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# nodes # connections
Watch 273854 52284333
Fork 145922 9998595
IssueComment 75728 746445
PullRequest 82538 1858879


Project ID Project Name Degree
25315643 75802
19415064 66787
11829145 58203
18405734 53952
43279131 50303
44218803 49621
42956467 48866
41766002 46044
41673581 44284
42751014 44088
Project ID Project Name Pagerank*10K
298358641 8.361969146123766
105825987 4.984936069838924
299547592 4.979766379553058
302575005 4.7750136106390695
158688580 4.5270385670842455
411555862 4.236097877888353
262236251 3.8280171923019966
412379159 3.821642626186294
152188932 3.517434569992938
411588174 3.2551350321033263

![image-20220503130301172](/Users/mingli/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220503130301172.png)


Project ID Project Name Degree
42751014 7212
27193779 6200
25315643 6180
943149 5936
13021798 5927
501326 5681
11167738 5461
42050752 5335
42586612 5204
41766002 5199
Project ID Project Name Pagerank*10K
1300192 4.592658112286747
19415064 4.326396609246912
28167802 4.080367718222198
2126244 3.148398384548801
25315643 3.1064025527918755
42586612 2.7336885130704798
10270250 2.617810970175908
21737465 2.600708497128455
41766002 2.5153832941780627
18405734 2.506695593611317

![image-20220503131501725](/Users/mingli/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220503131501725.png)


Project ID Project Name Degree
43080782 2140
34681440 2138
15905207 1824
17779381 1818
39784415 1545
34230966 1373
37717474 1314
31243958 1278
3955647 1275
958314 1273
Project ID Project Name Pagerank*10K
206084 7.905170272333203
10974951 7.497058151336389
3623050 3.042879535028293
8514 2.983342143858018
1300192 2.9291742744834988
724712 2.7785296401679123
7691631 2.7650817646704735
6106340 2.6702894396464067
6093316 2.590064697231148
458058 2.3487211998781805

![image-20220503132137324](/Users/mingli/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220503132137324.png)


Project ID Project Name Degree
321278 2306
27193779 1808
206084 1738
7691631 1698
3228505 1551
10270250 1390
11061773 1317
1420493 1255
24560307 1139
9384267 1108
Project ID Project Name Pagerank*10K
321278 12.836063163558814
206084 12.182129136487386
7691631 11.334998174029815
3228505 9.581670921929092
27193779 9.34194119126938
1420493 8.09320255471226
10270250 7.689296222718188
11061773 6.591542444737357
19872456 6.071249344805698
9384267 5.9682403291913655

![image-20220503132451468](/Users/mingli/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220503132451468.png)

Cosine similarity 10000 Pagerank

ForkEvent IssueCommentEvent PullRequestEvent WatchEvent
ForkEvent 1 0.22 0.32 0.49
IssueCommentEvent 0.22 1 0.35 0.11
PullRequestEvent 0.32 0.35 1 0.44
WatchEvent 0.49 0.11 0.44 1
Mean(excluding self) 0.34 0.23 0.37 0.35

10000 Degree

ForkEvent IssueCommentEvent PullRequestEvent WatchEvent
ForkEvent 1 0.08 0.72 0.14
IssueCommentEvent 0.08 1 0.04 0.10
PullRequestEvent 0.72 0.04 1 0.22
WatchEvent 0.14 0.10 0.22 1
Mean(excluding self) 0.31 0.07 0.33 0.15