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Closes #164 - adds open all changes in difftool

Renames directory compare commands
Eric Amodio 7 years ago
6 changed files with 90 additions and 30 deletions
  1. +12
  2. +9
  3. +15
  4. +41
  5. +11
  6. +2

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- 0 View File

@ -5,6 +5,18 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Adds `Open All Changes (with difftool)` command (`gitlens.externalDiffAll`) - opens all working changes with the configured git difftool -- closes [#164](
- Also adds the command to the Source Control group context menu
### Changed
- Renames `Directory Compare` command (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) to `Compare Directory with Branch...`
- Renames `Directory Compare with Previous Commit` in quick pick menus to `Compare Directory with Previous Commit`
- Renames `Directory Compare with Working Tree` in quick pick menus to `Compare Directory with Working Tree`
- Changes the marketplace keywords for better discoverability
### Fixed
- Fixes [#163]( - GitLens can cause git locking in the background
## [5.6.5] - 2017-10-16
### Removed

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- 4 View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ GitLens provides an unobtrusive blame annotation at the end of the current line,
- Provides easy access to the following comparison commands via the `Command Palette` as well as in context via the many provided quick pick menus
- Adds a `Directory Compare` command (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) to open the configured Git difftool to compare directories between branches
- Adds a `Compare Directory with Branch...` command (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) to open the configured Git difftool to compare directories between branches
- Adds a `Compare File with Branch...` command (`gitlens.diffWithBranch`) to compare the active file with the same file on the selected branch
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ GitLens provides an unobtrusive blame annotation at the end of the current line,
![Commit Details Quick Pick Menu](
- Quickly see the set of files changed in the commit, complete with status indicators for adds, changes, renames, and deletes
- Provides entries to `Copy to Clipboard`, `Directory Compare`, `Open Changed Files`, `Open File in <remote-service>` when available, and more
- Provides entries to `Copy to Clipboard`, `Compare Directory with...`, `Open Changed Files`, `Open File in <remote-service>` when available, and more
- Navigate back to the previous quick pick menu via `alt+left arrow`, if available
- Use the `alt+right arrow` shortcut on an entry to execute it without closing the quick pick menu, if possible — commands that open windows outside of VS Code will still close the quick pick menu unless [`"gitlens.advanced.quickPick.closeOnFocusOut": false`](#extension-settings) is set
- Use the `alt+right arrow` shortcut on a file entry in the `Changed Files` section to preview the comparison of the current revision with the previous one
@ -261,20 +261,25 @@ GitLens provides an unobtrusive blame annotation at the end of the current line,
![Stash Details Quick Pick Menu](
- Quickly see the set of files changed in the stash, complete with status indicators for adds, changes, renames, and deletes
- Provides entries to `Copy Message to Clipboard`, `Directory Compare`, and `Open Changed Files`
- Provides entries to `Copy Message to Clipboard`, `Compare Directory with...`, and `Open Changed Files`
- Provides entries to `Apply Stashed Changes` and `Delete Stashed Changes` — both require a confirmation
- Navigate back to the previous quick pick menu via `alt+left arrow`, if available
- Use the `alt+right arrow` shortcut on an entry to execute it without closing the quick pick menu, if possible — commands that open windows outside of VS Code will still close the quick pick menu unless [`"gitlens.advanced.quickPick.closeOnFocusOut": false`](#extension-settings) is set
- Use the `alt+right arrow` shortcut on a file entry in the `Changed Files` section to preview the comparison of the current revision with the previous one
- Adds a `Show Last Opened Quick Pick` command (`gitlens.showLastQuickPick`) with a shortcut of `alt+-` to quickly get back to where you were when the last GitLens quick pick menu closed
### And More
- Adds a `Copy Commit ID to Clipboard` command (`gitlens.copyShaToClipboard`) to copy the commit id (sha) of the active line to the clipboard or from the most recent commit to the current branch, if there is no active editor
- Adds a `Copy Commit Message to Clipboard` command (`gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard`) to copy the commit message of the active line to the clipboard or from the most recent commit to the current branch, if there is no active editor
- Adds a `Open Changes (with difftool)` command (`gitlens.externalDiff`) to the source control group and source control resource context menus to open the changes of a file or set of files with the configured git difftool
- Adds a `Open All Changes (with difftool)` command (`gitlens.externalDiffAll`) to open all working changes with the configured git difftool
- Also adds the command to the Source Control group context menu
- Adds a `Open Changed Files` command (`gitlens.openChangedFiles`) to open any files with working tree changes
- Adds a `Close Unchanged Files` command (`gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles`) to close any files without working tree changes

+ 15
- 1
package.json View File

@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
"commands": [
"command": "gitlens.diffDirectory",
"title": "Directory Compare",
"title": "Compare Directory with Branch...",
"category": "GitLens"
@ -1114,6 +1114,11 @@
"category": "GitLens"
"command": "gitlens.externalDiffAll",
"title": "Open All Changes (with difftool)",
"category": "GitLens"
"command": "gitlens.resetSuppressedWarnings",
"title": "Reset Suppressed Warnings",
"category": "GitLens"
@ -1235,6 +1240,10 @@
"when": "gitlens:isBlameable"
"command": "gitlens.externalDiffAll",
"when": "gitlens:enabled"
"command": "gitlens.showFileBlame",
"when": "gitlens:isBlameable"
@ -1570,6 +1579,11 @@
"group": "2_gitlens@3"
"command": "gitlens.externalDiffAll",
"when": "gitlens:enabled",
"group": "2_gitlens@4"
"command": "gitlens.stashSave",
"when": "gitlens:enabled",
"group": "3_gitlens@1"

+ 41
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src/commands/common.ts View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export enum Commands {
CopyMessageToClipboard = 'gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard',
CopyShaToClipboard = 'gitlens.copyShaToClipboard',
DiffDirectory = 'gitlens.diffDirectory',
ExternalDiffAll = 'gitlens.externalDiffAll',
DiffWith = 'gitlens.diffWith',
DiffWithBranch = 'gitlens.diffWithBranch',
DiffWithNext = 'gitlens.diffWithNext',
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ export interface CommandContextParsingOptions {
export interface CommandBaseContext {
command: string;
editor?: TextEditor;
uri?: Uri;
@ -134,10 +136,18 @@ export abstract class Command extends Disposable {
private _disposable: Disposable;
constructor(protected command: Commands) {
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this._disposable = commands.registerCommand(command, this._execute, this);
if (!Array.isArray(command)) {
command = [command];
const subscriptions = [];
for (const cmd of command) {
subscriptions.push(commands.registerCommand(cmd, (...args: any[]) => this._execute(cmd, ...args), this));
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
dispose() {
@ -150,14 +160,14 @@ export abstract class Command extends Disposable {
abstract execute(...args: any[]): any;
protected _execute(...args: any[]): any {
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any {
const [context, rest] = Command._parseContext(this.contextParsingOptions, ...args);
const [context, rest] = Command._parseContext(command, this.contextParsingOptions, ...args);
return this.preExecute(context,;
private static _parseContext(options: CommandContextParsingOptions, ...args: any[]): [CommandContext, any[]] {
private static _parseContext(command: string, options: CommandContextParsingOptions, ...args: any[]): [CommandContext, any[]] {
let editor: TextEditor | undefined = undefined;
let firstArg = args[0];
@ -169,12 +179,12 @@ export abstract class Command extends Disposable {
if (options.uri && (firstArg === undefined || firstArg instanceof Uri)) {
const [uri,] = args as [Uri, any];
return [{ type: 'uri', editor: editor, uri: uri }, rest];
return [{ command: command, type: 'uri', editor: editor, uri: uri }, rest];
if (firstArg instanceof ExplorerNode) {
const [node,] = args as [ExplorerNode, any];
return [{ type: 'view', node: node, uri: node.uri }, rest];
return [{ command: command, type: 'view', node: node, uri: node.uri }, rest];
if (isScmResourceState(firstArg)) {
@ -187,7 +197,7 @@ export abstract class Command extends Disposable {
return [{ type: 'scm-states', scmResourceStates: states, uri: states[0].resourceUri }, args.slice(count)];
return [{ command: command, type: 'scm-states', scmResourceStates: states, uri: states[0].resourceUri }, args.slice(count)];
if (isScmResourceGroup(firstArg)) {
@ -200,10 +210,10 @@ export abstract class Command extends Disposable {
return [{ type: 'scm-groups', scmResourceGroups: groups }, args.slice(count)];
return [{ command: command, type: 'scm-groups', scmResourceGroups: groups }, args.slice(count)];
return [{ type: 'unknown', editor: editor }, args];
return [{ command: command, type: 'unknown', editor: editor }, args];
@ -211,7 +221,7 @@ export abstract class ActiveEditorCommand extends Command {
protected readonly contextParsingOptions: CommandContextParsingOptions = { editor: true, uri: true };
constructor(public readonly command: Commands) {
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) {
@ -219,8 +229,8 @@ export abstract class ActiveEditorCommand extends Command {
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri, ...args);
protected _execute(...args: any[]): any {
return super._execute(window.activeTextEditor, ...args);
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any {
return super._execute(command, window.activeTextEditor, ...args);
abstract execute(editor?: TextEditor, ...args: any[]): any;
@ -233,16 +243,16 @@ export function getLastCommand() {
export abstract class ActiveEditorCachedCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
constructor(public readonly command: Commands) {
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) {
protected _execute(...args: any[]): any {
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any {
lastCommand = {
command: this.command,
command: command,
args: args
return super._execute(...args);
return super._execute(command, ...args);
abstract execute(editor: TextEditor, ...args: any[]): any;
@ -252,17 +262,26 @@ export abstract class EditorCommand extends Disposable {
private _disposable: Disposable;
constructor(public readonly command: Commands) {
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this._disposable = commands.registerTextEditorCommand(command, this._execute, this);
if (!Array.isArray(command)) {
command = [command];
const subscriptions = [];
for (const cmd of command) {
subscriptions.push(commands.registerCommand(cmd, (editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]) => this._execute(cmd, editor, edit, ...args), this));
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
dispose() {
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
private _execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]): any {
private _execute(command: string, editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]): any {
return this.execute(editor, edit, ...args);

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src/commands/diffDirectory.ts View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import { Iterables } from '../system';
import { commands, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { CommandContext } from '../commands';
import { BuiltInCommands, GlyphChars } from '../constants';
import { GitService } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
@ -16,7 +17,16 @@ export interface DiffDirectoryCommandCommandArgs {
export class DiffDirectoryCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitService) {
super([Commands.DiffDirectory, Commands.ExternalDiffAll]);
protected async preExecute(context: CommandContext, args: DiffDirectoryCommandCommandArgs = {}): Promise<any> {
if (context.command === Commands.ExternalDiffAll) {
args.shaOrBranch1 = 'HEAD';
args.shaOrBranch2 = undefined;
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri, args);
async execute(editor?: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, args: DiffDirectoryCommandCommandArgs = {}): Promise<any> {

+ 2
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src/quickPicks/commitDetails.ts View File

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ export class CommitDetailsQuickPick {
items.splice(index++, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `$(git-compare) Directory Compare with Previous Commit`,
label: `$(git-compare) Compare Directory with Previous Commit`,
description: `${Strings.pad(GlyphChars.Dash, 2, 3)} $(git-commit) ${commit.previousShortSha || `${commit.shortSha}^`} ${GlyphChars.Space} $(git-compare) ${GlyphChars.Space} $(git-commit) ${commit.shortSha}`
}, Commands.DiffDirectory, [
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ export class CommitDetailsQuickPick {
items.splice(index++, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `$(git-compare) Directory Compare with Working Tree`,
label: `$(git-compare) Compare Directory with Working Tree`,
description: `${Strings.pad(GlyphChars.Dash, 2, 3)} $(git-commit) ${commit.shortSha} ${GlyphChars.Space} $(git-compare) ${GlyphChars.Space} $(file-directory) Working Tree`
}, Commands.DiffDirectory, [
