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Changes Focus to be first vs workspaces

Eric Amodio 1 year ago
3 changed files with 180 additions and 180 deletions
  1. +2
  2. +18
  3. +160

+ 2
- 2
package.json View File

@ -15599,8 +15599,8 @@
"id": "gitlens.welcome.workspaces",
"title": "Work smarter with GitKraken Workspaces ☁️ and Focus ✨",
"description": "GitKraken Workspaces allow you to easily group and manage multiple repositories together, accessible from anywhere, streamlining your workflow.\nCreate workspaces just for yourself or share (coming soon in GitLens) them with your team for faster onboarding and better collaboration.\n\n[Open Workspaces](command:gitlens.showWorkspacesView)\n\nFocus brings all of your GitHub pull requests and issues into a unified actionable view to help to you more easily juggle work in progress, pending work, reviews, and more.\nQuickly see if anything requires your attention while keeping you focused.\n\n[Open Focus](command:gitlens.showFocusPage)",
"title": "Work smarter with Focus ✨ and GitKraken Workspaces ☁️",
"description": "Focus brings all of your GitHub pull requests and issues into a unified actionable view to help to you more easily juggle work in progress, pending work, reviews, and more.\nQuickly see if anything requires your attention while keeping you focused.\n\n[Open Focus](command:gitlens.showFocusPage)\n\nGitKraken Workspaces allow you to easily group and manage multiple repositories together, accessible from anywhere, streamlining your workflow.\nCreate workspaces just for yourself or share (coming soon in GitLens) them with your team for faster onboarding and better collaboration.\n\n[Open Workspaces](command:gitlens.showWorkspacesView)",
"media": {
"altText": "Illustrations of Focus and Workspaces view",
"svg": "walkthroughs/welcome/workspaces-focus.svg"

+ 18
- 18
src/webviews/apps/welcome/welcome.html View File

@ -245,33 +245,25 @@
title="Show GitKraken Workspaces view"
aria-label="Show GitKraken Workspaces view"
>GitKraken Workspaces</a
☁️ and
title="Open Focus"
aria-label="Open Focus"
✨ and
title="Show GitKraken Workspaces view"
aria-label="Show GitKraken Workspaces view"
>GitKraken Workspaces</a
<span class="welcome__preview">Preview</span>
Leverage workspaces to easily group and manage multiple repositories together, accessible from
anywhere, streamlining your workflow. Create workspaces just for yourself or share (coming soon in
GitLens) them with your team for faster onboarding and better collaboration.
Use Focus to bring all of your GitHub pull requests and issues into a unified actionable to help to
you more easily juggle work in progress, pending work, reviews, and more. Quickly see if anything
requires your attention while keeping you focused.
@ -279,6 +271,14 @@
Leverage workspaces to easily group and manage multiple repositories together, accessible from
anywhere, streamlining your workflow. Create workspaces just for yourself or share (coming soon in
GitLens) them with your team for faster onboarding and better collaboration.

+ 160
- 160
walkthroughs/welcome/workspaces-focus.svg View File

@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
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<tspan text-decoration="underline" dx="-10">All</tspan>
<tspan text-decoration="underline" dx="6">Opened by me</tspan>
<tspan text-decoration="underline" dx="6">Assigned to me</tspan>
<tspan text-decoration="underline" dx="6">Needs my review</tspan>
<tspan text-decoration="underline" dx="6">Mentions me</tspan>
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<rect x="0" y="52" width="100%" height="34" class="row-box" />
<text x="88" y="75" fill="var(--vscode-foreground)" font-size="18">
<tspan dx="30">adds stylelint</tspan>
<tspan text-decoration="underline" fill=" var(--vscode-textLink-foreground)">#2453</tspan>
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<tspan dx="30">Workspaces side bar view</tspan>
<tspan text-decoration="underline" fill=" var(--vscode-textLink-foreground)">#2650</tspan>
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<tspan text-decoration="underline" fill=" var(--vscode-textLink-foreground)">#2650</tspan>
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<tspan fill="var(--vscode-problemsWarningIcon-foreground)">3wk</tspan>
<tspan dx="29">Adds experimental.OpenAIModel</tspan>
<tspan text-decoration="underline" fill=" var(--vscode-textLink-foreground)">#2637</tspan>
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<tspan>Backend services</tspan>
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<tspan>Open source projects</tspan>
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