
Refactors git command caching

Now caching many more commands to reduce git/parsing roundtrips and increase performance
Eric Amodio 7 年之前
共有 2 個文件被更改,包括 109 次插入61 次删除
  1. +8
  2. +101

+ 8
- 26
src/blameActiveLineController.ts 查看文件

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { BlameAnnotationFormat, BlameAnnotationFormatter } from './blameAnnotati
import { TextEditorComparer } from './comparers';
import { IBlameConfig, IConfig, StatusBarCommand } from './configuration';
import { DocumentSchemes, ExtensionKey } from './constants';
import { BlameabilityChangeEvent, GitCommit, GitContextTracker, GitService, GitUri, IGitBlame, IGitCommitLine } from './gitService';
import { BlameabilityChangeEvent, GitCommit, GitContextTracker, GitService, GitUri, IGitCommitLine } from './gitService';
import * as moment from 'moment';
const activeLineDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ const activeLineDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType = window.createTextEditorDe
export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
private _activeEditorLineDisposable: Disposable | undefined;
private _blame: Promise<IGitBlame> | undefined;
private _blameable: boolean;
private _config: IConfig;
private _currentLine: number = -1;
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
private _statusBarItem: StatusBarItem | undefined;
private _updateBlameDebounced: (line: number, editor: TextEditor) => Promise<void>;
private _uri: GitUri;
private _useCaching: boolean;
constructor(context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitService, private gitContextTracker: GitContextTracker, private annotationController: BlameAnnotationController) {
super(() => this.dispose());
@ -135,13 +133,11 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
this._blameable = editor !== undefined && editor.document !== undefined && !editor.document.isDirty;
this._editor = editor;
this._uri = await GitUri.fromUri(editor.document.uri, this.git);
const maxLines = this._config.advanced.caching.statusBar.maxLines;
this._useCaching = this._config.advanced.caching.enabled && (maxLines <= 0 || editor.document.lineCount <= maxLines);
if (this._useCaching) {
this._blame = this.git.getBlameForFile(this._uri);
else {
this._blame = undefined;
// If caching is on and the file is small enough -- kick off a blame for the whole file
if (this._config.advanced.caching.enabled && (maxLines <= 0 || editor.document.lineCount <= maxLines)) {
this._updateBlame(editor.selection.active.line, editor);
@ -165,7 +161,6 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
private _onGitCacheChanged() {
this._blame = undefined;
@ -191,22 +186,9 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
let commitLine: IGitCommitLine | undefined = undefined;
// Since blame information isn't valid when there are unsaved changes -- don't show any status
if (this._blameable && line >= 0) {
if (this._useCaching) {
const blame = this._blame && await this._blame;
if (blame === undefined || !blame.lines.length) {
commitLine = blame.lines[line];
const sha = commitLine === undefined ? undefined : commitLine.sha;
commit = sha === undefined ? undefined : blame.commits.get(sha);
else {
const blameLine = await this.git.getBlameForLine(this._uri, line);
commitLine = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.line;
commit = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.commit;
const blameLine = await this.git.getBlameForLine(this._uri, line);
commitLine = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.line;
commit = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.commit;
if (commit !== undefined && commitLine !== undefined) {

+ 101
- 35
src/gitService.ts 查看文件

@ -25,15 +25,21 @@ class UriCacheEntry {
class GitCacheEntry {
blame?: ICachedBlame;
log?: ICachedLog;
private cache: Map<string, ICachedBlame | ICachedLog> = new Map();
constructor(public key: string) { }
get hasErrors(): boolean {
return (this.blame !== undefined && this.blame.errorMessage !== undefined) ||
(this.log !== undefined && this.log.errorMessage !== undefined);
return Iterables.every(this.cache.values(), _ => _.errorMessage !== undefined);
constructor(public key: string) { }
get<T extends ICachedBlame | ICachedLog > (key: string): T | undefined {
return this.cache.get(key) as T;
set<T extends ICachedBlame | ICachedLog > (key: string, value: T) {
this.cache.set(key, value);
interface ICachedItem<T> {
@ -312,38 +318,65 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
async getBlameForFile(uri: GitUri): Promise<IGitBlame | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getBlameForFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${uri.sha})`);
let key: string = 'blame';
if (uri.sha !== undefined) {
key += `:${uri.sha}`;
const fileName = uri.fsPath;
let entry: GitCacheEntry | undefined;
if (this.UseCaching && !uri.sha) {
if (this.UseCaching) {
const cacheKey = this.getCacheEntryKey(fileName);
entry = this._gitCache.get(cacheKey);
if (entry !== undefined && entry.blame !== undefined) return entry.blame.item;
if (entry !== undefined) {
const cachedBlame = entry.get<ICachedBlame>(key);
if (cachedBlame !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`Cached(${key}): getBlameForFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${uri.sha})`);
return cachedBlame.item;
if (key !== 'blame') {
// Since we are looking for partial blame, see if we have the blame of the whole file
const cachedBlame = entry.get<ICachedBlame>('blame');
if (cachedBlame !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`? Cache(${key}): getBlameForFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${uri.sha})`);
const blame = await cachedBlame.item;
if (blame !== undefined && blame.commits.has(uri.sha!)) {
Logger.log(`Cached(${key}): getBlameForFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${uri.sha})`);
return cachedBlame.item;
Logger.log(`Not Cached(${key}): getBlameForFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${uri.sha})`);
if (entry === undefined) {
entry = new GitCacheEntry(cacheKey);
this._gitCache.set(entry.key, entry);
else {
Logger.log(`getBlameForFile('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${uri.sha})`);
const promise = this._getBlameForFile(uri, fileName, entry);
const promise = this._getBlameForFile(uri, fileName, entry, key);
if (entry) {
Logger.log(`Add blame cache for '${entry.key}'`);
Logger.log(`Add blame cache for '${entry.key}:${key}'`);
entry.blame = {
entry.set<ICachedBlame>(key, {
//date: new Date(),
item: promise
} as ICachedBlame;
this._gitCache.set(entry.key, entry);
} as ICachedBlame);
return promise;
private async _getBlameForFile(uri: GitUri, fileName: string, entry: GitCacheEntry | undefined): Promise<IGitBlame | undefined> {
private async _getBlameForFile(uri: GitUri, fileName: string, entry: GitCacheEntry | undefined, key: string): Promise<IGitBlame | undefined> {
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(fileName, uri.repoPath, false);
const ignore = await this._gitignore;
@ -363,16 +396,15 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
// Trap and cache expected blame errors
if (entry) {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
Logger.log(`Replace blame cache with empty promise for '${entry.key}'`);
Logger.log(`Replace blame cache with empty promise for '${entry.key}:${key}'`);
entry.blame = {
entry.set<ICachedBlame>(key, {
//date: new Date(),
item: GitService.EmptyPromise,
errorMessage: msg
} as ICachedBlame;
} as ICachedBlame);
this._gitCache.set(entry.key, entry);
return await GitService.EmptyPromise as IGitBlame;
@ -383,7 +415,7 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
async getBlameForLine(uri: GitUri, line: number): Promise<IGitBlameLine | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getBlameForLine('${uri.repoPath}', '${uri.fsPath}', ${line}, ${uri.sha})`);
if (this.UseCaching && !uri.sha) {
if (this.UseCaching) {
const blame = await this.getBlameForFile(uri);
if (blame === undefined) return undefined;
@ -604,37 +636,72 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
getLogForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha?: string, maxCount?: number, range?: Range, reverse: boolean = false): Promise<IGitLog | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getLogForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha}, ${maxCount}, ${range && `[${range.start.line}, ${range.end.line}]`}, ${reverse})`);
async getLogForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha?: string, maxCount?: number, range?: Range, reverse: boolean = false): Promise<IGitLog | undefined> {
let key: string = 'log';
if (sha !== undefined) {
key += `:${sha}`;
if (maxCount !== undefined) {
key += `:n${maxCount}`;
let entry: GitCacheEntry | undefined;
if (this.UseCaching && !sha && !range && !maxCount && !reverse) {
if (this.UseCaching && range === undefined && !reverse) {
const cacheKey = this.getCacheEntryKey(fileName);
entry = this._gitCache.get(cacheKey);
if (entry !== undefined && entry.log !== undefined) return entry.log.item;
if (entry !== undefined) {
const cachedLog = entry.get<ICachedLog>(key);
if (cachedLog !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`Cached(${key}): getLogForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha}, ${maxCount}, undefined, false)`);
return cachedLog.item;
if (key !== 'log') {
// Since we are looking for partial log, see if we have the log of the whole file
const cachedLog = entry.get<ICachedLog>('log');
if (cachedLog !== undefined) {
if (sha === undefined) {
Logger.log(`Cached(~${key}): getLogForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha}, ${maxCount}, undefined, false)`);
return cachedLog.item;
Logger.log(`? Cache(${key}): getLogForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha}, ${maxCount}, undefined, false)`);
const log = await cachedLog.item;
if (log !== undefined && log.commits.has(sha)) {
Logger.log(`Cached(${key}): getLogForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha}, ${maxCount}, undefined, false)`);
return cachedLog.item;
Logger.log(`Not Cached(${key}): getLogForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha}, ${maxCount}, undefined, false)`);
if (entry === undefined) {
entry = new GitCacheEntry(cacheKey);
this._gitCache.set(entry.key, entry);
else {
Logger.log(`getLogForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha}, ${maxCount}, ${range && `[${range.start.line}, ${range.end.line}]`}, ${reverse})`);
const promise = this._getLogForFile(repoPath, fileName, sha, range, maxCount, reverse, entry);
const promise = this._getLogForFile(repoPath, fileName, sha, range, maxCount, reverse, entry, key);
if (entry) {
Logger.log(`Add log cache for '${entry.key}'`);
Logger.log(`Add log cache for '${entry.key}:${key}'`);
entry.log = {
entry.set<ICachedLog>(key, {
//date: new Date(),
item: promise
} as ICachedLog;
this._gitCache.set(entry.key, entry);
} as ICachedLog);
return promise;
private async _getLogForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha: string | undefined, range: Range | undefined, maxCount: number | undefined, reverse: boolean, entry: GitCacheEntry | undefined): Promise<IGitLog | undefined> {
private async _getLogForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha: string | undefined, range: Range | undefined, maxCount: number | undefined, reverse: boolean, entry: GitCacheEntry | undefined, key: string): Promise<IGitLog | undefined> {
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(fileName, repoPath, false);
const ignore = await this._gitignore;
@ -651,15 +718,14 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
// Trap and cache expected log errors
if (entry) {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
Logger.log(`Replace log cache with empty promise for '${entry.key}'`);
Logger.log(`Replace log cache with empty promise for '${entry.key}:${key}'`);
entry.log = {
entry.set<ICachedLog>(key, {
//date: new Date(),
item: GitService.EmptyPromise,
errorMessage: msg
} as ICachedLog;
} as ICachedLog);
this._gitCache.set(entry.key, entry);
return await GitService.EmptyPromise as IGitLog;
