The final project of DASE Introduction, the analysis of COVID-19
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4 years ago
  1. ====================================================================
  2. Model: ARMA BIC: 5295.6309
  3. Dependent Variable: Confirmed Log-Likelihood: -2630.5
  4. Date: 2021-01-05 19:14 Scale: 1.0000
  5. No. Observations: 322 Method: css-mle
  6. Df Model: 5 Sample: 01-23-2020
  7. Df Residuals: 317 12-09-2020
  8. Converged: 1.0000 S.D. of innovations: 853.238
  9. No. Iterations: 36.0000 HQIC: 5282.025
  10. AIC: 5272.9836
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Coef. Std.Err. t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. const 298.5249 266.1328 1.1217 0.2620 -223.0859 820.1357
  15. ar.L1.Confirmed 0.2884 0.3825 0.7539 0.4509 -0.4613 1.0380
  16. ar.L2.Confirmed 0.6255 0.3558 1.7577 0.0788 -0.0720 1.3229
  17. ma.L1.Confirmed 0.0460 0.3541 0.1298 0.8967 -0.6481 0.7400
  18. ma.L2.Confirmed -0.5409 0.2160 -2.5043 0.0123 -0.9642 -0.1176
  19. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency
  21. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. AR.1 1.0548 0.0000 1.0548 0.0000
  23. AR.2 -1.5158 0.0000 1.5158 0.5000
  24. MA.1 -1.3179 0.0000 1.3179 0.5000
  25. MA.2 1.4029 0.0000 1.4029 0.0000
  26. ====================================================================