- this is the manifest file in which you declare your extension and command.
The sample plugin registers a command and defines its title and command name. With this information
VS Code can show the command in the command palette. It doesn’t yet need to load the plugin.src/extension.ts
- this is the main file where you will provide the implementation of your command.
The file exports one function, activate
, which is called the very first time your extension is
activated (in this case by executing the command). Inside the activate
function we call registerCommand
We pass the function containing the implementation of the command as the second parameter to
to open a new window with your extension loadedCtrl+Shift+P
or Cmd+Shift+P
on Mac) and typing Hello World
to debug your extensionsrc/extension.ts
or Cmd+R
on Mac) the VS Code window with your extension to load your changesnode_modules/vscode/vscode.d.ts
or Cmd+Shift+D
on Mac) and from the launch configuration dropdown pick Launch Tests
to run the tests in a new window with your extension loadedtest/extension.test.ts
or create new test files inside the test
folder to structure your tests any way you want