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Changes code lens to CodeLens as its a proper name

Eric Amodio 3 years ago
9 changed files with 109 additions and 109 deletions
  1. +46
  2. +25
  3. +22
  4. +1
  5. +1
  6. +5
  7. +1
  8. +3
  9. +5

+ 46
- 46 View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- `U` + green colorization — indicates that the file is untracked
- Adds a new built-in _Create Pull Request_ flow that starts opening a pull request on
- Adds a new _Open Blame Prior to Change_ command (`gitlens.openBlamePriorToChange`) to open the blame of prior revision of the selected line in the current file — closes [#1014](
- Adds new Git code lens action options
- Adds new Git CodeLens action options
- _Opens the commit on the remote service (when available)_ and _Copies the remote commit url to the clipboard (when available)_
- _Opens the file revision on the remote service (when available)_ and _Copies the remote file revision url to the clipboard (when available)_
- _Toggles the file heatmap_
@ -613,8 +613,8 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds alternative `alt+click` commands for many of the _Open \* on Remote_ commands to alternatively copy the url to the clipboard
- Adds an _Open Commit on Remote_ command (with an _Copy Remote Commit Url_ `alt+click` command) to commits in the VS Code Timeline view
- Adds ability to set the default remote from any of the _Open \* on Remote_ command quick pick menus
- Adds _Git Code Lens_ to markdown headers
- Adds new _Git Code Lens_ options to disable the click actions on both the recent change and authors code lens — closes [#989]( thanks to [PR #1009]( by Abdulrahman (Abdu) Assabri ([@abdusabri](
- Adds _Git CodeLens_ to markdown headers
- Adds new _Git CodeLens_ options to disable the click actions on both the recent change and authors CodeLens — closes [#989]( thanks to [PR #1009]( by Abdulrahman (Abdu) Assabri ([@abdusabri](
- Adds per-language customizations to the `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` and `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` settings — closes [#977](
- Adds new click behavior for changed files in GitLens views to open a diff of all contained changes
- Adds a new `gitlens.hovers.avatarSize` setting to customize the size of avatars shown in hovers
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Changed
- Changes all comparisons results to be split into ahead and behind groups
- Changes _Git Code Lens_ to be less intrusive when they are unavailable because of unsaved changes, via new defaults for the `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.*` settings
- Changes _Git CodeLens_ to be less intrusive when they are unavailable because of unsaved changes, via new defaults for the `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.*` settings
- Refines all the GitLens contributed menus to reduce noise and improve usability
- Changes to use VS Code's built-in icons (codicons) where possible — closes [#985](
- Changes to use codicons in hovers — closes [#954](
@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Fixes [#826]( - Deleting stash doesn't remove the stash from the list - have to refresh
- Fixes [#769]( - compacting causes duplicate names
- Fixes issues with issue linking in hovers
- Fixes issues with the _Show commits in Search Commits view_ Git code lens action with uncommitted changes
- Fixes issues with the _Show commits in Search Commits view_ Git CodeLens action with uncommitted changes
- Fixes missing prefix while search nodes are loading
## [10.0.1] - 2019-09-24
@ -930,11 +930,11 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds _Reveal Commit in Repositories View_ command to the commit context menu in the views
- Adds _Reveal Commit in Repositories View_ command in commit quick pick menu
- Adds a _Show Commits within Selection in Search Commits View_ (`gitlens.showCommitsInView`) command to show all the commits within the current selection in the _Search Commits_ view
- Adds new actions options to the Git Code Lens
- Adds a `gitlens.showCommitsInView` option to the recent change code lens to show the recent commit in the _Search Commits_ view
- Adds a `gitlens.showCommitsInView` option to the authors code lens to show the commits within the range of the code lens block in the _Search Commits_ view
- Adds a `gitlens.revealCommitInView` option to the recent change code lens to reveal the recent commit in the _Repositories_ view
- Adds a `gitlens.revealCommitInView` option to the authors code lens to reveal the primary author's commit in the _Repositories_ view
- Adds new actions options to the Git CodeLens
- Adds a `gitlens.showCommitsInView` option to the recent change CodeLens to show the recent commit in the _Search Commits_ view
- Adds a `gitlens.showCommitsInView` option to the authors CodeLens to show the commits within the range of the CodeLens block in the _Search Commits_ view
- Adds a `gitlens.revealCommitInView` option to the recent change CodeLens to reveal the recent commit in the _Repositories_ view
- Adds a `gitlens.revealCommitInView` option to the authors CodeLens to reveal the primary author's commit in the _Repositories_ view
- Adds the _Open Changes with Working File_ command to the inline toolbar for files in views
- Adds the _Open Revision_ command to the editor toolbar and tabs context menu when a revision file is active in the diff editor
- Adds this _Explore Repository from Revision_ command to the editor toolbar and tabs context menu when a revision file is active
@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Changed
- Changes _Stash All Changes_ commands in the Source Control view to toggle --keep-index appropriately — closes [#698](
- Changes Ansible files to use document scope for code lens — thanks to [PR #813]( by Ahmadali Shafiee ([@ahmadalli](
- Changes Ansible files to use document scope for CodeLens — thanks to [PR #813]( by Ahmadali Shafiee ([@ahmadalli](
- Changes fetch commands to use the _fetch_ Git command
- Changes pull commands to use the _pull_ Git command
- Changes push commands to use the _push_ Git command
@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds support for Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) remotes — closes [#501](
- Adds better detection of on-prem BitBucket and GitLab remotes — closes [#214](
- Adds some missing gitmojis — thanks to [PR #510]( by Loris Bettazza ([@Pustur](
- Adds a `gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols` setting to specify whether to provide any Git code lens on symbols that span only a single line
- Adds a `gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols` setting to specify whether to provide any Git CodeLens on symbols that span only a single line
- Adds smooth scrolling to the interactive settings editor when using the _Jump To_ links
### Changed
@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes [#362]( - Too many code lenses in postcss files
- Fixes [#362]( - Too many CodeLenses in postcss files
- Fixes [#381]( - Can't stash single files with older versions of Git
- Fixes [#384]( - Absolute dates not always honored in _GitLens Results_ explorer
- Fixes [#385]( - Wrong git command to delete remote branch
@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes [#320]( - Stashes with a single untracked file created with "stash push" aren't shown in the GitLens explorer
- Fixes [#331]( - Code lens shows on every import in Python
- Fixes [#331]( - CodeLens shows on every import in Python
- Fixes issues where quick pick menu progress indicators will get stuck in some cases because of a vscode api change in [Microsoft/vscode#46102](
## [8.2.0] - 2018-03-31
@ -2220,7 +2220,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Fixes issue where GitLens wouldn't detect the creation of a Git repository if there were no other repositories open
- Fixes issue where some GitLens commands would show in the palette even though there was no repository
- Fixes issue where navigating the history of a renamed file could cause errors
- Fixes issue with using the `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command option for Git code lens
- Fixes issue with using the `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command option for Git CodeLens
## [7.5.5] - 2018-01-18
@ -2255,7 +2255,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds [Gravatar]( support to gutter and hover blame annotations
- Adds `gitlens.annotations.file.gutter.gravatars` setting to specify whether to show gravatar images in the gutter blame annotations
- Adds support for providing blame annotations, code lens, etc on files with unsaved changes — closes [#112](
- Adds support for providing blame annotations, CodeLens, etc on files with unsaved changes — closes [#112](
- Adds `gitlens.defaultDateStyle` setting to specify how dates will be displayed by default — closes [#89](
- Adds _Compare with Working Tree_ command (`gitlens.explorers.compareWithWorking`) to branch, tag, and revision (commit) nodes in the _GitLens_ explorer to compare the current selection with the current working tree in the _GitLens Results_ explorer
- Adds _Compare Selected Ancestor with Working Tree_ command (`gitlens.explorers.compareSelectedAncestorWithWorking`) to branch nodes in the _GitLens_ explorer once another branch within the same repository has been selected to compare the [merge base]( of current and previously selected branches with the working tree in the _GitLens Results_ explorer — closes [#240](
@ -2284,7 +2284,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Fixes [#238]( - Show merge commits in file history
- Fixes issue where the Tags node of the _GitLens_ explorer wasn't updated on changes
- Fixes issue where changes to .gitignore weren't detected properly
- Fixes [#241]( - Adds default setting for .jsonc files to match Git code lens of .json files
- Fixes [#241]( - Adds default setting for .jsonc files to match Git CodeLens of .json files
- Fixes issue where blame annotations and commands were missing from vscode Git staged revision documents
- Fixes issue where opening changes for renamed files in the _GitLens_ explorer and _GitLens Results_ explorer wouldn't work properly
- Fixes issue where file-specific menu commands show up on folders in the explorer
@ -2433,7 +2433,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds support for vscode's Git file revisions (e.g. _Open File (HEAD)_) and diffs (e.g. _Open Changes_)
- Adds new entry in the **History View** of the _GitLens_ explorer
- Adds blame annotations, navigation & comparison commands, etc
- Adds Git code lens to Git file revisions (GitLens or vscode's)
- Adds Git CodeLens to Git file revisions (GitLens or vscode's)
### Fixed
@ -2472,7 +2472,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes [#211]( - Unsaved code lens appears on untracked files
- Fixes [#211]( - Unsaved CodeLens appears on untracked files
- Fixes issue where _Open \* in Remote_ commands are sometimes missing
## [6.1.2] - 2017-11-21
@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes jumpy code lens when deleting characters from a line with a Git code lens
- Fixes jumpy CodeLens when deleting characters from a line with a Git CodeLens
- Fixes [#178]( - Slight but noticeable keyboard lag with Gitlens
- Fixes [#183]( - Remote with same url should only show once
- Fixes [#185]( - Wrong relative date shows on mouse hover
@ -2894,7 +2894,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes [#114]( - Stylus files makes code lens freak out
- Fixes [#114]( - Stylus files makes CodeLens freak out
## 4.4.0 - 2017-08-18
@ -3059,7 +3059,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds all-new configurability to the status bar blame information
- Can now fully customize the [layout and content](
- Adds all-new [configurability]( over which commands are added to which menus via the `gitlens.advanced.menus` setting
- Adds better [configurability]( over where Git code lens will be shown — both by default and per language
- Adds better [configurability]( over where Git CodeLens will be shown — both by default and per language
- Adds an all-new **changes** (diff) hover annotation to the current line - provides instant access to the line's previous version
- Adds _Toggle Line Blame Annotations_ command (`gitlens.toggleLineBlame`) - toggles the current line blame annotations on and off
- Adds _Show Line Blame Annotations_ command (`gitlens.showLineBlame`) - shows the current line blame annotations
@ -3075,9 +3075,9 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Changed
- (BREAKING) Almost all of the GitLens settings have either been renamed, removed, or otherwise changed - see the [README](`
- Changes the positioning of the Git code lens to try to be at the end of any other code lens on the same line
- Changes the positioning of the Git CodeLens to try to be at the end of any other CodeLens on the same line
- Changes the position of the _Open File in Remote_ command (`gitlens.openFileInRemote`) in the context menus - now in the `navigation` group
- Changes the _Toggle Git Code Lens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to always toggle the Git code lens on and off
- Changes the _Toggle Git CodeLens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to always toggle the Git CodeLens on and off
- Changes the default of `gitlens.advanced.toggleWhitespace.enabled` back to `true`, but automatically disables whitespace toggling if whitespace rendering is not on
### Removed
@ -3127,7 +3127,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Changed
- Changes certain code lens actions to be unavailable (unclickable) when the commit referenced is uncommitted - avoids unwanted error messages
- Changes certain CodeLens actions to be unavailable (unclickable) when the commit referenced is uncommitted - avoids unwanted error messages
- Debounces more events when tracking the active line to further reduce lag
### Fixed
@ -3218,7 +3218,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Changed
- Changes _Toggle Git Code Lens_ command to work when `gitlens.codeLens.visibility` is set to `auto` (the default)
- Changes _Toggle Git CodeLens_ command to work when `gitlens.codeLens.visibility` is set to `auto` (the default)
- Renames _Compare with..._ command to _Compare File with..._
- Renames _Compare with Next Commit_ command to _Compare File with Next Commit_
- Renames _Compare with Previous Commit_ command to _Compare File with Previous Commit_
@ -3368,7 +3368,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds file status rollup information to the commit details quick pick menu
- Adds _Compare with..._ (`gitlens.diffWithBranch`) command to compare working file to another branch (via branch quick pick menu)
- Adds branch quick pick menu to _Directory Compare_ (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) command
- Adds support for `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` command execution via code lens to limit results to the code lens block
- Adds support for `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` command execution via CodeLens to limit results to the CodeLens block
- Adds current branch to branch quick pick menu placeholder
- Adds _Show Branch History_ command to the branch history quick pick menu when showing only limited commits (e.g. starting at a specified commit)
- Adds _Show File History_ command to the file history quick pick menu when showing only limited commits (e.g. starting at a specified commit)
@ -3381,7 +3381,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes issue with `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command execution via code lens when the code lens was not at the document/file level
- Fixes issue with `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command execution via CodeLens when the CodeLens was not at the document/file level
- Fixes issue where full shas were displayed on the file/blame history explorers
- Fixes [#30]( - Diff with Working Tree fails from repo/commit quick pick list if file was renamed (and the commit was before the rename)
- Fixes various other quick pick menu command issues when a file was renamed
@ -3393,13 +3393,13 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes [#50]( - excludes container-level code lens from `html` and `vue` language files
- Fixes [#50]( - excludes container-level CodeLens from `html` and `vue` language files
## 2.12.1
### Added
- Adds `gitlens.advanced.codeLens.debug` setting to control whether to show debug information in code lens
- Adds `gitlens.advanced.codeLens.debug` setting to control whether to show debug information in CodeLens
### Fixed
@ -3459,7 +3459,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Added
- Adds `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` command to show a quick pick menu of details for a file commit
- Adds `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` command to code lens
- Adds `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` command to CodeLens
- Adds `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` command to the status bar
- Adds `gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles` command to close any editors that don't have uncommitted changes
- Adds `gitlens.openChangedFiles` command to open all files that have uncommitted changes
@ -3490,9 +3490,9 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes [#43]( - File-level code lens isn't using the blame of the whole file as it should
- Fixes [#43]( - File-level CodeLens isn't using the blame of the whole file as it should
- Fixes issue with single quotes (') in annotations
- Fixes output channel logging (also adds more debug information to code lens — when enabled)
- Fixes output channel logging (also adds more debug information to CodeLens — when enabled)
## 2.10.0
@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- To accommodate the realization that blame information is invalid when a file has unsaved changes, the following behavior changes have been made
- Status bar blame information will hide
- Code lens change to a `Cannot determine...` message and become unclickable
- CodeLens change to a `Cannot determine...` message and become unclickable
- Many menu choices and commands will hide
### Fixed
@ -3564,7 +3564,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Fixes some issue where some editors opened by the quick pick would not be opened in preview tabs
- Fixes issue where copy to clipboard commands would fail if there was no active editor
- Fixes issue where active line annotations would show for opened versioned files
- Fixes issue where code lens compare commands on opened versioned files would fail
- Fixes issue where CodeLens compare commands on opened versioned files would fail
## 2.7.1
@ -3674,7 +3674,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds icons for some commands
- Adds `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command to the editor content menu
- Adds `gitlens.diffWithWorking` command to the editor content menu
- Adds `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` and `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` commands to code lens
- Adds `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` and `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` commands to CodeLens
- Adds `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` and `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` commands to the status bar
### Changed
@ -3693,7 +3693,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Fixes issues with certain git commands not working on Windows
- Fixes [#31]( - Disable gitlens if the project does not have `.git` folder
- Fixes issue where quick pick menus could fail if there was no active editor
- Fixes code lens not updating in response to configuration changes
- Fixes CodeLens not updating in response to configuration changes
## 2.1.1
@ -3760,7 +3760,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Fixed
- Fixes issue where the status bar blame would get stuck switching between editors
- Fixes issue where code lens aren't updated properly after a file is saved
- Fixes issue where CodeLens aren't updated properly after a file is saved
## 1.4.3
@ -3872,18 +3872,18 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Adds ability to show multiple blame annotation at the same time (one per vscode editor)
- Adds new `gitlens.showFileHistory` command to open the history explorer
- Adds new `gitlens.showFileHistory` option to the `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command`, `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command`, and `gitlens.statusBar.command` settings
- Adds per-language code lens location customization using the `gitlens.codeLens.languageLocations` setting
- Adds per-language CodeLens location customization using the `gitlens.codeLens.languageLocations` setting
- Adds new `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` command for line sensitive diffs
- Adds new `gitlens.diffLineWithWorking` command for line sensitive diffs
- Adds `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command to the explorer context menu
- Adds output channel logging, controlled by the `gitlens.advanced.output.level` setting
- Improves performance of the code lens support
- Improves performance (significantly) when only showing code lens at the document level
- Improves performance of the CodeLens support
- Improves performance (significantly) when only showing CodeLens at the document level
- Improves performance of status bar blame support
### Changed
- Switches on-demand code lens to be a global toggle (rather than per file)
- Switches on-demand CodeLens to be a global toggle (rather than per file)
- Complete rewrite of the blame annotation provider to reduce overhead and provide better performance
- Changes `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command to always be file sensitive diffs
- Changes `gitlens.diffWithWorking` command to always be file sensitive diffs
@ -3955,8 +3955,8 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Added
- Adds new code lens visibility & location settings — see **Extension Settings** for details
- Adds new command to toggle code lens on and off when `gitlens.codeLens.visibility` is set to `ondemand`
- Adds new CodeLens visibility & location settings — see **Extension Settings** for details
- Adds new command to toggle CodeLens on and off when `gitlens.codeLens.visibility` is set to `ondemand`
## 0.2.0
@ -3968,7 +3968,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
- Fixes [#1]( - Support blame on files outside the workspace repository
- Fixes failures with Diff with Previous command
- Fixes issues with blame explorer code lens when dealing with previous commits
- Fixes issues with blame explorer CodeLens when dealing with previous commits
- Fixes display issues with compact blame annotations (now skips blank lines)
## 0.1.3
@ -4005,7 +4005,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this p
### Changed
- Removes code lens from fields and single-line properties to reduce visual noise
- Removes CodeLens from fields and single-line properties to reduce visual noise
- Automatically turns off blame only when required now
### Fixed

+ 25
- 25 View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<a title="Learn more about GitLens" href=""><img src="" alt="GitLens Logo" /></a>
> GitLens **supercharges** the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. It helps you to **visualize code authorship** at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, **seamlessly navigate and explore** Git repositories, **gain valuable insights** via powerful comparison commands, and so much more.
> GitLens **supercharges** the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. It helps you to **visualize code authorship** at a glance via Git blame annotations and CodeLens, **seamlessly navigate and explore** Git repositories, **gain valuable insights** via powerful comparison commands, and so much more.
<p align="center">
<br />
@ -34,13 +34,13 @@
GitLens simply helps you **better understand code**. Quickly glimpse into whom, why, and when a line or code block was changed. Jump back through history to **gain further insights** as to how and why the code evolved. Effortlessly explore the history and evolution of a codebase.
GitLens is **powerful**, **feature rich**, and [highly customizable](#gitlens-settings- 'Jump to the GitLens settings docs') to meet your needs. Do you find code lens intrusive or the current line blame annotation distracting &mdash; no problem, quickly turn them off or change how they behave via the interactive [_GitLens Settings_ editor](#configuration 'Jump to Configuration'). For advanced customizations, refer to the [GitLens docs](#gitlens-settings- 'Jump to GitLens settings') and edit your [user settings]( 'Open User settings').
GitLens is **powerful**, **feature rich**, and [highly customizable](#gitlens-settings- 'Jump to the GitLens settings docs') to meet your needs. Do you find CodeLens intrusive or the current line blame annotation distracting &mdash; no problem, quickly turn them off or change how they behave via the interactive [_GitLens Settings_ editor](#configuration 'Jump to Configuration'). For advanced customizations, refer to the [GitLens docs](#gitlens-settings- 'Jump to GitLens settings') and edit your [user settings]( 'Open User settings').
Here are just some of the **features** that GitLens provides,
- effortless [**revision navigation**](#revision-navigation- 'Jump to Revision Navigation') (backwards and forwards) through the history of a file
- an unobtrusive [**current line blame**](#current-line-blame- 'Jump to Current Line Blame') annotation at the end of the line showing the commit and author who last modified the line, with more detailed blame information accessible on [**hover**](#hovers- 'Jump to Hovers')
- [**authorship code lens**](#git-code-lens- 'Jump to Git Code Lens') showing the most recent commit and number of authors at the top of files and/or on code blocks
- [**authorship CodeLens**](#git-codelens- 'Jump to Git CodeLens') showing the most recent commit and number of authors at the top of files and/or on code blocks
- a [**status bar blame**](#status-bar-blame- 'Jump to Status Bar Blame') annotation showing the commit and author who last modified the current line
- on-demand **file annotations** in the editor gutter, including
- [**blame**](#gutter-blame- 'Jump to Gutter Blame') &mdash; shows the commit and author who last modified each line of a file
@ -98,22 +98,22 @@ Here are just some of the **features** that GitLens provides,
- Contains the author, date, and message of the current line's most recent commit (by [default](#current-line-blame-settings- 'Jump to the Current Line Blame settings'))
- Adds a _Toggle Line Blame Annotations_ command (`gitlens.toggleLineBlame`) to toggle the blame annotation on and off
## Git Code Lens [#](#git-code-lens- 'Git Code Lens')
## Git CodeLens [#](#git-codelens- 'Git CodeLens')
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Git Code Lens" />
<img src="" alt="Git CodeLens" />
- Adds Git authorship **code lens** to the top of the file and on code blocks ([optional](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Jump to the Git Code Lens settings'), on by default)
- Adds Git authorship **CodeLens** to the top of the file and on code blocks ([optional](#git-codelens-settings- 'Jump to the Git CodeLens settings'), on by default)
- **Recent Change** &mdash; author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block
- Click the code lens to show a **commit file details quick pick menu** with commands for comparing, navigating and exploring commits, and more (by [default](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Jump to the Code Lens settings'))
- Click the CodeLens to show a **commit file details quick pick menu** with commands for comparing, navigating and exploring commits, and more (by [default](#git-codelens-settings- 'Jump to the Git CodeLens settings'))
- **Authors** &mdash; number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one)
- Click the code lens to toggle the file Git blame annotations on and off of the whole file (by [default](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Jump to the Git Code Lens settings'))
- Click the CodeLens to toggle the file Git blame annotations on and off of the whole file (by [default](#git-codelens-settings- 'Jump to the Git CodeLens settings'))
- Will be hidden if the author of the most recent commit is also the only author of the file or block, to avoid duplicate information and reduce visual noise
- Provides [customizable](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Jump to the Git Code Lens settings') click behavior for each code lens &mdash; choose between one of the following
- Provides [customizable](#git-codelens-settings- 'Jump to the Git CodeLens settings') click behavior for each CodeLens &mdash; choose between one of the following
- Toggle file blame annotations on and off
- Compare the commit with the previous commit
- Show a quick pick menu with details and commands for the commit
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Here are just some of the **features** that GitLens provides,
- Show a quick pick menu with the commit history of the file
- Show a quick pick menu with the commit history of the current branch
- Adds a _Toggle Git Code Lens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) with a shortcut of `shift+alt+b` to toggle the code lens on and off
- Adds a _Toggle Git CodeLens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) with a shortcut of `shift+alt+b` to toggle the CodeLens on and off
## Status Bar Blame [#](#status-bar-blame- 'Status Bar Blame')
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Here are just some of the **features** that GitLens provides,
- Provides [customizable](#status-bar-settings- 'Jump to the Status Bar Blame settings') click behavior &mdash; choose between one of the following
- Toggle file blame annotations on and off
- Toggle code lens on and off
- Toggle CodeLens on and off
- Compare the line commit with the previous commit
- Compare the line commit with the working tree
- Show a quick pick menu with details and commands for the commit (default)
@ -695,18 +695,18 @@ GitLens is highly customizable and provides many configuration settings to allow
| `gitlens.currentLine.pullRequests.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the current line blame annotation. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
| `gitlens.currentLine.scrollable` | Specifies whether the current line blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport. **NOTE**: Setting this to `false` will inhibit the hovers from showing over the annotation; Set `gitlens.hovers.currentLine.over` to `line` to enable the hovers to show anywhere over the line. |
## Git Code Lens Settings [#](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Git Code Lens Settings')
## Git CodeLens Settings [#](#git-codelens-settings- 'Git CodeLens Settings')
| Name | Description |
| ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when an _authors_ code lens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.toggleFileBlame`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the code lens.<br /><br />`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br />`gitlens.toggleFileHeatmap` - toggles file heatmap<br />`gitlens.toggleFileChanges` - toggles file changes since before the commit<br />`gitlens.toggleFileChangesOnly` - toggles file changes from the commit<br />`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens changes with the previous revision<br />`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br />`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for commits within the range<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br />`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history<br />`gitlens.openCommitOnRemote` - opens the commit on the remote service (when available)<br />`gitlens.copyRemoteCommitUrl` - copies the remote commit url to the clipboard (when available)<br />`gitlens.openFileOnRemote` - opens the file revision on the remote service (when available)<br />`gitlens.copyRemoteFileUrl` - copies the remote file url to the clipboard (when available) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide an _authors_ code lens, showing number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens, by default. Use the _Toggle Git Code Lens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to toggle the Git code lens on and off for the current window |
| `gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols` | Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens on symbols that span only a single line |
| `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ code lens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the code lens.<br /><br />`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br />`gitlens.toggleFileHeatmap` - toggles file heatmap<br />`gitlens.toggleFileChanges` - toggles file changes since before the commit<br />`gitlens.toggleFileChangesOnly` - toggles file changes from the commit<br />`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens changes with the previous revision<br />`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br />`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for commits within the range<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br />`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history<br />`gitlens.openCommitOnRemote` - opens the commit on the remote service (when available)<br />`gitlens.copyRemoteCommitUrl` - copies the remote commit url to the clipboard (when available)<br />`gitlens.openFileOnRemote` - opens the file revision on the remote service (when available)<br />`gitlens.copyRemoteFileUrl` - copies the remote file url to the clipboard (when available) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide a _recent change_ code lens, showing the author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block |
| `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` | Specifies where Git code lens will be shown in the document<br /><br />`document` - adds code lens at the top of the document<br />`containers` - adds code lens at the start of container-like symbols (modules, classes, interfaces, etc)<br />`blocks` - adds code lens at the start of block-like symbols (functions, methods, etc) lines |
| `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` | Specifies a set of document symbols where Git code lens will or will not be shown in the document. Prefix with `!` to avoid providing a Git code lens for the symbol. Must be a member of [`SymbolKind`]( |
| Name | Description |
| ------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when an _authors_ CodeLens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.toggleFileBlame`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the CodeLens.<br /><br />`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br />`gitlens.toggleFileHeatmap` - toggles file heatmap<br />`gitlens.toggleFileChanges` - toggles file changes since before the commit<br />`gitlens.toggleFileChangesOnly` - toggles file changes from the commit<br />`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens changes with the previous revision<br />`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br />`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for commits within the range<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br />`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history<br />`gitlens.openCommitOnRemote` - opens the commit on the remote service (when available)<br />`gitlens.copyRemoteCommitUrl` - copies the remote commit url to the clipboard (when available)<br />`gitlens.openFileOnRemote` - opens the file revision on the remote service (when available)<br />`gitlens.copyRemoteFileUrl` - copies the remote file url to the clipboard (when available) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide an _authors_ CodeLens, showing number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide any Git CodeLens, by default. Use the _Toggle Git CodeLens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to toggle the Git CodeLens on and off for the current window |
| `gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols` | Specifies whether to provide any Git CodeLens on symbols that span only a single line |
| `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ CodeLens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the CodeLens.<br /><br />`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br />`gitlens.toggleFileHeatmap` - toggles file heatmap<br />`gitlens.toggleFileChanges` - toggles file changes since before the commit<br />`gitlens.toggleFileChangesOnly` - toggles file changes from the commit<br />`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens changes with the previous revision<br />`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br />`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for commits within the range<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br />`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history<br />`gitlens.openCommitOnRemote` - opens the commit on the remote service (when available)<br />`gitlens.copyRemoteCommitUrl` - copies the remote commit url to the clipboard (when available)<br />`gitlens.openFileOnRemote` - opens the file revision on the remote service (when available)<br />`gitlens.copyRemoteFileUrl` - copies the remote file url to the clipboard (when available) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide a _recent change_ CodeLens, showing the author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block |
| `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` | Specifies where Git CodeLens will be shown in the document<br /><br />`document` - adds CodeLens at the top of the document<br />`containers` - adds CodeLens at the start of container-like symbols (modules, classes, interfaces, etc)<br />`blocks` - adds CodeLens at the start of block-like symbols (functions, methods, etc) lines |
| `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` | Specifies a set of document symbols where Git CodeLens will or will not be shown in the document. Prefix with `!` to avoid providing a Git CodeLens for the symbol. Must be a member of [`SymbolKind`]( |
## Status Bar Settings [#](#status-bar-settings- 'Status Bar Settings')
@ -1027,9 +1027,9 @@ See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
| `gitlens.advanced.quickPick.closeOnFocusOut` | Specifies whether to dismiss quick pick menus when focus is lost (if not, press `ESC` to dismiss) |
| `gitlens.advanced.repositorySearchDepth` | Specifies how many folders deep to search for repositories |
| `gitlens.advanced.similarityThreshold` | Specifies the amount (percent) of similarity a deleted and added file pair must have to be considered a rename |
| `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeAndAuthors` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of both the _recent change_ and _authors_ code lens when there are unsaved changes |
| `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeOnly` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _recent change_ code lens when there are unsaved changes |
| `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.authorsOnly` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _authors_ code lens when there are unsaved changes |
| `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeAndAuthors` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of both the _recent change_ and _authors_ CodeLens when there are unsaved changes |
| `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeOnly` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _recent change_ CodeLens when there are unsaved changes |
| `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.authorsOnly` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _authors_ CodeLens when there are unsaved changes |
## Themable Colors [#](#themable-colors- 'Themable Colors')

+ 22
- 22
package.json View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "gitlens",
"displayName": "GitLens — Git supercharged",
"description": "Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more",
"description": "Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and CodeLens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more",
"version": "11.7.0",
"author": {
"name": "Eric Amodio",
@ -250,20 +250,20 @@
"id": "git-code-lens",
"title": "Git Code Lens",
"title": "Git CodeLens",
"order": 11,
"properties": {
"gitlens.codeLens.enabled": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"markdownDescription": "Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens, by default. Use the `Toggle Git Code Lens` command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to toggle the Git code lens on and off for the current window",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies whether to provide any Git CodeLens, by default. Use the `Toggle Git CodeLens` command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to toggle the Git CodeLens on and off for the current window",
"scope": "window",
"order": 10
"gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"markdownDescription": "Specifies whether to provide an _authors_ code lens, showing number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one)",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies whether to provide an _authors_ CodeLens, showing number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one)",
"scope": "window",
"order": 20
@ -309,14 +309,14 @@
"Copies the remote file url to the clipboard (when available)"
"default": "gitlens.toggleFileBlame",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the command to be executed when an _authors_ code lens is clicked",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the command to be executed when an _authors_ CodeLens is clicked",
"scope": "window",
"order": 21
"gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"markdownDescription": "Specifies whether to provide a _recent change_ code lens, showing the author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies whether to provide a _recent change_ CodeLens, showing the author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block",
"scope": "window",
"order": 30
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
"Copies the remote file url to the clipboard (when available)"
"default": "gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ code lens is clicked",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ CodeLens is clicked",
"scope": "window",
"order": 31
@ -380,15 +380,15 @@
"enumDescriptions": [
"Adds code lens at the top of the document",
"Adds code lens at the start of container-like symbols (modules, classes, interfaces, etc)",
"Adds code lens at the start of block-like symbols (functions, methods, etc) lines"
"Adds CodeLens at the top of the document",
"Adds CodeLens at the start of container-like symbols (modules, classes, interfaces, etc)",
"Adds CodeLens at the start of block-like symbols (functions, methods, etc) lines"
"minItems": 0,
"maxItems": 3,
"uniqueItems": true,
"markdownDescription": "Specifies where Git code lens will be shown in the document",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies where Git CodeLens will be shown in the document",
"scope": "language-overridable",
"order": 40
@ -398,35 +398,35 @@
"type": "string"
"uniqueItems": true,
"markdownDescription": "Specifies a set of document symbols where Git code lens will or will not be shown in the document. Prefix with `!` to avoid providing a Git code lens for the symbol. Must be a member of `SymbolKind`",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies a set of document symbols where Git CodeLens will or will not be shown in the document. Prefix with `!` to avoid providing a Git CodeLens for the symbol. Must be a member of `SymbolKind`",
"scope": "language-overridable",
"order": 50
"gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"markdownDescription": "Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens on symbols that span only a single line",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies whether to provide any Git CodeLens on symbols that span only a single line",
"scope": "window",
"order": 60
"gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeAndAuthors": {
"type": "string",
"default": "$(ellipsis)",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the string to be shown in place of both the _recent change_ and _authors_ code lens when there are unsaved changes",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the string to be shown in place of both the _recent change_ and _authors_ CodeLens when there are unsaved changes",
"scope": "window",
"order": 70
"gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeOnly": {
"type": "string",
"default": "$(ellipsis)",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _recent change_ code lens when there are unsaved changes",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _recent change_ CodeLens when there are unsaved changes",
"scope": "window",
"order": 71
"gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.authorsOnly": {
"type": "string",
"default": "$(ellipsis)",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _authors_ code lens when there are unsaved changes",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _authors_ CodeLens when there are unsaved changes",
"scope": "window",
"order": 72
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
"default": null,
"markdownDescription": "Specifies how to format absolute dates in the Git code lens. See the [Moment.js docs]( for valid formats",
"markdownDescription": "Specifies how to format absolute dates in the Git CodeLens. See the [Moment.js docs]( for valid formats",
"scope": "window",
"order": 73
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
"Toggles file heatmap",
"Toggles file changes since before the commit",
"Toggles file changes from the commit",
"Toggles Git code lens",
"Toggles Git CodeLens",
"Compares the current line commit with the previous",
"Compares the current line commit with the working tree",
"Reveals the commit in the Side Bar",
@ -2667,7 +2667,7 @@
"codeLens": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Specifies whether to show any Git code lens when this user-defined mode is active"
"description": "Specifies whether to show any Git CodeLens when this user-defined mode is active"
"currentLine": {
"type": "boolean",
@ -2700,7 +2700,7 @@
"codeLens": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Specifies whether to show any Git code lens when this user-defined mode is active"
"description": "Specifies whether to show any Git CodeLens when this user-defined mode is active"
"currentLine": {
"type": "boolean",
@ -2751,7 +2751,7 @@
"codeLens": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Specifies whether to show any Git code lens when this user-defined mode is active"
"description": "Specifies whether to show any Git CodeLens when this user-defined mode is active"
"currentLine": {
"type": "boolean",
@ -3821,7 +3821,7 @@
"command": "gitlens.toggleCodeLens",
"title": "Toggle Git Code Lens",
"title": "Toggle Git CodeLens",
"category": "GitLens"

+ 1
- 1
src/codelens/codeLensController.ts View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export class GitCodeLensController implements Disposable {
private onBlameStateChanged(e: DocumentBlameStateChangeEvent<GitDocumentState>) {
// Only reset if we have saved, since the code lens won't naturally be re-rendered
// Only reset if we have saved, since the CodeLens won't naturally be re-rendered
if (this._provider === undefined || !e.blameable) return;
Logger.log('Blame state changed; resetting CodeLens provider');

+ 1
- 1
src/codelens/codeLensProvider.ts View File

@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ export class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
// Make sure there is only 1 lens per line
if (lenses.length && lenses[lenses.length - 1].range.start.line === line.lineNumber) return;
// Anchor the code lens to the start of the line -- so that the range won't change with edits (otherwise the code lens will be removed and re-added)
// Anchor the CodeLens to the start of the line -- so that the range won't change with edits (otherwise the CodeLens will be removed and re-added)
let startChar = 0;
let blameForRangeFn: (() => GitBlameLines | undefined) | undefined;

+ 5
- 5
src/webviews/apps/settings/partials/code-lens.html View File

@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
<div class="section__header">
<div class="setting__input setting__input--big">
<input id="codeLens.enabled" name="codeLens.enabled" type="checkbox" data-setting />
<label for="codeLens.enabled">Git Code Lens</label>
<label for="codeLens.enabled">Git CodeLens</label>
title="Learn more"
<i class="icon icon__info"></i>
<p class="section__header-hint">Adds authorship code lens to the top of files and on code blocks</p>
<p class="section__header-hint">Adds authorship CodeLens to the top of files and on code blocks</p>
<div class="section__header-info">
<i class="icon icon__bulb"></i>
Use the
<a class="command" title="Run command" href="command:gitlens.toggleCodeLens"
>GitLens: Toggle Git Code Lens</a
>GitLens: Toggle Git CodeLens</a
command to override this setting for the current window
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
<div class="setting" data-enablement="codeLens.enabled">
<div class="setting__input">
<label class="non-interactive">Add code lens to the following scopes</label>
<label class="non-interactive">Add CodeLens to the following scopes</label>

+ 1
- 1
src/webviews/apps/settings/partials/status-bar.html View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<option value="gitlens.toggleFileChangesOnly">
toggles the file changes from the commit
<option value="gitlens.toggleCodeLens">toggles the Git code lens</option>
<option value="gitlens.toggleCodeLens">toggles the Git CodeLens</option>
<option value="gitlens.diffWithPrevious">
opens line changes with the previous revision

+ 3
- 3
src/webviews/apps/settings/settings.html View File

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
<p class="header__blurb">
GitLens <b>supercharges</b> the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. It helps you to
<b>visualize code authorship</b> at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens,
<b>visualize code authorship</b> at a glance via Git blame annotations and CodeLens,
<b>seamlessly navigate and explore</b> Git repositories, <b>gain valuable insights</b> via powerful
comparison commands, and so much more.
@ -280,8 +280,8 @@
title="Jump to Git Code Lens settings"
>Git Code Lens</a
title="Jump to Git CodeLens settings"
>Git CodeLens</a

+ 5
- 5
src/webviews/apps/welcome/welcome.html View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<p class="header__blurb">
GitLens <b>supercharges</b> the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. It helps you to
<b>visualize code authorship</b> at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens,
<b>visualize code authorship</b> at a glance via Git blame annotations and CodeLens,
<b>seamlessly navigate and explore</b> Git repositories, <b>gain valuable insights</b> via powerful
comparison commands, and so much more.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
<p class="blurb ml-0 mr-0">
GitLens is <b>powerful</b>, <b>feature rich</b>, and highly <b>customizable</b> to meet your
needs. Do you find code lens intrusive or the current line blame annotation distracting &mdash;
needs. Do you find CodeLens intrusive or the current line blame annotation distracting &mdash;
no problem, quickly turn them off or change how they behave using the options below.
@ -140,17 +140,17 @@
<div class="section__header">
<div class="setting__input setting__input--big">
<input id="codeLens.enabled" name="codeLens.enabled" type="checkbox" data-setting />
<label for="codeLens.enabled">Git Code Lens</label>
<label for="codeLens.enabled">Git CodeLens</label>
title="Jump to more Git Code Lens settings"
title="Jump to more Git CodeLens settings"
<i class="icon icon__gear"></i>
<p class="section__header-hint">
Adds authorship code lens to the top of files and on code blocks
Adds authorship CodeLens to the top of files and on code blocks
