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Switches to use `as` rather than <>

Eric Amodio hace 8 años
Se han modificado 5 ficheros con 13 adiciones y 13 borrados
  1. +4
  2. +1
  3. +2
  4. +2
  5. +4

+ 4
- 4
src/blameAnnotationProvider.ts Ver fichero

@ -205,11 +205,11 @@ export class BlameAnnotationProvider extends Disposable {
lastSha = l.sha;
return <DecorationOptions>{
return {
range: this.editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line + offset, 0, l.line + offset, 0)),
hoverMessage: hoverMessage,
renderOptions: { before: { color: color, contentText: gutter, width: '11em' } }
} as DecorationOptions;
@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ export class BlameAnnotationProvider extends Disposable {
const gutter = this._getGutter(commit);
return <DecorationOptions>{
return {
range: this.editor.document.validateRange(new Range(l.line + offset, 0, l.line + offset, 0)),
hoverMessage: hoverMessage,
renderOptions: { before: { color: color, contentText: gutter, width: `${width}em` } }
} as DecorationOptions;

+ 1
- 1
src/commands/diffWithPrevious.ts Ver fichero

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export default class DiffWithPreviousCommand extends EditorCommand {
const gitUri = GitUri.fromUri(uri, this.git);
try {
const log = await this.git.getLogForFile(gitUri.fsPath, gitUri.sha, gitUri.repoPath, <Range>rangeOrLine);
const log = await this.git.getLogForFile(gitUri.fsPath, gitUri.sha, gitUri.repoPath, rangeOrLine as Range);
if (!log) return window.showWarningMessage(`Unable to open diff. File is probably not under source control`);
const sha = (commit && commit.sha) || gitUri.sha;

+ 2
- 2
src/git/enrichers/blameParserEnricher.ts Ver fichero

@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ export class GitBlameParserEnricher implements IGitEnricher {
// .sort((a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime())
// .forEach(c => sortedCommits.set(c.sha, c));
return <IGitBlame>{
return {
repoPath: repoPath,
authors: sortedAuthors,
// commits: sortedCommits,
commits: commits,
lines: lines
} as IGitBlame;

+ 2
- 2
src/git/enrichers/logParserEnricher.ts Ver fichero

@ -179,11 +179,11 @@ export class GitLogParserEnricher implements IGitEnricher {
// .sort((a, b) => b.date.getTime() - a.date.getTime())
// .forEach(c => sortedCommits.set(c.sha, c));
return <IGitLog>{
return {
repoPath: repoPath,
authors: sortedAuthors,
// commits: sortedCommits,
commits: commits
} as IGitLog;

+ 4
- 4
src/gitCodeLensProvider.ts Ver fichero

@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ export default class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
async provideCodeLenses(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): Promise<CodeLens[]> {
let languageLocations = this._config.codeLens.languageLocations.find(_ => _.language.toLowerCase() === document.languageId);
if (languageLocations == null) {
languageLocations = <ICodeLensLanguageLocation>{
languageLocations = {
language: undefined,
location: this._config.codeLens.location,
customSymbols: this._config.codeLens.locationCustomSymbols
} as ICodeLensLanguageLocation;
const lenses: CodeLens[] = [];
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ export default class GitCodeLensProvider implements CodeLensProvider {
else {
const values = await Promise.all([
<Promise<any>>commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.ExecuteDocumentSymbolProvider, document.uri)
blamePromise as Promise<any>,
commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.ExecuteDocumentSymbolProvider, document.uri) as Promise<any>
blame = values[0] as IGitBlame;
