@ -337,14 +337,14 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable { |
private async findNextFileNameCore(repoPath: string, fileName: string, sha?: string): Promise<string | undefined> { |
if (sha === undefined) { |
// Get the most recent commit for this file name
const c = await this.getLogCommit(repoPath, fileName); |
const c = await this.getRecentLogCommitForFile(repoPath, fileName); |
if (c === undefined) return undefined; |
sha = c.sha; |
} |
// Get the full commit (so we can see if there are any matching renames in the file statuses)
const log = await this.getLogForRepo(repoPath, { maxCount: 1, ref: sha }); |
const log = await this.getLog(repoPath, { maxCount: 1, ref: sha }); |
if (log === undefined) return undefined; |
const c = Iterables.first(log.commits.values()); |
@ -819,37 +819,38 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable { |
} |
} |
async getLogCommit(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, options?: { firstIfMissing?: boolean, previous?: boolean }): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined>; |
async getLogCommit(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha: string | undefined, options?: { firstIfMissing?: boolean, previous?: boolean }): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined>; |
async getLogCommit(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, shaOrOptions?: string | undefined | { firstIfMissing?: boolean, previous?: boolean }, options?: { firstIfMissing?: boolean, previous?: boolean }): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> { |
let sha: string | undefined = undefined; |
if (typeof shaOrOptions === 'string') { |
sha = shaOrOptions; |
} |
else if (options === undefined) { |
options = shaOrOptions; |
} |
async getRecentLogCommitForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> { |
return this.getLogCommitForFile(repoPath, fileName, undefined); |
} |
async getLogCommit(repoPath: string, ref: string): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> { |
Logger.log(`getLogCommit('${repoPath}', '${ref}'`); |
options = options || {}; |
const log = await this.getLog(repoPath, { maxCount: 2, ref: ref }); |
if (log === undefined) return undefined; |
return log.commits.get(ref); |
} |
Logger.log(`getLogCommit('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', '${sha}', ${options.firstIfMissing}, ${options.previous})`); |
async getLogCommitForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, options: { ref?: string, firstIfNotFound?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> { |
Logger.log(`getFileLogCommit('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', '${options.ref}', ${options.firstIfNotFound})`); |
const log = await this.getLogForFile(repoPath, fileName, { maxCount: options.previous ? 2 : 1, ref: sha }); |
const log = await this.getLogForFile(repoPath, fileName, { maxCount: 2, ref: options.ref }); |
if (log === undefined) return undefined; |
const commit = sha && log.commits.get(sha); |
if (commit === undefined && sha && !options.firstIfMissing) { |
// If the sha isn't resolved we will never find it, so don't kick out
if (!Git.isResolveRequired(sha)) return undefined; |
const commit = options.ref && log.commits.get(options.ref); |
if (commit === undefined && !options.firstIfNotFound && options.ref) { |
// If the sha isn't resolved we will never find it, so let it fall through so we return the first
if (!Git.isResolveRequired(options.ref)) return undefined; |
} |
return commit || Iterables.first(log.commits.values()); |
} |
async getLogForRepo(repoPath: string, options: { maxCount?: number, ref?: string, reverse?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitLog | undefined> { |
async getLog(repoPath: string, options: { maxCount?: number, ref?: string, reverse?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitLog | undefined> { |
options = { reverse: false, ...options }; |
Logger.log(`getLogForRepo('${repoPath}', '${options.ref}', ${options.maxCount}, ${options.reverse})`); |
Logger.log(`getLog('${repoPath}', '${options.ref}', ${options.maxCount}, ${options.reverse})`); |
const maxCount = options.maxCount == null |
? Container.config.advanced.maxListItems || 0 |
@ -861,7 +862,7 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable { |
if (log !== undefined) { |
const opts = { ...options }; |
log.query = (maxCount: number | undefined) => this.getLogForRepo(repoPath, { ...opts, maxCount: maxCount }); |
log.query = (maxCount: number | undefined) => this.getLog(repoPath, { ...opts, maxCount: maxCount }); |
} |
return log; |
@ -871,8 +872,8 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable { |
} |
} |
async getLogForRepoSearch(repoPath: string, search: string, searchBy: GitRepoSearchBy, options: { maxCount?: number } = {}): Promise<GitLog | undefined> { |
Logger.log(`getLogForRepoSearch('${repoPath}', '${search}', '${searchBy}', ${options.maxCount})`); |
async getLogForSearch(repoPath: string, search: string, searchBy: GitRepoSearchBy, options: { maxCount?: number } = {}): Promise<GitLog | undefined> { |
Logger.log(`getLogForSearch('${repoPath}', '${search}', '${searchBy}', ${options.maxCount})`); |
let maxCount = options.maxCount == null |
? Container.config.advanced.maxListItems || 0 |
@ -907,7 +908,7 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable { |
if (log !== undefined) { |
const opts = { ...options }; |
log.query = (maxCount: number | undefined) => this.getLogForRepoSearch(repoPath, search, searchBy, { ...opts, maxCount: maxCount }); |
log.query = (maxCount: number | undefined) => this.getLogForSearch(repoPath, search, searchBy, { ...opts, maxCount: maxCount }); |
} |
return log; |
@ -918,6 +919,8 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable { |
} |
async getLogForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, options: { maxCount?: number, range?: Range, ref?: string, reverse?: boolean, skipMerges?: boolean } = {}): Promise<GitLog | undefined> { |
if (repoPath !== undefined && repoPath === Strings.normalizePath(fileName)) throw new Error(`File name cannot match the repository path; fileName=${fileName}`); |
options = { reverse: false, skipMerges: false, ...options }; |
let key = 'log'; |