ConfigurationWillChangeEvent, viewKeys } from './configuration';
- import { extensionId } from './constants';
- import { GitFileSystemProvider } from './git/fsProvider';
- import { GitService } from './git/gitService';
- import { LineHoverController } from './hovers/lineHoverController';
- import { Keyboard } from './keyboard';
- import { Logger } from './logger';
- import { StatusBarController } from './statusbar/statusBarController';
- import { GitDocumentTracker } from './trackers/gitDocumentTracker';
- import { GitLineTracker } from './trackers/gitLineTracker';
- import { CompareView } from './views/compareView';
- import { FileHistoryView } from './views/fileHistoryView';
- import { LineHistoryView } from './views/lineHistoryView';
- import { RepositoriesView } from './views/repositoriesView';
- import { SearchView } from './views/searchView';
- import { ViewCommands } from './views/viewCommands';
- import { VslsController } from './vsls/vsls';
- import { RebaseEditorProvider } from './webviews/rebaseEditor';
- import { SettingsWebview } from './webviews/settingsWebview';
- import { WelcomeWebview } from './webviews/welcomeWebview';
- export class Container {
- private static _configsAffectedByMode: string[] | undefined;
- private static _applyModeConfigurationTransformBound:
- | ((e: ConfigurationChangeEvent) => ConfigurationChangeEvent)
- | undefined;
- static initialize(context: ExtensionContext, config: Config) {
- this._context = context;
- this._config = Container.applyMode(config);
- context.subscriptions.push((this._lineTracker = new GitLineTracker()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._tracker = new GitDocumentTracker()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._vsls = new VslsController()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._git = new GitService()));
- // Since there is a bit of a chicken & egg problem with the DocumentTracker and the GitService, initialize the tracker once the GitService is loaded
- this._tracker.initialize();
- context.subscriptions.push((this._fileAnnotationController = new FileAnnotationController()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._lineAnnotationController = new LineAnnotationController()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._lineHoverController = new LineHoverController()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._statusBarController = new StatusBarController()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._codeLensController = new GitCodeLensController()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._keyboard = new Keyboard()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._settingsWebview = new SettingsWebview()));
- context.subscriptions.push((this._welcomeWebview = new WelcomeWebview()));
- if (config.views.compare.enabled) {
- context.subscriptions.push((this._compareView = new CompareView()));
- } else {
- const disposable = configuration.onDidChange(e => {
- if (configuration.changed(e, 'views', 'compare', 'enabled')) {
- disposable.dispose();
- context.subscriptions.push((this._compareView = new CompareView()));
- }
- });
- }
- if (config.views.fileHistory.enabled) {
- context.subscriptions.push((this._fileHistoryView = new FileHistoryView()));
- } else {
- const disposable = configuration.onDidChange(e => {
- if (configuration.changed(e, 'views', 'fileHistory', 'enabled')) {
- disposable.dispose();
- context.subscriptions.push((this._fileHistoryView = new FileHistoryView()));
- }
- });
- }
- if (config.views.lineHistory.enabled) {
- context.subscriptions.push((this._lineHistoryView = new LineHistoryView()));
- } else {
- const disposable = configuration.onDidChange(e => {
- if (configuration.changed(e, 'views', 'lineHistory', 'enabled')) {
- disposable.dispose();
- context.subscriptions.push((this._lineHistoryView = new LineHistoryView()));
- }
- });
- }
- if (config.views.repositories.enabled) {
- context.subscriptions.push((this._repositoriesView = new RepositoriesView()));
- } else {
- const disposable = configuration.onDidChange(e => {
- if (configuration.changed(e, 'views', 'repositories', 'enabled')) {
- disposable.dispose();
- context.subscriptions.push((this._repositoriesView = new RepositoriesView()));
- }
- });
- }
- if (config.views.search.enabled) {
- context.subscriptions.push((this._searchView = new SearchView()));
- } else {
- const disposable = configuration.onDidChange(e => {
- if (configuration.changed(e, 'views', 'search', 'enabled')) {
- disposable.dispose();
- context.subscriptions.push((this._searchView = new SearchView()));
- }
- });
- }
- context.subscriptions.push(new RebaseEditorProvider());
- context.subscriptions.push(new GitFileSystemProvider());
- context.subscriptions.push(configuration.onWillChange(this.onConfigurationChanging, this));
- }
- private static onConfigurationChanging(e: ConfigurationWillChangeEvent) {
- this._config = undefined;
- if (configuration.changed(e.change, 'outputLevel')) {
- Logger.level = configuration.get('outputLevel');
- }
- if (configuration.changed(e.change, 'defaultGravatarsStyle')) {
- clearAvatarCache();
- }
- for (const view of viewKeys) {
- if (configuration.changed(e.change, 'views', view, 'location')) {
- setTimeout(
- () =>
- commands.executeCommand(
- `${extensionId}.views.${view}:${configuration.get(
- 'views',
- view,
- 'location',
- )}.resetViewLocation`,
- ),
- 0,
- );
- }
- }
- if (configuration.changed(e.change, 'mode') || configuration.changed(e.change, 'modes')) {
- if (this._applyModeConfigurationTransformBound === undefined) {
- this._applyModeConfigurationTransformBound = this.applyModeConfigurationTransform.bind(this);
- }
- e.transform = this._applyModeConfigurationTransformBound;
- }
- }
- private static _autolinks: Autolinks;
- static get autolinks() {
- if (this._autolinks === undefined) {
- this._context.subscriptions.push((this._autolinks = new Autolinks()));
- }
- return this._autolinks;
- }
- private static _codeLensController: GitCodeLensController;
- static get codeLens() {
- return this._codeLensController;
- }
- private static _compareView: CompareView | undefined;
- static get compareView() {
- if (this._compareView === undefined) {
- this._context.subscriptions.push((this._compareView = new CompareView()));
- }
- return this._compareView;
- }
- private static _config: Config | undefined;
- static get config() {
- if (this._config === undefined) {
- this._config = Container.applyMode(configuration.get());
- }
- return this._config;
- }
- private static _context: ExtensionContext;
- static get context() {
- return this._context;
- }
- private static _fileAnnotationController: FileAnnotationController;
- static get fileAnnotations() {
- return this._fileAnnotationController;
- }
- private static _fileHistoryView: FileHistoryView | undefined;
- static get fileHistoryView() {
- if (this._fileHistoryView === undefined) {
- this._context.subscriptions.push((this._fileHistoryView = new FileHistoryView()));
- }
- return this._fileHistoryView;
- }
- private static _git: GitService;
- static get git() {
- return this._git;
- }
- private static _github: Promise<import('./github/github').GitHubApi | undefined> | undefined;
- static get github() {
- if (this._github === undefined) {
- this._github = this._loadGitHubApi();
- }
- return this._github;
- }
- private static async _loadGitHubApi() {
- try {
- return new (await import(/* webpackChunkName: "github" */ './github/github')).GitHubApi();
- } catch (ex) {
- Logger.error(ex);
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- private static _keyboard: Keyboard;
- static get keyboard() {
- return this._keyboard;
- }
- private static _lineAnnotationController: LineAnnotationController;
- static get lineAnnotations() {
- return this._lineAnnotationController;
- }
- private static _lineHistoryView: LineHistoryView | undefined;
- static get lineHistoryView() {
- if (this._lineHistoryView === undefined) {
- this._context.subscriptions.push((this._lineHistoryView = new LineHistoryView()));
- }
- return this._lineHistoryView;
- }
- private static _lineHoverController: LineHoverController;
- static get lineHovers() {
- return this._lineHoverController;
- }
- private static _lineTracker: GitLineTracker;
- static get lineTracker() {
- return this._lineTracker;
- }
- private static _repositoriesView: RepositoriesView | undefined;
- static get repositoriesView(): RepositoriesView {
- if (this._repositoriesView === undefined) {
- this._context.subscriptions.push((this._repositoriesView = new RepositoriesView()));
- }
- return this._repositoriesView;
- }
- private static _searchView: SearchView | undefined;
- static get searchView() {
- if (this._searchView === undefined) {
- this._context.subscriptions.push((this._searchView = new SearchView()));
- }
- return this._searchView;
- }
- private static _settingsWebview: SettingsWebview;
- static get settingsWebview() {
- return this._settingsWebview;
- }
- private static _statusBarController: StatusBarController;
- static get statusBar() {
- return this._statusBarController;
- }
- private static _tracker: GitDocumentTracker;
- static get tracker() {
- return this._tracker;
- }
- private static _viewCommands: ViewCommands | undefined;
- static get viewCommands() {
- if (this._viewCommands === undefined) {
- this._viewCommands = new ViewCommands();
- }
- return this._viewCommands;
- }
- private static _vsls: VslsController;
- static get vsls() {
- return this._vsls;
- }
- private static _welcomeWebview: WelcomeWebview;
- static get welcomeWebview() {
- return this._welcomeWebview;
- }
- private static applyMode(config: Config) {
- if (!config.mode.active) return config;
- const mode = config.modes[config.mode.active];
- if (mode == null) return config;
- if (mode.annotations != null) {
- let command: string | undefined;
- switch (mode.annotations) {
- case 'blame':
- config.blame.toggleMode = AnnotationsToggleMode.Window;
- command = Commands.ToggleFileBlame;
- break;
- case 'changes':
- config.changes.toggleMode = AnnotationsToggleMode.Window;
- command = Commands.ToggleFileChanges;
- break;
- case 'heatmap':
- config.heatmap.toggleMode = AnnotationsToggleMode.Window;
- command = Commands.ToggleFileHeatmap;
- break;
- }
- if (command != null) {
- const commandArgs: ToggleFileAnnotationCommandArgs = {
- on: true,
- };
- // Make sure to delay the execution by a bit so that the configuration changes get propegated first
- setTimeout(() => commands.executeCommand(command!, commandArgs), 50);
- }
- }
- if (mode.codeLens != null) {
- config.codeLens.enabled = mode.codeLens;
- }
- if (mode.currentLine != null) {
- config.currentLine.enabled = mode.currentLine;
- }
- if (mode.hovers != null) {
- config.hovers.enabled = mode.hovers;
- }
- if (mode.statusBar != null) {
- config.statusBar.enabled = mode.statusBar;
- }
- if (mode.views != null) {
- config.views.compare.enabled = mode.views;
- }
- if (mode.views != null) {
- config.views.fileHistory.enabled = mode.views;
- }
- if (mode.views != null) {
- config.views.lineHistory.enabled = mode.views;
- }
- if (mode.views != null) {
- config.views.repositories.enabled = mode.views;
- }
- if (mode.views != null) {
- config.views.search.enabled = mode.views;
- }
- return config;
- }
- private static applyModeConfigurationTransform(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent): ConfigurationChangeEvent {
- if (this._configsAffectedByMode === undefined) {
- this._configsAffectedByMode = [
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('mode')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('modes')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('blame', 'toggleMode')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('changes', 'toggleMode')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('codeLens')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('currentLine')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('heatmap', 'toggleMode')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('hovers')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('statusBar')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('views', 'compare')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('views', 'fileHistory')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('views', 'lineHistory')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('views', 'repositories')}`,
- `gitlens.${configuration.name('views', 'search')}`,
- ];
- }
- const original = e.affectsConfiguration;
- return {
- ...e,
- affectsConfiguration: (section: string, scope?: ConfigurationScope) =>
- this._configsAffectedByMode?.some(n => section.startsWith(n)) ? true : original(section, scope),
- };
- }
- }