@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this p
- Adds a tree layout option to tags in the *GitLens* explorer — closes [#358](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/358)
- Adds an icon for the *Compare File with Previous Revision* command (`gitlens.diffWithPrevious`) and moves it into the editor toolbar
- Adds an icon for the *Compare File with Next Revision* command (`gitlens.diffWithNext`) and moves it into the editor toolbar
- Adds a *Show Line Commit Details* command (`gitlens.showQuickLineCommitFileDetails`) — behaves the same as the *Show Commit File Details* command (`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails`) but with a more accurate menu name
- Adds a *Open Line Commit in Remote* command (`gitlens.openLineCommitInRemote`) — behaves the same as the *Open Commit in Remote* command (`gitlens.openCommitInRemote`) but with a more accurate menu name
- Adds a *Open Line in Remote* command (`gitlens.openLineInRemote`) — behaves the same as the *Open File in Remote* command (`gitlens.openFileInRemote`) but with a more accurate menu name
### Changed
- Renames *Compare Line Revision with Previous* command (`gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious`) to *Compare Commit with Previous* for consistency with other commands
- Renames *Compare Line Revision with Working File* command (`gitlens.diffLineWithWorking`) to *Compare Commit with Working File* for consistency with other commands
- Renames *Show Commit File Details* command (`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails`) to *Show Commit Details* for consistency with other commands
- Renames the `gitlens.advanced.menus` setting to `gitlens.menus`
- Reworks GitLens menu contributions and configuration