Explorar el Código

Bumps to 2.0

Eric Amodio hace 8 años
Se han modificado 3 ficheros con 24 adiciones y 10 borrados
  1. +13
  2. +10
  3. +1

+ 13
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CHANGELOG.md Ver fichero

@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
## Release Notes
### 2.0.0
- Adds `gitlens.blame.annotation.activeLine` to specify whether and how to show blame annotations on the active line
- Adds full commit message (rather than just summary) to active line hover if `gitlens.blame.annotation.activeLine` is not `off`
- Adds new `trailing` blame annotation style -- adds annotations after the code lines rather than before
- Adds `gitlens.blame.annotation.message` to show the commit message in `expanded` and `trailing` blame annotaion styles
- Adds support for relative dates in blame annotations. Use `gitlens.blame.annotation.date`
- Changes the design of hover annotations -- much cleaner now
- Disables automatic whitespace toggling by default as it is seemingly no longer needed as [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11485) seems fixed. It can be re-enabled with `gitlens.advanced.toggleWhitespace.enabled`
- Fixes issue where the statusBar blame would get stuck switching between editors
- Fixes issue where CodeLens aren't updated properly after a file is saved
- Re-adds context menu for `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` -- since [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/15395)
- Re-adds context menu for `gitlens.diffLineWithWorking` -- since [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/15395)
### 1.4.3
- Adds some logging to hopefully trap [#22](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/22) - Cannot read property 'sha' of undefined
- Fixes issue with the latest insiders build (1.9.0-insider f67f87c5498d9361c0b29781c341fd032815314b) where there is a collision of document schemes

+ 10
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README.md Ver fichero

@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ Provides Git CodeLens information (most recent commit, # of authors), on-demand
## Features
- Provides **CodeLens** on code blocks:
- Provides (optional) **CodeLens** on code blocks:
- **Recent Change** - author and date of the most recent check-in for that block
- Clicking on the CodeLens opens a **file history explorer** (by default) with the all the file commits in the right pane and the commit (file) contents on the left
- **Authors** - number of authors of a block and the most prominent author (if there are more than one)
- Clicking on the CodeLens toggles Git blame annotations on/off (by default)
- Provides on-demand **inline blame annotations** with multiple styles
- Provides Git blame information about the selected line in the **status bar**
- Provides on-demand **inline blame annotations** with multiple styles (compact, expanded, and trailing)
- Provides (optional) Git blame information about the selected line in the **status bar**
- Clicking on the status bar toggles Git blame annotations on/off (by default)
- Provides (optional) Git blame information about the selected line to the right of the line
- Provides a Git **file history explorer** to visualize the history of a file
- Provides a Git **blame history explorer** to visualize the blame history of a file or block
- Provides ability to **compare diffs** with the working tree as well as with previous versions
@ -27,9 +28,11 @@ Provides Git CodeLens information (most recent commit, # of authors), on-demand
|Name | Description
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.style`|Specifies the style of the blame annotations. `compact` - groups annotations to limit the repetition and also adds author and date when possible. `expanded` - shows an annotation on every line
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.sha`|Specifies whether the commit sha will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` annotation style
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.author`|Specifies whether the committer will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` annotation style
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.date`|Specifies whether the commit date will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` annotation style
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.sha`|Specifies whether the commit sha will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.author`|Specifies whether the committer will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.date`|Specifies whether the commit date will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.message`|Specifies whether the commit message will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
|`gitlens.blame.annotation.activeLine`|Specifies whether and how to show blame annotations on the active line. `off` - no annotation. `inline` - adds a trailing annotation to the active line. `hover` - adds hover annotation to the active line. `both` - adds both `inline` and `hover` annotations
|`gitlens.codeLens.visibility`|Specifies when CodeLens will be triggered in the active document. `auto` - automatically. `ondemand` - only when requested. `off` - disables all active document CodeLens
|`gitlens.codeLens.location`|Specifies where CodeLens will be rendered in the active document. `all` - render at the top of the document, on container-like (classes, modules, etc), and on member-like (methods, functions, properties, etc) lines. `document+containers` - render at the top of the document and on container-like lines. `document` - only render at the top of the document. `custom` - rendering controlled by `gitlens.codeLens.locationCustomSymbols`
|`gitlens.codeLens.locationCustomSymbols`|Specifies the set of document symbols to render active document CodeLens on. Must be a member of `SymbolKind`
@ -44,5 +47,4 @@ Provides Git CodeLens information (most recent commit, # of authors), on-demand
## Known Issues
- CodeLens aren't updated properly after a file is saved: [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11546)
- Visible whitespace causes issue with blame overlay (currently fixed with a hack, but infrequently and randomly fails): [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11485)
- Menu `alt` commands aren't working: [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/15395)

+ 1
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package.json Ver fichero

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "gitlens",
"version": "1.4.3",
"version": "2.0.0",
"author": {
"name": "Eric Amodio",
"email": "eamodio@gmail.com"
