from scipy.misc import imread,imshow
import os
from PIL import Image
import PIL
from model.img2seq import Img2SeqModel
from model.utils.general import Config, run
from model.utils.text import Vocab
from model.utils.image import greyscale, crop_image, pad_image,predictsize ,\
downsample_image, TIMEOUT
def interactive_shell(model):
"""Creates interactive shell to play with model
This is an interactive mode.
To exit, enter 'exit'.
Enter a path to a file
input> data/images_test/0.png""")
while True:
img_path = input("input> ")
if img_path == "exit":
if img_path[-3:] == "png":
img = imread(img_path)
elif img_path[-3:] == "pdf":
# call magick to convert the pdf into a png file
buckets = [
[240, 100], [320, 80], [400, 80], [400, 100], [480, 80], [480, 100],
[560, 80], [560, 100], [640, 80], [640, 100], [720, 80], [720, 100],
[720, 120], [720, 200], [800, 100], [800, 320], [1000, 200],
[1000, 400], [1200, 200], [1600, 200], [1600, 1600]
dir_output = "tmp/"
name = img_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
run("magick convert -density {} -quality {} {} {}".format(200, 100,
img_path, dir_output+"{}.png".format(name)), TIMEOUT)
img_path = dir_output + "{}.png".format(name)
crop_image(img_path, img_path)
pad_image(img_path, img_path, buckets=buckets)
downsample_image(img_path, img_path, 2)
img = imread(img_path)
img = predictsize(img)
im_converted = PIL.Image.fromarray(img)
img = greyscale(img)
hyps = model.predict(img)
with open("norm_formula_val.txt", "w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# restore config and model
dir_output = "results/full/"
config_vocab = Config(dir_output + "vocab.json")
config_model = Config(dir_output + "model.json")
vocab = Vocab(config_vocab)
model = Img2SeqModel(config_model, dir_output, vocab)
model.restore_session(dir_output + "model.weights4/test-model.ckpt")