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259 lines
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'use strict';
import { version as codeVersion, commands, env, ExtensionContext, extensions, window, workspace } from 'vscode';
import type { CreatePullRequestActionContext, GitLensApi, OpenPullRequestActionContext } from '../src/api/gitlens';
import { Api } from './api/api';
import { Commands, executeCommand, OpenPullRequestOnRemoteCommandArgs, registerCommands } from './commands';
import { CreatePullRequestOnRemoteCommandArgs } from './commands/createPullRequestOnRemote';
import { configuration, Configuration, OutputLevel } from './configuration';
import { ContextKeys, GlobalState, setContext, SyncedState } from './constants';
import { Container } from './container';
import { GitBranch, GitCommit } from './git/git';
import { GitUri } from './git/gitUri';
import { Logger, LogLevel } from './logger';
import { Messages } from './messages';
import { registerPartnerActionRunners } from './partners';
import { Stopwatch, Versions } from './system';
import { ViewNode } from './views/nodes';
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext): Promise<GitLensApi | undefined> | undefined {
const insiders = === 'eamodio.gitlens-insiders';
const gitlensVersion = context.extension.packageJSON.version;
Logger.configure(context, configuration.get('outputLevel'), o => {
if ( {
return `GitUri(${o.toString(true)}${o.repoPath ? ` repoPath=${o.repoPath}` : ''}${
o.sha ? ` sha=${o.sha}` : ''
if ( {
return `GitCommit(${o.sha ? ` sha=${o.sha}` : ''}${o.repoPath ? ` repoPath=${o.repoPath}` : ''})`;
if ( return o.toString();
return undefined;
const sw = new Stopwatch(`GitLens${insiders ? ' (Insiders)' : ''} v${gitlensVersion}`, {
log: { message: ' activating...' },
if (insiders) {
// Ensure that stable isn't also installed
const stable = extensions.getExtension('eamodio.gitlens');
if (stable != null) {
sw.stop({ message: ' was NOT activated because GitLens is also enabled' });
// If we don't use a setTimeout here this notification will get lost for some reason
setTimeout(() => void Messages.showInsidersErrorMessage(), 0);
return undefined;
if (!workspace.isTrusted) {
void setContext(ContextKeys.Readonly, true);
workspace.onDidGrantWorkspaceTrust(() => void setContext(ContextKeys.Readonly, undefined)),
const syncedVersion = context.globalState.get<string>(SyncedState.Version);
const localVersion =
context.globalState.get<string>(GlobalState.Version) ??
let previousVersion: string | undefined;
if (localVersion == null || syncedVersion == null) {
previousVersion = syncedVersion ?? localVersion;
} else if (, localVersion) === 1) {
previousVersion = syncedVersion;
} else {
previousVersion = localVersion;
let exitMessage;
if (Logger.enabled(LogLevel.Debug)) {
exitMessage = `syncedVersion=${syncedVersion}, localVersion=${localVersion}, previousVersion=${previousVersion}, welcome=${context.globalState.get<boolean>(
if (previousVersion == null) {
void context.globalState.update(SyncedState.WelcomeViewVisible, true);
void setContext(ContextKeys.ViewsWelcomeVisible, true);
} else {
void setContext(
context.globalState.get<boolean>(SyncedState.WelcomeViewVisible) ?? false,
const cfg = configuration.get();
// await migrateSettings(context, previousVersion);
const container = Container.create(context, cfg);
container.onReady(() => {
void showWelcomeOrWhatsNew(container, gitlensVersion, previousVersion);
void context.globalState.update(GlobalState.Version, gitlensVersion);
// Only update our synced version if the new version is greater
if (syncedVersion == null ||, syncedVersion) === 1) {
void context.globalState.update(SyncedState.Version, gitlensVersion);
if (cfg.outputLevel === OutputLevel.Debug) {
setTimeout(async () => {
if (cfg.outputLevel !== OutputLevel.Debug) return;
if (await Messages.showDebugLoggingWarningMessage()) {
void commands.executeCommand(Commands.DisableDebugLogging);
}, 60000);
// Signal that the container is now ready
message: ` activated; app=${env.appName}(${codeVersion})${ ? `, mode: ${}` : ''}${
exitMessage != null ? `, ${exitMessage}` : ''
const api = new Api(container);
return Promise.resolve(api);
export function deactivate() {
// nothing to do
// async function migrateSettings(context: ExtensionContext, previousVersion: string | undefined) {
// if (previousVersion === undefined) return;
// const previous = Versions.fromString(previousVersion);
// try {
// if (, Versions.from(11, 0, 0)) !== 1) {
// }
// } catch (ex) {
// Logger.error(ex, 'migrateSettings');
// }
// }
function setKeysForSync(context: ExtensionContext, ...keys: (SyncedState | string)[]) {
return context.globalState?.setKeysForSync([...keys, SyncedState.Version, SyncedState.WelcomeViewVisible]);
function registerBuiltInActionRunners(container: Container): void {
container.actionRunners.registerBuiltIn<CreatePullRequestActionContext>('createPullRequest', {
label: ctx => `Create Pull Request on ${ctx.remote?.provider?.name ?? 'Remote'}`,
run: async ctx => {
if (ctx.type !== 'createPullRequest') return;
void (await executeCommand<CreatePullRequestOnRemoteCommandArgs>(Commands.CreatePullRequestOnRemote, {
base: undefined,
compare: ctx.branch.isRemote
? GitBranch.getNameWithoutRemote(
: ctx.branch.upstream
? GitBranch.getNameWithoutRemote(ctx.branch.upstream)
remote: ctx.remote?.name ?? '',
repoPath: ctx.repoPath,
container.actionRunners.registerBuiltIn<OpenPullRequestActionContext>('openPullRequest', {
label: ctx => `Open Pull Request on ${ctx.provider?.name ?? 'Remote'}`,
run: async ctx => {
if (ctx.type !== 'openPullRequest') return;
void (await executeCommand<OpenPullRequestOnRemoteCommandArgs>(Commands.OpenPullRequestOnRemote, {
pr: { url: ctx.pullRequest.url },
async function showWelcomeOrWhatsNew(container: Container, version: string, previousVersion: string | undefined) {
if (previousVersion == null) {
Logger.log(`GitLens first-time install; window.focused=${window.state.focused}`);
if (container.config.showWelcomeOnInstall === false) return;
if (window.state.focused) {
await container.context.globalState.update(GlobalState.PendingWelcomeOnFocus, undefined);
await commands.executeCommand(Commands.ShowWelcomePage);
} else {
// Save pending on window getting focus
await container.context.globalState.update(GlobalState.PendingWelcomeOnFocus, true);
const disposable = window.onDidChangeWindowState(e => {
if (!e.focused) return;
// If the window is now focused and we are pending the welcome, clear the pending state and show the welcome
if (container.context.globalState.get(GlobalState.PendingWelcomeOnFocus) === true) {
void container.context.globalState.update(GlobalState.PendingWelcomeOnFocus, undefined);
if (container.config.showWelcomeOnInstall) {
void commands.executeCommand(Commands.ShowWelcomePage);
if (previousVersion !== version) {
Logger.log(`GitLens upgraded from v${previousVersion} to v${version}; window.focused=${window.state.focused}`);
const [major, minor] = version.split('.').map(v => parseInt(v, 10));
const [prevMajor, prevMinor] = previousVersion.split('.').map(v => parseInt(v, 10));
if (
(major === prevMajor && minor === prevMinor) ||
// Don't notify on downgrades
major < prevMajor ||
(major === prevMajor && minor < prevMinor)
) {
if (major !== prevMajor && container.config.showWhatsNewAfterUpgrades) {
if (window.state.focused) {
await container.context.globalState.update(GlobalState.PendingWhatsNewOnFocus, undefined);
await Messages.showWhatsNewMessage(version);
} else {
// Save pending on window getting focus
await container.context.globalState.update(GlobalState.PendingWhatsNewOnFocus, true);
const disposable = window.onDidChangeWindowState(e => {
if (!e.focused) return;
// If the window is now focused and we are pending the what's new, clear the pending state and show the what's new
if (container.context.globalState.get(GlobalState.PendingWhatsNewOnFocus) === true) {
void container.context.globalState.update(GlobalState.PendingWhatsNewOnFocus, undefined);
if (container.config.showWhatsNewAfterUpgrades) {
void Messages.showWhatsNewMessage(version);