- // patric zhao, patric.zhao@intel.com
- // show SLM usage by Finite Difference Approximating Derivatives (fdad)
- #include <CL/sycl.hpp>
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace sycl;
- #define random_float() (rand() / double(RAND_MAX))
- #define BLOCK 256
- #define CheckResult 0
- constexpr int64_t N = 256 * 256 * 256 + 2;
- constexpr float delta = 0.001f;
- void verify(float *gpu, float *cpu, int N) {
- int error = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- if(std::fabs(gpu[i] - cpu[i]) > 10e-3) {
- printf("\nError at %d GPU = %f, CPU = %f\n", i, gpu[i], cpu[i]);
- error++;
- }
- if(error > 20) break;
- }
- return;
- }
- int main() {
- // Enable queue profiling
- auto propList = cl::sycl::property_list {cl::sycl::property::queue::enable_profiling()};
- queue my_gpu_queue(gpu_selector{}, propList);
- std::cout << "Selected GPU device: " <<
- my_gpu_queue.get_device().get_info<info::device::name>() << "\n";
- float *input = malloc_host<float>(N, my_gpu_queue);
- float *output_P_cpu = malloc_host<float>(N-2, my_gpu_queue);
- float *input_Q = malloc_device<float>(N, my_gpu_queue);
- float *output_P = malloc_device<float>(N-2, my_gpu_queue);
- float *output_P_gpu = malloc_host<float>(N-2, my_gpu_queue);
- // Init CPU data
- for(int64_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- input[i] = random_float();
- }
- // CPU compuatation
- printf("\n Start Computation, Number of Elems = %ld \n", N);
- for(int64_t i = 0; i < N-2; i++) {
- output_P_cpu[i] = (input[i+2] - input[i]) / (2.0f * delta);
- }
- float duration_gpu_a = 0.0;
- float duration_gpu_b = 0.0;
- // Copy from host(CPU) to device(GPU)
- my_gpu_queue.memcpy(input_Q, input, N * sizeof(float)).wait();
- int warmup = 10;
- int iteration = 50;
- for(int i = 0; i < iteration + warmup; i++) {
- // read/write global memory directly
- auto event1 = my_gpu_queue.submit([&](handler& h) {
- h.parallel_for(nd_range<1>{N-2, BLOCK}, [=](nd_item<1> item) {
- auto global_id = item.get_global_id(0);
- output_P[global_id] = (input_Q[global_id +2] - input_Q[global_id]) / (2.0f * delta);
- });
- });
- // wait the computation done
- my_gpu_queue.wait();
- if (i >= warmup) {
- duration_gpu_a +=
- (event1.get_profiling_info<info::event_profiling::command_end>() -
- event1.get_profiling_info<info::event_profiling::command_start>()) /1000.0f/1000.0f;
- }
- if (CheckResult) {
- my_gpu_queue.memcpy(output_P_gpu, output_P, (N - 2) * sizeof(float)).wait();
- verify(output_P_gpu, output_P_gpu, N);
- }
- // read data to SLM and then computaiton w/ SLM read
- // finally write back to global memory
- auto event2 = my_gpu_queue.submit([&](handler& h) {
- // Define SLM size per work-group
- sycl::accessor<float, 1, sycl::access::mode::read_write,
- sycl::access::target::local>
- slm_buffer(BLOCK + 2, h);
- h.parallel_for(nd_range<1>(N-2, BLOCK), [=](nd_item<1> item) {
- auto local_id = item.get_local_id(0);
- auto global_id = item.get_global_id(0);
- slm_buffer[local_id] = input_Q[global_id];
- if(local_id == BLOCK-1) {
- slm_buffer[BLOCK ] = input_Q[global_id +1];
- slm_buffer[BLOCK+1] = input_Q[global_id +2];
- }
- item.barrier(sycl::access::fence_space::local_space);
- output_P[global_id] = (slm_buffer[local_id +2] - slm_buffer[local_id]) / (2.0f * delta);
- });
- });
- my_gpu_queue.wait();
- if (i >= warmup) {
- duration_gpu_b +=
- (event2.get_profiling_info<info::event_profiling::command_end>() -
- event2.get_profiling_info<info::event_profiling::command_start>()) /1000.0f/1000.0f;
- }
- if (CheckResult) {
- my_gpu_queue.memcpy(output_P_gpu, output_P, (N - 2) * sizeof(float)).wait();
- verify(output_P_gpu, output_P_gpu, N);
- }
- }
- printf("\n GPU Computation, GPU Time w/o SLM = %lf \n", duration_gpu_a / iteration);
- printf("\n GPU Computation, GPU Time w/ SLM = %lf \n", duration_gpu_b / iteration);
- printf("\nTask Done!\n");
- free(input_Q, my_gpu_queue);
- free(output_P, my_gpu_queue);
- free(output_P_cpu, my_gpu_queue);
- free(output_P_gpu, my_gpu_queue);
- free(input, my_gpu_queue);
- return 0;
- }