@ -5,6 +5,18 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Adds `Open All Changes (with difftool)` command (`gitlens.externalDiffAll`) - opens all working changes with the configured git difftool -- closes [#164](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/164)
- Also adds the command to the Source Control group context menu
### Changed
- Renames `Directory Compare` command (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) to `Compare Directory with Branch...`
- Renames `Directory Compare with Previous Commit` in quick pick menus to `Compare Directory with Previous Commit`
- Renames `Directory Compare with Working Tree` in quick pick menus to `Compare Directory with Working Tree`
- Changes the marketplace keywords for better discoverability
### Fixed
- Fixes [#163](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/163) - GitLens can cause git locking in the background
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ GitLens provides an unobtrusive blame annotation at the end of the current line,
- Provides easy access to the following comparison commands via the `Command Palette` as well as in context via the many provided quick pick menus
- Adds a `Directory Compare` command (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) to open the configured Git difftool to compare directories between branches
- Adds a `Compare Directory with Branch...` command (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) to open the configured Git difftool to compare directories between branches
- Adds a `Compare File with Branch...` command (`gitlens.diffWithBranch`) to compare the active file with the same file on the selected branch
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ GitLens provides an unobtrusive blame annotation at the end of the current line,
- Quickly see the set of files changed in the commit, complete with status indicators for adds, changes, renames, and deletes
- Provides entries to `Copy to Clipboard`, `Directory Compare`, `Open Changed Files`, `Open File in <remote-service>` when available, and more
- Provides entries to `Copy to Clipboard`, `Compare Directory with...`, `Open Changed Files`, `Open File in <remote-service>` when available, and more
- Navigate back to the previous quick pick menu via `alt+left arrow`, if available
- Use the `alt+right arrow` shortcut on an entry to execute it without closing the quick pick menu, if possible — commands that open windows outside of VS Code will still close the quick pick menu unless [`"gitlens.advanced.quickPick.closeOnFocusOut": false`](#extension-settings) is set
- Use the `alt+right arrow` shortcut on a file entry in the `Changed Files` section to preview the comparison of the current revision with the previous one
@ -261,20 +261,25 @@ GitLens provides an unobtrusive blame annotation at the end of the current line,
- Quickly see the set of files changed in the stash, complete with status indicators for adds, changes, renames, and deletes
- Provides entries to `Copy Message to Clipboard`, `Directory Compare`, and `Open Changed Files`
- Provides entries to `Copy Message to Clipboard`, `Compare Directory with...`, and `Open Changed Files`
- Provides entries to `Apply Stashed Changes` and `Delete Stashed Changes` — both require a confirmation
- Navigate back to the previous quick pick menu via `alt+left arrow`, if available
- Use the `alt+right arrow` shortcut on an entry to execute it without closing the quick pick menu, if possible — commands that open windows outside of VS Code will still close the quick pick menu unless [`"gitlens.advanced.quickPick.closeOnFocusOut": false`](#extension-settings) is set
- Use the `alt+right arrow` shortcut on a file entry in the `Changed Files` section to preview the comparison of the current revision with the previous one
- Adds a `Show Last Opened Quick Pick` command (`gitlens.showLastQuickPick`) with a shortcut of `alt+-` to quickly get back to where you were when the last GitLens quick pick menu closed
### And More
- Adds a `Copy Commit ID to Clipboard` command (`gitlens.copyShaToClipboard`) to copy the commit id (sha) of the active line to the clipboard or from the most recent commit to the current branch, if there is no active editor
- Adds a `Copy Commit Message to Clipboard` command (`gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard`) to copy the commit message of the active line to the clipboard or from the most recent commit to the current branch, if there is no active editor
- Adds a `Open Changes (with difftool)` command (`gitlens.externalDiff`) to the source control group and source control resource context menus to open the changes of a file or set of files with the configured git difftool
- Adds a `Open All Changes (with difftool)` command (`gitlens.externalDiffAll`) to open all working changes with the configured git difftool
- Also adds the command to the Source Control group context menu
- Adds a `Open Changed Files` command (`gitlens.openChangedFiles`) to open any files with working tree changes
- Adds a `Close Unchanged Files` command (`gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles`) to close any files without working tree changes
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ export class CommitDetailsQuickPick {
label:`$(git-compare) Directory Compare with Working Tree`,
label:`$(git-compare) Compare Directory with Working Tree`,
description:`${Strings.pad(GlyphChars.Dash,2,3)}$(git-commit) ${commit.shortSha}${GlyphChars.Space}$(git-compare) ${GlyphChars.Space}$(file-directory) Working Tree`