소스 검색

Updates date setting information

Eric Amodio 8 년 전
2개의 변경된 파일2개의 추가작업 그리고 2개의 파일을 삭제
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README.md 파일 보기

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Provides Git CodeLens information (most recent commit, # of authors), on-demand
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.highlight`|Specifies whether and how to highlight blame annotations. `none` - no highlight. `gutter` - adds a gutter icon. `line` - adds a full-line highlight. `both` - adds both `gutter` and `line` highlights
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.sha`|Specifies whether the commit sha will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.author`|Specifies whether the committer will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.date`|Specifies whether the commit date will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.date`|Specifies whether and how the commit date will be shown in the blame annotations. `off` - no date. `relative` - relative date (e.g. 1 day ago). `absolute` - date in `MMMM Do, YYYY h:MMa` format. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.message`|Specifies whether the commit message will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.activeLine`|Specifies whether and how to show blame annotations on the active line. `off` - no annotation. `inline` - adds a trailing annotation to the active line. `hover` - adds hover annotation to the active line. `both` - adds both `inline` and `hover` annotations
|`gitlens.codeLens.visibility`|Specifies when CodeLens will be triggered in the active document. `auto` - automatically. `ondemand` - only when requested. `off` - disables all active document CodeLens

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package.json 파일 보기

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"description": "Specifies whether and how the commit date will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles"
"description": "Specifies whether and how the commit date will be shown in the blame annotations. `off` - no date. `relative` - relative date (e.g. 1 day ago). `absolute` - date in `MMMM Do, YYYY h:MMa` format. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles"
"gitlens.blame.annotation.message": {
"type": "boolean",

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