import type { ExtensionContext } from 'vscode';
import { version as codeVersion, env, ExtensionMode, extensions, Uri, window, workspace } from 'vscode';
import { hrtime } from '@env/hrtime';
import { isWeb } from '@env/platform';
import { Api } from './api/api';
import type { CreatePullRequestActionContext, GitLensApi, OpenPullRequestActionContext } from './api/gitlens';
import type { CreatePullRequestOnRemoteCommandArgs, OpenPullRequestOnRemoteCommandArgs } from './commands';
import { fromOutputLevel, OutputLevel } from './config';
import { Commands, SyncedStorageKeys } from './constants';
import { Container } from './container';
import { isGitUri } from './git/gitUri';
import { getBranchNameWithoutRemote, isBranch } from './git/models/branch';
import { isCommit } from './git/models/commit';
import { isRepository } from './git/models/repository';
import { isTag } from './git/models/tag';
import { showDebugLoggingWarningMessage, showPreReleaseExpiredErrorMessage, showWhatsNewMessage } from './messages';
import { registerPartnerActionRunners } from './partners';
import { executeCommand, executeCoreCommand, registerCommands } from './system/command';
import { configuration, Configuration } from './system/configuration';
import { setContext } from './system/context';
import { setDefaultDateLocales } from './system/date';
import { once } from './system/event';
import { getLoggableName, Logger } from './system/logger';
import { LogLevel } from './system/logger.constants';
import { flatten } from './system/object';
import { Stopwatch } from './system/stopwatch';
import { Storage } from './system/storage';
import { compare, fromString, satisfies } from './system/version';
import { isViewNode } from './views/nodes/viewNode';
export async function activate(context: ExtensionContext): Promise<GitLensApi | undefined> {
const gitlensVersion: string = context.extension.packageJSON.version;
const prerelease = satisfies(gitlensVersion, '> 2020.0.0');
const outputLevel = configuration.get('outputLevel');
name: 'GitLens',
createChannel: function (name: string) {
return window.createOutputChannel(name);
toLoggable: function (o: any) {
if (isGitUri(o)) {
return `GitUri(${o.toString(true)}${o.repoPath ? ` repoPath=${o.repoPath}` : ''}${
o.sha ? ` sha=${o.sha}` : ''
if (o instanceof Uri) return `Uri(${o.toString(true)})`;
if (isRepository(o) || isBranch(o) || isCommit(o) || isTag(o) || isViewNode(o)) return o.toString();
if ('uri' in o && o.uri instanceof Uri) {
return `${
'name' in o && 'index' in o ? 'WorkspaceFolder' : getLoggableName(o)
return undefined;
context.extensionMode === ExtensionMode.Development,
const sw = new Stopwatch(`GitLens${prerelease ? ' (pre-release)' : ''} v${gitlensVersion}`, {
log: {
message: ` activating in ${env.appName} (${codeVersion}) on the ${
isWeb ? 'web' : 'desktop'
} using language '${env.language}' (${env.machineId}|${env.sessionId})`,
//${context.extensionRuntime !== ExtensionRuntime.Node ? ' in a webworker' : ''}
// Ensure that this pre-release version hasn't expired
if (prerelease) {
const v = fromString(gitlensVersion);
// Get the build date from the version number
const date = new Date(v.major, v.minor - 1, Number(v.patch.toString().substring(0, 2)));
// If the build date is older than 14 days then show the expired error message
if (date.getTime() < Date.now() - 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
message: ` was NOT activated because this pre-release version (${gitlensVersion}) has expired`,
// If we don't use a setTimeout here this notification will get lost for some reason
setTimeout(showPreReleaseExpiredErrorMessage, 0, gitlensVersion);
return undefined;
if (!workspace.isTrusted) {
void setContext('gitlens:untrusted', true);
const storage = new Storage(context);
const syncedVersion = storage.get(prerelease ? 'synced:preVersion' : 'synced:version');
const localVersion = storage.get(prerelease ? 'preVersion' : 'version');
let previousVersion: string | undefined;
if (localVersion == null || syncedVersion == null) {
previousVersion = syncedVersion ?? localVersion;
} else if (compare(syncedVersion, localVersion) === 1) {
previousVersion = syncedVersion;
} else {
previousVersion = localVersion;
let exitMessage;
if (Logger.enabled(LogLevel.Debug)) {
exitMessage = `syncedVersion=${syncedVersion}, localVersion=${localVersion}, previousVersion=${previousVersion}, welcome=${storage.get(
if (previousVersion == null) {
void storage.store('views:welcome:visible', true);
setDefaultDateLocales(configuration.get('defaultDateLocale') ?? env.language);
configuration.onDidChange(e => {
if (configuration.changed(e, 'defaultDateLocale')) {
setDefaultDateLocales(configuration.get('defaultDateLocale', undefined, env.language));
// await migrateSettings(context, previousVersion);
const container = Container.create(context, storage, prerelease, gitlensVersion, previousVersion);
once(container.onReady)(() => {
if (!workspace.isTrusted) {
workspace.onDidGrantWorkspaceTrust(() => {
void setContext('gitlens:untrusted', undefined);
container.telemetry.setGlobalAttribute('workspace.isTrusted', workspace.isTrusted);
void showWelcomeOrWhatsNew(container, gitlensVersion, previousVersion);
void storage.store(prerelease ? 'preVersion' : 'version', gitlensVersion);
// Only update our synced version if the new version is greater
if (syncedVersion == null || compare(gitlensVersion, syncedVersion) === 1) {
void storage.store(prerelease ? 'synced:preVersion' : 'synced:version', gitlensVersion);
if (outputLevel === OutputLevel.Debug) {
setTimeout(async () => {
if (configuration.get('outputLevel') !== OutputLevel.Debug) return;
if (!container.prereleaseOrDebugging) {
if (await showDebugLoggingWarningMessage()) {
void executeCommand(Commands.DisableDebugLogging);
}, 60000);
if (container.debugging) {
// Set context to only show some commands when using the pre-release version or debugging
void setContext('gitlens:debugging', true);
void setContext('gitlens:prerelease', true);
} else if (container.prerelease) {
// Set context to only show some commands when using the pre-release version
void setContext('gitlens:prerelease', true);
// Signal that the container is now ready
await container.ready();
// TODO@eamodio do we want to capture any vscode settings that are relevant to GitLens?
const flatCfg = flatten(configuration.getAll(true), { prefix: 'config', stringify: 'all' });
debugging: container.debugging,
prerelease: prerelease,
install: previousVersion == null,
upgrade: previousVersion != null && gitlensVersion !== previousVersion,
upgradedFrom: previousVersion != null && gitlensVersion !== previousVersion ? previousVersion : undefined,
const api = new Api(container);
const mode = container.mode;
const startTime = sw.startTime;
const endTime = hrtime();
const elapsed = sw.elapsed();
message: ` activated${exitMessage != null ? `, ${exitMessage}` : ''}${
mode != null ? `, mode: ${mode.name}` : ''
'activation.elapsed': elapsed,
'activation.mode': mode?.name,
setTimeout(uninstallDeprecatedAuthentication, 25000);
return Promise.resolve(api);
export function deactivate() {
Logger.log('GitLens deactivating...');
// async function migrateSettings(context: ExtensionContext, previousVersion: string | undefined) {
// if (previousVersion === undefined) return;
// const previous = fromString(previousVersion);
// try {
// if (compare(previous, from(11, 0, 0)) !== 1) {
// }
// } catch (ex) {
// Logger.error(ex, 'migrateSettings');
// }
// }
function setKeysForSync(context: ExtensionContext, ...keys: (SyncedStorageKeys | string)[]) {
return context.globalState?.setKeysForSync([
function registerBuiltInActionRunners(container: Container): void {
container.actionRunners.registerBuiltIn<CreatePullRequestActionContext>('createPullRequest', {
label: ctx => `Create Pull Request on ${ctx.remote?.provider?.name ?? 'Remote'}`,
run: async ctx => {
if (ctx.type !== 'createPullRequest') return;
void (await executeCommand<CreatePullRequestOnRemoteCommandArgs>(Commands.CreatePullRequestOnRemote, {
base: undefined,
compare: ctx.branch.isRemote
? getBranchNameWithoutRemote(ctx.branch.name)
: ctx.branch.upstream
? getBranchNameWithoutRemote(ctx.branch.upstream)
: ctx.branch.name,
remote: ctx.remote?.name ?? '',
repoPath: ctx.repoPath,
container.actionRunners.registerBuiltIn<OpenPullRequestActionContext>('openPullRequest', {
label: ctx => `Open Pull Request on ${ctx.provider?.name ?? 'Remote'}`,
run: async ctx => {
if (ctx.type !== 'openPullRequest') return;
void (await executeCommand<OpenPullRequestOnRemoteCommandArgs>(Commands.OpenPullRequestOnRemote, {
pr: { url: ctx.pullRequest.url },
async function showWelcomeOrWhatsNew(container: Container, version: string, previousVersion: string | undefined) {
if (previousVersion == null) {
Logger.log(`GitLens first-time install; window.focused=${window.state.focused}`);
if (configuration.get('showWelcomeOnInstall') === false) return;
if (window.state.focused) {
await container.storage.delete('pendingWelcomeOnFocus');
await executeCommand(Commands.ShowWelcomePage);
} else {
// Save pending on window getting focus
await container.storage.store('pendingWelcomeOnFocus', true);
const disposable = window.onDidChangeWindowState(e => {
if (!e.focused) return;
// If the window is now focused and we are pending the welcome, clear the pending state and show the welcome
if (container.storage.get('pendingWelcomeOnFocus') === true) {
void container.storage.delete('pendingWelcomeOnFocus');
if (configuration.get('showWelcomeOnInstall')) {
void executeCommand(Commands.ShowWelcomePage);
if (previousVersion !== version) {
Logger.log(`GitLens upgraded from v${previousVersion} to v${version}; window.focused=${window.state.focused}`);
const current = fromString(version);
const previous = fromString(previousVersion);
// Don't notify on downgrades
if (current.major < previous.major || (current.major === previous.major && current.minor < previous.minor)) {
// TODO@eamodio GL14: uncomment when ready to release
const majorPrerelease = false; //satisfies(previous, '< 2023.6.0700');
if (current.major === previous.major && !majorPrerelease) return;
version = majorPrerelease ? '14' : String(current.major);
void executeCommand(Commands.ShowHomeView);
if (configuration.get('showWhatsNewAfterUpgrades')) {
if (window.state.focused) {
await container.storage.delete('pendingWhatsNewOnFocus');
await showWhatsNewMessage(version);
} else {
// Save pending on window getting focus
await container.storage.store('pendingWhatsNewOnFocus', true);
const disposable = window.onDidChangeWindowState(e => {
if (!e.focused) return;
// If the window is now focused and we are pending the what's new, clear the pending state and show the what's new
if (container.storage.get('pendingWhatsNewOnFocus') === true) {
void container.storage.delete('pendingWhatsNewOnFocus');
if (configuration.get('showWhatsNewAfterUpgrades')) {
void showWhatsNewMessage(version);
function uninstallDeprecatedAuthentication() {
if (extensions.getExtension('gitkraken.gitkraken-authentication') == null) return;
void executeCoreCommand('workbench.extensions.uninstallExtension', 'gitkraken.gitkraken-authentication');