@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ export enum GitErrorHandling {
interface GitCommandOptions extends RunOptions {
configs? : string [ ] ;
readonly correlationKey? : string ;
errors? : GitErrorHandling ;
@ -84,10 +85,13 @@ interface GitCommandOptions extends RunOptions {
// A map of running git commands -- avoids running duplicate overlaping commands
const pendingCommands : Map < string , Promise < string | Buffer > > = new Map ( ) ;
const emptyArray : any = [ ] ;
const emptyObj = { } ;
async function git < TOut extends string | Buffer > ( options : GitCommandOptions , . . . args : any [ ] ) : Promise < TOut > {
const start = process . hrtime ( ) ;
const { correlationKey , errors : errorHandling , . . . opts } = options ;
const { configs , co rrelationKey , errors : errorHandling , . . . opts } = options ;
const encoding = options . encoding || 'utf8' ;
const runOpts = {
@ -95,7 +99,13 @@ async function git(options: GitCommandOptions, ...
encoding : encoding === 'utf8' ? 'utf8' : encoding === 'buffer' ? 'buffer' : 'binary' ,
// Adds GCM environment variables to avoid any possible credential issues -- from https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/26573#issuecomment-338686581
// Shouldn't *really* be needed but better safe than sorry
env : { . . . ( options . env || process . env ) , GCM_INTERACTIVE : 'NEVER' , GCM_PRESERVE_CREDS : 'TRUE' , LC_ALL : 'C' }
env : {
. . . process . env ,
. . . ( options . env || emptyObj ) ,
LC_ALL : 'C'
} as RunOptions ;
const gitCommand = ` [ ${ runOpts . cwd } ] git ${ args . join ( ' ' ) } ` ;
@ -106,9 +116,18 @@ async function git(options: GitCommandOptions, ...
let promise = pendingCommands . get ( command ) ;
if ( promise === undefined ) {
waiting = false ;
// Fixes https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/73 & https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/161
// See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4144417/how-to-handle-asian-characters-in-file-names-in-git-on-os-x
args . splice ( 0 , 0 , '-c' , 'core.quotepath=false' , '-c' , 'color.ui=false' ) ;
args . splice (
0 ,
0 ,
'-c' ,
'core.quotepath=false' ,
'-c' ,
'color.ui=false' ,
. . . ( configs !== undefined ? configs : emptyArray )
) ;
promise = run < TOut > ( gitInfo . path , args , encoding , runOpts ) ;
@ -355,21 +374,21 @@ export class Git {
static branch ( repoPath : string , options : { all : boolean } = { all : false } ) {
const params = [ '-c' , 'color.branch=false' , ' branch' , '-vv' ] ;
const params = [ 'branch' , '-vv' ] ;
if ( options . all ) {
params . push ( '-a' ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath , configs : [ '-c' , 'color.branch=false' ] } , . . . params ) ;
static branch_contains ( repoPath : string , ref : string , options : { remote : boolean } = { remote : false } ) {
const params = [ '-c' , 'color.branch=false' , ' branch' , '--contains' ] ;
const params = [ 'branch' , '--contains' ] ;
if ( options . remote ) {
params . push ( '-r' ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params , ref ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath , configs : [ '-c' , 'color.branch=false' ] } , . . . params , ref ) ;
static check_mailmap ( repoPath : string , author : string ) {
@ -408,7 +427,7 @@ export class Git {
static diff ( repoPath : string , fileName : string , ref1? : string , ref2? : string , options : { encoding? : string } = { } ) {
const params = [ '-c' , 'color.diff=false' , ' diff' , '--diff-filter=M' , '-M' , '--no-ext-diff' , '--minimal' ] ;
const params = [ 'diff' , '--diff-filter=M' , '-M' , '--no-ext-diff' , '--minimal' ] ;
if ( ref1 ) {
params . push ( Git . isStagedUncommitted ( ref1 ) ? '--staged' : ref1 ) ;
@ -417,11 +436,16 @@ export class Git {
const encoding : BufferEncoding = options . encoding === 'utf8' ? 'utf8' : 'binary' ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath , encoding : encoding } , . . . params , '--' , fileName ) ;
return git < string > (
{ cwd : repoPath , configs : [ '-c' , 'color.diff=false' ] , encoding : encoding } ,
. . . params ,
'--' ,
) ;
static diff_nameStatus ( repoPath : string , ref1? : string , ref2? : string , options : { filter? : string } = { } ) {
const params = [ '-c' , 'color.diff=false' , 'diff' , '--name-status' , '-M' , '--no-ext-diff' ] ;
const params = [ 'diff' , '--name-status' , '-M' , '--no-ext-diff' ] ;
if ( options && options . filter ) {
params . push ( ` --diff-filter= ${ options . filter } ` ) ;
@ -432,15 +456,15 @@ export class Git {
params . push ( ref2 ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath , configs : [ '-c' , 'color.diff=false' ] } , . . . params ) ;
static diff_shortstat ( repoPath : string , ref? : string ) {
const params = [ '-c' , 'color.diff=false' , ' diff' , '--shortstat' , '--no-ext-diff' ] ;
const params = [ 'diff' , '--shortstat' , '--no-ext-diff' ] ;
if ( ref ) {
params . push ( ref ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath , configs : [ '-c' , 'color.diff=false' ] } , . . . params ) ;
static difftool_dirDiff ( repoPath : string , tool : string , ref1 : string , ref2? : string ) {
@ -485,7 +509,7 @@ export class Git {
static log ( repoPath : string , options : { author? : string ; maxCount? : number ; ref? : string ; reverse? : boolean } ) {
const params = [ '-c' , 'diff.renameLimit=0' , . . . defaultLogParams , '--full-history' , '-M' , '-m' ] ;
const params = [ . . . defaultLogParams , '--full-history' , '-M' , '-m' ] ;
if ( options . author ) {
params . push ( ` --author= ${ options . author } ` ) ;
@ -500,7 +524,7 @@ export class Git {
params . push ( options . ref ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params , '--' ) ;
return git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath , configs : [ '-c' , 'diff.renameLimit=0' ] } , . . . params , '--' ) ;
static log_file (
@ -603,7 +627,7 @@ export class Git {
return data === '' ? undefined : data . trim ( ) ;
static log_search ( repoPath : string , search : string [ ] = [ ] , options : { maxCount? : number } = { } ) {
static log_search ( repoPath : string , search : string [ ] = emptyArray , options : { maxCount? : number } = { } ) {
const params = [ . . . defaultLogParams ] ;
if ( options . maxCount ) {
params . push ( ` -n ${ options . maxCount } ` ) ;
@ -804,9 +828,7 @@ export class Git {
static status ( repoPath : string , porcelainVersion : number = 1 ) : Promise < string > {
const porcelain = porcelainVersion >= 2 ? ` --porcelain=v ${ porcelainVersion } ` : '--porcelain' ;
return git < string > (
{ cwd : repoPath , env : { . . . process . env , GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS : '0' } } ,
'-c' ,
'color.status=false' ,
{ cwd : repoPath , configs : [ '-c' , 'color.status=false' ] , env : { GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS : '0' } } ,
'status' ,
porcelain ,
'--branch' ,
@ -819,9 +841,7 @@ export class Git {
const porcelain = porcelainVersion >= 2 ? ` --porcelain=v ${ porcelainVersion } ` : '--porcelain' ;
return git < string > (
{ cwd : root , env : { . . . process . env , GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS : '0' } } ,
'-c' ,
'color.status=false' ,
{ cwd : root , configs : [ '-c' , 'color.status=false' ] , env : { GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS : '0' } } ,
'status' ,
porcelain ,
'--' ,