@ -14,6 +14,14 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this p
- `⮟` + red colorization — indicates that the branch has unpulled changes (behind)
- `⮟⮝` + yellow colorization — indicates that the branch has diverged from its upstream; meaning it has both unpulled and unpushed changes
- `⮙+` + green colorization — indicates that the branch hasn't yet been published to an upstream remote
- Adds new status indicators (decorations), on the right, and themeable colorizations to files in the views
- `M`— indicates that the file is/was modified
- `A` + green colorization — indicates that the file is/was added
- `D` + red colorization — indicates that the file is/was deleted
- `R` + green colorization — indicates that the file is/was renamed
- `C` + green colorization — indicates that the file is/was copied
- `I` + grey colorization — indicates that the file is ignored
- `U` + green colorization — indicates that the file is untracked
- Adds a new _Open Blame Prior to Change_ command (`gitlens.openBlamePriorToChange`) to open the blame of prior revision of the selected line in the current file — closes [#1014](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/1014)
- Adds new Git code lens action options
- _Opens the commit on the remote service (when available)_ and _Copies the remote commit url to the clipboard (when available)_