Non puoi selezionare più di 25 argomenti Gli argomenti devono iniziare con una lettera o un numero, possono includere trattini ('-') e possono essere lunghi fino a 35 caratteri.

453 righe
20 KiB

'use strict';
import { Functions, Objects } from './system';
import { debug, DecorationOptions, DecorationRenderOptions, Disposable, ExtensionContext, Range, StatusBarAlignment, StatusBarItem, TextEditor, TextEditorDecorationType, TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent, window, workspace } from 'vscode';
import { AnnotationController, FileAnnotationType } from './annotations/annotationController';
import { Annotations, endOfLineIndex } from './annotations/annotations';
import { Commands } from './commands';
import { TextEditorComparer } from './comparers';
import { IConfig, StatusBarCommand } from './configuration';
import { DocumentSchemes, ExtensionKey } from './constants';
import { BlameabilityChangeEvent, CommitFormatter, GitCommit, GitCommitLine, GitContextTracker, GitService, GitUri, ICommitFormatOptions } from './gitService';
import { Logger } from './logger';
const annotationDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
after: {
margin: '0 0 0 3em',
textDecoration: 'none'
} as DecorationRenderOptions);
export type LineAnnotationType = 'trailing' | 'hover';
export const LineAnnotationType = {
Trailing: 'trailing' as LineAnnotationType,
Hover: 'hover' as LineAnnotationType
export class CurrentLineController extends Disposable {
private _blameable: boolean;
private _blameLineAnnotationState: { enabled: boolean, annotationType: LineAnnotationType, reason: 'user' | 'debugging' } | undefined = undefined;
private _config: IConfig;
private _currentLine: number = -1;
private _debugSessionEndDisposable: Disposable | undefined;
private _disposable: Disposable;
private _editor: TextEditor | undefined;
private _isAnnotating: boolean = false;
private _statusBarItem: StatusBarItem | undefined;
private _trackCurrentLineDisposable: Disposable | undefined;
private _updateBlameDebounced: (line: number, editor: TextEditor) => Promise<void>;
private _uri: GitUri;
constructor(context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitService, private gitContextTracker: GitContextTracker, private annotationController: AnnotationController) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this._updateBlameDebounced = Functions.debounce(this._updateBlame, 250);
const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(this._onConfigurationChanged, this));
subscriptions.push(git.onDidChangeGitCache(this._onGitCacheChanged, this));
subscriptions.push(annotationController.onDidToggleAnnotations(this._onFileAnnotationsToggled, this));
subscriptions.push(debug.onDidStartDebugSession(this._onDebugSessionStarted, this));
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
dispose() {
this._clearAnnotations(this._editor, true);
this._trackCurrentLineDisposable && this._trackCurrentLineDisposable.dispose();
this._statusBarItem && this._statusBarItem.dispose();
this._debugSessionEndDisposable && this._debugSessionEndDisposable.dispose();
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
private _onConfigurationChanged() {
const cfg = workspace.getConfiguration().get<IConfig>(ExtensionKey)!;
let changed = false;
if (!Objects.areEquivalent(cfg.blame.line, this._config && this._config.blame.line)) {
changed = true;
this._blameLineAnnotationState = undefined;
if (!Objects.areEquivalent(cfg.annotations.line.trailing, this._config && this._config.annotations.line.trailing) ||
!Objects.areEquivalent(cfg.annotations.line.hover, this._config && this._config.annotations.line.hover) ||
!Objects.areEquivalent(cfg.theme.annotations.line.trailing, this._config && this._config.theme.annotations.line.trailing)) {
changed = true;
if (!Objects.areEquivalent(cfg.statusBar, this._config && this._config.statusBar)) {
changed = true;
if (cfg.statusBar.enabled) {
const alignment = cfg.statusBar.alignment !== 'left' ? StatusBarAlignment.Right : StatusBarAlignment.Left;
if (this._statusBarItem !== undefined && this._statusBarItem.alignment !== alignment) {
this._statusBarItem = undefined;
this._statusBarItem = this._statusBarItem || window.createStatusBarItem(alignment, alignment === StatusBarAlignment.Right ? 1000 : 0);
this._statusBarItem.command = cfg.statusBar.command;
else if (!cfg.statusBar.enabled && this._statusBarItem) {
this._statusBarItem = undefined;
this._config = cfg;
if (!changed) return;
const trackCurrentLine = cfg.statusBar.enabled || cfg.blame.line.enabled || (this._blameLineAnnotationState && this._blameLineAnnotationState.enabled);
if (trackCurrentLine && !this._trackCurrentLineDisposable) {
const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
subscriptions.push(window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(this._onActiveTextEditorChanged, this));
subscriptions.push(window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(this._onTextEditorSelectionChanged, this));
subscriptions.push(this.gitContextTracker.onDidChangeBlameability(this._onBlameabilityChanged, this));
this._trackCurrentLineDisposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
else if (!trackCurrentLine && this._trackCurrentLineDisposable) {
this._trackCurrentLineDisposable = undefined;
private _onActiveTextEditorChanged(editor?: TextEditor) {
private _onBlameabilityChanged(e: BlameabilityChangeEvent) {
this._blameable = e.blameable;
if (!e.blameable || !this._editor) {
// Make sure this is for the editor we are tracking
if (!TextEditorComparer.equals(this._editor, e.editor)) return;
this._updateBlameDebounced(, this._editor);
private _onDebugSessionStarted() {
const state = this._blameLineAnnotationState !== undefined ? this._blameLineAnnotationState : this._config.blame.line;
if (!state.enabled) return;
this._debugSessionEndDisposable = debug.onDidTerminateDebugSession(this._onDebugSessionEnded, this);
this.toggleAnnotations(window.activeTextEditor, state.annotationType, 'debugging');
private _onDebugSessionEnded() {
this._debugSessionEndDisposable && this._debugSessionEndDisposable.dispose();
this._debugSessionEndDisposable = undefined;
if (this._blameLineAnnotationState === undefined || this._blameLineAnnotationState.enabled || this._blameLineAnnotationState.reason !== 'debugging') return;
this.toggleAnnotations(window.activeTextEditor, this._blameLineAnnotationState.annotationType);
private _onFileAnnotationsToggled() {
private _onGitCacheChanged() {
Logger.log('Git cache changed; resetting current line annotations');
private async _onTextEditorSelectionChanged(e: TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent): Promise<void> {
// Make sure this is for the editor we are tracking
if (!this._blameable || !TextEditorComparer.equals(this._editor, e.textEditor)) return;
const line = e.selections[0].active.line;
if (line === this._currentLine) return;
this._currentLine = line;
if (!this._uri && e.textEditor !== undefined) {
this._uri = await GitUri.fromUri(e.textEditor.document.uri, this.git);
this._updateBlameDebounced(line, e.textEditor);
private _isEditorBlameable(editor: TextEditor | undefined): boolean {
if (editor === undefined || editor.document === undefined) return false;
if (!this.git.isTrackable(editor.document.uri)) return false;
if (editor.document.isUntitled && editor.document.uri.scheme === DocumentSchemes.File) return false;
return this.git.isEditorBlameable(editor);
private async _updateBlame(line: number, editor: TextEditor) {
line = line - this._uri.offset;
let commit: GitCommit | undefined = undefined;
let commitLine: GitCommitLine | undefined = undefined;
// Since blame information isn't valid when there are unsaved changes -- don't show any status
if (this._blameable && line >= 0) {
const blameLine = await this.git.getBlameForLine(this._uri, line);
commitLine = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.line;
commit = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.commit;
if (commit !== undefined && commitLine !== undefined) {, commitLine, editor, line);
else {
async clear(editor: TextEditor | undefined) {
this._clearAnnotations(editor, true);
this._statusBarItem && this._statusBarItem.hide();
private async _clearAnnotations(editor: TextEditor | undefined, force: boolean = false) {
if (editor === undefined || (!this._isAnnotating && !force)) return;
editor.setDecorations(annotationDecoration, []);
this._isAnnotating = false;
if (!force) return;
// I have no idea why the decorators sometimes don't get removed, but if they don't try again with a tiny delay
await Functions.wait(1);
editor.setDecorations(annotationDecoration, []);
async refresh(editor?: TextEditor) {
this._currentLine = -1;
if (editor === undefined || !this._isEditorBlameable(editor)) {
this._editor = undefined;
this._blameable = editor !== undefined && editor.document !== undefined && !editor.document.isDirty;
this._editor = editor;
this._uri = await GitUri.fromUri(editor.document.uri, this.git);
const maxLines = this._config.advanced.caching.maxLines;
// If caching is on and the file is small enough -- kick off a blame for the whole file
if (this._config.advanced.caching.enabled && (maxLines <= 0 || editor.document.lineCount <= maxLines)) {
this._updateBlameDebounced(, editor);
async show(commit: GitCommit, blameLine: GitCommitLine, editor: TextEditor, line: number) {
// I have no idea why I need this protection -- but it happens
if (editor.document === undefined) return;
await this._updateAnnotations(commit, blameLine, editor, line);
async showAnnotations(editor: TextEditor | undefined, type: LineAnnotationType, reason: 'user' | 'debugging' = 'user') {
if (editor === undefined) return;
const state = this._blameLineAnnotationState !== undefined ? this._blameLineAnnotationState : this._config.blame.line;
if (!state.enabled || state.annotationType !== type) {
this._blameLineAnnotationState = { enabled: true, annotationType: type, reason: reason };
await this._clearAnnotations(editor);
await this._updateBlame(, editor);
async toggleAnnotations(editor: TextEditor | undefined, type: LineAnnotationType, reason: 'user' | 'debugging' = 'user') {
if (editor === undefined) return;
const state = this._blameLineAnnotationState !== undefined ? this._blameLineAnnotationState : this._config.blame.line;
this._blameLineAnnotationState = { enabled: !state.enabled, annotationType: type, reason: reason };
await this._clearAnnotations(editor);
await this._updateBlame(, editor);
private async _updateAnnotations(commit: GitCommit, blameLine: GitCommitLine, editor: TextEditor, line?: number) {
const cfg = this._config.blame.line;
const state = this._blameLineAnnotationState !== undefined ? this._blameLineAnnotationState : cfg;
if (!state.enabled) return;
line = line === undefined ? blameLine.line + this._uri.offset : line;
const decorationOptions: DecorationOptions[] = [];
let showChanges = false;
let showDetails = false;
let showAtStart = false;
let showStartIndex = 0;
switch (state.annotationType) {
case LineAnnotationType.Trailing: {
const cfgAnnotations = this._config.annotations.line.trailing;
showChanges = cfgAnnotations.hover.changes;
showDetails = cfgAnnotations.hover.details;
showStartIndex = cfgAnnotations.hover.wholeLine ? 0 : endOfLineIndex;
const decoration = Annotations.trailing(commit, cfgAnnotations.format, cfgAnnotations.dateFormat === null ? this._config.defaultDateFormat : cfgAnnotations.dateFormat, this._config.theme);
decoration.range = editor.document.validateRange(new Range(line, endOfLineIndex, line, endOfLineIndex));
case LineAnnotationType.Hover: {
const cfgAnnotations = this._config.annotations.line.hover;
showChanges = cfgAnnotations.changes;
showDetails = cfgAnnotations.details;
showStartIndex = 0;
if (showDetails || showChanges) {
const annotationType = this.annotationController.getAnnotationType(editor);
switch (annotationType) {
case FileAnnotationType.Gutter: {
const cfgHover = this._config.annotations.file.gutter.hover;
if (cfgHover.details) {
if (cfgHover.wholeLine) {
showStartIndex = 0;
else if (showStartIndex !== 0) {
showAtStart = true;
case FileAnnotationType.Hover: {
const cfgHover = this._config.annotations.file.hover;
if (cfgHover.wholeLine) {
showStartIndex = 0;
else if (showStartIndex !== 0) {
showAtStart = true;
case FileAnnotationType.RecentChanges: {
const cfgChanges = this._config.annotations.file.recentChanges.hover;
if (cfgChanges.details) {
// Avoid double annotations if we are showing the whole-file hover blame annotations
showDetails = false;
if (cfgChanges.changes) {
// Avoid double annotations if we are showing the whole-file hover blame annotations
showChanges = false;
const range = editor.document.validateRange(new Range(line, showStartIndex, line, endOfLineIndex));
if (showDetails) {
// Get the full commit message -- since blame only returns the summary
let logCommit: GitCommit | undefined = undefined;
if (!commit.isUncommitted) {
logCommit = await this.git.getLogCommit(this._uri.repoPath, this._uri.fsPath, commit.sha);
const decoration = Annotations.detailsHover(logCommit || commit, this._config.defaultDateFormat, this.git.hasRemotes((logCommit || commit).repoPath));
decoration.range = range;
if (showAtStart) {
decorationOptions.push(Annotations.withRange(decoration, 0, 0));
if (showChanges) {
const decoration = await Annotations.changesHover(commit, line, this._uri, this.git);
decoration.range = range;
if (showAtStart) {
decorationOptions.push(Annotations.withRange(decoration, 0, 0));
if (decorationOptions.length) {
editor.setDecorations(annotationDecoration, decorationOptions);
this._isAnnotating = true;
private _updateStatusBar(commit: GitCommit) {
const cfg = this._config.statusBar;
if (!cfg.enabled || this._statusBarItem === undefined) return;
this._statusBarItem.text = `$(git-commit) ${CommitFormatter.fromTemplate(cfg.format, commit, {
truncateMessageAtNewLine: true,
dateFormat: cfg.dateFormat === null ? this._config.defaultDateFormat : cfg.dateFormat
} as ICommitFormatOptions)}`;
switch (cfg.command) {
case StatusBarCommand.BlameAnnotate:
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Toggle Blame Annotations';
case StatusBarCommand.ShowBlameHistory:
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Open Blame History Explorer';
case StatusBarCommand.ShowFileHistory:
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Open File History Explorer';
case StatusBarCommand.DiffWithPrevious:
this._statusBarItem.command = Commands.DiffLineWithPrevious;
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Compare Line Revision with Previous';
case StatusBarCommand.DiffWithWorking:
this._statusBarItem.command = Commands.DiffLineWithWorking;
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Compare Line Revision with Working';
case StatusBarCommand.ToggleCodeLens:
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Toggle Git CodeLens';
case StatusBarCommand.ShowQuickCommitDetails:
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Show Commit Details';
case StatusBarCommand.ShowQuickCommitFileDetails:
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Show Line Commit Details';
case StatusBarCommand.ShowQuickFileHistory:
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Show File History';
case StatusBarCommand.ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory:
this._statusBarItem.tooltip = 'Show Branch History';