@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import type { HttpsProxyAgent } from 'https-proxy-agent';
import { Disposable , Event , EventEmitter , Uri , window } from 'vscode' ;
import { fetch , getProxyAgent , RequestInit , Response } from '@env/fetch' ;
import { isWeb } from '@env/platform' ;
import { configuration } from '../../configuration' ;
import { configuration , CustomRemoteType } from '../../configuration' ;
import {
AuthenticationError ,
AuthenticationErrorReason ,
@ -38,17 +38,16 @@ export class GitLabApi implements Disposable {
constructor ( ) {
this . _disposable = Disposable . from (
configuration . onDidChange ( e = > {
if ( configuration . changed ( e , 'proxy' ) ) {
this . _proxyAgent = null ;
this . _projectIds . clear ( ) ;
} else if ( configuration . changed ( e , 'outputLevel' ) ) {
if ( configuration . changed ( e , 'proxy' ) || configuration . changed ( e , 'remotes' ) ) {
this . _projectIds . clear ( ) ;
this . _proxyAgents . clear ( ) ;
this . _ignoreSSLErrors . clear ( ) ;
} ) ,
configuration . onDidChangeAny ( e = > {
if ( e . affectsConfiguration ( 'http.proxy' ) || e . affectsConfiguration ( 'http.proxyStrictSSL' ) ) {
this . _proxyAgent = null ;
this . _projectIds . clear ( ) ;
this . _proxyAgents . clear ( ) ;
} ) ,
) ;
@ -58,18 +57,34 @@ export class GitLabApi implements Disposable {
this . _disposable ? . dispose ( ) ;
private _proxyAgent : HttpsProxyAgent | null | undefined = null ;
private get proxyAgent ( ) : HttpsProxyAgent | undefined {
private _proxyAgents = new Map < string , HttpsProxyAgent | null | undefined > ( ) ;
private getProxyAgent ( provider : RichRemoteProvider ) : HttpsProxyAgent | undefined {
if ( isWeb ) return undefined ;
if ( this . _proxyAgent === null ) {
// TODO@eamodio figure out how to best handle this -- we can't really just find the first GitLab remote here
// const config = configuration.get('remotes')?.find(remote => remote.type === CustomRemoteType.GitLab);
// this._agent = getProxyAgent(config?.ignoreCertErrors);
let proxyAgent = this . _proxyAgents . get ( provider . id ) ;
if ( proxyAgent === undefined ) {
const ignoreSSLErrors = this . getIgnoreSSLErrors ( provider ) ;
proxyAgent = getProxyAgent ( ignoreSSLErrors === true || ignoreSSLErrors === 'force' ? false : undefined ) ;
this . _proxyAgents . set ( provider . id , proxyAgent ? ? null ) ;
return proxyAgent ? ? undefined ;
this . _proxyAgent = getProxyAgent ( ) ;
private _ignoreSSLErrors = new Map < string , boolean | ' force ' > ( ) ;
private getIgnoreSSLErrors ( provider : RichRemoteProvider ) : boolean | 'force' {
if ( isWeb ) return false ;
let ignoreSSLErrors = this . _ignoreSSLErrors . get ( provider . id ) ;
if ( ignoreSSLErrors === undefined ) {
const cfg = configuration
. get ( 'remotes' )
? . find ( remote = > remote . type === CustomRemoteType . GitLab && remote . domain === provider . domain ) ;
ignoreSSLErrors = cfg ? . ignoreSSLErrors ? ? false ;
this . _ignoreSSLErrors . set ( provider . id , ignoreSSLErrors ) ;
return this . _proxyAgent ;
return ignoreSSLErrors ;
@debug < GitLabApi [ ' getAccountForCommit ' ] > ( { args : { 0 : p = > p . name , 1 : '<token>' } } )
@ -91,6 +106,7 @@ export class GitLabApi implements Disposable {
try {
const commit = await this . request < GitLabCommit > (
provider ,
token ,
options ? . baseUrl ,
` v4/projects/ ${ projectId } /repository/commits/ ${ ref } ?stats=false ` ,
@ -199,7 +215,7 @@ export class GitLabApi implements Disposable {
} ` ;
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( token , options ? . baseUrl , query , {
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( provider , token, options ? . baseUrl , query , {
fullPath : ` ${ owner } / ${ repo } ` ,
} ) ;
@ -278,7 +294,7 @@ export class GitLabApi implements Disposable {
} ` ;
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( token , options ? . baseUrl , query , {
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( provider , token, options ? . baseUrl , query , {
fullPath : ` ${ owner } / ${ repo } ` ,
iid : String ( number ) ,
} ) ;
@ -408,7 +424,7 @@ export class GitLabApi implements Disposable {
} ` ;
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( token , options ? . baseUrl , query , {
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( provider , token, options ? . baseUrl , query , {
fullPath : ` ${ owner } / ${ repo } ` ,
branches : [ branch ] ,
state : options?.include ,
@ -479,6 +495,8 @@ export class GitLabApi implements Disposable {
try {
const mrs = await this . request < GitLabMergeRequestREST [ ] > (
provider ,
token ,
options ? . baseUrl ,
` v4/projects/ ${ projectId } /repository/commits/ ${ ref } /merge_requests ` ,
@ -507,7 +525,7 @@ export class GitLabApi implements Disposable {
private async findUser (
_ provider : RichRemoteProvider ,
provider : RichRemoteProvider ,
token : string ,
search : string ,
options ? : {
@ -549,7 +567,7 @@ $search: String!
} ` ;
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( token , options ? . baseUrl , query , {
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( provider , token, options ? . baseUrl , query , {
search : search ,
} ) ;
@ -601,7 +619,7 @@ $search: String!
private async getProjectIdCore (
_ provider : RichRemoteProvider ,
provider : RichRemoteProvider ,
token : string ,
group : string ,
repo : string ,
@ -621,7 +639,7 @@ $search: String!
} ` ;
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( token , baseUrl , query , {
const rsp = await this . graphql < QueryResult > ( provider , token, baseUrl , query , {
fullPath : ` ${ group } / ${ repo } ` ,
} ) ;
@ -646,6 +664,7 @@ $search: String!
private async graphql < T > (
provider : RichRemoteProvider ,
token : string ,
baseUrl : string | undefined ,
query : string ,
@ -657,11 +676,21 @@ $search: String!
Logger . logLevel === LogLevel . Debug || Logger . isDebugging
? new Stopwatch ( ` [GITLAB] POST ${ baseUrl } ` , { log : false } )
: undefined ;
const agent = this . getProxyAgent ( provider ) ;
const ignoreSSLErrors = this . getIgnoreSSLErrors ( provider ) ;
let previousRejectUnauthorized ;
try {
if ( ignoreSSLErrors === 'force' ) {
previousRejectUnauthorized = process . env . NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED ;
process . env . NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0' ;
rsp = await fetch ( ` ${ baseUrl ? ? 'https://gitlab.com/api' } /graphql ` , {
method : 'POST' ,
headers : { authorization : ` Bearer ${ token } ` , 'content-type' : 'application/json' } ,
agent : this.proxyAgent as any ,
agent : a gent as any ,
body : JSON.stringify ( { query : query , variables : variables } ) ,
} ) ;
@ -674,6 +703,10 @@ $search: String!
throw new ProviderFetchError ( 'GitLab' , rsp ) ;
} finally {
if ( ignoreSSLErrors === 'force' ) {
process . env . NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = previousRejectUnauthorized ;
const match = /(^[^({\n]+)/ . exec ( query ) ;
const message = ` ${ match ? . [ 1 ] . trim ( ) ? ? query } ` ;
@ -691,6 +724,7 @@ $search: String!
private async request < T > (
provider : RichRemoteProvider ,
token : string ,
baseUrl : string | undefined ,
route : string ,
@ -704,10 +738,20 @@ $search: String!
Logger . logLevel === LogLevel . Debug || Logger . isDebugging
? new Stopwatch ( ` [GITLAB] ${ options ? . method ? ? 'GET' } ${ url } ` , { log : false } )
: undefined ;
const agent = this . getProxyAgent ( provider ) ;
const ignoreSSLErrors = this . getIgnoreSSLErrors ( provider ) ;
let previousRejectUnauthorized ;
try {
if ( ignoreSSLErrors === 'force' ) {
previousRejectUnauthorized = process . env . NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED ;
process . env . NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0' ;
rsp = await fetch ( url , {
headers : { authorization : ` Bearer ${ token } ` , 'content-type' : 'application/json' } ,
agent : this.proxyAgent as any ,
agent : a gent as any ,
. . . options ,
} ) ;
@ -718,6 +762,10 @@ $search: String!
throw new ProviderFetchError ( 'GitLab' , rsp ) ;
} finally {
if ( ignoreSSLErrors === 'force' ) {
process . env . NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = previousRejectUnauthorized ;
stopwatch ? . stop ( ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {