@ -62,8 +62,11 @@ export namespace GitActions { |
return executeGitCommand({ command: 'pull', state: { repos: repos } }); |
} |
export function push(repos?: string | string[] | Repository | Repository[], force?: boolean) { |
return executeGitCommand({ command: 'push', state: { repos: repos, flags: force ? ['--force'] : [] } }); |
export function push(repos?: string | string[] | Repository | Repository[], force?: boolean, ref?: GitReference) { |
return executeGitCommand({ |
command: 'push', |
state: { repos: repos, flags: force ? ['--force'] : [], reference: ref }, |
}); |
} |
export async function rebase(repo?: string | Repository, ref?: GitReference, interactive: boolean = true) { |
@ -94,556 +97,6 @@ export namespace GitActions { |
}); |
} |
// @debug()
// private async highlightChanges(node: CommitFileNode | ResultsFileNode | StashFileNode) {
// if (
// !(node instanceof CommitFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof StashFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof ResultsFileNode)
// ) {
// return;
// }
// void (await this.openFile(node));
// void (await Container.fileAnnotations.toggle(
// window.activeTextEditor,
// FileAnnotationType.RecentChanges,
// node.ref,
// true,
// ));
// }
// @debug()
// private async highlightRevisionChanges(node: CommitFileNode | ResultsFileNode | StashFileNode) {
// if (
// !(node instanceof CommitFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof StashFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof ResultsFileNode)
// ) {
// return;
// }
// void (await this.openFileRevision(node, { showOptions: { preserveFocus: true, preview: true } }));
// void (await Container.fileAnnotations.toggle(
// window.activeTextEditor,
// FileAnnotationType.RecentChanges,
// node.ref,
// true,
// ));
// }
// @debug()
// private openInTerminal(node: RepositoryNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof RepositoryNode)) return undefined;
// return commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.OpenInTerminal, Uri.file(node.repo.path));
// }
// @debug()
// private async rebaseToRemote(node: BranchNode | BranchTrackingStatusNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof BranchNode) && !(node instanceof BranchTrackingStatusNode)) return undefined;
// const upstream = node instanceof BranchNode ? node.branch.tracking : node.status.upstream;
// if (upstream == null) return undefined;
// const repo = await Container.git.getRepository(node.repoPath);
// const args: GitCommandsCommandArgs = {
// command: 'rebase',
// state: {
// repo: repo!,
// reference: GitReference.create(upstream, repo!.path, {
// refType: 'branch',
// name: upstream,
// remote: true,
// }),
// },
// };
// return commands.executeCommand(Commands.GitCommands, args);
// }
// @debug()
// private setAsDefault(node: RemoteNode) {
// if (node instanceof RemoteNode) return node.setAsDefault();
// return undefined;
// }
// @debug()
// private setComparisonNotation(node: ViewNode, comparisonNotation: '...' | '..') {
// if (!(node instanceof CompareResultsNode) && !(node instanceof CompareBranchNode)) return undefined;
// return node.setComparisonNotation(comparisonNotation);
// }
// @debug()
// private async stageFile(node: CommitFileNode | StatusFileNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitFileNode) && !(node instanceof StatusFileNode)) return;
// void (await Container.git.stageFile(node.repoPath, node.file.fileName));
// void node.triggerChange();
// }
// @debug()
// private async stageDirectory(node: FolderNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof FolderNode) || !node.relativePath) return;
// void (await Container.git.stageDirectory(node.repoPath, node.relativePath));
// void node.triggerChange();
// }
// @debug()
// private star(node: BranchNode | RepositoryNode) {
// if (node instanceof BranchNode || node instanceof RepositoryNode) return node.star();
// return undefined;
// }
// @debug()
// private unsetAsDefault(node: RemoteNode) {
// if (node instanceof RemoteNode) return node.setAsDefault(false);
// return undefined;
// }
// @debug()
// private async unstageFile(node: CommitFileNode | StatusFileNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitFileNode) && !(node instanceof StatusFileNode)) return;
// void (await Container.git.unStageFile(node.repoPath, node.file.fileName));
// void node.triggerChange();
// }
// @debug()
// private async unstageDirectory(node: FolderNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof FolderNode) || !node.relativePath) return;
// void (await Container.git.unStageDirectory(node.repoPath, node.relativePath));
// void node.triggerChange();
// }
// @debug()
// private unstar(node: BranchNode | RepositoryNode) {
// if (node instanceof BranchNode || node instanceof RepositoryNode) return node.unstar();
// return undefined;
// }
// @debug()
// private compareWithHead(node: ViewRefNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof ViewRefNode)) return undefined;
// return Container.compareView.compare(node.repoPath, node.ref, 'HEAD');
// }
// @debug()
// private compareWithRemote(node: BranchNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof BranchNode)) return undefined;
// if (!node.branch.tracking) return undefined;
// return Container.compareView.compare(node.repoPath, node.branch.tracking, node.ref);
// }
// @debug()
// private compareWithWorking(node: ViewRefNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof ViewRefNode)) return undefined;
// return Container.compareView.compare(node.repoPath, node.ref, '');
// }
// @debug()
// private async compareAncestryWithWorking(node: BranchNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof BranchNode)) return undefined;
// const branch = await Container.git.getBranch(node.repoPath);
// if (branch == null) return undefined;
// const commonAncestor = await Container.git.getMergeBase(node.repoPath, branch.ref, node.ref);
// if (commonAncestor == null) return undefined;
// return Container.compareView.compare(
// node.repoPath,
// { ref: commonAncestor, label: `ancestry with ${node.ref} (${GitRevision.shorten(commonAncestor)})` },
// '',
// );
// }
// @debug()
// private compareWithSelected(node: ViewRefNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof ViewRefNode)) return;
// Container.compareView.compareWithSelected(node.repoPath, node.ref);
// }
// @debug()
// private selectForCompare(node: ViewRefNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof ViewRefNode)) return;
// Container.compareView.selectForCompare(node.repoPath, node.ref);
// }
// @debug()
// private compareFileWithSelected(node: ViewRefFileNode) {
// if (this._selectedFile == null || !(node instanceof ViewRefFileNode) || node.ref == null) {
// return undefined;
// }
// if (this._selectedFile.repoPath !== node.repoPath) {
// this.selectFileForCompare(node);
// return undefined;
// }
// const selected = this._selectedFile;
// this._selectedFile = undefined;
// setCommandContext(CommandContext.ViewsCanCompareFile, false);
// const diffArgs: DiffWithCommandArgs = {
// repoPath: selected.repoPath,
// lhs: {
// sha: selected.ref,
// uri: selected.uri!,
// },
// rhs: {
// sha: node.ref,
// uri: node.uri,
// },
// };
// return commands.executeCommand(Commands.DiffWith, diffArgs);
// }
// private _selectedFile: CompareSelectedInfo | undefined;
// @debug()
// private selectFileForCompare(node: ViewRefFileNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof ViewRefFileNode) || node.ref == null) return;
// this._selectedFile = {
// ref: node.ref,
// repoPath: node.repoPath,
// uri: node.uri,
// };
// setCommandContext(CommandContext.ViewsCanCompareFile, true);
// }
// @debug()
// private openChanges(node: ViewRefFileNode | StatusFileNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof ViewRefFileNode) && !(node instanceof StatusFileNode)) return undefined;
// const command = node.getCommand();
// if (command == null || command.arguments == null) return undefined;
// const [uri, args] = command.arguments as [Uri, DiffWithPreviousCommandArgs];
// args.showOptions!.preview = false;
// return commands.executeCommand(command.command, uri, args);
// }
// @debug()
// private openChangesWithWorking(node: ViewRefFileNode | StatusFileNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof ViewRefFileNode) && !(node instanceof StatusFileNode)) return undefined;
// const args: DiffWithWorkingCommandArgs = {
// showOptions: {
// preserveFocus: true,
// preview: false,
// },
// };
// return commands.executeCommand(Commands.DiffWithWorking, node.uri, args);
// }
// @debug()
// private openFile(node: ViewRefFileNode | StatusFileNode | FileHistoryNode | LineHistoryNode) {
// if (
// !(node instanceof ViewRefFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof StatusFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof FileHistoryNode) &&
// !(node instanceof LineHistoryNode)
// ) {
// return undefined;
// }
// const args: OpenWorkingFileCommandArgs = {
// uri: node.uri,
// showOptions: {
// preserveFocus: true,
// preview: false,
// },
// };
// return commands.executeCommand(Commands.OpenWorkingFile, undefined, args);
// }
// @debug()
// private openFileRevision(
// node: CommitFileNode | ResultsFileNode | StashFileNode | StatusFileNode,
// options?: OpenFileRevisionCommandArgs,
// ) {
// if (
// !(node instanceof CommitFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof StashFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof ResultsFileNode) &&
// !(node instanceof StatusFileNode)
// ) {
// return undefined;
// }
// options = { showOptions: { preserveFocus: true, preview: false }, ...options };
// let uri = options.uri;
// if (uri == null) {
// if (node instanceof ResultsFileNode) {
// uri = GitUri.toRevisionUri(node.uri);
// } else {
// uri =
// node.commit.status === 'D'
// ? GitUri.toRevisionUri(
// node.commit.previousSha!,
// node.commit.previousUri.fsPath,
// node.commit.repoPath,
// )
// : GitUri.toRevisionUri(node.uri);
// }
// }
// return findOrOpenEditor(uri, options.showOptions || { preserveFocus: true, preview: false });
// }
// @debug()
// private openFileRevisionInRemote(node: CommitFileNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitFileNode) || node instanceof StashFileNode) return undefined;
// const args: OpenFileInRemoteCommandArgs = {
// range: false,
// };
// return commands.executeCommand(
// Commands.OpenFileInRemote,
// node.commit.toGitUri(node.commit.status === 'D'),
// args,
// );
// }
// @debug()
// private async openChangedFiles(
// node: CommitNode | StashNode | ResultsFilesNode,
// options?: TextDocumentShowOptions,
// ) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitNode) && !(node instanceof StashNode) && !(node instanceof ResultsFilesNode)) {
// return;
// }
// options = { preserveFocus: false, preview: false, ...options };
// let repoPath: string;
// let files;
// let ref: string;
// if (node instanceof ResultsFilesNode) {
// const { diff } = await node.getFilesQueryResults();
// if (diff == null || diff.length === 0) return;
// repoPath = node.repoPath;
// files = diff;
// ref = node.ref1 || node.ref2;
// } else {
// repoPath = node.commit.repoPath;
// files = node.commit.files;
// ref = node.commit.sha;
// }
// if (files.length > 20) {
// const result = await window.showWarningMessage(
// `Are your sure you want to open all ${files.length} files?`,
// { title: 'Yes' },
// { title: 'No', isCloseAffordance: true },
// );
// if (result == null || result.title === 'No') return;
// }
// for (const file of files) {
// const uri = GitUri.fromFile(file, repoPath, ref);
// const args: OpenWorkingFileCommandArgs = {
// uri: uri,
// showOptions: options,
// };
// await commands.executeCommand(Commands.OpenWorkingFile, undefined, args);
// }
// }
// @debug()
// private async openChangedFileDiffs(
// node: CommitNode | StashNode | ResultsFilesNode,
// options?: TextDocumentShowOptions,
// ) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitNode) && !(node instanceof StashNode) && !(node instanceof ResultsFilesNode)) {
// return;
// }
// options = { preserveFocus: false, preview: false, ...options };
// let repoPath: string;
// let files;
// let ref1: string;
// let ref2: string;
// if (node instanceof ResultsFilesNode) {
// const { diff } = await node.getFilesQueryResults();
// if (diff == null || diff.length === 0) return;
// repoPath = node.repoPath;
// files = diff;
// ref1 = node.ref1;
// ref2 = node.ref2;
// } else {
// repoPath = node.commit.repoPath;
// files = node.commit.files;
// ref1 = node.commit.previousSha != null ? node.commit.previousSha : GitRevision.deletedOrMissing;
// ref2 = node.commit.sha;
// }
// if (files.length > 20) {
// const result = await window.showWarningMessage(
// `Are your sure you want to open all ${files.length} files?`,
// { title: 'Yes' },
// { title: 'No', isCloseAffordance: true },
// );
// if (result == null || result.title === 'No') return;
// }
// let diffArgs: DiffWithCommandArgs;
// for (const file of files) {
// if (file.status === 'A') continue;
// const uri1 = GitUri.fromFile(file, repoPath);
// const uri2 =
// file.status === 'R' || file.status === 'C' ? GitUri.fromFile(file, repoPath, ref2, true) : uri1;
// diffArgs = {
// repoPath: repoPath,
// lhs: { uri: uri1, sha: ref1 },
// rhs: { uri: uri2, sha: ref2 },
// showOptions: options,
// };
// void (await commands.executeCommand(Commands.DiffWith, diffArgs));
// }
// }
// @debug()
// private async openChangedFileDiffsWithWorking(
// node: CommitNode | StashNode | ResultsFilesNode,
// options?: TextDocumentShowOptions,
// ) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitNode) && !(node instanceof StashNode) && !(node instanceof ResultsFilesNode)) {
// return;
// }
// options = { preserveFocus: false, preview: false, ...options };
// let repoPath: string;
// let files;
// let ref: string;
// if (node instanceof ResultsFilesNode) {
// const { diff } = await node.getFilesQueryResults();
// if (diff == null || diff.length === 0) return;
// repoPath = node.repoPath;
// files = diff;
// ref = node.ref1 || node.ref2;
// } else {
// repoPath = node.commit.repoPath;
// files = node.commit.files;
// ref = node.commit.sha;
// }
// if (files.length > 20) {
// const result = await window.showWarningMessage(
// `Are your sure you want to open all ${files.length} files?`,
// { title: 'Yes' },
// { title: 'No', isCloseAffordance: true },
// );
// if (result == null || result.title === 'No') return;
// }
// for (const file of files) {
// if (file.status === 'A' || file.status === 'D') continue;
// const args: DiffWithWorkingCommandArgs = {
// showOptions: options,
// };
// const uri = GitUri.fromFile(file, repoPath, ref);
// await commands.executeCommand(Commands.DiffWithWorking, uri, args);
// }
// }
// @debug()
// private async openChangedFileRevisions(
// node: CommitNode | StashNode | ResultsFilesNode,
// options?: TextDocumentShowOptions,
// ) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitNode) && !(node instanceof StashNode) && !(node instanceof ResultsFilesNode)) {
// return;
// }
// options = { preserveFocus: false, preview: false, ...options };
// let repoPath: string;
// let files;
// let ref1: string;
// let ref2: string;
// if (node instanceof ResultsFilesNode) {
// const { diff } = await node.getFilesQueryResults();
// if (diff == null || diff.length === 0) return;
// repoPath = node.repoPath;
// files = diff;
// ref1 = node.ref1;
// ref2 = node.ref2;
// } else {
// repoPath = node.commit.repoPath;
// files = node.commit.files;
// ref1 = node.commit.sha;
// ref2 = node.commit.previousFileSha;
// }
// if (files.length > 20) {
// const result = await window.showWarningMessage(
// `Are your sure you want to open all ${files.length} files?`,
// { title: 'Yes' },
// { title: 'No', isCloseAffordance: true },
// );
// if (result == null || result.title === 'No') return;
// }
// for (const file of files) {
// const uri = GitUri.toRevisionUri(file.status === 'D' ? ref2 : ref1, file, repoPath);
// await findOrOpenEditor(uri, options);
// }
// }
// terminalCheckoutCommit(node: CommitNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitNode)) return;
// runGitCommandInTerminal('checkout', `${node.ref}`, node.repoPath);
// }
// async terminalPushCommit(node: CommitNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof CommitNode)) return;
// const branch = node.branch || (await Container.git.getBranch(node.repoPath));
// if (branch == null) return;
// runGitCommandInTerminal(
// 'push',
// `${branch.getRemoteName()} ${node.ref}:${branch.getNameWithoutRemote()}`,
// node.repoPath,
// );
// }
// terminalRemoveRemote(node: RemoteNode) {
// if (!(node instanceof RemoteNode)) return;
// runGitCommandInTerminal('remote', `remove ${node.remote.name}`, node.remote.repoPath);
// }
export namespace Branch { |
export function create(repo?: string | Repository, ref?: GitReference, name?: string) { |
return executeGitCommand({ |