Переглянути джерело

Adds comparison commands to branch nodes toolbar

Eric Amodio 6 роки тому
7 змінених файлів з 62 додано та 6 видалено
  1. +6
  2. +4
  3. +4
  4. +6
  5. +4
  6. +4
  7. +34

+ 6
- 0
images/dark/icon-compare-ref-remote.svg Переглянути файл

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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+ 4
- 0
images/dark/icon-compare-ref-working.svg Переглянути файл

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ 4
- 0
images/dark/icon-compare-refs.svg Переглянути файл

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ 6
- 0
images/light/icon-compare-ref-remote.svg Переглянути файл

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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+ 4
- 0
images/light/icon-compare-ref-working.svg Переглянути файл

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ 4
- 0
images/light/icon-compare-refs.svg Переглянути файл

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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+ 34
- 6
package.json Переглянути файл

@ -2048,12 +2048,20 @@
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithHead",
"title": "Compare with HEAD",
"category": "GitLens"
"category": "GitLens",
"icon": {
"dark": "images/dark/icon-compare-refs.svg",
"light": "images/light/icon-compare-refs.svg"
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithRemote",
"title": "Compare with Remote",
"category": "GitLens"
"category": "GitLens",
"icon": {
"dark": "images/dark/icon-compare-ref-remote.svg",
"light": "images/light/icon-compare-ref-remote.svg"
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithSelected",
@ -2063,7 +2071,11 @@
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithWorking",
"title": "Compare with Working Tree",
"category": "GitLens"
"category": "GitLens",
"icon": {
"dark": "images/dark/icon-compare-ref-working.svg",
"light": "images/light/icon-compare-ref-working.svg"
"command": "gitlens.views.selectForCompare",
@ -3243,16 +3255,32 @@
"command": "gitlens.openBranchInRemote",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:(branch\\b(.*?:tracking|:remote))/",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:branch\\b(.*?:tracking|:remote)/",
"group": "inline@98"
"command": "gitlens.openBranchInRemote",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:(branch\\b(.*?:tracking|:remote))/",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:branch\\b(.*?:tracking|:remote)/",
"group": "1_gitlens@1"
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithRemote",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:branch\\b.*?:tracking/",
"group": "inline@96"
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithHead",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:(branch(?!:current)|commit|stash|tag)\\b/",
"group": "inline@97",
"alt": "gitlens.views.compareWithWorking"
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithWorking",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:branch:current\\b/",
"group": "inline@97"
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithRemote",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:(branch\\b.*?:tracking)/",
"group": "7_gitlens@1"
@ -3263,7 +3291,7 @@
"command": "gitlens.views.compareWithWorking",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:(branch(?!:current)|commit|stash|tag)\\b/",
"when": "viewItem =~ /gitlens:(branch|commit|stash|tag)\\b/",
"group": "7_gitlens@3"
