You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1468 lines
58 KiB

'use strict';
import { Iterables, Objects, Strings, TernarySearchTree } from './system';
import { ConfigurationChangeEvent, Disposable, Event, EventEmitter, Range, TextEditor, Uri, window, WindowState, workspace, WorkspaceFolder, WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent } from 'vscode';
import { configuration, IRemotesConfig } from './configuration';
import { CommandContext, DocumentSchemes, setCommandContext } from './constants';
import { Container } from './container';
import { CachedBlame, CachedDiff, CachedLog, GitDocumentState, TrackedDocument } from './trackers/documentTracker';
import { RemoteProviderFactory, RemoteProviderMap } from './git/remotes/factory';
import { CommitFormatting, Git, GitAuthor, GitBlame, GitBlameCommit, GitBlameLine, GitBlameLines, GitBlameParser, GitBranch, GitBranchParser, GitCommit, GitCommitType, GitDiff, GitDiffChunkLine, GitDiffParser, GitDiffShortStat, GitLog, GitLogCommit, GitLogParser, GitRemote, GitRemoteParser, GitStash, GitStashParser, GitStatus, GitStatusFile, GitStatusParser, GitTag, GitTagParser, IGit, Repository } from './git/git';
import { GitUri, IGitCommitInfo } from './git/gitUri';
import { Logger } from './logger';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
export { GitUri, IGit, IGitCommitInfo };
export * from './git/models/models';
export * from './git/formatters/commit';
export * from './git/formatters/status';
export { getNameFromRemoteResource, RemoteProvider, RemoteResource, RemoteResourceType } from './git/remotes/provider';
export { RemoteProviderFactory } from './git/remotes/factory';
export enum GitRepoSearchBy {
Author = 'author',
ChangedOccurrences = 'changed-occurrences',
Changes = 'changes',
Files = 'files',
Message = 'message',
Sha = 'sha'
export class GitService extends Disposable {
static emptyPromise: Promise<GitBlame | GitDiff | GitLog | undefined> = Promise.resolve(undefined);
static deletedSha = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff';
static stagedUncommittedSha = Git.stagedUncommittedSha;
static uncommittedSha = Git.uncommittedSha;
private _onDidChangeRepositories = new EventEmitter<void>();
get onDidChangeRepositories(): Event<void> {
return this._onDidChangeRepositories.event;
private readonly _disposable: Disposable;
private readonly _repositoryTree: TernarySearchTree<Repository>;
private _repositoriesLoadingPromise: Promise<void> | undefined;
private _suspended: boolean = false;
private readonly _trackedCache: Map<string, boolean | Promise<boolean>>;
private _versionedUriCache: Map<string, GitUri>;
constructor() {
super(() => this.dispose());
this._repositoryTree = TernarySearchTree.forPaths();
this._trackedCache = new Map();
this._versionedUriCache = new Map();
this._disposable = Disposable.from(
window.onDidChangeWindowState(this.onWindowStateChanged, this),
workspace.onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders(this.onWorkspaceFoldersChanged, this),
configuration.onDidChange(this.onConfigurationChanged, this)
this._repositoriesLoadingPromise = this.onWorkspaceFoldersChanged();
dispose() {
this._repositoryTree.forEach(r => r.dispose());
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
get UseCaching() {
return Container.config.advanced.caching.enabled;
private onAnyRepositoryChanged(repo: Repository) {
private onConfigurationChanged(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
const initializing = configuration.initializing(e);
if (initializing ||
configuration.changed(e,'defaultDateStyle').value) ||
configuration.changed(e,'defaultDateFormat').value)) {
private onWindowStateChanged(e: WindowState) {
if (e.focused) {
this._repositoryTree.forEach(r => r.resume());
else {
this._repositoryTree.forEach(r => r.suspend());
this._suspended = !e.focused;
private async onWorkspaceFoldersChanged(e?: WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent) {
let initializing = false;
if (e === undefined) {
initializing = true;
e = {
added: workspace.workspaceFolders || [],
removed: []
} as WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent;
Logger.log(`Starting repository search in ${e.added.length} folders`);
for (const f of e.added) {
if (f.uri.scheme !== DocumentSchemes.File) continue;
// Search for and add all repositories (nested and/or submodules)
const repositories = await this.repositorySearch(f);
for (const r of repositories) {
this._repositoryTree.set(r.path, r);
for (const f of e.removed) {
if (f.uri.scheme !== DocumentSchemes.File) continue;
const fsPath = f.uri.fsPath;
const filteredTree = this._repositoryTree.findSuperstr(fsPath);
const reposToDelete = filteredTree !== undefined
// Since the filtered tree will have keys that are relative to the fsPath, normalize to the full path
? [<[Repository, string], [Repository, string]>(filteredTree.entries(), ([r, k]) => [r, path.join(fsPath, k)])]
: [];
const repo = this._repositoryTree.get(fsPath);
if (repo !== undefined) {
reposToDelete.push([repo, fsPath]);
for (const [r, k] of reposToDelete) {
await this.updateContext(this._repositoryTree);
if (!initializing) {
// Defer the event trigger enough to let everything unwind
setImmediate(() => this.fireRepositoriesChanged());
private async repositorySearch(folder: WorkspaceFolder): Promise<Repository[]> {
const folderUri = folder.uri;
const depth = configuration.get<number>('advanced')('repositorySearchDepth').value, folderUri);
Logger.log(`Searching for repositories (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' ...`);
const start = process.hrtime();
const repositories: Repository[] = [];
const anyRepoChangedFn = this.onAnyRepositoryChanged.bind(this);
const rootPath = await this.getRepoPathCore(folderUri.fsPath, true);
if (rootPath !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`Repository found in '${rootPath}'`);
repositories.push(new Repository(folder, rootPath, true, anyRepoChangedFn, this._suspended));
if (depth <= 0) {
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
Logger.log(`Searching for repositories (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' took ${(duration[0] * 1000) + Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms`);
return repositories;
// Get any specified excludes -- this is a total hack, but works for some simple cases and something is better than nothing :)
let excludes = {
...workspace.getConfiguration('files', folderUri).get<{ [key: string]: boolean }>('exclude', {}),
...workspace.getConfiguration('search', folderUri).get<{ [key: string]: boolean }>('exclude', {})
const excludedPaths = [...Iterables.filterMap(Objects.entries(excludes), ([key, value]) => {
if (!value) return undefined;
if (key.startsWith('**/')) return key.substring(3);
return key;
excludes = excludedPaths.reduce((accumulator, current) => {
accumulator[current] = true;
return accumulator;
}, Object.create(null) as any);
const paths = await this.repositorySearchCore(folderUri.fsPath, depth, excludes);
for (let p of paths) {
p = path.dirname(p);
// If we are the same as the root, skip it
if (Strings.normalizePath(p) === rootPath) continue;
const rp = await this.getRepoPathCore(p, true);
if (rp === undefined) continue;
Logger.log(`Repository found in '${rp}'`);
repositories.push(new Repository(folder, rp, false, anyRepoChangedFn, this._suspended));
// const uris = await workspace.findFiles(new RelativePattern(folder, '**/.git/HEAD'));
// for (const uri of uris) {
// const rp = await this.getRepoPathCore(path.resolve(path.dirname(uri.fsPath), '../'), true);
// if (rp !== undefined && rp !== rootPath) {
// repositories.push(new Repository(folder, rp, false, anyRepoChangedFn, this._suspended));
// }
// }
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
Logger.log(`Searching for repositories (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' took ${(duration[0] * 1000) + Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms`);
return repositories;
private async repositorySearchCore(root: string, depth: number, excludes: { [key: string]: boolean }, repositories: string[] = []): Promise<string[]> {
return new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir(root, async (err, files) => {
if (err != null) {
if (files.length === 0) {
const folders: string[] = [];
const promises = => {
const fullPath = path.resolve(root, file);
return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
fs.stat(fullPath, (err, stat) => {
if (file === '.git') {
else if (err == null && excludes[file] !== true && stat != null && stat.isDirectory()) {
await Promise.all(promises);
if (depth-- > 0) {
for (const folder of folders) {
await this.repositorySearchCore(folder, depth, excludes, repositories);
private async updateContext(repositoryTree: TernarySearchTree<Repository>) {
const hasRepository = repositoryTree.any();
await setCommandContext(CommandContext.Enabled, hasRepository);
let hasRemotes = false;
if (hasRepository) {
for (const repo of repositoryTree.values()) {
hasRemotes = await repo.hasRemotes();
if (hasRemotes) break;
await setCommandContext(CommandContext.HasRemotes, hasRemotes);
// If we have no repositories setup a watcher in case one is initialized
if (!hasRepository) {
const watcher = workspace.createFileSystemWatcher('**/.git', false, true, true);
const disposable = Disposable.from(
watcher.onDidCreate(async uri => {
const f = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(uri);
if (f === undefined) return;
// Search for and add all repositories (nested and/or submodules)
const repositories = await this.repositorySearch(f);
if (repositories.length === 0) return;
for (const r of repositories) {
this._repositoryTree.set(r.path, r);
await this.updateContext(this._repositoryTree);
// Defer the event trigger enough to let everything unwind
setImmediate(() => this.fireRepositoriesChanged());
}, this)
private fireRepositoriesChanged() {;
checkoutFile(uri: GitUri, ref?: string) {
ref = ref || uri.sha;
Logger.log(`checkoutFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${ref}')`);
return Git.checkout(uri.repoPath!, uri.fsPath, ref!);
private async fileExists(repoPath: string, fileName: string): Promise<boolean> {
return await new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => fs.exists(path.resolve(repoPath, fileName), resolve));
async findNextCommit(repoPath: string, fileName: string, ref?: string): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> {
let log = await this.getLogForFile(repoPath, fileName, { maxCount: 1, ref: ref, reverse: true });
let commit = log && Iterables.first(log.commits.values());
if (commit) return commit;
const nextFileName = await this.findNextFileName(repoPath, fileName, ref);
if (nextFileName) {
log = await this.getLogForFile(repoPath, nextFileName, { maxCount: 1, ref: ref, reverse: true });
commit = log && Iterables.first(log.commits.values());
return commit;
async findNextFileName(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, ref?: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
[fileName, repoPath] = Git.splitPath(fileName, repoPath);
return (await this.fileExists(repoPath, fileName))
? fileName
: await this.findNextFileNameCore(repoPath, fileName, ref);
private async findNextFileNameCore(repoPath: string, fileName: string, ref?: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (ref === undefined) {
// Get the most recent commit for this file name
ref = await this.getRecentShaForFile(repoPath, fileName);
if (ref === undefined) return undefined;
// Get the full commit (so we can see if there are any matching renames in the file statuses)
const log = await this.getLog(repoPath, { maxCount: 1, ref: ref });
if (log === undefined) return undefined;
const c = Iterables.first(log.commits.values());
const status = c.fileStatuses.find(f => f.originalFileName === fileName);
if (status === undefined) return undefined;
return status.fileName;
async findWorkingFileName(commit: GitCommit): Promise<[string | undefined, string | undefined]>;
async findWorkingFileName(fileName: string, repoPath?: string, ref?: string): Promise<[string | undefined, string | undefined]>;
async findWorkingFileName(commitOrFileName: GitCommit | string, repoPath?: string, ref?: string): Promise<[string | undefined, string | undefined]> {
let fileName;
if (typeof commitOrFileName === 'string') {
fileName = commitOrFileName;
if (repoPath === undefined) {
repoPath = await this.getRepoPath(fileName, { ref: ref });
[fileName, repoPath] = Git.splitPath(fileName, repoPath);
else {
const c = commitOrFileName;
repoPath = c.repoPath;
if (c.workingFileName && await this.fileExists(repoPath, c.workingFileName)) return [c.workingFileName, repoPath];
fileName = c.fileName;
// Keep walking up to the most recent commit for a given filename, until it exists on disk
while (true) {
if (await this.fileExists(repoPath, fileName)) return [fileName, repoPath];
fileName = await this.findNextFileNameCore(repoPath, fileName);
if (fileName === undefined) return [undefined, undefined];
async getActiveRepoPath(editor?: TextEditor): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (editor === undefined) {
const repoPath = this.getHighlanderRepoPath();
if (repoPath !== undefined) return repoPath;
editor = editor || window.activeTextEditor;
if (editor === undefined) return undefined;
const doc = await Container.tracker.getOrAdd(editor.document.uri);
if (doc === undefined) return undefined;
return doc.uri.repoPath;
getHighlanderRepoPath(): string | undefined {
const entry = this._repositoryTree.highlander();
if (entry === undefined) return undefined;
const [repo] = entry;
return repo.path;
async getBlameForFile(uri: GitUri): Promise<GitBlame | undefined> {
let key = 'blame';
if (uri.sha !== undefined) {
key += `:${uri.sha}`;
const doc = await Container.tracker.getOrAdd(uri);
if (this.UseCaching) {
if (doc.state !== undefined) {
const cachedBlame = doc.state.get<CachedBlame>(key);
if (cachedBlame !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`getBlameForFile[Cached(${key})]('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}')`);
return cachedBlame.item;
Logger.log(`getBlameForFile[Not Cached(${key})]('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}')`);
if (doc.state === undefined) {
doc.state = new GitDocumentState(doc.key);
else {
Logger.log(`getBlameForFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}')`);
const promise = this.getBlameForFileCore(uri, doc, key);
if (doc.state !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`Add blame cache for '${doc.state.key}:${key}'`);
doc.state.set<CachedBlame>(key, {
item: promise
} as CachedBlame);
return promise;
private async getBlameForFileCore(uri: GitUri, document: TrackedDocument<GitDocumentState>, key: string): Promise<GitBlame | undefined> {
if (!(await this.isTracked(uri))) {
Logger.log(`Skipping blame; '${uri.fsPath}' is not tracked`);
return GitService.emptyPromise as Promise<GitBlame>;
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(uri.fsPath, uri.repoPath, false);
try {
const data = await Git.blame(root, file, uri.sha, { ignoreWhitespace: Container.config.blame.ignoreWhitespace });
const blame = GitBlameParser.parse(data, root, file);
return blame;
catch (ex) {
// Trap and cache expected blame errors
if (document.state !== undefined) {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
Logger.log(`Replace blame cache with empty promise for '${document.state.key}:${key}'`);
document.state.set<CachedBlame>(key, {
item: GitService.emptyPromise,
errorMessage: msg
} as CachedBlame);
return GitService.emptyPromise as Promise<GitBlame>;
return undefined;
async getBlameForFileContents(uri: GitUri, contents: string): Promise<GitBlame | undefined> {
const key = `blame:${Strings.sha1(contents)}`;
const doc = await Container.tracker.getOrAdd(uri);
if (this.UseCaching) {
if (doc.state !== undefined) {
const cachedBlame = doc.state.get<CachedBlame>(key);
if (cachedBlame !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`getBlameForFileContents[Cached(${key})]('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}')`);
return cachedBlame.item;
Logger.log(`getBlameForFileContents[Not Cached(${key})]('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}')`);
if (doc.state === undefined) {
doc.state = new GitDocumentState(doc.key);
else {
Logger.log(`getBlameForFileContents('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}')`);
const promise = this.getBlameForFileContentsCore(uri, contents, doc, key);
if (doc.state !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`Add blame cache for '${doc.state.key}:${key}'`);
doc.state.set<CachedBlame>(key, {
item: promise
} as CachedBlame);
return promise;
async getBlameForFileContentsCore(uri: GitUri, contents: string, document: TrackedDocument<GitDocumentState>, key: string): Promise<GitBlame | undefined> {
if (!(await this.isTracked(uri))) {
Logger.log(`Skipping blame; '${uri.fsPath}' is not tracked`);
return GitService.emptyPromise as Promise<GitBlame>;
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(uri.fsPath, uri.repoPath, false);
try {
const data = await Git.blame_contents(root, file, contents, { correlationKey: `:${key}`, ignoreWhitespace: Container.config.blame.ignoreWhitespace });
const blame = GitBlameParser.parse(data, root, file);
return blame;
catch (ex) {
// Trap and cache expected blame errors
if (document.state !== undefined) {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
Logger.log(`Replace blame cache with empty promise for '${document.state.key}:${key}'`);
document.state.set<CachedBlame>(key, {
item: GitService.emptyPromise,
errorMessage: msg
} as CachedBlame);
return GitService.emptyPromise as Promise<GitBlame>;
return undefined;
async getBlameForLine(uri: GitUri, line: number, options: { skipCache?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitBlameLine | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getBlameForLine('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}', ${line})`);
if (!options.skipCache && this.UseCaching) {
const blame = await this.getBlameForFile(uri);
if (blame === undefined) return undefined;
let blameLine = blame.lines[line];
if (blameLine === undefined) {
if (blame.lines.length !== line) return undefined;
blameLine = blame.lines[line - 1];
const commit = blame.commits.get(blameLine.sha);
if (commit === undefined) return undefined;
return {
author: { ...blame.authors.get(, lineCount: commit.lines.length },
commit: commit,
line: blameLine
} as GitBlameLine;
const lineToBlame = line + 1;
const fileName = uri.fsPath;
try {
const data = await Git.blame(uri.repoPath, fileName, uri.sha, { ignoreWhitespace: Container.config.blame.ignoreWhitespace, startLine: lineToBlame, endLine: lineToBlame });
const blame = GitBlameParser.parse(data, uri.repoPath, fileName);
if (blame === undefined) return undefined;
return {
author: Iterables.first(blame.authors.values()),
commit: Iterables.first(blame.commits.values()),
line: blame.lines[line]
} as GitBlameLine;
catch {
return undefined;
async getBlameForLineContents(uri: GitUri, line: number, contents: string, options: { skipCache?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitBlameLine | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getBlameForLineContents('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${line})`);
if (!options.skipCache && this.UseCaching) {
const blame = await this.getBlameForFileContents(uri, contents);
if (blame === undefined) return undefined;
let blameLine = blame.lines[line];
if (blameLine === undefined) {
if (blame.lines.length !== line) return undefined;
blameLine = blame.lines[line - 1];
const commit = blame.commits.get(blameLine.sha);
if (commit === undefined) return undefined;
return {
author: { ...blame.authors.get(, lineCount: commit.lines.length },
commit: commit,
line: blameLine
} as GitBlameLine;
const lineToBlame = line + 1;
const fileName = uri.fsPath;
try {
const data = await Git.blame_contents(uri.repoPath, fileName, contents, { ignoreWhitespace: Container.config.blame.ignoreWhitespace, startLine: lineToBlame, endLine: lineToBlame });
const blame = GitBlameParser.parse(data, uri.repoPath, fileName);
if (blame === undefined) return undefined;
return {
author: Iterables.first(blame.authors.values()),
commit: Iterables.first(blame.commits.values()),
line: blame.lines[line]
} as GitBlameLine;
catch {
return undefined;
async getBlameForRange(uri: GitUri, range: Range): Promise<GitBlameLines | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getBlameForRange('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}', [${range.start.line}, ${range.end.line}])`);
const blame = await this.getBlameForFile(uri);
if (blame === undefined) return undefined;
return this.getBlameForRangeSync(blame, uri, range);
getBlameForRangeSync(blame: GitBlame, uri: GitUri, range: Range): GitBlameLines | undefined {
Logger.log(`getBlameForRangeSync('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${uri.sha}', [${range.start.line}, ${range.end.line}])`);
if (blame.lines.length === 0) return { allLines: blame.lines, ...blame };
if (range.start.line === 0 && range.end.line === blame.lines.length - 1) {
return { allLines: blame.lines, ...blame };
const lines = blame.lines.slice(range.start.line, range.end.line + 1);
const shas = new Set( => l.sha));
const authors: Map<string, GitAuthor> = new Map();
const commits: Map<string, GitBlameCommit> = new Map();
for (const c of blame.commits.values()) {
if (!shas.has(c.sha)) continue;
const commit = c.with({ lines: c.lines.filter(l => l.line >= range.start.line && l.line <= range.end.line) });
commits.set(c.sha, commit);
let author = authors.get(;
if (author === undefined) {
author = {
lineCount: 0
authors.set(, author);
author.lineCount += commit.lines.length;
const sortedAuthors = new Map([...authors.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1].lineCount - a[1].lineCount));
return {
authors: sortedAuthors,
commits: commits,
lines: lines,
allLines: blame.lines
} as GitBlameLines;
async getBranch(repoPath: string | undefined): Promise<GitBranch | undefined> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return undefined;
const data = await Git.revparse_currentBranch(repoPath);
if (data === undefined) return undefined;
const branch = data.split('\n');
return new GitBranch(repoPath, branch[0], true, branch[1]);
async getBranches(repoPath: string | undefined): Promise<GitBranch[]> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return [];
const data = await Git.branch(repoPath, { all: true });
// If we don't get any data, assume the repo doesn't have any commits yet so check if we have a current branch
if (data === '') {
const current = await this.getBranch(repoPath);
return current !== undefined ? [current] : [];
return GitBranchParser.parse(data, repoPath) || [];
async getChangedFilesCount(repoPath: string, sha?: string): Promise<GitDiffShortStat | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getChangedFilesCount('${repoPath}', '${sha}')`);
const data = await Git.diff_shortstat(repoPath, sha);
return GitDiffParser.parseShortStat(data);
async getConfig(key: string, repoPath?: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getConfig('${key}', '${repoPath}')`);
return await Git.config_get(key, repoPath);
async getDiffForFile(uri: GitUri, sha1?: string, sha2?: string): Promise<GitDiff | undefined> {
if (sha1 !== undefined && sha2 === undefined && uri.sha !== undefined) {
sha2 = uri.sha;
let key = 'diff';
if (sha1 !== undefined) {
key += `:${sha1}`;
if (sha2 !== undefined) {
key += `:${sha2}`;
const doc = await Container.tracker.getOrAdd(uri);
if (this.UseCaching) {
if (doc.state !== undefined) {
const cachedDiff = doc.state.get<CachedDiff>(key);
if (cachedDiff !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`getDiffForFile[Cached(${key})]('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${sha1}', '${sha2}')`);
return cachedDiff.item;
Logger.log(`getDiffForFile[Not Cached(${key})]('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${sha1}', '${sha2}')`);
if (doc.state === undefined) {
doc.state = new GitDocumentState(doc.key);
else {
Logger.log(`getDiffForFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', '${sha1}', '${sha2}')`);
const promise = this.getDiffForFileCore(uri.repoPath, uri.fsPath, sha1, sha2, { encoding: GitService.getEncoding(uri) }, doc, key);
if (doc.state !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`Add log cache for '${doc.state.key}:${key}'`);
doc.state.set<CachedDiff>(key, {
item: promise
} as CachedDiff);
return promise;
private async getDiffForFileCore(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha1: string | undefined, sha2: string | undefined, options: { encoding?: string }, document: TrackedDocument<GitDocumentState>, key: string): Promise<GitDiff | undefined> {
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(fileName, repoPath, false);
try {
const data = await Git.diff(root, file, sha1, sha2, options);
const diff = GitDiffParser.parse(data);
return diff;
catch (ex) {
// Trap and cache expected diff errors
if (document.state !== undefined) {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
Logger.log(`Replace diff cache with empty promise for '${document.state.key}:${key}'`);
document.state.set<CachedDiff>(key, {
item: GitService.emptyPromise,
errorMessage: msg
} as CachedDiff);
return GitService.emptyPromise as Promise<GitDiff>;
return undefined;
async getDiffForLine(uri: GitUri, line: number, sha1?: string, sha2?: string): Promise<GitDiffChunkLine | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getDiffForLine('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${line}, '${sha1}', '${sha2}')`);
try {
const diff = await this.getDiffForFile(uri, sha1, sha2);
if (diff === undefined) return undefined;
const chunk = diff.chunks.find(c => c.currentPosition.start <= line && c.currentPosition.end >= line);
if (chunk === undefined) return undefined;
return chunk.lines[line - chunk.currentPosition.start + 1];
catch (ex) {
return undefined;
async getDiffStatus(repoPath: string, sha1?: string, sha2?: string, options: { filter?: string } = {}): Promise<GitStatusFile[] | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getDiffStatus('${repoPath}', '${sha1}', '${sha2}', ${options.filter})`);
try {
const data = await Git.diff_nameStatus(repoPath, sha1, sha2, options);
const diff = GitDiffParser.parseNameStatus(data, repoPath);
return diff;
catch (ex) {
return undefined;
async getRecentLogCommitForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> {
return this.getLogCommitForFile(repoPath, fileName, undefined);
async getRecentShaForFile(repoPath: string, fileName: string) {
return await Git.log_recent(repoPath, fileName);
async getLogCommit(repoPath: string, ref: string): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getLogCommit('${repoPath}', '${ref}'`);
const log = await this.getLog(repoPath, { maxCount: 2, ref: ref });
if (log === undefined) return undefined;
return log.commits.get(ref);
async getLogCommitForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, options: { ref?: string, firstIfNotFound?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getFileLogCommit('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', '${options.ref}', ${options.firstIfNotFound})`);
const log = await this.getLogForFile(repoPath, fileName, { maxCount: 2, ref: options.ref });
if (log === undefined) return undefined;
const commit = options.ref && log.commits.get(options.ref);
if (commit === undefined && !options.firstIfNotFound && options.ref) {
// If the sha isn't resolved we will never find it, so let it fall through so we return the first
if (!Git.isResolveRequired(options.ref)) return undefined;
return commit || Iterables.first(log.commits.values());
async getLog(repoPath: string, options: { maxCount?: number, ref?: string, reverse?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
options = { reverse: false, ...options };
Logger.log(`getLog('${repoPath}', '${options.ref}', ${options.maxCount}, ${options.reverse})`);
const maxCount = options.maxCount == null
? Container.config.advanced.maxListItems || 0
: options.maxCount;
try {
const data = await Git.log(repoPath, { maxCount: maxCount, ref: options.ref, reverse: options.reverse });
const log = GitLogParser.parse(data, GitCommitType.Branch, repoPath, undefined, options.ref, maxCount, options.reverse!, undefined);
if (log !== undefined) {
const opts = { ...options };
log.query = (maxCount: number | undefined) => this.getLog(repoPath, { ...opts, maxCount: maxCount });
return log;
catch (ex) {
return undefined;
async getLogForSearch(repoPath: string, search: string, searchBy: GitRepoSearchBy, options: { maxCount?: number } = {}): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getLogForSearch('${repoPath}', '${search}', '${searchBy}', ${options.maxCount})`);
let maxCount = options.maxCount == null
? Container.config.advanced.maxListItems || 0
: options.maxCount;
let searchArgs: string[] | undefined = undefined;
switch (searchBy) {
case GitRepoSearchBy.Author:
searchArgs = [`--author=${search}`];
case GitRepoSearchBy.ChangedOccurrences:
searchArgs = [`-S${search}`, '--pickaxe-regex'];
case GitRepoSearchBy.Changes:
searchArgs = [`-G${search}`];
case GitRepoSearchBy.Files:
searchArgs = [`--`, `${search}`];
case GitRepoSearchBy.Message:
searchArgs = [`--grep=${search}`];
case GitRepoSearchBy.Sha:
searchArgs = [search];
maxCount = 1;
try {
const data = await Git.log_search(repoPath, searchArgs, { maxCount: maxCount });
const log = GitLogParser.parse(data, GitCommitType.Branch, repoPath, undefined, undefined, maxCount, false, undefined);
if (log !== undefined) {
const opts = { ...options };
log.query = (maxCount: number | undefined) => this.getLogForSearch(repoPath, search, searchBy, { ...opts, maxCount: maxCount });
return log;
catch (ex) {
return undefined;
async getLogForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, options: { maxCount?: number, range?: Range, ref?: string, renames?: boolean, reverse?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
if (repoPath !== undefined && repoPath === Strings.normalizePath(fileName)) throw new Error(`File name cannot match the repository path; fileName=${fileName}`);
options = { reverse: false, ...options };
if (options.renames === undefined) {
options.renames = true;
let key = 'log';
if (options.ref !== undefined) {
key += `:${options.ref}`;
if (options.maxCount !== undefined) {
key += `:n${options.maxCount}`;
if (options.renames) {
key += `:follow`;
const doc = await Container.tracker.getOrAdd(new GitUri(Uri.file(fileName), { repoPath: repoPath!, sha: options.ref }));
if (this.UseCaching && options.range === undefined && !options.reverse) {
if (doc.state !== undefined) {
const cachedLog = doc.state.get<CachedLog>(key);
if (cachedLog !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`getLogForFile[Cached(${key})]('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', '${options.ref}', ${options.maxCount}, undefined, ${options.renames}, ${options.reverse})`);
return cachedLog.item;
if (key !== 'log') {
// Since we are looking for partial log, see if we have the log of the whole file
const cachedLog = doc.state.get<CachedLog>('log');
if (cachedLog !== undefined) {
if (options.ref === undefined) {
Logger.log(`getLogForFile[Cached(~${key})]('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', '', ${options.maxCount}, undefined, ${options.renames}, ${options.reverse})`);
return cachedLog.item;
Logger.log(`getLogForFile[? Cache(${key})]('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', '${options.ref}', ${options.maxCount}, undefined, ${options.renames}, ${options.reverse})`);
const log = await cachedLog.item;
if (log !== undefined && log.commits.has(options.ref)) {
Logger.log(`getLogForFile[Cached(${key})]('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', '${options.ref}', ${options.maxCount}, undefined, ${options.renames}, ${options.reverse})`);
return cachedLog.item;
Logger.log(`getLogForFile[Not Cached(${key})]('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${options.ref}, ${options.maxCount}, undefined, ${options.reverse})`);
if (doc.state === undefined) {
doc.state = new GitDocumentState(doc.key);
else {
Logger.log(`getLogForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${options.ref}, ${options.maxCount}, ${options.range && `[${options.range.start.line}, ${options.range.end.line}]`}, ${options.reverse})`);
const promise = this.getLogForFileCore(repoPath, fileName, options, doc, key);
if (doc.state !== undefined && options.range === undefined && !options.reverse) {
Logger.log(`Add log cache for '${doc.state.key}:${key}'`);
doc.state.set<CachedLog>(key, {
item: promise
} as CachedLog);
return promise;
private async getLogForFileCore(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, options: { maxCount?: number, range?: Range, ref?: string, renames?: boolean, reverse?: boolean }, document: TrackedDocument<GitDocumentState>, key: string): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
if (!(await this.isTracked(fileName, repoPath, { ref: options.ref }))) {
Logger.log(`Skipping log; '${fileName}' is not tracked`);
return GitService.emptyPromise as Promise<GitLog>;
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(fileName, repoPath, false);
try {
const { range, ...opts } = options;
const maxCount = options.maxCount == null
? Container.config.advanced.maxListItems || 0
: options.maxCount;
const data = await Git.log_file(root, file, { ...opts, maxCount: maxCount, startLine: range && range.start.line + 1, endLine: range && range.end.line + 1 });
const log = GitLogParser.parse(data, GitCommitType.File, root, file, opts.ref, maxCount, opts.reverse!, range);
if (log !== undefined) {
const opts = { ...options };
log.query = (maxCount: number | undefined) => this.getLogForFile(repoPath, fileName, { ...opts, maxCount: maxCount });
return log;
catch (ex) {
// Trap and cache expected log errors
if (document.state !== undefined && options.range === undefined && !options.reverse) {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
Logger.log(`Replace log cache with empty promise for '${document.state.key}:${key}'`);
document.state.set<CachedLog>(key, {
item: GitService.emptyPromise,
errorMessage: msg
} as CachedLog);
return GitService.emptyPromise as Promise<GitLog>;
return undefined;
async hasRemote(repoPath: string | undefined): Promise<boolean> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return false;
const repository = await this.getRepository(repoPath);
if (repository === undefined) return false;
return repository.hasRemote();
async hasRemotes(repoPath: string | undefined): Promise<boolean> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return false;
const repository = await this.getRepository(repoPath);
if (repository === undefined) return false;
return repository.hasRemotes();
async getMergeBase(repoPath: string, ref1: string, ref2: string, options: { forkPoint?: boolean } = {}) {
try {
const data = await Git.merge_base(repoPath, ref1, ref2, options);
if (data === undefined) return undefined;
return data.split('\n')[0];
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'GitService.getMergeBase');
return undefined;
async getRemotes(repoPath: string | undefined): Promise<GitRemote[]> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return [];
const repository = await this.getRepository(repoPath);
if (repository !== undefined) return repository.getRemotes();
return this.getRemotesCore(repoPath);
async getRemotesCore(repoPath: string | undefined, providerMap?: RemoteProviderMap): Promise<GitRemote[]> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return [];
providerMap = providerMap || RemoteProviderFactory.createMap(configuration.get<IRemotesConfig[] | null | undefined>('remotes').value, null));
try {
const data = await Git.remote(repoPath);
return GitRemoteParser.parse(data, repoPath, RemoteProviderFactory.factory(providerMap));
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'GitService.getRemotesCore');
return [];
async getRepoPath(filePath: string, options?: { ref?: string }): Promise<string | undefined>;
async getRepoPath(uri: Uri | undefined, options?: { ref?: string }): Promise<string | undefined>;
async getRepoPath(filePathOrUri: string | Uri | undefined, options: { ref?: string } = {}): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (filePathOrUri === undefined) return await this.getActiveRepoPath();
if (filePathOrUri instanceof GitUri) return filePathOrUri.repoPath;
// Don't save the tracking info to the cache, because we could be looking in the wrong place (e.g. looking in the root when the file is in a submodule)
const repo = await this.getRepository(filePathOrUri, { ...options, skipCacheUpdate: true });
if (repo !== undefined) return repo.path;
const rp = await this.getRepoPathCore(typeof filePathOrUri === 'string' ? filePathOrUri : filePathOrUri.fsPath, false);
if (rp === undefined) return undefined;
// Recheck this._repositoryTree.get(rp) to make sure we haven't already tried adding this due to awaits
if (this._repositoryTree.get(rp) !== undefined) return rp;
// If this new repo is inside one of our known roots and we we don't already know about, add it
const root = this._repositoryTree.findSubstr(rp);
const folder = root === undefined
? workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(Uri.file(rp))
: root.folder;
if (folder !== undefined) {
const repo = new Repository(folder, rp, false, this.onAnyRepositoryChanged.bind(this), this._suspended);
this._repositoryTree.set(rp, repo);
// Send a notification that the repositories changed
setImmediate(async () => {
await this.updateContext(this._repositoryTree);
return rp;
private async getRepoPathCore(filePath: string, isDirectory: boolean): Promise<string | undefined> {
try {
return await Git.revparse_toplevel(isDirectory ? filePath : path.dirname(filePath));
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'GitService.getRepoPathCore');
return undefined;
async getRepositories(): Promise<Iterable<Repository>> {
const repositoryTree = await this.getRepositoryTree();
return repositoryTree.values();
private async getRepositoryTree(): Promise<TernarySearchTree<Repository>> {
if (this._repositoriesLoadingPromise !== undefined) {
await this._repositoriesLoadingPromise;
this._repositoriesLoadingPromise = undefined;
return this._repositoryTree;
async getRepository(repoPath: string, options?: { ref?: string, skipCacheUpdate?: boolean }): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
async getRepository(uri: Uri, options?: { ref?: string, skipCacheUpdate?: boolean }): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
async getRepository(repoPathOrUri: string | Uri, options?: { ref?: string, skipCacheUpdate?: boolean }): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
async getRepository(repoPathOrUri: string | Uri, options: { ref?: string, skipCacheUpdate?: boolean } = {}): Promise<Repository | undefined> {
const repositoryTree = await this.getRepositoryTree();
let path: string;
if (typeof repoPathOrUri === 'string') {
const repo = repositoryTree.get(repoPathOrUri);
if (repo !== undefined) return repo;
path = repoPathOrUri;
else {
if (repoPathOrUri instanceof GitUri) {
if (repoPathOrUri.repoPath) {
const repo = repositoryTree.get(repoPathOrUri.repoPath);
if (repo !== undefined) return repo;
path = repoPathOrUri.fsPath;
else {
path = repoPathOrUri.fsPath;
const repo = repositoryTree.findSubstr(path);
if (repo === undefined) return undefined;
// Make sure the file is tracked in this repo before returning -- it could be from a submodule
if (!await this.isTracked(path, repo.path, options)) return undefined;
return repo;
async getRepositoryCount(): Promise<number> {
const repositoryTree = await this.getRepositoryTree();
return repositoryTree.count();
async getStashList(repoPath: string | undefined): Promise<GitStash | undefined> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return undefined;
const data = await Git.stash_list(repoPath);
const stash = GitStashParser.parse(data, repoPath);
return stash;
async getStatusForFile(repoPath: string, fileName: string): Promise<GitStatusFile | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getStatusForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}')`);
const porcelainVersion = Git.validateVersion(2, 11) ? 2 : 1;
const data = await Git.status_file(repoPath, fileName, porcelainVersion);
const status = GitStatusParser.parse(data, repoPath, porcelainVersion);
if (status === undefined || !status.files.length) return undefined;
return status.files[0];
async getStatusForRepo(repoPath: string | undefined): Promise<GitStatus | undefined> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return undefined;
const porcelainVersion = Git.validateVersion(2, 11) ? 2 : 1;
const data = await Git.status(repoPath, porcelainVersion);
const status = GitStatusParser.parse(data, repoPath, porcelainVersion);
return status;
async getTags(repoPath: string | undefined): Promise<GitTag[]> {
if (repoPath === undefined) return [];
const data = await Git.tag(repoPath);
return GitTagParser.parse(data, repoPath) || [];
async getVersionedFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha: string | undefined) {
Logger.log(`getVersionedFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', '${sha}')`);
if (!sha || (Git.isUncommitted(sha) && !Git.isStagedUncommitted(sha))) {
if (await this.fileExists(repoPath!, fileName)) return fileName;
return undefined;
const file = await Git.getVersionedFile(repoPath, fileName, sha);
if (file === undefined) return undefined;
this._versionedUriCache.set(GitUri.toKey(file), new GitUri(Uri.file(fileName), { sha: sha, repoPath: repoPath!, versionedPath: file }));
return file;
getVersionedFileText(repoPath: string, fileName: string, sha: string) {
Logger.log(`getVersionedFileText('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha})`);
return, fileName, sha, { encoding: GitService.getEncoding(repoPath, fileName) });
getVersionedUri(uri: Uri) {
return this._versionedUriCache.get(GitUri.toKey(uri));
isTrackable(scheme: string): boolean;
isTrackable(uri: Uri): boolean;
isTrackable(schemeOruri: string | Uri): boolean {
let scheme: string;
if (typeof schemeOruri === 'string') {
scheme = schemeOruri;
else {
scheme = schemeOruri.scheme;
return scheme === DocumentSchemes.File || scheme === DocumentSchemes.Git || scheme === DocumentSchemes.GitLensGit;
async isTracked(fileName: string, repoPath?: string, options?: { ref?: string, skipCacheUpdate?: boolean }): Promise<boolean>;
async isTracked(uri: GitUri): Promise<boolean>;
async isTracked(fileNameOrUri: string | GitUri, repoPath?: string, options: { ref?: string, skipCacheUpdate?: boolean } = {}): Promise<boolean> {
if (options.ref === GitService.deletedSha) return false;
let ref = options.ref;
let cacheKey: string;
let fileName: string;
if (typeof fileNameOrUri === 'string') {
[fileName, repoPath] = Git.splitPath(fileNameOrUri, repoPath);
cacheKey = GitUri.toKey(fileNameOrUri);
else {
if (!this.isTrackable(fileNameOrUri)) return false;
fileName = fileNameOrUri.fsPath;
repoPath = fileNameOrUri.repoPath;
ref = fileNameOrUri.sha;
cacheKey = GitUri.toKey(fileName);
if (ref !== undefined) {
cacheKey += `:${ref}`;
Logger.log(`isTracked('${fileName}', '${repoPath}', '${ref}')`);
let tracked = this._trackedCache.get(cacheKey);
if (tracked !== undefined) return await tracked;
tracked = this.isTrackedCore(fileName, repoPath === undefined ? '' : repoPath, ref);
if (options.skipCacheUpdate) return tracked;
this._trackedCache.set(cacheKey, tracked);
tracked = await tracked;
this._trackedCache.set(cacheKey, tracked);
return tracked;
private async isTrackedCore(fileName: string, repoPath: string, ref?: string) {
if (ref === GitService.deletedSha) return false;
try {
// Even if we have a sha, check first to see if the file exists (that way the cache will be better reused)
let tracked = !!await Git.ls_files(repoPath === undefined ? '' : repoPath, fileName);
if (!tracked && ref !== undefined) {
tracked = !!await Git.ls_files(repoPath === undefined ? '' : repoPath, fileName, { ref: ref });
// If we still haven't found this file, make sure it wasn't deleted in that sha (i.e. check the previous)
if (!tracked) {
tracked = !!await Git.ls_files(repoPath === undefined ? '' : repoPath, fileName, { ref: `${ref}^` });
return tracked;
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'GitService.isTrackedCore');
return false;
async getDiffTool(repoPath?: string) {
return await Git.config_get('diff.guitool', repoPath) || await Git.config_get('diff.tool', repoPath);
async openDiffTool(repoPath: string, uri: Uri, staged: boolean, tool?: string) {
if (!tool) {
tool = await this.getDiffTool(repoPath);
if (tool === undefined) throw new Error('No diff tool found');
Logger.log(`openDiffTool('${repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${staged}, '${tool}')`);
return Git.difftool_fileDiff(repoPath, uri.fsPath, tool, staged);
async openDirectoryDiff(repoPath: string, ref1: string, ref2?: string, tool?: string) {
if (!tool) {
tool = await this.getDiffTool(repoPath);
if (tool === undefined) throw new Error('No diff tool found');
Logger.log(`openDirectoryDiff('${repoPath}', '${ref1}', '${ref2}', '${tool}')`);
return Git.difftool_dirDiff(repoPath, tool, ref1, ref2);
async resolveReference(repoPath: string, ref: string, uri?: Uri) {
if (!GitService.isResolveRequired(ref)) return ref;
Logger.log(`resolveReference('${repoPath}', '${ref}', '${uri && uri.toString()}')`);
if (uri === undefined) return (await Git.revparse(repoPath, ref)) || ref;
return (await Git.log_resolve(repoPath, Strings.normalizePath(path.relative(repoPath, uri.fsPath)), ref)) || ref;
stopWatchingFileSystem() {
this._repositoryTree.forEach(r => r.stopWatchingFileSystem());
stashApply(repoPath: string, stashName: string, deleteAfter: boolean = false) {
Logger.log(`stashApply('${repoPath}', '${stashName}', ${deleteAfter})`);
return Git.stash_apply(repoPath, stashName, deleteAfter);
stashDelete(repoPath: string, stashName: string) {
Logger.log(`stashDelete('${repoPath}', '${stashName}')`);
return Git.stash_delete(repoPath, stashName);
stashSave(repoPath: string, message?: string, uris?: Uri[]) {
Logger.log(`stashSave('${repoPath}', '${message}', ${uris})`);
if (uris === undefined) return Git.stash_save(repoPath, message);
const pathspecs = => Git.splitPath(u.fsPath, repoPath)[0]);
return Git.stash_push(repoPath, pathspecs, message);
static getEncoding(repoPath: string, fileName: string): string;
static getEncoding(uri: Uri): string;
static getEncoding(repoPathOrUri: string | Uri, fileName?: string): string {
const uri = (typeof repoPathOrUri === 'string')
? Uri.file(path.join(repoPathOrUri, fileName!))
: repoPathOrUri;
return Git.getEncoding(workspace.getConfiguration('files', uri).get<string>('encoding'));
static initialize(gitPath?: string): Promise<IGit> {
return Git.getGitInfo(gitPath);
static getGitPath(): string {
return Git.gitInfo().path;
static getGitVersion(): string {
return Git.gitInfo().version;
static isResolveRequired(sha: string): boolean {
return Git.isResolveRequired(sha);
static isSha(sha: string): boolean {
return Git.isSha(sha);
static isStagedUncommitted(sha: string | undefined): boolean {
return Git.isStagedUncommitted(sha);
static isUncommitted(sha: string | undefined): boolean {
return Git.isUncommitted(sha);
static shortenSha(sha: string | undefined) {
if (sha === undefined) return undefined;
if (sha === GitService.deletedSha) return '(deleted)';
return Git.isSha(sha) || Git.isStagedUncommitted(sha)
? Git.shortenSha(sha)
: sha;
static validateGitVersion(major: number, minor: number): boolean {
const [gitMajor, gitMinor] = this.getGitVersion().split('.');
return (parseInt(gitMajor, 10) >= major && parseInt(gitMinor, 10) >= minor);