@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import { commands, Disposable, TerminalLink, TerminalLinkContext, TerminalLinkProvider, window } from 'vscode'; |
import { Commands, ShowQuickBranchHistoryCommandArgs, ShowQuickCommitCommandArgs } from '../commands'; |
import { Container } from '../container'; |
const shaRegex = /^[0-9a-f]{7,40}$/; |
const refRegex = /\b((?!\S*\/\.)(?!\S*\.\.)(?!\/)(?!\S*\/\/)(?!\S*@\{)(?!@$)(?!\S*\)[^\000-\037\177 ~^:?*[]+(?<!\.lock)(?<!\/)(?<!\.))\b/gi; |
interface GitTerminalLink<T = object> extends TerminalLink { |
command: { |
command: Commands; |
args: T; |
}; |
} |
export class GitTerminalLinkProvider implements Disposable, TerminalLinkProvider<GitTerminalLink> { |
private disposable: Disposable; |
constructor() { |
this.disposable = window.registerTerminalLinkProvider(this); |
} |
dispose() { |
this.disposable.dispose(); |
} |
async provideTerminalLinks(context: TerminalLinkContext): Promise<GitTerminalLink[]> { |
if (context.line.trim().length === 0) return []; |
const repoPath = Container.git.getHighlanderRepoPath(); |
if (repoPath == null) return []; |
const links: GitTerminalLink[] = []; |
const branchesAndTags = await Container.git.getBranchesAndOrTags(repoPath, { include: 'all' }); |
// Don't use the shared regex instance directly, because we can be called reentrantly (because of the awaits below)
const regex = new RegExp(refRegex, 'gi'); |
let match; |
do { |
match = regex.exec(context.line); |
if (match == null) break; |
const [_, ref] = match; |
if (ref.toUpperCase() === 'HEAD') { |
const link: GitTerminalLink<ShowQuickBranchHistoryCommandArgs> = { |
startIndex: match.index, |
length: ref.length, |
tooltip: 'Show HEAD', |
command: { |
command: Commands.ShowQuickBranchHistory, |
args: { |
branch: 'HEAD', |
repoPath: repoPath, |
}, |
}, |
}; |
links.push(link); |
continue; |
} |
const branchOrTag = branchesAndTags?.find(r => r.name === ref); |
if (branchOrTag != null) { |
const link: GitTerminalLink<ShowQuickBranchHistoryCommandArgs> = { |
startIndex: match.index, |
length: ref.length, |
tooltip: branchOrTag.refType === 'branch' ? 'Show Branch' : 'Show Tag', |
command: { |
command: Commands.ShowQuickBranchHistory, |
args: { |
branch: branchOrTag.refType === 'branch' ? branchOrTag.name : undefined, |
tag: branchOrTag.refType === 'tag' ? branchOrTag.name : undefined, |
repoPath: repoPath, |
}, |
}, |
}; |
links.push(link); |
continue; |
} |
if (!shaRegex.test(ref)) continue; |
if (await Container.git.validateReference(repoPath, ref)) { |
const link: GitTerminalLink<ShowQuickCommitCommandArgs> = { |
startIndex: match.index, |
length: ref.length, |
tooltip: 'Show Commit', |
command: { |
command: Commands.ShowQuickCommit, |
args: { |
repoPath: repoPath, |
sha: ref, |
}, |
}, |
}; |
links.push(link); |
} |
} while (true); |
return links; |
} |
handleTerminalLink(link: GitTerminalLink): void { |
void commands.executeCommand(link.command.command, link.command.args); |
} |
} |