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Adds code actions to open diffs

Adds context menus for toggling blame
Adds context menus for opening diffs
More refactoring and many bug fixes
Eric Amodio 8 years ago
8 changed files with 339 additions and 153 deletions
  1. +41
  2. +58
  3. +15
  4. +4
  5. +98
  6. +39
  7. +26
  8. +58

+ 41
- 4
package.json View File

@ -23,10 +23,47 @@
"main": "./out/src/extension",
"contributes": {
"commands": [{
"command": "git.action.showBlame",
"title": "Show Git Blame",
"category": "Git"
"command": "gitlens.showBlame",
"title": "GitLens: Show Git Blame",
"category": "GitLens"
"command": "gitlens.toggleBlame",
"title": "GitLens: Toggle Git Blame",
"category": "GitLens"
"command": "gitlens.diffWithPrevious",
"title": "GitLens: Diff Commit with Previous",
"category": "GitLens"
"command": "gitlens.diffWithWorking",
"title": "GitLens: Diff Commit with Working Tree",
"category": "GitLens"
"menus": {
"editor/title": [{
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"command": "gitlens.toggleBlame",
"group": "gitlens"
"editor/context": [{
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"command": "gitlens.toggleBlame",
"group": "gitlens@1.0"
"when": "editorTextFocus && editorHasCodeActionsProvider",
"command": "gitlens.diffWithWorking",
"group": "gitlens.blame@1.1"
"when": "editorTextFocus && editorHasCodeActionsProvider",
"command": "gitlens.diffWithPrevious",
"group": "gitlens.blame@1.2"
"activationEvents": [

+ 58
- 21
src/commands.ts View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
'use strict'
import {commands, DecorationOptions, Disposable, OverviewRulerLane, Position, Range, TextEditorDecorationType, Uri, window} from 'vscode';
import {commands, DecorationOptions, Disposable, OverviewRulerLane, Position, Range, TextEditor, TextEditorEdit, TextEditorDecorationType, Uri, window} from 'vscode';
import {Commands, VsCodeCommands} from './constants';
import GitProvider from './gitProvider';
import GitBlameController from './gitBlameController';
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ abstract class Command extends Disposable {
constructor(command: Commands) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this._subscriptions = commands.registerCommand(command, this.execute.bind(this));
this._subscriptions = commands.registerCommand(command, this.execute, this);
dispose() {
@ -21,19 +21,43 @@ abstract class Command extends Disposable {
abstract execute(...args): any;
export class BlameCommand extends Command {
abstract class EditorCommand extends Disposable {
private _subscriptions: Disposable;
constructor(command: Commands) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this._subscriptions = commands.registerTextEditorCommand(command, this.execute, this);
dispose() {
this._subscriptions && this._subscriptions.dispose();
abstract execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args): any;
export class ShowBlameCommand extends EditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitProvider, private blameController: GitBlameController) {
execute(uri?: Uri, range?: Range, sha?: string) {
const editor = window.activeTextEditor;
if (!editor) return;
if (!range) {
range = editor.document.validateRange(new Range(0, 0, 1000000, 1000000));
execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, uri?: Uri, sha?: string) {
if (sha) {
return this.blameController.toggleBlame(editor, sha);
const activeLine =;
return this.git.getBlameForLine(editor.document.fileName, activeLine)
.then(blame => this.blameController.showBlame(editor, blame.commit.sha));
export class ToggleBlameCommand extends EditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitProvider, private blameController: GitBlameController) {
execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, uri?: Uri, sha?: string) {
if (sha) {
return this.blameController.toggleBlame(editor, sha);
@ -44,15 +68,15 @@ export class BlameCommand extends Command {
export class HistoryCommand extends Command {
export class ShowHistoryCommand extends EditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitProvider) {
execute(uri?: Uri, range?: Range, position?: Position) {
execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, uri?: Uri, range?: Range, position?: Position) {
// If the command is executed manually -- treat it as a click on the root lens (i.e. show blame for the whole file)
if (!uri) {
const doc = window.activeTextEditor && window.activeTextEditor.document;
const doc = editor.document;
if (doc) {
uri = doc.uri;
range = doc.validateRange(new Range(0, 0, 1000000, 1000000));
@ -68,28 +92,41 @@ export class HistoryCommand extends Command {
export class DiffWithPreviousCommand extends Command {
export class DiffWithPreviousCommand extends EditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitProvider) {
execute(uri?: Uri, sha?: string, compareWithSha?: string) {
// TODO: Execute these in parallel rather than series
return this.git.getVersionedFile(uri.path, sha).then(source => {
this.git.getVersionedFile(uri.path, compareWithSha).then(compare => {
execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, uri?: Uri, sha?: string, compareWithSha?: string) {
if (!sha) {
return this.git.getBlameForLine(uri.path,
.then(blame => commands.executeCommand(Commands.DiffWithPrevious, uri, blame.commit.sha, blame.commit.previousSha));
if (!compareWithSha) {
return window.showInformationMessage(`Commit ${sha} has no previous commit`);
return Promise.all([this.git.getVersionedFile(uri.path, sha), this.git.getVersionedFile(uri.path, compareWithSha)])
.then(values => {
const [source, compare] = values;
const fileName = basename(uri.path);
return commands.executeCommand(VsCodeCommands.Diff, Uri.file(compare), Uri.file(source), `${fileName} (${compareWithSha}) ↔ ${fileName} (${sha})`);
export class DiffWithWorkingCommand extends Command {
export class DiffWithWorkingCommand extends EditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitProvider) {
execute(uri?: Uri, sha?: string) {
execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, uri?: Uri, sha?: string) {
if (!sha) {
return this.git.getBlameForLine(uri.path,
.then(blame => commands.executeCommand(Commands.DiffWithWorking, uri, blame.commit.sha));
return this.git.getVersionedFile(uri.path, sha).then(compare => {
const fileName = basename(uri.path);
return commands.executeCommand(VsCodeCommands.Diff, Uri.file(compare), uri, `${fileName} (${sha}) ↔ ${fileName} (index)`);

+ 15
- 12
src/constants.ts View File

@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
'use strict'
export type WorkspaceState = 'hasGitHistoryExtension' | 'repoPath';
export const WorkspaceState = {
HasGitHistoryExtension: 'hasGitHistoryExtension' as WorkspaceState,
RepoPath: 'repoPath' as WorkspaceState
export const RepoPath: string = 'repoPath';
export const DiagnosticCollectionName = 'gitlens';
export const DiagnosticSource = 'GitLens';
export const RepoPath = 'repoPath';
export type Commands = 'git.action.diffWithPrevious' | 'git.action.diffWithWorking' | 'git.action.showBlame' | 'git.action.showHistory';
export type Commands = 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious' | 'gitlens.diffWithWorking' | 'gitlens.showBlame' | 'gitlens.showHistory' | 'gitlens.toggleBlame';
export const Commands = {
DiffWithPrevious: 'git.action.diffWithPrevious' as Commands,
DiffWithWorking: 'git.action.diffWithWorking' as Commands,
ShowBlame: 'git.action.showBlame' as Commands,
ShowHistory: 'git.action.showHistory' as Commands,
DiffWithPrevious: 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious' as Commands,
DiffWithWorking: 'gitlens.diffWithWorking' as Commands,
ShowBlame: 'gitlens.showBlame' as Commands,
ShowHistory: 'gitlens.showHistory' as Commands,
ToggleBlame: 'gitlens.toggleBlame' as Commands,
export type DocumentSchemes = 'file' | 'git' | 'gitblame';
@ -29,4 +26,10 @@ export const VsCodeCommands = {
ExecuteDocumentSymbolProvider: 'vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider' as VsCodeCommands,
ExecuteCodeLensProvider: 'vscode.executeCodeLensProvider' as VsCodeCommands,
ShowReferences: 'editor.action.showReferences' as VsCodeCommands
export type WorkspaceState = 'hasGitHistoryExtension' | 'repoPath';
export const WorkspaceState = {
HasGitHistoryExtension: 'hasGitHistoryExtension' as WorkspaceState,
RepoPath: 'repoPath' as WorkspaceState

+ 4
- 5
src/extension.ts View File

@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
'use strict';
import {CodeLens, DocumentSelector, ExtensionContext, extensions, languages, OverviewRulerLane, window, workspace} from 'vscode';
import GitCodeLensProvider from './gitCodeLensProvider';
import GitContentProvider from './gitContentProvider';
import GitBlameCodeLensProvider from './gitBlameCodeLensProvider';
import GitBlameContentProvider from './gitBlameContentProvider';
import GitBlameController from './gitBlameController';
import GitProvider from './gitProvider';
import {BlameCommand, DiffWithPreviousCommand, DiffWithWorkingCommand, HistoryCommand} from './commands';
import {DiffWithPreviousCommand, DiffWithWorkingCommand, ShowBlameCommand, ShowHistoryCommand, ToggleBlameCommand} from './commands';
import {WorkspaceState} from './constants';
// this method is called when your extension is activated
@ -30,14 +29,14 @@ export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
context.subscriptions.push(workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider(GitContentProvider.scheme, new GitContentProvider(context, git)));
context.subscriptions.push(workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider(GitBlameContentProvider.scheme, new GitBlameContentProvider(context, git)));
context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerCodeLensProvider(GitCodeLensProvider.selector, new GitCodeLensProvider(context, git)));
context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerCodeLensProvider(GitBlameCodeLensProvider.selector, new GitBlameCodeLensProvider(context, git)));
const blameController = new GitBlameController(context, git);
context.subscriptions.push(new BlameCommand(git, blameController));
context.subscriptions.push(new HistoryCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new ShowBlameCommand(git, blameController));
context.subscriptions.push(new ToggleBlameCommand(git, blameController));
context.subscriptions.push(new ShowHistoryCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffWithPreviousCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffWithWorkingCommand(git));
}).catch(reason => console.warn(reason));

+ 98
- 61
src/gitBlameController.ts View File

@ -1,53 +1,62 @@
'use strict'
import {commands, DecorationOptions, Disposable, ExtensionContext, languages, OverviewRulerLane, Position, Range, TextEditor, TextEditorDecorationType, Uri, window, workspace} from 'vscode';
import {commands, DecorationOptions, Diagnostic, DiagnosticCollection, DiagnosticSeverity, Disposable, ExtensionContext, languages, OverviewRulerLane, Position, Range, TextEditor, TextEditorDecorationType, Uri, window, workspace} from 'vscode';
import {Commands, DocumentSchemes, VsCodeCommands} from './constants';
import GitProvider, {IGitBlame} from './gitProvider';
import {basename} from 'path';
import GitCodeActionsProvider from './gitCodeActionProvider';
import {DiagnosticCollectionName, DiagnosticSource} from './constants';
import * as moment from 'moment';
const blameDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
before: {
color: '#5a5a5a',
margin: '0 1em 0 0',
width: '5em'
let highlightDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType;
export default class GitBlameController extends Disposable {
private _controller: GitBlameEditorController;
private _subscription: Disposable;
private _disposable: Disposable;
private _blameDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType;
private _highlightDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType;
constructor(context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitProvider) {
constructor(private context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitProvider) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this._blameDecoration = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
before: {
color: '#5a5a5a',
margin: '0 1em 0 0',
width: '5em'
if (!highlightDecoration) {
highlightDecoration = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
dark: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)',
gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-dark.png'),
overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)',
light: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)',
gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-light.png'),
overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
gutterIconSize: 'contain',
overviewRulerLane: OverviewRulerLane.Right,
isWholeLine: true
this._highlightDecoration= window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
dark: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)',
gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-dark.png'),
overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)',
light: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)',
gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-light.png'),
overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
gutterIconSize: 'contain',
overviewRulerLane: OverviewRulerLane.Right,
isWholeLine: true
const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
this._subscription = Disposable.from(window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(e => {
subscriptions.push(window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(e => {
if (!this._controller || this._controller.editor === e) return;
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
dispose() {
this._subscription && this._subscription.dispose();
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
clear() {
@ -55,78 +64,106 @@ export default class GitBlameController extends Disposable {
this._controller = null;
toggleBlame(editor: TextEditor, sha: string) {
if (editor && (this._controller && this._controller.sha !== sha)) {
showBlame(editor: TextEditor, sha: string) {
if (!editor) {
const controller = this._controller;
if (!this._controller) {
this._controller = new GitBlameEditorController(this.context, this.git, editor);
return this._controller.applyBlame(sha);
if (!editor || (controller && controller.sha === sha)) {
toggleBlame(editor: TextEditor, sha: string) {
if (!editor || this._controller) {
this._controller = new GitBlameEditorController(this.git, this._blameDecoration, this._highlightDecoration, editor, sha);
return this._controller.applyBlame(sha);
return this.showBlame(editor, sha);
class GitBlameEditorController extends Disposable {
private _subscription: Disposable;
private _disposable: Disposable;
private _blame: Promise<IGitBlame>;
//private _commits: Promise<Map<string, string>>;
private _diagnostics: DiagnosticCollection;
constructor(private git: GitProvider, private blameDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType, private highlightDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType, public editor: TextEditor, public sha: string) {
constructor(private context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitProvider, public editor: TextEditor) {
super(() => this.dispose());
const fileName = this.editor.document.uri.path;
this._blame = this.git.getBlameForFile(fileName);
//this._commits = this.git.getCommitMessages(fileName);
this._subscription = Disposable.from(window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(e => {
const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
this._diagnostics = languages.createDiagnosticCollection(DiagnosticCollectionName);
subscriptions.push(languages.registerCodeActionsProvider(GitCodeActionsProvider.selector, new GitCodeActionsProvider(this.context, this.git)));
subscriptions.push(window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(e => {
const activeLine = e.selections[0].active.line;
this.git.getBlameForLine(e.textEditor.document.fileName, activeLine)
.then(blame => this.applyHighlight(blame.commit.sha));
.then(blame => {
// Add the bogus diagnostics to provide code actions for this sha
this._diagnostics.set(editor.document.uri, [this._getDiagnostic(editor, activeLine, blame.commit.sha)]);
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
dispose() {
if (this.editor) {
this.editor.setDecorations(this.blameDecoration, []);
this.editor.setDecorations(this.highlightDecoration, []);
this.editor.setDecorations(blameDecoration, []);
this.editor.setDecorations(highlightDecoration, []);
this.editor = null;
this._subscription && this._subscription.dispose();
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
_getDiagnostic(editor, line, sha) {
const diag = new Diagnostic(editor.document.validateRange(new Range(line, 0, line, 1000000)), `Diff commit ${sha}`, DiagnosticSeverity.Hint);
diag.source = DiagnosticSource;
return diag;
applyBlame(sha: string) {
return this._blame.then(blame => {
if (!blame.lines.length) return;
// return this._commits.then(msgs => {
// const commits = Array.from(blame.commits.values());
// commits.forEach(c => c.message = msgs.get(c.sha.substring(0, c.sha.length - 1)));
const blameDecorationOptions: DecorationOptions[] = => {
const c = blame.commits.get(l.sha);
return {
range: this.editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 0)),
hoverMessage: `${c.message}\n${}, ${moment('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}`,
renderOptions: { before: { contentText: `${l.sha.substring(0, 8)}`, } }
const blameDecorationOptions: DecorationOptions[] = => {
const c = blame.commits.get(l.sha);
return {
range: this.editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 0)),
hoverMessage: `${c.message}\n${}, ${moment('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}`,
renderOptions: { before: { contentText: `${l.sha.substring(0, 8)}`, } }
this.editor.setDecorations(blameDecoration, blameDecorationOptions);
sha = sha || blame.commits.values().next().value.sha;
// Add the bogus diagnostics to provide code actions for this sha
const activeLine =;
this._diagnostics.set(this.editor.document.uri, [this._getDiagnostic(this.editor, activeLine, sha)]);
this.editor.setDecorations(this.blameDecoration, blameDecorationOptions);
return this.applyHighlight(sha || blame.commits.values().next().value.sha);
// });
return this.applyHighlight(sha);
applyHighlight(sha: string) {
this.sha = sha;
return this._blame.then(blame => {
if (!blame.lines.length) return;
@ -134,7 +171,7 @@ class GitBlameEditorController extends Disposable {
.filter(l => l.sha === sha)
.map(l => this.editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 1000000)));
this.editor.setDecorations(this.highlightDecoration, highlightDecorationRanges);
this.editor.setDecorations(highlightDecoration, highlightDecorationRanges);

+ 39
- 0
src/gitCodeActionProvider.ts View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
'use strict';
import {CancellationToken, CodeActionContext, CodeActionProvider, Command, DocumentSelector, ExtensionContext, Range, TextDocument, Uri, window} from 'vscode';
import {Commands, DocumentSchemes} from './constants';
import GitProvider from './gitProvider';
import {DiagnosticSource} from './constants';
export default class GitCodeActionProvider implements CodeActionProvider {
static selector: DocumentSelector = { scheme: DocumentSchemes.File };
constructor(context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitProvider) { }
provideCodeActions(document: TextDocument, range: Range, context: CodeActionContext, token: CancellationToken): Command[] | Thenable<Command[]> {
if (!context.diagnostics.some(d => d.source !== DiagnosticSource)) {
return [];
return this.git.getBlameForLine(document.fileName, range.start.line)
.then(blame => {
const actions: Command[] = [];
if (blame.commit.sha) {
title: `GitLens: Diff ${blame.commit.sha} with working tree`,
command: Commands.DiffWithWorking,
arguments: [Uri.file(document.fileName), blame.commit.sha, range]
if (blame.commit.sha && blame.commit.previousSha) {
title: `GitLens: Diff ${blame.commit.sha} with previous ${blame.commit.previousSha}`,
command: Commands.DiffWithPrevious,
arguments: [Uri.file(document.fileName), blame.commit.sha, blame.commit.previousSha, range]
return actions;

+ 26
- 25
src/gitCodeLensProvider.ts View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
import {CancellationToken, CodeLens, CodeLensProvider, commands, DocumentSelector, ExtensionContext, Location, Position, Range, SymbolInformation, SymbolKind, TextDocument, Uri} from 'vscode';
import {CancellationToken, CodeLens, CodeLensProvider, commands, DocumentSelector, ExtensionContext, Location, Position, Range, SymbolInformation, SymbolKind, TextDocument, Uri, window} from 'vscode';
import {Commands, DocumentSchemes, VsCodeCommands, WorkspaceState} from './constants';
import GitProvider, {IGitBlame, IGitCommit} from './gitProvider';
import GitProvider, {IGitBlame, IGitBlameLines, IGitCommit} from './gitProvider';
import * as moment from 'moment';
export class GitRecentChangeCodeLens extends CodeLens {
@ -9,36 +9,34 @@ export class GitRecentChangeCodeLens extends CodeLens {
getBlame(): Promise<IGitBlame> {
getBlame(): Promise<IGitBlameLines> {
return this.git.getBlameForRange(this.fileName, this.blameRange);
export class GitBlameCodeLens extends CodeLens {
public sha: string;
constructor(private git: GitProvider, public fileName: string, public blameRange: Range, range: Range) {
getBlame(): Promise<IGitBlame> {
getBlame(): Promise<IGitBlameLines> {
return this.git.getBlameForRange(this.fileName, this.blameRange);
export class GitHistoryCodeLens extends CodeLens {
constructor(public repoPath: string, public fileName: string, range: Range) {
// export class GitHistoryCodeLens extends CodeLens {
// constructor(public repoPath: string, public fileName: string, range: Range) {
// super(range);
// }
// }
export default class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
static selector: DocumentSelector = { scheme: DocumentSchemes.File };
private hasGitHistoryExtension: boolean;
// private hasGitHistoryExtension: boolean;
constructor(context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitProvider) {
this.hasGitHistoryExtension = context.workspaceState.get(WorkspaceState.HasGitHistoryExtension, false);
// this.hasGitHistoryExtension = context.workspaceState.get(WorkspaceState.HasGitHistoryExtension, false);
provideCodeLenses(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): CodeLens[] | Thenable<CodeLens[]> {
@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ export default class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
resolveCodeLens(lens: CodeLens, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<CodeLens> {
if (lens instanceof GitRecentChangeCodeLens) return this._resolveGitRecentChangeCodeLens(lens, token);
if (lens instanceof GitBlameCodeLens) return this._resolveGitBlameCodeLens(lens, token);
if (lens instanceof GitHistoryCodeLens) return this._resolveGitHistoryCodeLens(lens, token);
// if (lens instanceof GitHistoryCodeLens) return this._resolveGitHistoryCodeLens(lens, token);
_resolveGitRecentChangeCodeLens(lens: GitRecentChangeCodeLens, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<CodeLens> {
@ -133,23 +131,26 @@ export default class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
_resolveGitBlameCodeLens(lens: GitBlameCodeLens, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<CodeLens> {
return lens.getBlame().then(blame => {
const editor = window.activeTextEditor;
const activeLine =;
const count = blame.authors.size;
lens.command = {
title: `${count} ${count > 1 ? 'authors' : 'author'} (${blame.authors.values().next()}${count > 1 ? ' and others' : ''})`,
command: Commands.ShowBlame,
arguments: [Uri.file(lens.fileName), lens.blameRange, lens.sha]
command: Commands.ToggleBlame,
arguments: [Uri.file(lens.fileName), blame.allLines[activeLine].sha]
return lens;
_resolveGitHistoryCodeLens(lens: GitHistoryCodeLens, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<CodeLens> {
// TODO: Play with this more -- get this to open the correct diff to the right place
lens.command = {
title: `View History`,
command: 'git.viewFileHistory', // viewLineHistory
arguments: [Uri.file(lens.fileName)]
return Promise.resolve(lens);
// _resolveGitHistoryCodeLens(lens: GitHistoryCodeLens, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<CodeLens> {
// // TODO: Play with this more -- get this to open the correct diff to the right place
// lens.command = {
// title: `View History`,
// command: 'git.viewFileHistory', // viewLineHistory
// arguments: [Uri.file(lens.fileName)]
// };
// return Promise.resolve(lens);
// }

+ 58
- 25
src/gitProvider.ts View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
'use strict'
import {Disposable, ExtensionContext, Location, Position, Range, Uri, workspace} from 'vscode';
import {Disposable, ExtensionContext, languages, Location, Position, Range, Uri, workspace} from 'vscode';
import {DocumentSchemes, WorkspaceState} from './constants';
import GitCodeLensProvider from './gitCodeLensProvider';
import Git from './git';
import {basename, dirname, extname} from 'path';
import * as moment from 'moment';
@ -15,30 +16,52 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
public repoPath: string;
private _blames: Map<string, Promise<IGitBlame>>;
private _subscription: Disposable;
private _disposable: Disposable;
private _codeLensProviderSubscription: Disposable;
constructor(context: ExtensionContext) {
// TODO: Needs to be a Map so it can debounce per file
private _clearCacheFn: ((string, boolean) => void) & _.Cancelable;
constructor(private context: ExtensionContext) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this.repoPath = context.workspaceState.get(WorkspaceState.RepoPath) as string;
this._blames = new Map();
this._subscription = Disposable.from(
workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(d => this._removeFile(d.fileName)),
// TODO: Need a way to reset codelens in response to a save
workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument(d => this._removeFile(d.fileName))
//workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(e => this._removeFile(e.document.fileName))
this._clearCacheFn = _.debounce(this._clearBlame.bind(this), 2500);
const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(d => this._clearBlame(d.fileName)));
subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument(d => this._clearCacheFn(d.fileName, true)));
subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(e => this._clearCacheFn(e.document.fileName, false)));
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
dispose() {
this._subscription && this._subscription.dispose();
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
this._codeLensProviderSubscription && this._codeLensProviderSubscription.dispose();
private _removeFile(fileName: string) {
private _registerCodeLensProvider() {
if (this._codeLensProviderSubscription) {
this._codeLensProviderSubscription = languages.registerCodeLensProvider(GitCodeLensProvider.selector, new GitCodeLensProvider(this.context, this));
private _clearBlame(fileName: string, reset?: boolean) {
fileName = Git.normalizePath(fileName, this.repoPath);
console.log(`_removeFile(${fileName}, ${reset})`);
if (reset) {
getRepoPath(cwd: string) {
@ -48,7 +71,7 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
// getBlameForFile(fileName: string) {
// fileName = Git.normalizePath(fileName, this.repoPath);
// let blame = this._blames.get(fileName);
// let blame = this._blames.get(fileName.toLowerCase());
// if (blame !== undefined) return blame;
// blame = Git.blame(fileName, this.repoPath)
@ -118,14 +141,14 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
// };
// });
// this._blames.set(fileName, blame);
// this._blames.set(fileName.toLowerCase(), blame);
// return blame;
// }
getBlameForFile(fileName: string) {
fileName = Git.normalizePath(fileName, this.repoPath);
let blame = this._blames.get(fileName);
let blame = this._blames.get(fileName.toLowerCase());
if (blame !== undefined) return blame;
blame = Git.blamePorcelain(fileName, this.repoPath)
@ -190,7 +213,7 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
.sort((a, b) => b.lineCount - a.lineCount)
.forEach(a => sortedAuthors.set(, a));
const sortedCommits = new Map();
const sortedCommits: Map<string, IGitCommit> = new Map();
.sort((a, b) => -
.forEach(c => sortedCommits.set(c.sha, c));
@ -202,8 +225,9 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
this._blames.set(fileName, blame);
return blame; }
this._blames.set(fileName.toLowerCase(), blame);
return blame;
getBlameForLine(fileName: string, line: number): Promise<IGitBlameLine> {
return this.getBlameForFile(fileName).then(blame => {
@ -217,12 +241,12 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
getBlameForRange(fileName: string, range: Range): Promise<IGitBlame> {
getBlameForRange(fileName: string, range: Range): Promise<IGitBlameLines> {
return this.getBlameForFile(fileName).then(blame => {
if (!blame.lines.length) return blame;
if (!blame.lines.length) return Object.assign({ allLines: blame.lines }, blame);
if (range.start.line === 0 && range.end.line === blame.lines.length - 1) {
return blame;
return Object.assign({ allLines: blame.lines }, blame);
const lines = blame.lines.slice(range.start.line, range.end.line + 1);
@ -249,16 +273,21 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
author.lineCount += commit.lines.length;
const sortedAuthors = new Map();
const sortedAuthors: Map<string, IGitAuthor> = new Map();
.sort((a, b) => b.lineCount - a.lineCount)
.forEach(a => sortedAuthors.set(, a));
return { authors: sortedAuthors, commits, lines };
return {
authors: sortedAuthors,
commits: commits,
lines: lines,
allLines: blame.lines
getBlameForShaRange(fileName: string, sha: string, range: Range): Promise<IGitBlameLines> {
getBlameForShaRange(fileName: string, sha: string, range: Range): Promise<IGitBlameCommitLines> {
return this.getBlameForFile(fileName).then(blame => {
const lines = blame.lines.slice(range.start.line, range.end.line + 1).filter(l => l.sha === sha);
const commit = Object.assign({}, blame.commits.get(sha), { lines: lines });
@ -391,7 +420,11 @@ export interface IGitBlameLine {
line: IGitCommitLine;
export interface IGitBlameLines {
export interface IGitBlameLines extends IGitBlame {
allLines: IGitCommitLine[];
export interface IGitBlameCommitLines {
author: IGitAuthor;
commit: IGitCommit;
lines: IGitCommitLine[];
