## Current Line Blame []()

<p align="center">
  <img src="../../images/docs/current-line-blame.png" alt="Current Line Blame" />

GitLens adds an unobtrusive Git blame annotation at the end of the current line, which shows the author, date, and message of the current line's most recent commit.

💡 Use the [Toggle Line Blame](command:workbench.action.quickOpen?%22>GitLens%3A%20Toggle%20Line%20Blame%22) command from the Command Palette to turn the annotation on and off.

⚙️ Use the settings editor to customize the [current line annotations](command:gitlens.showSettingsPage?%22current-line%22 'Jump to the Current Line Blame settings').

## Hovers

<p align="center">
  <img src="../../images/docs/hovers-current-line.png" alt="Current Line Blame Hover" />

Hovering over these blame annotations will reveal more details and links to explore. The **details** hover (the top section) provides many commit details and actions, including autolinks in commit messages, while the **changes** hover (the bottom section) shows a diff of the current line with its previous version and related actions.

⚙️ Use the settings editor to customize the [hovers](command:gitlens.showSettingsPage?%22hovers%22 'Jump to the Hover settings').

## Status Bar Blame

<p align="center">
  <img src="../../images/docs/status-bar.png" alt="Status Bar Blame" />

GitLens also adds Git blame information about the current line to the status bar.

⚙️ Use the settings editor to customize the [status bar](command:gitlens.showSettingsPage?%22status-bar%22 'Jump to the Status Bar settings').