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'use strict';
import { ConfigurationTarget, env, MessageItem, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { configuration } from './configuration';
import { CommandContext, setCommandContext } from './constants';
import { GitCommit } from './git/gitService';
import { Logger } from './logger';
export enum SuppressedMessages {
CommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarning = 'suppressCommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarning',
CommitNotFoundWarning = 'suppressCommitNotFoundWarning',
FileNotUnderSourceControlWarning = 'suppressFileNotUnderSourceControlWarning',
GitDisabledWarning = 'suppressGitDisabledWarning',
GitVersionWarning = 'suppressGitVersionWarning',
LineUncommittedWarning = 'suppressLineUncommittedWarning',
NoRepositoryWarning = 'suppressNoRepositoryWarning',
SupportGitLensNotification = 'suppressSupportGitLensNotification'
export class Messages {
static showCommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarningMessage(commit?: GitCommit): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
if (commit === undefined) {
return Messages.showMessage(
'There is no previous commit.',
return Messages.showMessage(
`Commit ${commit.shortSha} (${}, ${commit.formattedDate}) has no previous commit.`,
static showCommitNotFoundWarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
return Messages.showMessage(
`${message}. The commit could not be found.`,
static async showGenericErrorMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
const actions: MessageItem[] = [{ title: 'Open Output Channel' }];
const result = await Messages.showMessage(
`${message}. See output channel for more details`,
if (result !== undefined) {
return result;
static showFileNotUnderSourceControlWarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
return Messages.showMessage(
`${message}. The file is probably not under source control.`,
static showGitDisabledErrorMessage() {
return Messages.showMessage(
'GitLens requires Git to be enabled. Please re-enable Git \u2014 set `git.enabled` to true and reload',
static showGitVersionUnsupportedErrorMessage(version: string, required: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
return Messages.showMessage(
`GitLens requires a newer version of Git (>= ${required}) than is currently installed (${version}). Please install a more recent version of Git.`,
static showLineUncommittedWarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
return Messages.showMessage(
`${message}. The line has uncommitted changes.`,
static showNoRepositoryWarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
return Messages.showMessage(
`${message}. No repository could be found.`,
static async showSupportGitLensMessage() {
const actions: MessageItem[] = [
{ title: 'Become a Sponsor' },
{ title: 'Donate via PayPal' },
{ title: 'Donate via Cash App' }
const result = await Messages.showMessage(
'While GitLens is offered to everyone for free, if you find it useful, please consider [supporting]( it. Thank you! ❤',
if (result != null) {
let uri;
if (result === actions[0]) {
uri = Uri.parse('');
} else if (result === actions[1]) {
uri = Uri.parse('');
} else if (result === actions[2]) {
uri = Uri.parse('$eamodio');
if (uri !== undefined) {
await setCommandContext(CommandContext.ViewsHideSupportGitLens, true);
await this.suppressedMessage(SuppressedMessages.SupportGitLensNotification);
await env.openExternal(uri);
static async showWhatsNewMessage(version: string) {
const actions: MessageItem[] = [{ title: "What's New" }, { title: 'Release Notes' }, { title: '❤' }];
const result = await Messages.showMessage(
`GitLens has been updated to v${version} — check out what's new!`,
if (result != null) {
if (result === actions[0]) {
await env.openExternal(Uri.parse(''));
} else if (result === actions[1]) {
await env.openExternal(Uri.parse(''));
} else if (result === actions[2]) {
await env.openExternal(Uri.parse(''));
private static async showMessage(
type: 'info' | 'warn' | 'error',
message: string,
suppressionKey?: SuppressedMessages,
dontShowAgain: MessageItem | null = { title: "Don't Show Again" },
...actions: MessageItem[]
): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
Logger.log(`ShowMessage(${type}, '${message}', ${suppressionKey}, ${dontShowAgain})`);
if (suppressionKey !== undefined && configuration.get('advanced', 'messages', suppressionKey)) {
Logger.log(`ShowMessage(${type}, '${message}', ${suppressionKey}, ${dontShowAgain}) skipped`);
return undefined;
if (suppressionKey !== undefined && dontShowAgain !== null) {
let result: MessageItem | undefined = undefined;
switch (type) {
case 'info':
result = await window.showInformationMessage(message, ...actions);
case 'warn':
result = await window.showWarningMessage(message, ...actions);
case 'error':
result = await window.showErrorMessage(message, ...actions);
if ((suppressionKey !== undefined && dontShowAgain === null) || result === dontShowAgain) {
`ShowMessage(${type}, '${message}', ${suppressionKey}, ${dontShowAgain}) don't show again requested`
await this.suppressedMessage(suppressionKey!);
if (result === dontShowAgain) return undefined;
`ShowMessage(${type}, '${message}', ${suppressionKey}, ${dontShowAgain}) returned ${
result ? result.title : result
return result;
private static suppressedMessage(suppressionKey: SuppressedMessages) {
const messages: { [key: string]: boolean | undefined } = configuration.get('advanced', 'messages');
messages[suppressionKey] = true;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(messages)) {
if (value !== true) {
messages[key] = undefined;
return configuration.update('advanced', 'messages', messages as any, ConfigurationTarget.Global);