Browse Source

Reworks git commands a bit to reduce rethrows

Fixes #405 - stops non-repo from showing up in explorer
Eric Amodio 6 years ago
12 changed files with 225 additions and 209 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +1
  3. +2
  4. +2
  5. +3
  6. +152
  7. +4
  8. +40
  9. +10
  10. +2
  11. +5
  12. +3

+ 1
- 0 View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes [#405]( - Secondary, blank repository appears repeatedly in gitExplorer view
- Fixes issues with git log caching
### Removed

+ 1
- 2
src/annotations/gutterBlameAnnotationProvider.ts View File

@ -142,8 +142,7 @@ export class GutterBlameAnnotationProvider extends BlameAnnotationProviderBase {
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
Logger.log(`${duration[0] * 1000 + Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms to compute gutter blame annotations`);
Logger.log(`${Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms to compute gutter blame annotations`);
void this.selection(shaOrLine, blame);

+ 2
- 2
src/annotations/heatmapBlameAnnotationProvider.ts View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { FileAnnotationType } from '../configuration';
import { Container } from '../container';
import { GitBlameCommit } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Strings } from '../system';
import { Annotations } from './annotations';
import { BlameAnnotationProviderBase } from './blameAnnotationProvider';
@ -55,8 +56,7 @@ export class HeatmapBlameAnnotationProvider extends BlameAnnotationProviderBase
this.editor.setDecorations(this.decoration!, this.decorations);
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
Logger.log(`${duration[0] * 1000 + Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms to compute heatmap annotations`);
Logger.log(`${Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms to compute heatmap annotations`);
void this.selection(shaOrLine, blame);

+ 2
- 4
src/annotations/recentChangesAnnotationProvider.ts View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { FileAnnotationType } from '../configuration';
import { Container } from '../container';
import { GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Strings } from '../system';
import { GitDocumentState, TrackedDocument } from '../trackers/gitDocumentTracker';
import { AnnotationProviderBase } from './annotationProvider';
import { Annotations } from './annotations';
@ -82,10 +83,7 @@ export class RecentChangesAnnotationProvider extends AnnotationProviderBase {
this.editor.setDecorations(this.decoration, this.decorations);
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
`${duration[0] * 1000 + Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms to compute recent changes annotations`
Logger.log(`${Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms to compute recent changes annotations`);
return true;

+ 3
- 4
src/extension.ts View File

@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ import {
} from './configuration';
import { CommandContext, extensionQualifiedId, GlobalState, setCommandContext } from './constants';
import { CommandContext, extensionQualifiedId, GlobalState, GlyphChars, setCommandContext } from './constants';
import { Container } from './container';
import { GitService } from './gitService';
import { Logger } from './logger';
import { Messages } from './messages';
import { Versions } from './system';
import { Strings, Versions } from './system';
// import { Telemetry } from './telemetry';
export async function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ export async function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
// Constantly over my data cap so stop collecting initialized event
// Telemetry.trackEvent('initialized', Objects.flatten(cfg, 'config', true));
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
Logger.log(`GitLens(v${gitlensVersion}) activated in ${duration[0] * 1000 + Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms`);
Logger.log(`GitLens(v${gitlensVersion}) activated ${GlyphChars.Dot} ${Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms`);
export function deactivate() {}

+ 152
- 156
src/git/git.ts View File

@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as iconv from 'iconv-lite';
import * as path from 'path';
import { GlyphChars } from '../constants';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Objects, Strings } from '../system';
import { findGitPath, IGitInfo } from './gitLocator';
import { CommandOptions, runCommand } from './shell';
import { run, RunOptions } from './shell';
export { IGitInfo };
export * from './models/models';
@ -63,28 +64,18 @@ const GitWarnings = {
unknownRevision: /ambiguous argument \'.*?\': unknown revision or path not in the working tree|not stored as a remote-tracking branch/i
async function gitCommand(
options: CommandOptions & { readonly correlationKey?: string },
...args: any[]
): Promise<string> {
try {
return await gitCommandCore(options, ...args);
catch (ex) {
return gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler(ex, options, ...args);
interface GitCommandOptions extends RunOptions {
readonly correlationKey?: string;
exceptionHandler?(ex: Error): string;
// A map of running git commands -- avoids running duplicate overlaping commands
const pendingCommands: Map<string, Promise<string>> = new Map();
async function gitCommandCore(
options: CommandOptions & { readonly correlationKey?: string },
...args: any[]
): Promise<string> {
async function git(options: GitCommandOptions, ...args: any[]): Promise<string> {
const start = process.hrtime();
const { correlationKey, ...opts } = options;
const { correlationKey, exceptionHandler, ...opts } = options;
const encoding = options.encoding || 'utf8';
const runOpts = {
@ -93,52 +84,61 @@ async function gitCommandCore(
// Adds GCM environment variables to avoid any possible credential issues -- from
// Shouldn't *really* be needed but better safe than sorry
env: { ...(options.env || process.env), GCM_INTERACTIVE: 'NEVER', GCM_PRESERVE_CREDS: 'TRUE', LC_ALL: 'C' }
} as CommandOptions;
} as RunOptions;
const gitCommand = `git ${args.join(' ')}`;
const command = `(${runOpts.cwd}${correlationKey !== undefined ? correlationKey : ''}): ${gitCommand}`;
const gitCommand = `[${runOpts.cwd}] git ${args.join(' ')}`;
const command = `${correlationKey !== undefined ? `${correlationKey}:` : ''}${gitCommand}`;
let waiting;
let promise = pendingCommands.get(command);
if (promise === undefined) {
waiting = false;
// Fixes &
// See
args.splice(0, 0, '-c', 'core.quotepath=false', '-c', 'color.ui=false');
promise = runCommand(gitInfo.path, args, runOpts);
promise = run(gitInfo.path, args, encoding, runOpts);
pendingCommands.set(command, promise);
else {
waiting = true;
let data: string;
let exception: Error | undefined;
try {
data = await promise;
return await promise;
catch (ex) {
exception = ex;
throw ex;
if (exceptionHandler !== undefined) {
const result = exceptionHandler(ex);
exception = undefined;
return result;
const result = defaultExceptionHandler(ex, options, ...args);
exception = undefined;
return result;
finally {
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
const completedIn = `${exception === undefined ? 'Completed' : 'FAILED'} in ${duration[0] * 1000 +
Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms`;
Logger.log(`${exception === undefined ? 'Completed' : 'FAILED'}${command} ${completedIn}`);
Logger.logGitCommand(`${gitCommand} ${completedIn}`, runOpts.cwd!, exception);
const duration = `${Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms ${waiting ? '(await) ' : ''}`;
`${gitCommand} ${GlyphChars.Dot} ${
exception !== undefined ? `FAILED(${(exception.message || '').trim().split('\n', 1)[0]}) ` : ''
`${gitCommand} ${GlyphChars.Dot} ${exception !== undefined ? 'FAILED ' : ''}${duration}`,
if (encoding === 'utf8' || encoding === 'binary') return data;
return iconv.decode(Buffer.from(data, 'binary'), encoding);
function gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler(ex: Error, options: CommandOptions, ...args: any[]): string {
function defaultExceptionHandler(ex: Error, options: GitCommandOptions, ...args: any[]): string {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
if (msg) {
for (const warning of Objects.values(GitWarnings)) {
@ -153,6 +153,14 @@ function gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler(ex: Error, options: CommandOptions,
throw ex;
function ignoreExceptionsHandler() {
return '';
function throwExceptionHandler(ex: Error) {
throw ex;
let gitInfo: IGitInfo;
export class Git {
@ -180,10 +188,10 @@ export class Git {
gitInfo = await findGitPath(gitPath);
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
`Git found: ${gitInfo.version} @ ${gitInfo.path === 'git' ? 'PATH' : gitInfo.path} in ${duration[0] * 1000 +
Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms`
`Git found: ${gitInfo.version} @ ${gitInfo.path === 'git' ? 'PATH' : gitInfo.path} ${
} ${Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms`
@ -323,7 +331,7 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand({ cwd: root, stdin: stdin }, ...params, '--', file);
return git({ cwd: root, stdin: stdin }, ...params, '--', file);
static async blame_contents(
@ -355,12 +363,7 @@ export class Git {
// Pipe the blame contents to stdin
params.push('--contents', '-');
return gitCommand(
{ cwd: root, stdin: contents, correlationKey: options.correlationKey },
return git({ cwd: root, stdin: contents, correlationKey: options.correlationKey }, ...params, '--', file);
static branch(repoPath: string, options: { all: boolean } = { all: false }) {
@ -369,7 +372,7 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
static branch_contains(repoPath: string, ref: string, options: { remote: boolean } = { remote: false }) {
@ -378,33 +381,33 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, ref);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, ref);
static checkout(repoPath: string, fileName: string, sha: string) {
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(fileName, repoPath);
return gitCommand({ cwd: root }, 'checkout', sha, '--', file);
return git({ cwd: root }, 'checkout', sha, '--', file);
static async config_get(key: string, repoPath?: string) {
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore({ cwd: repoPath || '' }, 'config', '--get', key);
return data.trim();
catch {
return undefined;
const data = await git(
{ cwd: repoPath || '', exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler },
return data === '' ? undefined : data.trim();
static async config_getRegex(pattern: string, repoPath?: string) {
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore({ cwd: repoPath || '' }, 'config', '--get-regex', pattern);
return data.trim();
catch {
return undefined;
const data = await git(
{ cwd: repoPath || '', exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler },
return data === '' ? undefined : data.trim();
static diff(repoPath: string, fileName: string, sha1?: string, sha2?: string, options: { encoding?: string } = {}) {
@ -417,7 +420,7 @@ export class Git {
const encoding: BufferEncoding = options.encoding === 'utf8' ? 'utf8' : 'binary';
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath, encoding: encoding }, ...params, '--', fileName);
return git({ cwd: repoPath, encoding: encoding }, ...params, '--', fileName);
static diff_nameStatus(repoPath: string, sha1?: string, sha2?: string, options: { filter?: string } = {}) {
@ -432,7 +435,7 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
static diff_shortstat(repoPath: string, sha?: string) {
@ -440,7 +443,7 @@ export class Git {
if (sha) {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
static difftool_dirDiff(repoPath: string, tool: string, ref1: string, ref2?: string) {
@ -449,7 +452,7 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
static difftool_fileDiff(repoPath: string, fileName: string, tool: string, staged: boolean) {
@ -459,7 +462,7 @@ export class Git {
params.push('--', fileName);
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
static log(repoPath: string, options: { maxCount?: number; ref?: string; reverse?: boolean }) {
@ -475,7 +478,7 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, '--');
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, '--');
static log_file(
@ -514,36 +517,34 @@ export class Git {
params.push(`-L ${options.startLine},${options.endLine}:${file}`);
return gitCommand({ cwd: root }, ...params, '--', file);
return git({ cwd: root }, ...params, '--', file);
static async log_recent(repoPath: string, fileName: string) {
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore({ cwd: repoPath }, 'log', '-M', '-n1', '--format=%H', '--', fileName);
return data.trim();
catch {
return undefined;
const data = await git(
{ cwd: repoPath, exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler },
return data === '' ? undefined : data.trim();
static async log_resolve(repoPath: string, fileName: string, ref: string) {
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore(
{ cwd: repoPath },
return data.trim();
catch {
return undefined;
const data = await git(
{ cwd: repoPath, exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler },
return data === '' ? undefined : data.trim();
static log_search(repoPath: string, search: string[] = [], options: { maxCount?: number } = {}) {
@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params,;
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params,;
static log_shortstat(repoPath: string, options: { ref?: string }) {
@ -560,22 +561,21 @@ export class Git {
if (options.ref && !Git.isStagedUncommitted(options.ref)) {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, '--');
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, '--');
static async ls_files(repoPath: string, fileName: string, options: { ref?: string } = {}): Promise<string> {
static async ls_files(
repoPath: string,
fileName: string,
options: { ref?: string } = {}
): Promise<string | undefined> {
const params = ['ls-files'];
if (options.ref && !Git.isStagedUncommitted(options.ref)) {
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, fileName);
return data.trim();
catch {
return '';
const data = await git({ cwd: repoPath, exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler }, ...params, fileName);
return data === '' ? undefined : data.trim();
static merge_base(repoPath: string, ref1: string, ref2: string, options: { forkPoint?: boolean } = {}) {
@ -584,79 +584,73 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, ref1, ref2);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params, ref1, ref2);
static remote(repoPath: string): Promise<string> {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, 'remote', '-v');
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, 'remote', '-v');
static remote_url(repoPath: string, remote: string): Promise<string> {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, 'remote', 'get-url', remote);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, 'remote', 'get-url', remote);
static async revparse(repoPath: string, ref: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore({ cwd: repoPath }, 'rev-parse', ref);
return data.trim();
catch {
return undefined;
const data = await git({ cwd: repoPath, exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler }, 'rev-parse', ref);
return data === '' ? undefined : data.trim();
static async revparse_currentBranch(repoPath: string): Promise<[string, string?] | undefined> {
const params = ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '--symbolic-full-name', '@', '@{u}'];
const opts = { cwd: repoPath } as CommandOptions;
const opts = {
cwd: repoPath,
exceptionHandler: throwExceptionHandler
} as GitCommandOptions;
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore(opts, ...params);
const data = await git(opts, ...params);
return [data, undefined];
catch (ex) {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
if (GitWarnings.headNotABranch.test(msg)) {
try {
const params = ['log', '-n1', '--format=%H', '--'];
const data = await gitCommandCore(opts, ...params);
if (data === undefined) return undefined;
// Matches output of `git branch -vv`
const sha = data.trim();
return [`(HEAD detached at ${this.shortenSha(sha)})`, sha];
catch {
return undefined;
const data = await git(
{ ...opts, exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler },
if (data === '') return undefined;
// Matches output of `git branch -vv`
const sha = data.trim();
return [`(HEAD detached at ${this.shortenSha(sha)})`, sha];
const result = GitWarnings.noUpstream.exec(msg);
if (result !== null) return [result[1], undefined];
if (GitWarnings.unknownRevision.test(msg)) {
try {
const params = ['symbolic-ref', '-q', '--short', 'HEAD'];
const data = await gitCommandCore(opts, ...params);
return [data, undefined];
catch {
return undefined;
const data = await git(
{ ...opts, exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler },
return data === '' ? undefined : [data.trim(), undefined];
gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler(ex, opts, ...params);
defaultExceptionHandler(ex, opts, ...params);
return undefined;
static async revparse_toplevel(cwd: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore({ cwd: cwd }, 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel');
return data.trim();
catch {
return undefined;
const data = await git({ cwd: cwd, exceptionHandler: ignoreExceptionsHandler }, 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel');
return data === '' ? undefined : data.trim();
static async show(
@ -672,11 +666,15 @@ export class Git {
if (Git.isUncommitted(ref)) throw new Error(`sha=${ref} is uncommitted`);
const opts = { cwd: root, encoding: options.encoding || 'utf8' } as CommandOptions;
const opts = {
cwd: root,
encoding: options.encoding || 'utf8',
exceptionHandler: throwExceptionHandler
} as GitCommandOptions;
const args = ref.endsWith(':') ? `${ref}./${file}` : `${ref}:./${file}`;
try {
const data = await gitCommandCore(opts, 'show', args, '--');
const data = await git(opts, 'show', args, '--');
return data;
catch (ex) {
@ -693,22 +691,22 @@ export class Git {
return undefined;
return gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler(ex, opts, args);
return defaultExceptionHandler(ex, opts, args);
static stash_apply(repoPath: string, stashName: string, deleteAfter: boolean) {
if (!stashName) return undefined;
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, 'stash', deleteAfter ? 'pop' : 'apply', stashName);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, 'stash', deleteAfter ? 'pop' : 'apply', stashName);
static stash_delete(repoPath: string, stashName: string) {
if (!stashName) return undefined;
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, 'stash', 'drop', stashName);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, 'stash', 'drop', stashName);
static stash_list(repoPath: string) {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...defaultStashParams);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...defaultStashParams);
static stash_push(repoPath: string, pathspecs: string[], message?: string) {
@ -717,7 +715,7 @@ export class Git {
params.push('-m', message);
params.splice(params.length, 0, '--', ...pathspecs);
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
static stash_save(repoPath: string, message?: string) {
@ -725,12 +723,12 @@ export class Git {
if (message) {
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
static status(repoPath: string, porcelainVersion: number = 1): Promise<string> {
const porcelain = porcelainVersion >= 2 ? `--porcelain=v${porcelainVersion}` : '--porcelain';
return gitCommand(
return git(
{ cwd: repoPath, env: { ...process.env, GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS: '0' } },
@ -745,7 +743,7 @@ export class Git {
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(fileName, repoPath);
const porcelain = porcelainVersion >= 2 ? `--porcelain=v${porcelainVersion}` : '--porcelain';
return gitCommand(
return git(
{ cwd: root, env: { ...process.env, GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS: '0' } },
@ -757,8 +755,6 @@ export class Git {
static tag(repoPath: string) {
const params = ['tag', '-l', '-n1'];
return gitCommand({ cwd: repoPath }, ...params);
return git({ cwd: repoPath }, 'tag', '-l', '-n1');

+ 4
- 4
src/git/gitLocator.ts View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
// import { findActualExecutable, spawnPromise } from 'spawn-rx';
import * as path from 'path';
import { findExecutable, runCommand } from './shell';
import { findExecutable, run } from './shell';
export interface IGitInfo {
path: string;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function parseVersion(raw: string): string {
async function findSpecificGit(path: string): Promise<IGitInfo> {
const version = await runCommand(path, ['--version']);
const version = await run(path, ['--version'], 'utf8');
// If needed, let's update our path to avoid the search on every command
if (!path || path === 'git') {
path = findExecutable(path, ['--version']).cmd;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ async function findSpecificGit(path: string): Promise {
async function findGitDarwin(): Promise<IGitInfo> {
try {
let path = await runCommand('which', ['git']);
let path = await run('which', ['git'], 'utf8');
path = path.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (path !== '/usr/bin/git') {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ async function findGitDarwin(): Promise {
try {
await runCommand('xcode-select', ['-p']);
await run('xcode-select', ['-p'], 'utf8');
return findSpecificGit(path);
catch (ex) {

+ 40
- 20
src/git/shell.ts View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
import { execFile } from 'child_process';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as iconv from 'iconv-lite';
import * as path from 'path';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
@ -89,7 +90,18 @@ export function findExecutable(exe: string, args: string[]): { cmd: string; args
return { cmd: exe, args: args };
export interface CommandOptions {
export class RunError extends Error {
public readonly exitCode: number,
...args: any[]
) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, RunError);
export interface RunOptions {
readonly cwd?: string;
readonly env?: Object;
readonly encoding?: BufferEncoding;
@ -114,33 +126,41 @@ export interface CommandOptions {
readonly stdinEncoding?: string;
export function runCommand(command: string, args: any[], options: CommandOptions = {}) {
const { stdin, stdinEncoding, ...opts } = { maxBuffer: 100 * 1024 * 1024, ...options } as CommandOptions;
export function run(command: string, args: any[], encoding: BufferEncoding, options: RunOptions = {}): Promise<string> {
const { stdin, stdinEncoding, ...opts } = { maxBuffer: 100 * 1024 * 1024, ...options } as RunOptions;
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
const proc = execFile(command, args, opts, (err: Error & { code?: string | number } | null, stdout, stderr) => {
if (!err) {
const proc = execFile(
(err: (Error & { code?: string | number }) | null, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err != null) {
new RunError(
err.code ? Number(err.code) : 0,
err.message === 'stdout maxBuffer exceeded'
? `Command output exceeded the allocated stdout buffer. Set 'options.maxBuffer' to a larger value than ${
} bytes`
: stderr
if (stderr) {
Logger.warn(`Warning(${command} ${args.join(' ')}): ${stderr}`);
if (err.message === 'stdout maxBuffer exceeded') {
new Error(
`Command output exceeded the allocated stdout buffer. Set 'options.maxBuffer' to a larger value than ${
} bytes`
encoding === 'utf8' || encoding === 'binary'
? stdout
: iconv.decode(Buffer.from(stdout, 'binary'), encoding)
// Logger.warn(`Error(opts.cwd):{command} args.join())\n({err.code}) err.message\n{stderr}`);
if (stdin) {
proc.stdin.end(stdin, stdinEncoding || 'utf8');

+ 10
- 10
src/gitService.ts View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import {
} from 'vscode';
import { GitExtension } from './@types/git';
import { configuration, IRemotesConfig } from './configuration';
import { CommandContext, DocumentSchemes, setCommandContext } from './constants';
import { CommandContext, DocumentSchemes, GlyphChars, setCommandContext } from './constants';
import { Container } from './container';
import {
@ -243,10 +243,10 @@ export class GitService implements Disposable {
if (depth <= 0) {
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
`Searching for repositories (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' took ${duration[0] * 1000 +
Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms`
`Completed repository search (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' ${
} ${Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms`
return repositories;
@ -281,13 +281,13 @@ export class GitService implements Disposable {
catch (ex) {
if (RepoSearchWarnings.doesNotExist.test(ex.message || '')) {
`Searching for repositories (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' FAILED${
ex.message ? ` (${ex.message})` : ''
`Repository search (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' FAILED${
ex.message ? `(${ex.message})` : ''
else {
Logger.error(ex, `Searching for repositories (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' FAILED`);
Logger.error(ex, `Repository search (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' FAILED`);
return repositories;
@ -305,10 +305,10 @@ export class GitService implements Disposable {
repositories.push(new Repository(folder, rp, false, anyRepoChangedFn, this._suspended));
const duration = process.hrtime(start);
`Searching for repositories (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' took ${duration[0] * 1000 +
Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms`
`Completed repository search (depth=${depth}) in '${folderUri.fsPath}' ${
} ${Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms`
return repositories;

+ 2
- 4
src/logger.ts View File

@ -94,15 +94,13 @@ export class Logger {
static gitOutput: OutputChannel | undefined;
static logGitCommand(command: string, cwd: string, ex?: Error): void {
static logGitCommand(command: string, ex?: Error): void {
if (this.level !== OutputLevel.Debug) return;
if (this.gitOutput === undefined) {
this.gitOutput = window.createOutputChannel(`${extensionOutputChannelName} (Git)`);
`${this.timestamp} ${command} (${cwd})${ex === undefined ? '' : `\n\n${ex.toString()}`}`
this.gitOutput.appendLine(`${this.timestamp} ${command}${ex === undefined ? '' : `\n\n${ex.toString()}`}`);
private static _isDebugging: boolean | undefined;

+ 5
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src/system/string.ts View File

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
import { createHash, HexBase64Latin1Encoding } from 'crypto';
export namespace Strings {
export function getDurationMilliseconds(start: [number, number]) {
const [secs, nanosecs] = process.hrtime(start);
return secs * 1000 + Math.floor(nanosecs / 1000000);
const pathNormalizer = /\/g;
const TokenRegex = /$\{([^|]*?)(?:\|(\d+)(\-|\?)?)?\}/g;
const TokenSanitizeRegex = /$\{(\w*?)(?:\W|\d)*?\}/g;

+ 3
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src/telemetry.ts View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
// 'use strict';
// import * as os from 'os';
// import { env, version, workspace } from 'vscode';
// import { configuration } from './configuration';
// import { Logger } from './logger';
// import * as os from 'os';
// import { Strings } from './system';
// let _reporter: TelemetryReporter | undefined;
@ -18,8 +19,7 @@
// _reporter = new TelemetryReporter(key);
// const duration = process.hrtime(start);
// Logger.log(`Telemetry.configure took ${(duration[0] * 1000) + Math.floor(duration[1] / 1000000)} ms`);
// Logger.log(`Telemetry.configure GlyphChars.Dot{Strings.getDurationMilliseconds(start)} ms`);
// }
// static setContext(context?: { [key: string]: string }) {
