소스 검색

Adds full blame UI support

Eric Amodio 8 년 전
7개의 변경된 파일459개의 추가작업 그리고 30개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +4
  2. +216
  3. +7
  4. +12
  5. +185
  6. +7
  7. +28

+ 4
- 2
.vscode/settings.json 파일 보기

@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
"files.exclude": {
"out": false, // set this to true to hide the "out" folder with the compiled JS files
"node_modules": false
"node_modules": true,
"typings": true
"search.exclude": {
"out": true, // set this to false to include "out" folder in search results
"node_modules": true
"node_modules": true,
"typings": true
"typescript.tsdk": "./node_modules/typescript/lib" // we want to use the TS server from our node_modules folder to control its version

+ 216
- 17
src/commands.ts 파일 보기

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
'use strict'
import {commands, Disposable, Position, Range, Uri, window} from 'vscode';
import {commands, DecorationOptions, Disposable, OverviewRulerLane, Position, Range, TextEditorDecorationType, Uri, window} from 'vscode';
import {Commands, VsCodeCommands} from './constants';
import GitProvider from './gitProvider';
import GitBlameController from './gitBlameController';
import {basename} from 'path';
import * as moment from 'moment';
abstract class Command extends Disposable {
private _subscriptions: Disposable;
@ -14,36 +16,233 @@ abstract class Command extends Disposable {
dispose() {
this._subscriptions && this._subscriptions.dispose();
abstract execute(...args): any;
export class BlameCommand extends Command {
constructor(private git: GitProvider) {
constructor(private git: GitProvider, private blameController: GitBlameController) {
execute(uri?: Uri, range?: Range, position?: Position) {
// If the command is executed manually -- treat it as a click on the root lens (i.e. show blame for the whole file)
if (!uri) {
const doc = window.activeTextEditor && window.activeTextEditor.document;
if (doc) {
uri = doc.uri;
range = doc.validateRange(new Range(0, 0, 1000000, 1000000));
position = doc.validateRange(new Range(0, 0, 0, 1000000)).start;
if (!uri) return;
execute(uri?: Uri, range?: Range, sha?: string) {
const editor = window.activeTextEditor;
if (!editor) return;
if (!range) {
range = editor.document.validateRange(new Range(0, 0, 1000000, 1000000));
return this.git.getBlameLocations(uri.path, range).then(locations => {
return commands.executeCommand(VsCodeCommands.ShowReferences, uri, position, locations);
if (sha) {
return this.blameController.toggleBlame(editor, sha);
const activeLine = editor.selection.active.line;
return this.git.getBlameForLine(editor.document.fileName, activeLine)
.then(blame => this.blameController.toggleBlame(editor, blame.commit.sha));
// export class BlameCommand extends Command {
// // static Colors: Array<Array<number>> = [ [255, 152, 0], [255, 87, 34], [121, 85, 72], [158, 158, 158], [96, 125, 139], [244, 67, 54], [233, 30, 99], [156, 39, 176], [103, 58, 183] ];
// // private _decorations: TextEditorDecorationType[] = [];
// constructor(private git: GitProvider, private blameDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType, private highlightDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType) {
// super(Commands.ShowBlameHistory);
// // BlameCommand.Colors.forEach(c => {
// // this._decorations.push(window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
// // dark: {
// // backgroundColor: `rgba(${c[0]}, ${c[1]}, ${c[2]}, 0.15)`,
// // //gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-dark.png'),
// // overviewRulerColor: `rgba(${c[0]}, ${c[1]}, ${c[2]}, 0.75)`,
// // },
// // //light: {
// // //backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)',
// // //gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-light.png'),
// // //overviewRulerColor: c //'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
// // //},
// // // before: {
// // // margin: '0 1em 0 0'
// // // },
// // // after: {
// // // margin: '0 0 0 2em'
// // // },
// // //gutterIconSize: 'contain',
// // overviewRulerLane: OverviewRulerLane.Right,
// // //isWholeLine: true
// // }));
// // });
// }
// execute(uri?: Uri, range?: Range, position?: Position) {
// const editor = window.activeTextEditor;
// if (!editor) {
// return;
// }
// editor.setDecorations(this.blameDecoration, []);
// editor.setDecorations(this.highlightDecoration, []);
// const highlightDecorationRanges: Array<Range> = [];
// const blameDecorationOptions: Array<DecorationOptions> = [];
// this.git.getBlameForRange(uri.path, range).then(blame => {
// if (!blame.lines.length) return;
// const commits = Array.from(blame.commits.values());
// const recentCommit = commits.sort((a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime())[0];
// return this.git.getCommitMessages(uri.path)
// .then(msgs => {
// commits.forEach(c => {
// c.message = msgs.get(c.sha.substring(0, c.sha.length - 1));
// });
// blame.lines.forEach(l => {
// if (l.sha === recentCommit.sha) {
// highlightDecorationRanges.push(editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 1000000)));
// }
// const c = blame.commits.get(l.sha);
// blameDecorationOptions.push({
// range: editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 0)),
// hoverMessage: `${c.sha}: ${c.message}\n${c.author}, ${moment(c.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}`,
// renderOptions: {
// // dark: {
// // backgroundColor: `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${alphas.get(l.sha)})`
// // },
// before: {
// //border: '1px solid gray',
// //color: 'rgb(128, 128, 128)',
// contentText: `${l.sha}`,
// // margin: '0 1em 0 0',
// // width: '5em'
// }
// // after: {
// // contentText: `${c.author}, ${moment(c.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}`,
// // //color: 'rbg(128, 128, 128)',
// // margin: '0 0 0 2em'
// // }
// }
// });
// });
// });
// // Array.from(blame.commits.values()).forEach((c, i) => {
// // if (i == 0) {
// // highlightDecorationRanges = blame.lines
// // .filter(l => l.sha === c.sha)
// // .map(l => editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 1000000)));
// // }
// // blameDecorationOptions.push(blame.lines
// // .filter(l => l.sha === c.sha)
// // .map(l => {
// // return {
// // range: editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 6)),
// // hoverMessage: `${c.author}\n${moment(c.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}\n${l.sha}`,
// // renderOptions: {
// // // dark: {
// // // backgroundColor: `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${alphas.get(l.sha)})`
// // // },
// // before: {
// // //border: '1px solid gray',
// // //color: 'rgb(128, 128, 128)',
// // contentText: `${l.sha}`,
// // // margin: '0 1em 0 0',
// // // width: '5em'
// // }
// // // after: {
// // // contentText: `${c.author}, ${moment(c.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}`,
// // // //color: 'rbg(128, 128, 128)',
// // // margin: '0 0 0 2em'
// // // }
// // }
// // };
// // }));
// // });
// })
// .then(() => {
// editor.setDecorations(this.blameDecoration, blameDecorationOptions);
// editor.setDecorations(this.highlightDecoration, highlightDecorationRanges);
// });
// // this._decorations.forEach(d => editor.setDecorations(d, []));
// // this.git.getBlameForRange(uri.path, range).then(blame => {
// // if (!blame.lines.length) return;
// // Array.from(blame.commits.values()).forEach((c, i) => {
// // editor.setDecorations(this._decorations[i], blame.lines.filter(l => l.sha === c.sha).map(l => {
// // const commit = c; //blame.commits.get(l.sha);
// // return {
// // range: editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 1000000)),
// // hoverMessage: `${commit.author}\n${moment(commit.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}\n${l.sha}`,
// // renderOptions: {
// // // dark: {
// // // backgroundColor: `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${alphas.get(l.sha)})`
// // // },
// // before: {
// // color: 'rgb(128, 128, 128)',
// // contentText: `${l.sha}`,
// // //border: '1px solid gray',
// // width: '5em',
// // margin: '0 1em 0 0'
// // },
// // after: {
// // contentText: `${commit.author}, ${moment(commit.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}`,
// // //color: 'rbg(128, 128, 128)',
// // margin: '0 0 0 2em'
// // }
// // }
// // };
// // }));
// // });
// // //this.git.getCommitMessage(data.sha).then(msg => {
// // // editor.setDecorations(this._blameDecoration, blame.lines.map(l => {
// // // const commit = blame.commits.get(l.sha);
// // // return {
// // // range: editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 1000000)),
// // // hoverMessage: `${commit.author}\n${moment(commit.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}\n${l.sha}`,
// // // renderOptions: {
// // // // dark: {
// // // // backgroundColor: `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${alphas.get(l.sha)})`
// // // // },
// // // before: {
// // // contentText: `${l.sha}`,
// // // margin: '0 0 0 -10px'
// // // },
// // // after: {
// // // contentText: `${l.sha}`,
// // // color: 'rbg(128, 128, 128)',
// // // margin: '0 20px 0 0'
// // // }
// // // }
// // // };
// // // }));
// // //})
// // });
// // // If the command is executed manually -- treat it as a click on the root lens (i.e. show blame for the whole file)
// // if (!uri) {
// // const doc = window.activeTextEditor && window.activeTextEditor.document;
// // if (doc) {
// // uri = doc.uri;
// // range = doc.validateRange(new Range(0, 0, 1000000, 1000000));
// // position = doc.validateRange(new Range(0, 0, 0, 1000000)).start;
// // }
// // if (!uri) return;
// // }
// // return this.git.getBlameLocations(uri.path, range).then(locations => {
// // return commands.executeCommand(VsCodeCommands.ShowReferences, uri, position, locations);
// // });
// }
// }
export class DiffWithPreviousCommand extends Command {
constructor(private git: GitProvider) {

+ 7
- 2
src/extension.ts 파일 보기

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
'use strict';
import {CodeLens, DocumentSelector, ExtensionContext, extensions, languages, workspace} from 'vscode';
import {CodeLens, DocumentSelector, ExtensionContext, extensions, languages, OverviewRulerLane, window, workspace} from 'vscode';
import GitCodeLensProvider from './gitCodeLensProvider';
import GitBlameCodeLensProvider from './gitBlameCodeLensProvider';
import GitBlameContentProvider from './gitBlameContentProvider';
import GitBlameController from './gitBlameController';
import GitProvider from './gitProvider';
import {BlameCommand, DiffWithPreviousCommand, DiffWithWorkingCommand} from './commands';
import {WorkspaceState} from './constants';
@ -28,7 +29,11 @@ export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
context.subscriptions.push(workspace.registerTextDocumentContentProvider(GitBlameContentProvider.scheme, new GitBlameContentProvider(context, git)));
context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerCodeLensProvider(GitCodeLensProvider.selector, new GitCodeLensProvider(context, git)));
context.subscriptions.push(languages.registerCodeLensProvider(GitBlameCodeLensProvider.selector, new GitBlameCodeLensProvider(context, git)));
context.subscriptions.push(new BlameCommand(git));
const blameController = new GitBlameController(context, git);
context.subscriptions.push(new BlameCommand(git, blameController));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffWithPreviousCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffWithWorkingCommand(git));
}).catch(reason => console.warn(reason));

+ 12
- 3
src/git.ts 파일 보기

@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ export default class Git {
fileName = Git.normalizePath(fileName, repoPath);
if (sha) {
console.log('git', 'blame', '-fnw', '--root', `${sha}^`, '--', fileName);
console.log('git', 'blame', '-fn', '--root', `${sha}^`, '--', fileName);
return gitCommand(repoPath, 'blame', '-fnw', '--root', `${sha}^`, '--', fileName);
console.log('git', 'blame', '-fnw', '--root', '--', fileName);
return gitCommand(repoPath, 'blame', '-fnw', '--root', '--', fileName);
console.log('git', 'blame', '-fn', '--root', '--', fileName);
return gitCommand(repoPath, 'blame', '-fn', '--root', '--', fileName);
// .then(s => { console.log(s); return s; })
// .catch(ex => console.error(ex));
@ -75,4 +75,13 @@ export default class Git {
// .then(s => { console.log(s); return s; })
// .catch(ex => console.error(ex));
static getCommitMessages(fileName: string, repoPath: string) {
fileName = Git.normalizePath(fileName, repoPath);
console.log('git', 'log', '--oneline', '--', fileName);
return gitCommand(repoPath, 'log', '--oneline', '--', fileName);
// .then(s => { console.log(s); return s; })
// .catch(ex => console.error(ex));

+ 185
- 0
src/gitBlameController.ts 파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
'use strict'
import {commands, DecorationOptions, Disposable, ExtensionContext, OverviewRulerLane, Position, Range, TextEditor, TextEditorDecorationType, Uri, window, workspace} from 'vscode';
import {Commands, VsCodeCommands} from './constants';
import GitProvider, {IGitBlame} from './gitProvider';
import {basename} from 'path';
import * as moment from 'moment';
export default class GitBlameController extends Disposable {
private _controller: GitBlameEditorController;
private _subscription: Disposable;
private blameDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType;
private highlightDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType;
constructor(context: ExtensionContext, private git: GitProvider) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this.blameDecoration = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
before: {
color: '#5a5a5a',
margin: '0 1em 0 0',
width: '5em'
this.highlightDecoration= window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
dark: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)',
gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-dark.png'),
overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)',
light: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)',
gutterIconPath: context.asAbsolutePath('images/blame-light.png'),
overviewRulerColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
gutterIconSize: 'contain',
overviewRulerLane: OverviewRulerLane.Right,
isWholeLine: true
this._subscription = Disposable.from(window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(e => {
if (!this._controller || this._controller.editor === e) return;
dispose() {
this._subscription && this._subscription.dispose();
clear() {
this._controller && this._controller.dispose();
this._controller = null;
toggleBlame(editor: TextEditor, sha: string) {
if (editor && (this._controller && this._controller.sha !== sha)) {
const controller = this._controller;
if (!editor || (controller && controller.sha === sha)) {
this._controller = new GitBlameEditorController(this.git, this.blameDecoration, this.highlightDecoration, editor, sha);
return this._controller.applyBlame(sha);
class GitBlameEditorController extends Disposable {
private _subscription: Disposable;
private _blame: Promise<IGitBlame>;
private _commits: Promise<Map<string, string>>;
constructor(private git: GitProvider, private blameDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType, private highlightDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType, public editor: TextEditor, public sha: string) {
super(() => this.dispose());
const fileName = this.editor.document.uri.path;
this._blame = this.git.getBlameForFile(fileName);
this._commits = this.git.getCommitMessages(fileName);
this._subscription = Disposable.from(window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(e => {
const activeLine = e.selections[0].active.line;
this.git.getBlameForLine(e.textEditor.document.fileName, activeLine)
.then(blame => this.applyHighlight(blame.commit.sha));
dispose() {
if (this.editor) {
this.editor.setDecorations(this.blameDecoration, []);
this.editor.setDecorations(this.highlightDecoration, []);
this.editor = null;
this._subscription && this._subscription.dispose();
applyBlame(sha: string) {
return this._blame.then(blame => {
if (!blame.lines.length) return;
return this._commits.then(msgs => {
const commits = Array.from(blame.commits.values());
commits.forEach(c => c.message = msgs.get(c.sha.substring(0, c.sha.length - 1)));
const blameDecorationOptions: DecorationOptions[] = blame.lines.map(l => {
const c = blame.commits.get(l.sha);
return {
range: this.editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 0)),
hoverMessage: `${c.message}\n${c.author}, ${moment(c.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}`,
renderOptions: { before: { contentText: `${l.sha}`, } }
this.editor.setDecorations(this.blameDecoration, blameDecorationOptions);
return this.applyHighlight(sha || commits.sort((a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime())[0].sha);
applyHighlight(sha: string) {
this.sha = sha;
return this._blame.then(blame => {
if (!blame.lines.length) return;
const highlightDecorationRanges = blame.lines
.filter(l => l.sha === sha)
.map(l => this.editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 1000000)));
this.editor.setDecorations(this.highlightDecoration, highlightDecorationRanges);
// execute(sha?: string) {
// const editor = this.editor;
// const uri = editor.document.uri;
// const range = this.range;
// // editor.setDecorations(this.blameDecoration, []);
// // editor.setDecorations(this.highlightDecoration, []);
// const highlightDecorationRanges: Array<Range> = [];
// const blameDecorationOptions: Array<DecorationOptions> = [];
// this.git.getBlameForRange(uri.path, range).then(blame => {
// if (!blame.lines.length) return;
// const commits = Array.from(blame.commits.values());
// if (!sha) {
// sha = commits.sort((a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime())[0].sha;
// }
// return this.git.getCommitMessages(uri.path)
// .then(msgs => {
// commits.forEach(c => {
// c.message = msgs.get(c.sha.substring(0, c.sha.length - 1));
// });
// blame.lines.forEach(l => {
// if (l.sha === sha) {
// highlightDecorationRanges.push(editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 1000000)));
// }
// const c = blame.commits.get(l.sha);
// blameDecorationOptions.push({
// range: editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line, 0, l.line, 0)),
// hoverMessage: `${c.sha}: ${c.message}\n${c.author}, ${moment(c.date).format('MMMM Do, YYYY hh:MM a')}`,
// renderOptions: { before: { contentText: `${l.sha}`, } }
// });
// });
// });
// })
// .then(() => {
// editor.setDecorations(this.blameDecoration, blameDecorationOptions);
// editor.setDecorations(this.highlightDecoration, highlightDecorationRanges);
// });
// }

+ 7
- 1
src/gitCodeLensProvider.ts 파일 보기

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import GitProvider, {IGitBlame, IGitBlameCommit} from './gitProvider';
import * as moment from 'moment';
export class GitCodeLens extends CodeLens {
public sha: string;
constructor(private git: GitProvider, public fileName: string, public blameRange: Range, range: Range) {
@ -68,6 +70,9 @@ export default class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
const line = document.lineAt(symbol.location.range.start);
if (lenses.length && lenses[lenses.length - 1].range.start.line === line.lineNumber) {
let startChar = line.text.search(`\\b${symbol.name}\\b`); //line.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex;
if (startChar === -1) {
@ -97,10 +102,11 @@ export default class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
const recentCommit = Array.from(blame.commits.values()).sort((a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime())[0];
lens.sha = recentCommit.sha;
lens.command = {
title: `${recentCommit.author}, ${moment(recentCommit.date).fromNow()}`, // - lines(${lens.blameRange.start.line + 1}-${lens.blameRange.end.line + 1})`,
command: Commands.ShowBlameHistory,
arguments: [Uri.file(lens.fileName), lens.blameRange, lens.range.start]
arguments: [Uri.file(lens.fileName), lens.blameRange, lens.sha]

+ 28
- 5
src/gitProvider.ts 파일 보기

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import * as moment from 'moment';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
const blameMatcher = /^([\^0-9a-fA-F]{8})\s([\S]*)\s+([0-9\S]+)\s\((.*)\s([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\s[-|+][0-9]{4})\s+([0-9]+)\)(.*)$/gm;
const commitMessageMatcher = /^([\^0-9a-fA-F]{7})\s(.*)$/gm;
export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
public repoPath: string;
@ -27,7 +28,6 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
dispose() {
this._subscription && this._subscription.dispose();
private _removeFile(fileName: string) {
@ -38,10 +38,6 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
return Git.repoPath(cwd);
getCommitMessage(sha: string) {
return Git.getCommitMessage(sha, this.repoPath);
getBlameForFile(fileName: string) {
fileName = Git.normalizePath(fileName, this.repoPath);
@ -87,6 +83,16 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
return blame;
getBlameForLine(fileName: string, line: number): Promise<{commit: IGitBlameCommit, line: IGitBlameLine}> {
return this.getBlameForFile(fileName).then(blame => {
const blameLine = blame.lines[line];
return {
commit: blame.commits.get(blameLine.sha),
line: blameLine
getBlameForRange(fileName: string, range: Range): Promise<IGitBlame> {
return this.getBlameForFile(fileName).then(blame => {
if (!blame.lines.length) return blame;
@ -129,6 +135,22 @@ export default class GitProvider extends Disposable {
getCommitMessage(sha: string) {
return Git.getCommitMessage(sha, this.repoPath);
getCommitMessages(fileName: string) {
return Git.getCommitMessages(fileName, this.repoPath).then(data => {
const commits: Map<string, string> = new Map();
let m: Array<string>;
while ((m = commitMessageMatcher.exec(data)) != null) {
commits.set(m[1], m[2]);
return commits;
getVersionedFile(fileName: string, sha: string) {
return Git.getVersionedFile(fileName, this.repoPath, sha);
@ -168,6 +190,7 @@ export interface IGitBlameCommit {
fileName: string;
author: string;
date: Date;
message?: string;
export interface IGitBlameLine {

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