- 'use strict';
- import { Functions } from './system';
- import { DecorationRenderOptions, Disposable, Event, EventEmitter, ExtensionContext, OverviewRulerLane, TextDocument, TextEditor, TextEditorDecorationType, TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent, window, workspace } from 'vscode';
- import { BlameAnnotationProvider } from './blameAnnotationProvider';
- import { TextDocumentComparer, TextEditorComparer } from './comparers';
- import { IBlameConfig } from './configuration';
- import GitProvider from './gitProvider';
- import { Logger } from './logger';
- import WhitespaceController from './whitespaceController';
- export const blameDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
- before: {
- margin: '0 1.75em 0 0'
- },
- after: {
- margin: '0 0 0 4em'
- }
- } as DecorationRenderOptions);
- export let highlightDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType;
- export default class BlameAnnotationController extends Disposable {
- private _onDidToggleBlameAnnotationsEmitter = new EventEmitter<void>();
- get onDidToggleBlameAnnotations(): Event<void> {
- return this._onDidToggleBlameAnnotationsEmitter.event;
- }
- private _annotationProviders: Map<number, BlameAnnotationProvider> = new Map();
- private _blameAnnotationsDisposable: Disposable;
- private _config: IBlameConfig;
- private _disposable: Disposable;
- private _whitespaceController: WhitespaceController | undefined;
- constructor(private context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitProvider) {
- super(() => this.dispose());
- this._onConfigurationChanged();
- const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
- subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(this._onConfigurationChanged, this));
- this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
- }
- dispose() {
- this._annotationProviders.forEach(async (p, i) => await this.clear(i));
- this._blameAnnotationsDisposable && this._blameAnnotationsDisposable.dispose();
- this._whitespaceController && this._whitespaceController.dispose();
- this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
- }
- private _onConfigurationChanged() {
- let toggleWhitespace = workspace.getConfiguration('gitlens.advanced.toggleWhitespace').get<boolean>('enabled');
- if (!toggleWhitespace) {
- // Until https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11485 is fixed we need to toggle whitespace for non-monospace fonts and ligatures
- // TODO: detect monospace font
- toggleWhitespace = workspace.getConfiguration('editor').get<boolean>('fontLigatures');
- }
- if (toggleWhitespace && !this._whitespaceController) {
- this._whitespaceController = new WhitespaceController();
- }
- else if (!toggleWhitespace && this._whitespaceController) {
- this._whitespaceController.dispose();
- this._whitespaceController = undefined;
- }
- const config = workspace.getConfiguration('gitlens').get<IBlameConfig>('blame');
- if (config.annotation.highlight !== (this._config && this._config.annotation.highlight)) {
- highlightDecoration && highlightDecoration.dispose();
- switch (config.annotation.highlight) {
- case 'none':
- highlightDecoration = undefined;
- break;
- case 'gutter':
- highlightDecoration = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
- dark: {
- gutterIconPath: this.context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-dark.svg'),
- overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)'
- },
- light: {
- gutterIconPath: this.context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-light.svg'),
- overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)'
- },
- gutterIconSize: 'contain',
- overviewRulerLane: OverviewRulerLane.Right
- });
- break;
- case 'line':
- highlightDecoration = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
- dark: {
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)',
- overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)'
- },
- light: {
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)',
- overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)'
- },
- overviewRulerLane: OverviewRulerLane.Right,
- isWholeLine: true
- });
- break;
- case 'both':
- highlightDecoration = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
- dark: {
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)',
- gutterIconPath: this.context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-dark.svg'),
- overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)'
- },
- light: {
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)',
- gutterIconPath: this.context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-light.svg'),
- overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)'
- },
- gutterIconSize: 'contain',
- overviewRulerLane: OverviewRulerLane.Right,
- isWholeLine: true
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- this._config = config;
- }
- async clear(column: number) {
- const provider = this._annotationProviders.get(column);
- if (!provider) return;
- this._annotationProviders.delete(column);
- await provider.dispose();
- if (this._annotationProviders.size === 0) {
- Logger.log(`Remove listener registrations for blame annotations`);
- this._blameAnnotationsDisposable && this._blameAnnotationsDisposable.dispose();
- this._blameAnnotationsDisposable = undefined;
- }
- this._onDidToggleBlameAnnotationsEmitter.fire();
- }
- async showBlameAnnotation(editor: TextEditor, shaOrLine?: string | number): Promise<boolean> {
- if (!editor || !editor.document) return false;
- if (editor.viewColumn === undefined && !this.git.hasGitUriForFile(editor)) return false;
- const currentProvider = this._annotationProviders.get(editor.viewColumn || -1);
- if (currentProvider && TextEditorComparer.equals(currentProvider.editor, editor)) {
- await currentProvider.setSelection(shaOrLine);
- return true;
- }
- const provider = new BlameAnnotationProvider(this.context, this.git, this._whitespaceController, editor);
- if (!await provider.supportsBlame()) return false;
- if (currentProvider) {
- await this.clear(currentProvider.editor.viewColumn || -1);
- }
- if (!this._blameAnnotationsDisposable && this._annotationProviders.size === 0) {
- Logger.log(`Add listener registrations for blame annotations`);
- const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
- subscriptions.push(window.onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors(Functions.debounce(this._onVisibleTextEditorsChanged, 100), this));
- subscriptions.push(window.onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn(this._onTextEditorViewColumnChanged, this));
- subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(this._onTextDocumentClosed, this));
- this._blameAnnotationsDisposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
- }
- this._annotationProviders.set(editor.viewColumn || -1, provider);
- if (await provider.provideBlameAnnotation(shaOrLine)) {
- this._onDidToggleBlameAnnotationsEmitter.fire();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- isAnnotating(editor: TextEditor): boolean {
- if (!editor || !editor.document) return false;
- if (editor.viewColumn === undefined && !this.git.hasGitUriForFile(editor)) return false;
- return !!this._annotationProviders.get(editor.viewColumn || -1);
- }
- async toggleBlameAnnotation(editor: TextEditor, shaOrLine?: string | number): Promise<boolean> {
- if (!editor || !editor.document) return false;
- if (editor.viewColumn === undefined && !this.git.hasGitUriForFile(editor)) return false;
- let provider = this._annotationProviders.get(editor.viewColumn || -1);
- if (!provider) return this.showBlameAnnotation(editor, shaOrLine);
- await this.clear(provider.editor.viewColumn || -1);
- return false;
- }
- private _onTextDocumentClosed(e: TextDocument) {
- for (const [key, p] of this._annotationProviders) {
- if (!TextDocumentComparer.equals(p.document, e)) continue;
- Logger.log('TextDocumentClosed:', `Clear blame annotations for column ${key}`);
- this.clear(key);
- }
- }
- private async _onTextEditorViewColumnChanged(e: TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent) {
- const viewColumn = e.viewColumn || -1;
- Logger.log('TextEditorViewColumnChanged:', `Clear blame annotations for column ${viewColumn}`);
- await this.clear(viewColumn);
- for (const [key, p] of this._annotationProviders) {
- if (!TextEditorComparer.equals(p.editor, e.textEditor)) continue;
- Logger.log('TextEditorViewColumnChanged:', `Clear blame annotations for column ${key}`);
- await this.clear(key);
- }
- }
- private async _onVisibleTextEditorsChanged(e: TextEditor[]) {
- if (e.every(_ => _.document.uri.scheme === 'inmemory')) return;
- for (const [key, p] of this._annotationProviders) {
- if (e.some(_ => TextEditorComparer.equals(p.editor, _))) continue;
- Logger.log('VisibleTextEditorsChanged:', `Clear blame annotations for column ${key}`);
- this.clear(key);
- }
- }
- }