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Moves CharCodes into constants

Eric Amodio 3 år sedan
4 ändrade filer med 72 tillägg och 73 borttagningar
  1. +63
  2. +1
  3. +2
  4. +6

+ 63
- 48
src/constants.ts Visa fil

@ -11,41 +11,19 @@ export const ImageMimetypes: Record = {
'.bmp': 'image/bmp',
export const enum BuiltInCommands {
CloseActiveEditor = 'workbench.action.closeActiveEditor',
CloseAllEditors = 'workbench.action.closeAllEditors',
CursorMove = 'cursorMove',
Diff = 'vscode.diff',
EditorScroll = 'editorScroll',
ExecuteDocumentSymbolProvider = 'vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider',
ExecuteCodeLensProvider = 'vscode.executeCodeLensProvider',
FocusFilesExplorer = 'workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer',
InstallExtension = 'workbench.extensions.installExtension',
Open = '',
OpenFolder = 'vscode.openFolder',
OpenInTerminal = 'openInTerminal',
OpenWith = 'vscode.openWith',
NextEditor = 'workbench.action.nextEditor',
PreviewHtml = 'vscode.previewHtml',
RevealLine = 'revealLine',
SetContext = 'setContext',
ShowExplorerActivity = 'workbench.view.explorer',
ShowReferences = 'editor.action.showReferences',
export const enum BuiltInGitCommands {
Publish = 'git.publish',
Pull = 'git.pull',
PullRebase = 'git.pullRebase',
Push = 'git.push',
PushForce = 'git.pushForce',
UndoCommit = 'git.undoCommit',
export const enum BuiltInGitConfiguration {
AutoRepositoryDetection = 'git.autoRepositoryDetection',
FetchOnPull = 'git.fetchOnPull',
UseForcePushWithLease = 'git.useForcePushWithLease',
export const enum CharCode {
* The `/` character.
Slash = 47,
* The `\` character.
Backslash = 92,
A = 65,
Z = 90,
a = 97,
z = 122,
export const enum Colors {
@ -66,19 +44,6 @@ export const enum Colors {
UnpulledChangesIconColor = 'gitlens.unpulledChangesIconColor',
export const enum Schemes {
DebugConsole = 'debug',
File = 'file',
Git = 'git',
GitHub = 'github',
GitLens = 'gitlens',
Output = 'output',
PRs = 'pr',
Vsls = 'vsls',
VslsScc = 'vsls-scc',
Virtual = 'vscode-vfs',
export const enum GlyphChars {
AngleBracketLeftHeavy = '\u2770',
AngleBracketRightHeavy = '\u2771',
@ -125,3 +90,53 @@ export const enum GlyphChars {
Warning = '\u26a0',
ZeroWidthSpace = '\u200b',
export const enum Schemes {
DebugConsole = 'debug',
File = 'file',
Git = 'git',
GitHub = 'github',
GitLens = 'gitlens',
Output = 'output',
PRs = 'pr',
Vsls = 'vsls',
VslsScc = 'vsls-scc',
Virtual = 'vscode-vfs',
export const enum BuiltInCommands {
CloseActiveEditor = 'workbench.action.closeActiveEditor',
CloseAllEditors = 'workbench.action.closeAllEditors',
CursorMove = 'cursorMove',
Diff = 'vscode.diff',
EditorScroll = 'editorScroll',
ExecuteDocumentSymbolProvider = 'vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider',
ExecuteCodeLensProvider = 'vscode.executeCodeLensProvider',
FocusFilesExplorer = 'workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer',
InstallExtension = 'workbench.extensions.installExtension',
Open = '',
OpenFolder = 'vscode.openFolder',
OpenInTerminal = 'openInTerminal',
OpenWith = 'vscode.openWith',
NextEditor = 'workbench.action.nextEditor',
PreviewHtml = 'vscode.previewHtml',
RevealLine = 'revealLine',
SetContext = 'setContext',
ShowExplorerActivity = 'workbench.view.explorer',
ShowReferences = 'editor.action.showReferences',
export const enum BuiltInGitCommands {
Publish = 'git.publish',
Pull = 'git.pull',
PullRebase = 'git.pullRebase',
Push = 'git.push',
PushForce = 'git.pushForce',
UndoCommit = 'git.undoCommit',
export const enum BuiltInGitConfiguration {
AutoRepositoryDetection = 'git.autoRepositoryDetection',
FetchOnPull = 'git.fetchOnPull',
UseForcePushWithLease = 'git.useForcePushWithLease',

+ 1
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src/premium/github/githubGitProvider.ts Visa fil

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import {
} from 'vscode';
import { encodeUtf8Hex } from '@env/hex';
import { configuration } from '../../configuration';
import { Schemes } from '../../constants';
import { CharCode, Schemes } from '../../constants';
import type { Container } from '../../container';
import {
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ import { gate } from '../../system/decorators/gate';
import { debug, log } from '../../system/decorators/log';
import { filterMap, some } from '../../system/iterable';
import { isAbsolute, isFolderGlob, maybeUri, normalizePath, relative } from '../../system/path';
import { CharCode } from '../../system/string';
import { CachedBlame, CachedLog, GitDocumentState } from '../../trackers/gitDocumentTracker';
import { TrackedDocument } from '../../trackers/trackedDocument';
import { fromCommitFileStatus, GitHubApi } from '../github/github';

+ 2
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src/system/searchTree.ts Visa fil

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions */
import { CharCode } from '../constants';
import { count, map, some } from './iterable';
import { CharCode, compareSubstring, compareSubstringIgnoreCase } from './string';
import { compareSubstring, compareSubstringIgnoreCase } from './string';
const FIN = { done: true, value: undefined };

+ 6
- 22
src/system/string.ts Visa fil

@ -1,26 +1,10 @@
import ansiRegex from 'ansi-regex';
import { md5 as _md5 } from '@env/crypto';
import { hrtime } from '@env/hrtime';
import { CharCode } from '../constants';
export { fromBase64, base64 } from '@env/base64';
const emptyStr = '';
export const enum CharCode {
* The `/` character.
Slash = 47,
* The `\` character.
Backslash = 92,
A = 65,
Z = 90,
a = 97,
z = 122,
const compareCollator = new Intl.Collator(undefined, { sensitivity: 'accent' });
export function compareIgnoreCase(a: string, b: string): 0 | -1 | 1 {
const result =, b);
@ -217,7 +201,7 @@ const interpolationMap = new Map();
export function interpolate(template: string, context: object | undefined): string {
if (template == null || template.length === 0) return template;
if (context == null) return template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, emptyStr);
if (context == null) return template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, '');
let fn = interpolationMap.get(template);
if (fn == null) {
@ -240,7 +224,7 @@ const interpolationAsyncMap = new Map();
export async function interpolateAsync(template: string, context: object | undefined): Promise<string> {
if (template == null || template.length === 0) return template;
if (context == null) return template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, emptyStr);
if (context == null) return template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, '');
let fn = interpolationAsyncMap.get(template);
if (fn == null) {
@ -269,7 +253,7 @@ export function md5(s: string, encoding: 'base64' | 'hex' = 'base64'): string {
export function pad(s: string, before: number = 0, after: number = 0, padding: string = '\u00a0') {
if (before === 0 && after === 0) return s;
return `${before === 0 ? emptyStr : padding.repeat(before)}${s}${after === 0 ? emptyStr : padding.repeat(after)}`;
return `${before === 0 ? '' : padding.repeat(before)}${s}${after === 0 ? '' : padding.repeat(after)}`;
export function padLeft(s: string, padTo: number, padding: string = '\u00a0', width?: number) {
@ -322,7 +306,7 @@ export function pluralize(
zero?: string;
) {
if (options == null) return `${count} ${s}${count === 1 ? emptyStr : 's'}`;
if (options == null) return `${count} ${s}${count === 1 ? '' : 's'}`;
const suffix = count === 1 ? s : options.plural ?? `${s}s`;
if (options.only) return suffix;
@ -419,7 +403,7 @@ export function getWidth(s: string): number {
if (cachedAnsiRegex == null) {
cachedAnsiRegex = ansiRegex();
s = s.replace(cachedAnsiRegex, emptyStr);
s = s.replace(cachedAnsiRegex, '');
let count = 0;
let emoji = 0;
