2. Ensure the required [dependencies](#dependencies) are installed
3. Choose the `Watch & Run` launch configuration from the launch dropdown in the Run and Debug viewlet and press `F5`.
#### Using VS Code (desktop webworker)
1. Open the `vscode-gitlens` folder
2. Ensure the required [dependencies](#dependencies) are installed
3. Choose the `Watch & Run (web)` launch configuration from the launch dropdown in the Run and Debug viewlet and press `F5`.
#### Using VS Code for the Web (locally)
See https://code.visualstudio.com/api/extension-guides/web-extensions#test-your-web-extension-in-a-browser-using-vscodetestweb
1. Open the `vscode-gitlens` folder
2. Ensure the required [dependencies](#dependencies) are installed
3. Run the `build` or `watch` task from the command palette
4. Run the `Run (local web)` task from the command palette
#### Using VS Code for the Web (vscode.dev)
See https://code.visualstudio.com/api/extension-guides/web-extensions#test-your-web-extension-in-on-vscode.dev
1. Open the `vscode-gitlens` folder
2. Ensure the required [dependencies](#dependencies) are installed
3. Run the `build` or `watch` task from the command palette
4. Run the `Run (vscode.dev)` task from the command palette
### Change Log
The [Change Log](CHANGELOG.md) is updated manually and an entry should be added for each change. Changes are grouped in lists by `added`, `changed` or `fixed`.