Quellcode durchsuchen

Removes dead code

Eric Amodio vor 4 Jahren
2 geänderte Dateien mit 0 neuen und 69 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. +0
  2. +0

+ 0
- 67
src/git/git.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -202,16 +202,6 @@ function defaultExceptionHandler(ex: Error, cwd: string | undefined, start?: [nu
let gitInfo: GitLocation;
export namespace Git {
export const deletedOrMissingSha = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000-';
// export const shaLikeRegex = /(^[0-9a-f]{40}([\^@~:]\S*)?$)|(^[0]{40}(:|-)$)/;
// export const shaRegex = /(^[0-9a-f]{40}$)|(^[0]{40}(:|-)$)/;
// export const shaParentRegex = /(^[0-9a-f]{40})\^[0-3]?$/;
// export const shaShortenRegex = /^(.*?)([\^@~:].*)?$/;
// export const uncommittedRegex = /^[0]{40}(?:[\^@~:]\S*)?:?$/;
export const uncommittedSha = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
// export const uncommittedStagedRegex = /^[0]{40}([\^@~]\S*)?:$/;
export const uncommittedStagedSha = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000:';
export function getEncoding(encoding: string | undefined) {
return encoding !== undefined && iconv.encodingExists(encoding) ? encoding : 'utf8';
@ -236,63 +226,6 @@ export namespace Git {
// export function isSha(ref: string) {
// return isMatch(Git.shaRegex, ref);
// }
// export function isShaLike(ref: string) {
// return isMatch(Git.shaLikeRegex, ref);
// }
// export function isShaParent(ref: string) {
// return isMatch(Git.shaParentRegex, ref);
// }
// export function isUncommitted(ref: string | undefined) {
// return isMatch(Git.uncommittedRegex, ref);
// }
// export function isUncommittedStaged(ref: string | undefined): boolean {
// return isMatch(Git.uncommittedStagedRegex, ref);
// }
// export function shortenSha(
// ref: string | undefined,
// {
// force,
// strings = {},
// }: {
// force?: boolean;
// strings?: { uncommitted?: string; uncommittedStaged?: string; working?: string };
// } = {},
// ) {
// if (ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return '(deleted)';
// if (ref == null || ref.length === 0) return strings.working || emptyStr;
// if (GitRevision.isUncommitted(ref)) {
// return GitRevision.isUncommittedStaged(ref)
// ? strings.uncommittedStaged || 'Index'
// : strings.uncommitted || 'Working Tree';
// }
// if (!force && !Git.isShaLike(ref)) return ref;
// // Don't allow shas to be shortened to less than 5 characters
// const len = Math.max(5, Container.config.advanced.abbreviatedShaLength);
// // If we have a suffix, append it
// const match = Git.shaShortenRegex.exec(ref);
// if (match != null) {
// const [, rev, suffix] = match;
// if (suffix != null) {
// return `${rev.substr(0, len)}${suffix}`;
// }
// }
// return ref.substr(0, len);
// }
export function splitPath(
fileName: string,
repoPath: string | undefined,

+ 0
- 2
src/git/models/models.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
import { Container } from '../../container';
import { GlyphChars } from '../../constants';
// import { Git } from '../git';
const emptyStr = '';
const shaLikeRegex = /(^[0-9a-f]{40}([\^@~:]\S*)?$)|(^[0]{40}(:|-)$)/;
