25개 이상의 토픽을 선택하실 수 없습니다. Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

393 lines
9.3 KiB

'use strict';
import { TraceLevel } from './logger';
export interface Config {
blame: {
avatars: boolean;
compact: boolean;
dateFormat: string | null;
format: string;
heatmap: {
enabled: boolean;
location: 'left' | 'right';
highlight: {
enabled: boolean;
locations: HighlightLocations[];
ignoreWhitespace: boolean;
separateLines: boolean;
toggleMode: AnnotationsToggleMode;
currentLine: {
dateFormat: string | null;
enabled: boolean;
format: string;
scrollable: boolean;
codeLens: CodeLensConfig;
debug: boolean;
defaultDateFormat: string | null;
defaultDateShortFormat: string | null;
defaultDateStyle: DateStyle;
defaultGravatarsStyle: GravatarDefaultStyle;
heatmap: {
ageThreshold: number;
coldColor: string;
hotColor: string;
toggleMode: AnnotationsToggleMode;
hovers: {
annotations: {
changes: boolean;
details: boolean;
enabled: boolean;
over: 'line' | 'annotation';
currentLine: {
changes: boolean;
details: boolean;
enabled: boolean;
over: 'line' | 'annotation';
avatars: boolean;
changesDiff: 'line' | 'hunk';
detailsMarkdownFormat: string;
enabled: boolean;
insiders: boolean;
keymap: KeyMap;
liveshare: {
allowGuestAccess: boolean;
menus: boolean | MenuConfig;
mode: {
active: string;
statusBar: {
enabled: boolean;
alignment: 'left' | 'right';
modes: { [key: string]: ModeConfig };
outputLevel: TraceLevel;
recentChanges: {
highlight: {
locations: HighlightLocations[];
toggleMode: AnnotationsToggleMode;
remotes: RemotesConfig[];
showWhatsNewAfterUpgrades: boolean;
statusBar: {
alignment: 'left' | 'right';
command: StatusBarCommand;
dateFormat: string | null;
enabled: boolean;
format: string;
reduceFlicker: boolean;
strings: {
codeLens: {
unsavedChanges: {
recentChangeAndAuthors: string;
recentChangeOnly: string;
authorsOnly: string;
views: ViewsConfig;
advanced: AdvancedConfig;
export enum AnnotationsToggleMode {
File = 'file',
Window = 'window'
export enum CodeLensCommand {
DiffWithPrevious = 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious',
ShowQuickCommitDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails',
ShowQuickCommitFileDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails',
ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory',
ShowQuickFileHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickFileHistory',
ToggleFileBlame = 'gitlens.toggleFileBlame'
export enum CodeLensScopes {
Document = 'document',
Containers = 'containers',
Blocks = 'blocks'
export enum CustomRemoteType {
Bitbucket = 'Bitbucket',
BitbucketServer = 'BitbucketServer',
Custom = 'Custom',
GitHub = 'GitHub',
GitLab = 'GitLab'
export enum DateStyle {
Absolute = 'absolute',
Relative = 'relative'
export enum FileAnnotationType {
Blame = 'blame',
Heatmap = 'heatmap',
RecentChanges = 'recentChanges'
export enum GravatarDefaultStyle {
Faces = 'wavatar',
Geometric = 'identicon',
Monster = 'monsterid',
MysteryPerson = 'mp',
Retro = 'retro',
Robot = 'robohash'
export enum HighlightLocations {
Gutter = 'gutter',
Line = 'line',
Overview = 'overview'
export enum KeyMap {
Alternate = 'alternate',
Chorded = 'chorded',
None = 'none'
export enum StatusBarCommand {
DiffWithPrevious = 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious',
DiffWithWorking = 'gitlens.diffWithWorking',
ShowQuickCommitDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails',
ShowQuickCommitFileDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails',
ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory',
ShowQuickFileHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickFileHistory',
ToggleCodeLens = 'gitlens.toggleCodeLens',
ToggleFileBlame = 'gitlens.toggleFileBlame'
export enum ViewBranchesLayout {
List = 'list',
Tree = 'tree'
export enum ViewFilesLayout {
Auto = 'auto',
List = 'list',
Tree = 'tree'
export enum ViewLocation {
Explorer = 'explorer',
GitLens = 'gitlens',
SourceControl = 'scm'
export interface AdvancedConfig {
abbreviatedShaLength: number;
blame: {
customArguments: string[] | null;
delayAfterEdit: number;
sizeThresholdAfterEdit: number;
caching: {
enabled: boolean;
fileHistoryFollowsRenames: boolean;
maxListItems: number;
messages: {
suppressCommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarning: boolean;
suppressCommitNotFoundWarning: boolean;
suppressFileNotUnderSourceControlWarning: boolean;
suppressGitDisabledWarning: boolean;
suppressGitVersionWarning: boolean;
suppressLineUncommittedWarning: boolean;
suppressNoRepositoryWarning: boolean;
suppressSupportGitLensNotification: boolean;
quickPick: {
closeOnFocusOut: boolean;
repositorySearchDepth: number;
telemetry: {
enabled: boolean;
export interface CodeLensConfig {
authors: {
enabled: boolean;
command: CodeLensCommand;
enabled: boolean;
includeSingleLineSymbols: boolean;
recentChange: {
enabled: boolean;
command: CodeLensCommand;
scopes: CodeLensScopes[];
scopesByLanguage: CodeLensLanguageScope[];
symbolScopes: string[];
export interface CodeLensLanguageScope {
language: string | undefined;
scopes?: CodeLensScopes[];
symbolScopes?: string[];
export interface CompareViewConfig {
avatars: boolean;
enabled: boolean;
files: ViewsFilesConfig;
location: ViewLocation;
export interface FileHistoryViewConfig {
avatars: boolean;
enabled: boolean;
location: ViewLocation;
export interface LineHistoryViewConfig {
avatars: boolean;
enabled: boolean;
location: ViewLocation;
export interface MenuConfig {
| false
| {
blame: boolean;
clipboard: boolean;
compare: boolean;
details: boolean;
history: boolean;
remote: boolean;
| false
| {
compare: boolean;
history: boolean;
| false
| {
clipboard: boolean;
compare: boolean;
history: boolean;
remote: boolean;
| false
| {
clipboard: boolean;
compare: boolean;
history: boolean;
remote: boolean;
| false
| {
compare: boolean;
openClose: boolean;
stash: boolean;
stashInline: boolean;
| false
| {
clipboard: boolean;
compare: boolean;
history: boolean;
remote: boolean;
stash: boolean;
export interface ModeConfig {
name: string;
statusBarItemName?: string;
description?: string;
annotations?: 'blame' | 'heatmap' | 'recentChanges';
codeLens?: boolean;
currentLine?: boolean;
hovers?: boolean;
statusBar?: boolean;
views?: boolean;
export interface RemotesConfig {
domain: string;
name?: string;
protocol?: string;
type: CustomRemoteType;
urls?: RemotesUrlsConfig;
export interface RemotesUrlsConfig {
repository: string;
branches: string;
branch: string;
commit: string;
file: string;
fileInBranch: string;
fileInCommit: string;
fileLine: string;
fileRange: string;
export interface RepositoriesViewConfig {
autoRefresh: boolean;
autoReveal: boolean;
avatars: boolean;
branches: {
layout: ViewBranchesLayout;
compact: boolean;
enabled: boolean;
files: ViewsFilesConfig;
includeWorkingTree: boolean;
location: ViewLocation;
showTrackingBranch: boolean;
export interface SearchViewConfig {
avatars: boolean;
enabled: boolean;
files: ViewsFilesConfig;
location: ViewLocation;
export interface ViewsConfig {
fileHistory: FileHistoryViewConfig;
commitFileDescriptionFormat: string;
commitFileFormat: string;
commitDescriptionFormat: string;
commitFormat: string;
compare: CompareViewConfig;
defaultItemLimit: number;
lineHistory: LineHistoryViewConfig;
pageItemLimit: number;
repositories: RepositoriesViewConfig;
search: SearchViewConfig;
showRelativeDateMarkers: boolean;
stashFileDescriptionFormat: string;
stashFileFormat: string;
stashDescriptionFormat: string;
stashFormat: string;
statusFileDescriptionFormat: string;
statusFileFormat: string;
export interface ViewsFilesConfig {
compact: boolean;
layout: ViewFilesLayout;
threshold: number;