- LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
- > **This repository is receiving very limited maintenance. We will only review the following types of changes.**
- >
- > * Fixes for critical bugs, such as data loss or memory corruption
- > * Changes absolutely needed by internally supported leveldb clients. These typically fix breakage introduced by a language/standard library/OS update
- [](https://github.com/google/leveldb/actions/workflows/build.yml)
- Authors: Sanjay Ghemawat (sanjay@google.com) and Jeff Dean (jeff@google.com)
- # Features
- * Keys and values are arbitrary byte arrays.
- * Data is stored sorted by key.
- * Callers can provide a custom comparison function to override the sort order.
- * The basic operations are `Put(key,value)`, `Get(key)`, `Delete(key)`.
- * Multiple changes can be made in one atomic batch.
- * Users can create a transient snapshot to get a consistent view of data.
- * Forward and backward iteration is supported over the data.
- * Data is automatically compressed using the [Snappy compression library](https://google.github.io/snappy/), but [Zstd compression](https://facebook.github.io/zstd/) is also supported.
- * External activity (file system operations etc.) is relayed through a virtual interface so users can customize the operating system interactions.
- # Documentation
- [LevelDB library documentation](https://github.com/google/leveldb/blob/main/doc/index.md) is online and bundled with the source code.
- # Limitations
- * This is not a SQL database. It does not have a relational data model, it does not support SQL queries, and it has no support for indexes.
- * Only a single process (possibly multi-threaded) can access a particular database at a time.
- * There is no client-server support builtin to the library. An application that needs such support will have to wrap their own server around the library.
- # Getting the Source
- ```bash
- git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/google/leveldb.git
- ```
- # Building
- This project supports [CMake](https://cmake.org/) out of the box.
- ### Build for POSIX
- Quick start:
- ```bash
- mkdir -p build && cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && cmake --build .
- ```
- ### Building for Windows
- First generate the Visual Studio 2017 project/solution files:
- ```cmd
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -G "Visual Studio 15" ..
- ```
- The default default will build for x86. For 64-bit run:
- ```cmd
- cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" ..
- ```
- To compile the Windows solution from the command-line:
- ```cmd
- devenv /build Debug leveldb.sln
- ```
- or open leveldb.sln in Visual Studio and build from within.
- Please see the CMake documentation and `CMakeLists.txt` for more advanced usage.
- # Contributing to the leveldb Project
- > **This repository is receiving very limited maintenance. We will only review the following types of changes.**
- >
- > * Bug fixes
- > * Changes absolutely needed by internally supported leveldb clients. These typically fix breakage introduced by a language/standard library/OS update
- The leveldb project welcomes contributions. leveldb's primary goal is to be
- a reliable and fast key/value store. Changes that are in line with the
- features/limitations outlined above, and meet the requirements below,
- will be considered.
- Contribution requirements:
- 1. **Tested platforms only**. We _generally_ will only accept changes for
- platforms that are compiled and tested. This means POSIX (for Linux and
- macOS) or Windows. Very small changes will sometimes be accepted, but
- consider that more of an exception than the rule.
- 2. **Stable API**. We strive very hard to maintain a stable API. Changes that
- require changes for projects using leveldb _might_ be rejected without
- sufficient benefit to the project.
- 3. **Tests**: All changes must be accompanied by a new (or changed) test, or
- a sufficient explanation as to why a new (or changed) test is not required.
- 4. **Consistent Style**: This project conforms to the
- [Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html).
- To ensure your changes are properly formatted please run:
- ```
- clang-format -i --style=file <file>
- ```
- We are unlikely to accept contributions to the build configuration files, such
- as `CMakeLists.txt`. We are focused on maintaining a build configuration that
- allows us to test that the project works in a few supported configurations
- inside Google. We are not currently interested in supporting other requirements,
- such as different operating systems, compilers, or build systems.
- ## Submitting a Pull Request
- Before any pull request will be accepted the author must first sign a
- Contributor License Agreement (CLA) at https://cla.developers.google.com/.
- In order to keep the commit timeline linear
- [squash](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History#Squashing-Commits)
- your changes down to a single commit and [rebase](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase)
- on google/leveldb/main. This keeps the commit timeline linear and more easily sync'ed
- with the internal repository at Google. More information at GitHub's
- [About Git rebase](https://help.github.com/articles/about-git-rebase/) page.
- # Performance
- Here is a performance report (with explanations) from the run of the
- included db_bench program. The results are somewhat noisy, but should
- be enough to get a ballpark performance estimate.
- ## Setup
- We use a database with a million entries. Each entry has a 16 byte
- key, and a 100 byte value. Values used by the benchmark compress to
- about half their original size.
- LevelDB: version 1.1
- Date: Sun May 1 12:11:26 2011
- CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
- CPUCache: 4096 KB
- Keys: 16 bytes each
- Values: 100 bytes each (50 bytes after compression)
- Entries: 1000000
- Raw Size: 110.6 MB (estimated)
- File Size: 62.9 MB (estimated)
- ## Write performance
- The "fill" benchmarks create a brand new database, in either
- sequential, or random order. The "fillsync" benchmark flushes data
- from the operating system to the disk after every operation; the other
- write operations leave the data sitting in the operating system buffer
- cache for a while. The "overwrite" benchmark does random writes that
- update existing keys in the database.
- fillseq : 1.765 micros/op; 62.7 MB/s
- fillsync : 268.409 micros/op; 0.4 MB/s (10000 ops)
- fillrandom : 2.460 micros/op; 45.0 MB/s
- overwrite : 2.380 micros/op; 46.5 MB/s
- Each "op" above corresponds to a write of a single key/value pair.
- I.e., a random write benchmark goes at approximately 400,000 writes per second.
- Each "fillsync" operation costs much less (0.3 millisecond)
- than a disk seek (typically 10 milliseconds). We suspect that this is
- because the hard disk itself is buffering the update in its memory and
- responding before the data has been written to the platter. This may
- or may not be safe based on whether or not the hard disk has enough
- power to save its memory in the event of a power failure.
- ## Read performance
- We list the performance of reading sequentially in both the forward
- and reverse direction, and also the performance of a random lookup.
- Note that the database created by the benchmark is quite small.
- Therefore the report characterizes the performance of leveldb when the
- working set fits in memory. The cost of reading a piece of data that
- is not present in the operating system buffer cache will be dominated
- by the one or two disk seeks needed to fetch the data from disk.
- Write performance will be mostly unaffected by whether or not the
- working set fits in memory.
- readrandom : 16.677 micros/op; (approximately 60,000 reads per second)
- readseq : 0.476 micros/op; 232.3 MB/s
- readreverse : 0.724 micros/op; 152.9 MB/s
- LevelDB compacts its underlying storage data in the background to
- improve read performance. The results listed above were done
- immediately after a lot of random writes. The results after
- compactions (which are usually triggered automatically) are better.
- readrandom : 11.602 micros/op; (approximately 85,000 reads per second)
- readseq : 0.423 micros/op; 261.8 MB/s
- readreverse : 0.663 micros/op; 166.9 MB/s
- Some of the high cost of reads comes from repeated decompression of blocks
- read from disk. If we supply enough cache to the leveldb so it can hold the
- uncompressed blocks in memory, the read performance improves again:
- readrandom : 9.775 micros/op; (approximately 100,000 reads per second before compaction)
- readrandom : 5.215 micros/op; (approximately 190,000 reads per second after compaction)
- ## Repository contents
- See [doc/index.md](doc/index.md) for more explanation. See
- [doc/impl.md](doc/impl.md) for a brief overview of the implementation.
- The public interface is in include/leveldb/*.h. Callers should not include or
- rely on the details of any other header files in this package. Those
- internal APIs may be changed without warning.
- Guide to header files:
- * **include/leveldb/db.h**: Main interface to the DB: Start here.
- * **include/leveldb/options.h**: Control over the behavior of an entire database,
- and also control over the behavior of individual reads and writes.
- * **include/leveldb/comparator.h**: Abstraction for user-specified comparison function.
- If you want just bytewise comparison of keys, you can use the default
- comparator, but clients can write their own comparator implementations if they
- want custom ordering (e.g. to handle different character encodings, etc.).
- * **include/leveldb/iterator.h**: Interface for iterating over data. You can get
- an iterator from a DB object.
- * **include/leveldb/write_batch.h**: Interface for atomically applying multiple
- updates to a database.
- * **include/leveldb/slice.h**: A simple module for maintaining a pointer and a
- length into some other byte array.
- * **include/leveldb/status.h**: Status is returned from many of the public interfaces
- and is used to report success and various kinds of errors.
- * **include/leveldb/env.h**:
- Abstraction of the OS environment. A posix implementation of this interface is
- in util/env_posix.cc.
- * **include/leveldb/table.h, include/leveldb/table_builder.h**: Lower-level modules that most
- clients probably won't use directly.