Procházet zdrojové kódy

Fixes get previous commit nav for GitHub

Eric Amodio před 3 roky
3 změnil soubory, kde provedl 225 přidání a 49 odebrání
  1. +35
  2. +84
  3. +106

+ 35
- 35
src/env/node/git/localGitProvider.ts Zobrazit soubor

@ -2659,14 +2659,14 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
skip: number = 0,
): Promise<{ current: GitUri; next: GitUri | undefined; deleted?: boolean } | undefined> {
// If we have no ref (or staged ref) there is no next commit
if (ref == null || ref.length === 0) return undefined;
if (!ref) return undefined;
const path = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
const relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
if (GitRevision.isUncommittedStaged(ref)) {
return {
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref),
next: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, undefined),
current: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref),
next: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, undefined),
@ -2677,22 +2677,22 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
// If the file is staged, diff with the staged version
if (status.indexStatus != null) {
return {
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref),
next: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged),
current: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref),
next: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged),
return {
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref),
next: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, undefined),
current: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref),
next: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, undefined),
return {
skip === 0
? GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref)
? GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref)
: (await this.getNextUri(repoPath, uri, ref, skip - 1))!,
next: next,
@ -2707,7 +2707,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
// editorLine?: number
): Promise<GitUri | undefined> {
// If we have no ref (or staged ref) there is no next commit
if (ref == null || ref.length === 0 || GitRevision.isUncommittedStaged(ref)) return undefined;
if (!ref || GitRevision.isUncommittedStaged(ref)) return undefined;
let filters: GitDiffFilter[] | undefined;
if (ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) {
@ -2764,7 +2764,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
): Promise<{ current: GitUri; previous: GitUri | undefined } | undefined> {
if (ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
const path = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
const relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
// If we are at the working tree (i.e. no ref), we need to dig deeper to figure out where to go
if (!ref) {
@ -2782,20 +2782,20 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
if (skip === 0) {
// Diff working with staged
return {
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, undefined),
previous: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged),
current: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, undefined),
previous: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged),
return {
// Diff staged with HEAD (or prior if more skips)
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged),
current: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged),
previous: await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, ref, skip - 1, undefined, firstParent),
} else if (status.workingTreeStatus != null) {
if (skip === 0) {
return {
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, undefined),
current: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, undefined),
previous: await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, undefined, skip, undefined, firstParent),
@ -2808,7 +2808,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
else if (GitRevision.isUncommittedStaged(ref)) {
const current =
skip === 0
? GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref)
? GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref)
: (await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, undefined, skip - 1, undefined, firstParent))!;
if (current == null || current.sha === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
@ -2821,7 +2821,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
// If we are at a commit, diff commit with previous
const current =
skip === 0
? GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref)
? GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref)
: (await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, ref, skip - 1, undefined, firstParent))!;
if (current == null || current.sha === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
@ -2841,7 +2841,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
): Promise<{ current: GitUri; previous: GitUri | undefined; line: number } | undefined> {
if (ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
let path = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
let relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
let previous;
@ -2868,8 +2868,8 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
if (status.indexStatus != null) {
// Diff working with staged
return {
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, undefined),
previous: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged),
current: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, undefined),
previous: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged),
line: editorLine,
@ -2877,7 +2877,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
// Diff working with HEAD (or prior if more skips)
return {
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, undefined),
current: GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, undefined),
previous: await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, undefined, skip, editorLine),
line: editorLine,
@ -2899,19 +2899,19 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
// If line is committed, diff with line ref with previous
else {
ref = blameLine.commit.sha;
path = blameLine.commit.file?.path ?? blameLine.commit.file?.originalPath ?? path;
uri = this.getAbsoluteUri(path, repoPath);
relativePath = blameLine.commit.file?.path ?? blameLine.commit.file?.originalPath ?? relativePath;
uri = this.getAbsoluteUri(relativePath, repoPath);
editorLine = blameLine.line.from.line - 1;
if (skip === 0 && blameLine.commit.file?.previousSha) {
previous = GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, blameLine.commit.file.previousSha);
previous = GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, blameLine.commit.file.previousSha);
} else {
if (GitRevision.isUncommittedStaged(ref)) {
const current =
skip === 0
? GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref)
? GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref)
: (await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, undefined, skip - 1, editorLine))!;
if (current.sha === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
@ -2928,18 +2928,18 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
// Diff with line ref with previous
ref = blameLine.commit.sha;
path = blameLine.commit.file?.path ?? blameLine.commit.file?.originalPath ?? path;
uri = this.getAbsoluteUri(path, repoPath);
relativePath = blameLine.commit.file?.path ?? blameLine.commit.file?.originalPath ?? relativePath;
uri = this.getAbsoluteUri(relativePath, repoPath);
editorLine = blameLine.line.from.line - 1;
if (skip === 0 && blameLine.commit.file?.previousSha) {
previous = GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, blameLine.commit.file.previousSha);
previous = GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, blameLine.commit.file.previousSha);
const current =
skip === 0
? GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref)
? GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref)
: (await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, ref, skip - 1, editorLine))!;
if (current.sha === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
@ -2967,12 +2967,12 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
ref = undefined;
const path = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
const relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
// TODO: Add caching
let data;
try {
data = await this.git.log__file(repoPath, path, ref, {
data = await this.git.log__file(repoPath, relativePath, ref, {
argsOrFormat: GitLogParser.simpleFormat,
fileMode: 'simple',
firstParent: firstParent,
@ -2987,14 +2987,14 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
if (ref == null) {
const status = await this.getStatusForFile(repoPath, uri);
if (status?.indexStatus != null) {
return GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged);
return GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, GitRevision.uncommittedStaged);
ref = await this.git.log__file_recent(repoPath, path, {
ref = await this.git.log__file_recent(repoPath, relativePath, {
ordering: this.container.config.advanced.commitOrdering,
return GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, ref ?? GitRevision.deletedOrMissing);
return GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref ?? GitRevision.deletedOrMissing);
Logger.error(ex, cc);
@ -3006,7 +3006,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
// If the previous ref matches the ref we asked for assume we are at the end of the history
if (ref != null && ref === previousRef) return undefined;
return GitUri.fromFile(file ?? path, repoPath, previousRef ?? GitRevision.deletedOrMissing);
return GitUri.fromFile(file ?? relativePath, repoPath, previousRef ?? GitRevision.deletedOrMissing);

+ 84
- 0
src/premium/github/github.ts Zobrazit soubor

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { Octokit } from '@octokit/core';
import { GraphqlResponseError } from '@octokit/graphql';
import { RequestError } from '@octokit/request-error';
import type { Endpoints, OctokitResponse, RequestParameters } from '@octokit/types';
import { window } from 'vscode';
import { fetch } from '@env/fetch';
import { isWeb } from '@env/platform';
import {
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import { PagedResult } from '../../git/gitProvider';
import {
type DefaultBranch,
type GitUser,
type IssueOrPullRequest,
type IssueOrPullRequestType,
@ -700,6 +702,9 @@ export class GitHubApi {
ref: string,
path: string,
): Promise<(GitHubCommit & { viewer?: string }) | undefined> {
if (GitRevision.isSha(ref)) return this.getCommit(token, owner, repo, ref);
// TODO: optimize this -- only need to get the sha for the ref
const results = await this.getCommits(token, owner, repo, ref, { limit: 1, path: path });
if (results.values.length === 0) return undefined;
@ -1079,6 +1084,83 @@ export class GitHubApi {
@debug<GitHubApi['getCommitRefs']>({ args: { 0: '<token>' } })
async getCommitRefs(
token: string,
owner: string,
repo: string,
ref: string,
options?: {
after?: string;
before?: string;
limit?: number;
path?: string;
since?: Date;
until?: Date;
): Promise<string[]> {
const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
interface QueryResult {
| {
| {
history: {
nodes: { oid: string }[];
| null
| undefined;
| null
| undefined;
try {
const query = `query getCommitRefs(
$owner: String!
$repo: String!
$ref: String!
$after: String
$before: String
$limit: Int = 1
$path: String
$since: GitTimestamp
$until: GitTimestamp
) {
repository(name: $repo, owner: $owner) {
object(expression: $ref) {
... on Commit {
history(first: $limit, path: $path, since: $since, until: $until, after: $after, before: $before) {
nodes { oid }
const rsp = await this.graphql<QueryResult>(token, query, {
owner: owner,
repo: repo,
ref: ref,
path: options?.path,
limit: Math.max(1, options?.limit ?? 1),
after: options?.after,
before: options?.before,
since: options?.since?.toISOString(),
until: options?.until?.toISOString(),
const history = rsp?.repository?.object?.history;
if (history == null) return [];
return => n.oid);
} catch (ex) {
return this.handleRequestError<string[]>(ex, cc, []);
@debug<GitHubApi['getContributors']>({ args: { 0: '<token>' } })
async getContributors(token: string, owner: string, repo: string): Promise<GitHubContributor[]> {
const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
@ -1410,6 +1492,7 @@ export class GitHubApi {
void window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to complete GitHub request: ${ex.message}`);
throw ex;
@ -1444,6 +1527,7 @@ export class GitHubApi {
void window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to complete GitHub request: ${ex.message}`);
throw ex;

+ 106
- 14
src/premium/github/githubGitProvider.ts Zobrazit soubor

@ -1254,6 +1254,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
_search: SearchPattern,
_options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: string | null; skip?: number },
): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
// TODO@eamodio try implementing with the commit search api
return undefined;
@ -1640,23 +1641,71 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
async getNextDiffUris(
_repoPath: string,
_uri: Uri,
_ref: string | undefined,
_skip: number = 0,
repoPath: string,
uri: Uri,
ref: string | undefined,
skip: number = 0,
): Promise<{ current: GitUri; next: GitUri | undefined; deleted?: boolean } | undefined> {
return undefined;
// If we have no ref (or staged ref) there is no next commit
if (!ref) return undefined;
const relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
return {
skip === 0
? GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref)
: (await this.getNextUri(repoPath, uri, ref, skip - 1))!,
next: await this.getNextUri(repoPath, uri, ref, skip),
async getNextUri(
_repoPath: string,
_uri: Uri,
_ref?: string,
ref?: string,
_skip: number = 0,
// editorLine?: number
): Promise<GitUri | undefined> {
// If we have no ref (or staged ref) there is no next commit
if (!ref || GitRevision.isUncommittedStaged(ref)) return undefined;
return undefined;
// const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
// // const relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
// try {
// const context = await this.ensureRepositoryContext(repoPath);
// if (context == null) return undefined;
// const { metadata, github, remotehub, session } = context;
// const relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, remotehub.getProviderRootUri(uri));
// const refs = await github.getCommitRefs(
// session.accessToken,
// metadata.repo.owner,
// ref ?? 'HEAD',
// {
// path: relativePath,
// limit: skip + 2,
// before: `${ref} 0`,
// },
// );
// const nextRef = refs[skip];
// if (nextRef == null) return undefined;
// const next = await this.getBestRevisionUri(repoPath, relativePath, nextRef);
// return new GitUri(next);
// } catch (ex) {
// Logger.error(ex, cc);
// debugger;
// throw ex;
// }
@ -1664,17 +1713,24 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
repoPath: string,
uri: Uri,
ref: string | undefined,
_skip: number = 0,
skip: number = 0,
firstParent: boolean = false,
): Promise<{ current: GitUri; previous: GitUri | undefined } | undefined> {
if (ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
const path = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
const relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, repoPath);
// If we are at a commit, diff commit with previous
const current =
skip === 0
? GitUri.fromFile(relativePath, repoPath, ref)
: (await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, ref, skip - 1, undefined, firstParent))!;
if (current == null || current.sha === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
return {
current: GitUri.fromFile(path, repoPath, undefined),
previous: await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, ref, 0, undefined, firstParent),
current: current,
previous: await this.getPreviousUri(repoPath, uri, ref, skip, undefined, firstParent),
// return undefined;
@ -1693,14 +1749,50 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
repoPath: string,
uri: Uri,
ref?: string,
_skip: number = 0,
skip: number = 0,
_editorLine?: number,
_firstParent: boolean = false,
): Promise<GitUri | undefined> {
if (ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return undefined;
const commit = await this.getCommitForFile(repoPath, uri, { ref: `${ref ?? 'HEAD'}^` });
return commit?.getGitUri();
const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
if (ref === GitRevision.uncommitted) {
ref = undefined;
try {
const context = await this.ensureRepositoryContext(repoPath);
if (context == null) return undefined;
const { metadata, github, remotehub, session } = context;
const relativePath = this.getRelativePath(uri, remotehub.getProviderRootUri(uri));
const offset = ref != null ? 1 : 0;
const refs = await github.getCommitRefs(
ref ?? 'HEAD',
path: relativePath,
limit: offset + skip + 1,
const previous = await this.getBestRevisionUri(
refs[offset + skip] ?? GitRevision.deletedOrMissing,
return new GitUri(previous);
} catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, cc);
throw ex;

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