490 lines
15 KiB

import type { TextEditor, ViewColumn } from 'vscode';
import { commands, Disposable, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { Commands } from '../../../constants';
import type { Container } from '../../../container';
import type { FileSelectedEvent } from '../../../eventBus';
import { PlusFeatures } from '../../../features';
import type { RepositoriesChangeEvent } from '../../../git/gitProviderService';
import { GitUri } from '../../../git/gitUri';
import { getChangedFilesCount } from '../../../git/models/commit';
import type { RepositoryChangeEvent } from '../../../git/models/repository';
import { RepositoryChange, RepositoryChangeComparisonMode } from '../../../git/models/repository';
import { registerCommand } from '../../../system/command';
import { configuration } from '../../../system/configuration';
import { createFromDateDelta } from '../../../system/date';
import { debug } from '../../../system/decorators/log';
import type { Deferrable } from '../../../system/function';
import { debounce } from '../../../system/function';
import { filter } from '../../../system/iterable';
import { hasVisibleTextEditor, isTextEditor } from '../../../system/utils';
import type { IpcMessage } from '../../../webviews/protocol';
import { onIpc } from '../../../webviews/protocol';
import type { WebviewController, WebviewProvider } from '../../../webviews/webviewController';
import type { WebviewIds, WebviewViewIds } from '../../../webviews/webviewsController';
import type { SubscriptionChangeEvent } from '../../subscription/subscriptionService';
import { ensurePlusFeaturesEnabled } from '../../subscription/utils';
import type { Commit, Period, State } from './protocol';
import { DidChangeNotificationType, OpenDataPointCommandType, UpdatePeriodCommandType } from './protocol';
interface Context {
uri: Uri | undefined;
period: Period | undefined;
etagRepositories: number | undefined;
etagRepository: number | undefined;
etagSubscription: number | undefined;
const defaultPeriod: Period = '3|M';
export class TimelineWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider<State> {
private _bootstraping = true;
/** The context the webview has */
private _context: Context;
/** The context the webview should have */
private _pendingContext: Partial<Context> | undefined;
private readonly _disposable: Disposable;
readonly container: Container,
readonly id: `gitlens.${WebviewIds}` | `gitlens.views.${WebviewViewIds}`,
readonly host: WebviewController<State>,
) {
this._context = {
uri: undefined,
period: defaultPeriod,
etagRepositories: this.container.git.etag,
etagRepository: 0,
etagSubscription: this.container.subscription.etag,
this._context = { ...this._context, ...this._pendingContext };
this._pendingContext = undefined;
if (this.host.isType('tab')) {
this._disposable = Disposable.from(
this.container.subscription.onDidChange(this.onSubscriptionChanged, this),
this.container.git.onDidChangeRepository(this.onRepositoryChanged, this),
} else {
this._disposable = Disposable.from(
this.container.subscription.onDidChange(this.onSubscriptionChanged, this),
this.container.git.onDidChangeRepository(this.onRepositoryChanged, this),
this.container.git.onDidChangeRepositories(this.onRepositoriesChanged, this),
window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(debounce(this.onActiveEditorChanged, 250), this),
this.container.events.on('file:selected', debounce(this.onFileSelected, 250), this),
dispose() {
async canShowWebviewPanel(
firstTime: boolean,
_options: { column?: ViewColumn; preserveFocus?: boolean },
...args: unknown[]
): Promise<boolean> {
if (!(await ensurePlusFeaturesEnabled())) return false;
const [uri] = args;
if (uri != null && uri instanceof Uri) {
} else {
if (firstTime) {
this._context = { ...this._context, ...this._pendingContext };
this._pendingContext = undefined;
} else {
return true;
includeBootstrap(): Promise<State> {
this._bootstraping = true;
this._context = { ...this._context, ...this._pendingContext };
this._pendingContext = undefined;
return this.getState(this._context);
registerCommands(): Disposable[] {
if (this.host.isType('tab')) {
return [registerCommand(Commands.RefreshTimelinePage, () => this.host.refresh(true))];
return [
registerCommand(`${this.id}.refresh`, () => this.host.refresh(true), this),
registerCommand(`${this.id}.openInTab`, () => this.openInTab(), this),
onVisibilityChanged(visible: boolean) {
if (!visible) return;
// Since this gets called even the first time the webview is shown, avoid sending an update, because the bootstrap has the data
if (this._bootstraping) {
this._bootstraping = false;
// If the uri changed since bootstrap still send the update
if (this._pendingContext == null || !('uri' in this._pendingContext)) {
// Should be immediate, but it causes the bubbles to go missing on the chart, since the update happens while it still rendering
onMessageReceived(e: IpcMessage) {
switch (e.method) {
case OpenDataPointCommandType.method:
onIpc(OpenDataPointCommandType, e, async params => {
if (params.data == null || !params.data.selected || this._context.uri == null) return;
const repository = this.container.git.getRepository(this._context.uri);
if (repository == null) return;
const commit = await repository.getCommit(params.data.id);
if (commit == null) return;
commit: commit,
pin: false,
preserveFocus: false,
preserveVisibility: false,
{ source: this.id },
case UpdatePeriodCommandType.method:
onIpc(UpdatePeriodCommandType, e, params => {
if (this.updatePendingContext({ period: params.period })) {
@debug({ args: false })
private onActiveEditorChanged(editor: TextEditor | undefined) {
if (editor != null) {
if (!isTextEditor(editor)) return;
if (!this.container.git.isTrackable(editor.document.uri)) {
editor = undefined;
if (!this.updatePendingEditor(editor)) return;
@debug({ args: false })
private onFileSelected(e: FileSelectedEvent) {
if (e.data == null) return;
let uri: Uri | undefined = e.data.uri;
if (uri != null) {
if (!this.container.git.isTrackable(uri)) {
uri = undefined;
if (!this.updatePendingUri(uri)) return;
@debug({ args: false })
private onRepositoriesChanged(e: RepositoriesChangeEvent) {
const changed = this.updatePendingUri(this._context.uri);
if (this.updatePendingContext({ etagRepositories: e.etag }) || changed) {
@debug({ args: false })
private onRepositoryChanged(e: RepositoryChangeEvent) {
if (!e.changed(RepositoryChange.Heads, RepositoryChange.Index, RepositoryChangeComparisonMode.Any)) {
if (this.updatePendingContext({ etagRepository: e.repository.etag })) {
@debug({ args: false })
private onSubscriptionChanged(e: SubscriptionChangeEvent) {
if (this.updatePendingContext({ etagSubscription: e.etag })) {
@debug({ args: false })
private async getState(current: Context): Promise<State> {
const dateFormat = configuration.get('defaultDateFormat') ?? 'MMMM Do, YYYY h:mma';
const shortDateFormat = configuration.get('defaultDateShortFormat') ?? 'short';
const period = current.period ?? defaultPeriod;
if (current.uri == null) {
const access = await this.container.git.access(PlusFeatures.Timeline);
return {
emptyMessage: 'There are no editors open that can provide file history information',
period: period,
title: '',
dateFormat: dateFormat,
shortDateFormat: shortDateFormat,
access: access,
const gitUri = await GitUri.fromUri(current.uri);
const repoPath = gitUri.repoPath!;
const access = await this.container.git.access(PlusFeatures.Timeline, repoPath);
if (access.allowed === false) {
const dataset = generateRandomTimelineDataset();
return {
dataset: dataset.sort((a, b) => b.sort - a.sort),
period: period,
title: 'src/app/index.ts',
uri: Uri.file('src/app/index.ts').toString(),
dateFormat: dateFormat,
shortDateFormat: shortDateFormat,
access: access,
const title = gitUri.relativePath;
if (this.host.isType('tab')) {
this.host.title = `${this.host.originalTitle}: ${gitUri.fileName}`;
} else {
this.host.description = gitUri.fileName;
const [currentUser, log] = await Promise.all([
this.container.git.getLogForFile(repoPath, gitUri.fsPath, {
limit: 0,
ref: gitUri.sha,
since: getPeriodDate(period).toISOString(),
if (log == null) {
return {
dataset: [],
emptyMessage: 'No commits found for the specified time period',
period: period,
title: title,
sha: gitUri.shortSha,
uri: current.uri.toString(),
dateFormat: dateFormat,
shortDateFormat: shortDateFormat,
access: access,
let queryRequiredCommits = [
c => c.file?.stats == null && getChangedFilesCount(c.stats?.changedFiles) !== 1,
if (queryRequiredCommits.length !== 0) {
const limit = configuration.get('visualHistory.queryLimit') ?? 20;
const repository = this.container.git.getRepository(current.uri);
const name = repository?.provider.name;
if (queryRequiredCommits.length > limit) {
void window.showWarningMessage(
`Unable able to show more than the first ${limit} commits for the specified time period because of ${
name ? `${name} ` : ''
}rate limits.`,
queryRequiredCommits = queryRequiredCommits.slice(0, 20);
void (await Promise.allSettled(queryRequiredCommits.map(c => c.ensureFullDetails())));
const name = currentUser?.name ? `${currentUser.name} (you)` : 'You';
const dataset: Commit[] = [];
for (const commit of log.commits.values()) {
const stats =
commit.file?.stats ??
(getChangedFilesCount(commit.stats?.changedFiles) === 1 ? commit.stats : undefined);
author: commit.author.name === 'You' ? name : commit.author.name,
additions: stats?.additions,
deletions: stats?.deletions,
commit: commit.sha,
date: commit.date.toISOString(),
message: commit.message ?? commit.summary,
sort: commit.date.getTime(),
dataset.sort((a, b) => b.sort - a.sort);
return {
dataset: dataset,
period: period,
title: title,
sha: gitUri.shortSha,
uri: current.uri.toString(),
dateFormat: dateFormat,
shortDateFormat: shortDateFormat,
access: access,
private updatePendingContext(context: Partial<Context>): boolean {
let changed = false;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(context)) {
const current = (this._context as unknown as Record<string, unknown>)[key];
if (
current === value ||
((current instanceof Uri || value instanceof Uri) && (current as any)?.toString() === value?.toString())
) {
if (this._pendingContext == null) {
this._pendingContext = {};
(this._pendingContext as Record<string, unknown>)[key] = value;
changed = true;
return changed;
private updatePendingEditor(editor: TextEditor | undefined): boolean {
if (editor == null && hasVisibleTextEditor()) return false;
if (editor != null && !isTextEditor(editor)) return false;
return this.updatePendingUri(editor?.document.uri);
private updatePendingUri(uri: Uri | undefined): boolean {
let etag;
if (uri != null) {
const repository = this.container.git.getRepository(uri);
etag = repository?.etag ?? 0;
} else {
etag = 0;
return this.updatePendingContext({ uri: uri, etagRepository: etag });
private _notifyDidChangeStateDebounced: Deferrable<() => void> | undefined = undefined;
private updateState(immediate: boolean = false) {
if (!this.host.isReady || !this.host.visible) return;
if (this._pendingContext == null && this.host.isType('view')) {
if (immediate) {
void this.notifyDidChangeState();
if (this._notifyDidChangeStateDebounced == null) {
this._notifyDidChangeStateDebounced = debounce(this.notifyDidChangeState.bind(this), 500);
private async notifyDidChangeState() {
if (!this.host.isReady || !this.host.visible) return false;
if (this._pendingContext == null) return false;
const context = { ...this._context, ...this._pendingContext };
return window.withProgress({ location: { viewId: this.id } }, async () => {
const success = await this.host.notify(DidChangeNotificationType, {
state: await this.getState(context),
if (success) {
this._context = context;
this._pendingContext = undefined;
private openInTab() {
const uri = this._context.uri;
if (uri == null) return;
void commands.executeCommand(Commands.ShowTimelinePage, uri);
function generateRandomTimelineDataset(): Commit[] {
const dataset: Commit[] = [];
const authors = ['Eric Amodio', 'Justin Roberts', 'Ada Lovelace', 'Grace Hopper'];
const count = 10;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Generate a random date between now and 3 months ago
const date = new Date(new Date().getTime() - Math.floor(Math.random() * (3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)));
commit: String(i),
author: authors[Math.floor(Math.random() * authors.length)],
date: date.toISOString(),
message: '',
// Generate random additions/deletions between 1 and 20, but ensure we have a tiny and large commit
additions: i === 0 ? 2 : i === count - 1 ? 50 : Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1,
deletions: i === 0 ? 1 : i === count - 1 ? 25 : Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1,
sort: date.getTime(),
return dataset;
function getPeriodDate(period: Period): Date {
const [number, unit] = period.split('|');
switch (unit) {
case 'D':
return createFromDateDelta(new Date(), { days: -parseInt(number, 10) });
case 'M':
return createFromDateDelta(new Date(), { months: -parseInt(number, 10) });
case 'Y':
return createFromDateDelta(new Date(), { years: -parseInt(number, 10) });
return createFromDateDelta(new Date(), { months: -3 });