@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import {
EventEmitter ,
FileType ,
Range ,
TextDocument ,
Uri ,
window ,
workspace ,
@ -344,9 +345,12 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
@gate ( )
@log ( )
async getBlameForFile ( uri : GitUri ) : Promise < GitBlame | undefined > {
async getBlame ( uri : GitUri , document ? : TextDocument | undefined ) : Promise < GitBlame | undefined > {
const cc = Logger . getCorrelationContext ( ) ;
// TODO@eamodio we need to figure out when to do this, since dirty isn't enough, we need to know if there are any uncommitted changes
if ( document ? . isDirty ) return this . getBlameContents ( uri , document . getText ( ) ) ;
let key = 'blame' ;
if ( uri . sha != null ) {
key += ` : ${ uri . sha } ` ;
@ -367,7 +371,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
doc . state = new GitDocumentState ( doc . key ) ;
const promise = this . getBlameForFile Core ( uri , doc , key , cc ) ;
const promise = this . getBlameCore ( uri , doc , key , cc ) ;
if ( doc . state != null ) {
Logger . debug ( cc , ` Cache add: ' ${ key } ' ` ) ;
@ -381,7 +385,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
return promise ;
private async getBlameForFile Core (
private async getBlameCore (
uri : GitUri ,
document : TrackedDocument < GitDocumentState > ,
key : string ,
@ -393,7 +397,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
const { metadata , github , remotehub , session } = context ;
const root = remotehub . getVirtualUri ( remotehub . getProviderRootUri ( uri ) ) ;
const file = this . getRelativePath ( uri , root ) ;
const relativePath = this . getRelativePath ( uri , root ) ;
// const sha = await this.resolveReferenceCore(uri.repoPath!, metadata, uri.sha);
// if (sha == null) return undefined;
@ -404,7 +408,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
metadata . repo . owner ,
metadata . repo . name ,
ref ,
file ,
relativePath ,
) ;
const authors = new Map < string , GitBlameAuthor > ( ) ;
@ -440,7 +444,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
c . message . split ( '\n' , 1 ) [ 0 ] ,
c . parents . nodes [ 0 ] ? . oid ? [ c . parents . nodes [ 0 ] ? . oid ] : [ ] ,
c . message ,
new GitFileChange ( root . toString ( ) , file , GitFileIndexStatus . Modified ) ,
new GitFileChange ( root . toString ( ) , relativePath , GitFileIndexStatus . Modified ) ,
{ changedFiles : c.changedFiles ? ? 0 , additions : c.additions ? ? 0 , deletions : c.deletions ? ? 0 } ,
[ ] ,
) ;
@ -449,17 +453,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
for ( let i = range . startingLine ; i <= range . endingLine ; i ++ ) {
const line : GitCommitLine = {
sha : c.oid ,
from : {
line : i ,
count : 1 ,
} ,
to : {
line : i ,
count : 1 ,
} ,
} ;
const line : GitCommitLine = { sha : c.oid , originalLine : i , line : i } ;
commit . lines . push ( line ) ;
lines [ i - 1 ] = line ;
@ -496,9 +490,10 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
@log < GitHubGitProvider [ ' getBlameForFileContents ' ] > ( { args : { 1 : '<contents>' } } )
async getBlameForFileContents ( uri : GitUri , _contents : string ) : Promise < GitBlame | undefined > {
return this . getBlameForFile ( uri ) ;
@log < GitHubGitProvider [ ' getBlameContents ' ] > ( { args : { 1 : '<contents>' } } )
async getBlameContents ( _uri : GitUri , _contents : string ) : Promise < GitBlame | undefined > {
// TODO@eamodio figure out how to actually generate a blame given the contents (need to generate a diff)
return undefined ; //this.getBlame(uri);
@gate ( )
@ -506,41 +501,110 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
async getBlameForLine (
uri : GitUri ,
editorLine : number ,
_options ? : { forceSingleLine? : boolean } ,
document ? : TextDocument | undefined ,
options ? : { forceSingleLine? : boolean } ,
) : Promise < GitBlameLine | undefined > {
const blame = await this . getBlameForFile ( uri ) ;
if ( blame == null ) return undefined ;
const cc = Logger . getCorrelationContext ( ) ;
// TODO@eamodio we need to figure out when to do this, since dirty isn't enough, we need to know if there are any uncommitted changes
if ( document ? . isDirty ) return this . getBlameForLineContents ( uri , editorLine , document . getText ( ) , options ) ;
if ( ! options ? . forceSingleLine ) {
const blame = await this . getBlame ( uri ) ;
if ( blame == null ) return undefined ;
let blameLine = blame . lines [ editorLine ] ;
if ( blameLine == null ) {
if ( blame . lines . length !== editorLine ) return undefined ;
blameLine = blame . lines [ editorLine - 1 ] ;
const commit = blame . commits . get ( blameLine . sha ) ;
if ( commit == null ) return undefined ;
let blameLine = blame . lines [ editorLine ] ;
if ( blameLine == null ) {
if ( blame . lines . length !== editorLine ) return undefined ;
blameLine = blame . lines [ editorLine - 1 ] ;
const author = blame . authors . get ( commit . author . name ) ! ;
return {
author : { . . . author , lineCount : commit.lines.length } ,
commit : commit ,
line : blameLine ,
} ;
const commit = blame . commits . get ( blameLine . sha ) ;
if ( commit == null ) return undefined ;
try {
const context = await this . ensureRepositoryContext ( uri . repoPath ! ) ;
if ( context == null ) return undefined ;
const { metadata , github , remotehub , session } = context ;
const author = blame . authors . get ( commit . author . name ) ! ;
return {
author : { . . . author , lineCount : commit.lines.length } ,
commit : commit ,
line : blameLine ,
} ;
const root = remotehub . getVirtualUri ( remotehub . getProviderRootUri ( uri ) ) ;
const relativePath = this . getRelativePath ( uri , root ) ;
const ref = uri . sha ? ? ( await metadata . getRevision ( ) ) . revision ;
const blame = await github . getBlame (
session ? . accessToken ,
metadata . repo . owner ,
metadata . repo . name ,
ref ,
relativePath ,
) ;
const range = blame . ranges . find ( r = > r . startingLine === editorLine ) ;
if ( range == null ) return undefined ;
const c = range . commit ;
const { viewer = session . account . label } = blame ;
const authorName = viewer != null && c . author . name === viewer ? 'You' : c . author . name ;
const committerName = viewer != null && c . committer . name === viewer ? 'You' : c . committer . name ;
const commit = new GitCommit (
this . container ,
uri . repoPath ! ,
c . oid ,
new GitCommitIdentity ( authorName , c . author . email , new Date ( c . author . date ) , c . author . avatarUrl ) ,
new GitCommitIdentity ( committerName , c . committer . email , new Date ( c . author . date ) ) ,
c . message . split ( '\n' , 1 ) [ 0 ] ,
c . parents . nodes [ 0 ] ? . oid ? [ c . parents . nodes [ 0 ] ? . oid ] : [ ] ,
c . message ,
new GitFileChange ( root . toString ( ) , relativePath , GitFileIndexStatus . Modified ) ,
{ changedFiles : c.changedFiles ? ? 0 , additions : c.additions ? ? 0 , deletions : c.deletions ? ? 0 } ,
[ ] ,
) ;
for ( let i = range . startingLine ; i <= range . endingLine ; i ++ ) {
const line : GitCommitLine = { sha : c.oid , originalLine : i , line : i } ;
commit . lines . push ( line ) ;
return {
author : {
name : authorName ,
lineCount : range.endingLine - range . startingLine + 1 ,
} ,
commit : commit ,
line : { sha : c.oid , originalLine : range.startingLine , line : editorLine } ,
} ;
} catch ( ex ) {
debugger ;
Logger . error ( cc , ex ) ;
return undefined ;
@log < GitHubGitProvider [ ' getBlameForLineContents ' ] > ( { args : { 2 : '<contents>' } } )
async getBlameForLineContents (
uri : GitUri ,
editorLine : number ,
_ uri : GitUri ,
_ editorLine : number ,
_contents : string ,
_options ? : { forceSingleLine? : boolean } ,
) : Promise < GitBlameLine | undefined > {
return this . getBlameForLine ( uri , editorLine ) ;
// TODO@eamodio figure out how to actually generate a blame given the contents (need to generate a diff)
return undefined ; //this.getBlameForLine(uri, editorLine);
@log ( )
async getBlameForRange ( uri : GitUri , range : Range ) : Promise < GitBlameLines | undefined > {
const blame = await this . getBlameForFile ( uri ) ;
const blame = await this . getBlame ( uri ) ;
if ( blame == null ) return undefined ;
return this . getBlameRange ( blame , uri , range ) ;
@ -548,7 +612,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
@log < GitHubGitProvider [ ' getBlameForRangeContents ' ] > ( { args : { 2 : '<contents>' } } )
async getBlameForRangeContents ( uri : GitUri , range : Range , contents : string ) : Promise < GitBlameLines | undefined > {
const blame = await this . getBlameForFile Contents ( uri , contents ) ;
const blame = await this . getBlameContents ( uri , contents ) ;
if ( blame == null ) return undefined ;
return this . getBlameRange ( blame , uri , range ) ;
@ -575,7 +639,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
if ( ! shas . has ( c . sha ) ) continue ;
const commit = c . with ( {
lines : c.lines.filter ( l = > l . to . line >= startLine && l . to . line <= endLine ) ,
lines : c.lines.filter ( l = > l . line >= startLine && l . line <= endLine ) ,
} ) ;
commits . set ( c . sha , commit ) ;