@ -4,18 +4,25 @@ import { getAvatarUri } from '../../../avatars'; |
import { parseCommandContext } from '../../../commands/base'; |
import { GitActions } from '../../../commands/gitCommands.actions'; |
import { configuration } from '../../../configuration'; |
import { Commands, ContextKeys } from '../../../constants'; |
import { Commands, ContextKeys, CoreGitCommands } from '../../../constants'; |
import type { Container } from '../../../container'; |
import { setContext } from '../../../context'; |
import { PlusFeatures } from '../../../features'; |
import type { GitCommit } from '../../../git/models/commit'; |
import { GitGraphRowType } from '../../../git/models/graph'; |
import type { GitGraph } from '../../../git/models/graph'; |
import type { |
GitBranchReference, |
GitRevisionReference, |
GitStashReference, |
GitTagReference, |
} from '../../../git/models/reference'; |
import { GitReference } from '../../../git/models/reference'; |
import type { Repository, RepositoryChangeEvent } from '../../../git/models/repository'; |
import { RepositoryChange, RepositoryChangeComparisonMode } from '../../../git/models/repository'; |
import type { GitSearch } from '../../../git/search'; |
import { getSearchQueryComparisonKey } from '../../../git/search'; |
import { registerCommand } from '../../../system/command'; |
import { executeCoreGitCommand, registerCommand } from '../../../system/command'; |
import { gate } from '../../../system/decorators/gate'; |
import { debug } from '../../../system/decorators/log'; |
import type { Deferrable } from '../../../system/function'; |
@ -23,6 +30,8 @@ import { debounce } from '../../../system/function'; |
import { first, last } from '../../../system/iterable'; |
import { updateRecordValue } from '../../../system/object'; |
import { isDarkTheme, isLightTheme } from '../../../system/utils'; |
import type { WebviewItemContext } from '../../../system/webview'; |
import { isWebviewItemContext } from '../../../system/webview'; |
import { RepositoryFolderNode } from '../../../views/nodes/viewNode'; |
import type { IpcMessage } from '../../../webviews/protocol'; |
import { onIpc } from '../../../webviews/protocol'; |
@ -191,7 +200,18 @@ export class GraphWebview extends WebviewBase { |
} |
protected override registerCommands(): Disposable[] { |
return [registerCommand(Commands.RefreshGraphPage, () => this.refresh(true))]; |
return [ |
registerCommand(Commands.RefreshGraphPage, () => this.refresh(true)), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.switchToAnotherBranch', this.switchToAnother, this), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.switchToBranch', this.switchTo, this), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.undoCommit', this.undoCommit, this), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.revert', this.revertCommit, this), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.resetToCommit', this.resetToCommit, this), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.resetCommit', this.resetCommit, this), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.rebaseOntoCommit', this.rebase, this), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.switchToCommit', this.switchTo, this), |
registerCommand('gitlens.graph.switchToTag', this.switchTo, this), |
]; |
} |
protected override onInitializing(): Disposable[] | undefined { |
@ -794,6 +814,97 @@ export class GraphWebview extends WebviewBase { |
this._selectedSha = sha; |
this._selectedRows = sha != null ? { [sha]: true } : {}; |
} |
@debug() |
private rebase(item: GraphItemContext) { |
if (isGraphItemRefContext(item)) { |
const { ref } = item.webviewItemValue; |
return GitActions.rebase(ref.repoPath, ref); |
} |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
@debug() |
private resetCommit(item: GraphItemContext) { |
if (isGraphItemRefContext(item) && item.webviewItemValue.ref.refType === 'revision') { |
const { ref } = item.webviewItemValue; |
return GitActions.revert( |
ref.repoPath, |
GitReference.create(`${ref.ref}^`, ref.repoPath, { |
refType: 'revision', |
name: `${ref.name}^`, |
message: ref.message, |
}), |
); |
} |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
@debug() |
private resetToCommit(item: GraphItemContext) { |
if (isGraphItemRefContext(item) && item.webviewItemValue.ref.refType === 'revision') { |
const { ref } = item.webviewItemValue; |
return GitActions.reset(ref.repoPath, ref); |
} |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
@debug() |
private revertCommit(item: GraphItemContext) { |
if (isGraphItemRefContext(item) && item.webviewItemValue.ref.refType === 'revision') { |
const { ref } = item.webviewItemValue; |
return GitActions.revert(ref.repoPath, ref); |
} |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
@debug() |
private switchTo(item: GraphItemContext) { |
if (isGraphItemRefContext(item)) { |
const { ref } = item.webviewItemValue; |
return GitActions.switchTo(ref.repoPath, ref); |
} |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
@debug() |
private switchToAnother(item: GraphItemContext) { |
if (isGraphItemRefContext(item)) { |
const { ref } = item.webviewItemValue; |
return GitActions.switchTo(ref.repoPath); |
} |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
@debug() |
private async undoCommit(item: GraphItemContext) { |
if (isGraphItemRefContext(item) && item.webviewItemValue.ref.refType === 'revision') { |
const ref = item.webviewItemValue.ref; |
const repo = await this.container.git.getOrOpenScmRepository(ref.repoPath); |
const commit = await repo?.getCommit('HEAD'); |
if (commit?.hash !== ref.ref) { |
void window.showWarningMessage( |
`Commit ${GitReference.toString(ref, { |
capitalize: true, |
icon: false, |
})} cannot be undone, because it is no longer the most recent commit.`,
); |
return; |
} |
return void executeCoreGitCommand(CoreGitCommands.UndoCommit, ref.repoPath); |
} |
return Promise.resolve(); |
} |
} |
function formatRepositories(repositories: Repository[]): GraphRepository[] { |
@ -806,3 +917,53 @@ function formatRepositories(repositories: Repository[]): GraphRepository[] { |
path: r.path, |
})); |
} |
export type GraphItemContext = WebviewItemContext<GraphItemContextValue>; |
export type GraphItemRefContext = WebviewItemContext<GraphItemRefContextValue>; |
export type GraphItemRefContextValue = |
| GraphBranchContextValue |
| GraphCommitContextValue |
| GraphStashContextValue |
| GraphTagContextValue; |
export type GraphItemContextValue = GraphAvatarContextValue | GraphColumnsContextValue | GraphItemRefContextValue; |
export interface GraphAvatarContextValue { |
type: 'avatar'; |
email: string; |
} |
export interface GraphColumnsContextValue { |
type: 'columns'; |
} |
export interface GraphBranchContextValue { |
type: 'branch'; |
ref: GitBranchReference; |
} |
export interface GraphCommitContextValue { |
type: 'commit'; |
ref: GitRevisionReference; |
} |
export interface GraphStashContextValue { |
type: 'stash'; |
ref: GitStashReference; |
} |
export interface GraphTagContextValue { |
type: 'tag'; |
ref: GitTagReference; |
} |
function isGraphItemContext(item: unknown): item is GraphItemContext { |
if (item == null) return false; |
return isWebviewItemContext(item) && item.webview === 'gitlens.graph'; |
} |
function isGraphItemRefContext(item: unknown): item is GraphItemRefContext { |
if (item == null) return false; |
return isGraphItemContext(item) && 'ref' in item.webviewItemValue; |
} |