@ -14,36 +14,31 @@ const template = html`
$ { when ( x = > x . name !== '' , html < HeaderCard > ` <span class="foreground"> ${ x = > x . name } </span> ` ) }
< / h1 >
< p class = "header-card__account" >
< span class = "status" > $ { x = > x . planName } < / span >
< span class = "status"
> < span
class = "repo-access${x => (x.isPro ? ' is-pro' : '')}"
title = "You have access to GitLens+ features on ${x => (x.isPro ? 'any repo' : 'local & public repos')}"
> ✨ < / s p a n
> $ { x = > x . planName } < / s p a n
< span >
$ { when (
x = > x . state === SubscriptionState . Free ,
x = > ! x . hasAccount ,
html < HeaderCard > `
< a title = "Sign in to GitLens+" href = "command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp" > Sign In < / a >
< a class = "action" title= "Sign in to GitLens+" href = "command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp" > Sign In < / a >
` ,
) }
$ { when (
x = > x . state === SubscriptionState . Paid ,
x = > x . hasAccount ,
html < HeaderCard > `
< a href = "command:gitlens.plus.manage" aria - label = "Manage Account" title = "Manage Account"
< a
class = "action is-icon"
href = "command:gitlens.plus.manage"
aria - label = "Manage Account"
title = "Manage Account"
> < code - icon icon = "account" > < / c o d e - i c o n > < / a
> & nbsp ; & nbsp ; < a href = "command:gitlens.plus.logout" aria - label = "Sign Out" title = "Sign Out"
> < code - icon icon = "sign-out" > < / c o d e - i c o n
> < / a >
` ,
) }
$ { when (
x = > [ SubscriptionState . FreeInPreviewTrial , SubscriptionState . FreePlusInTrial ] . includes ( x . state ) ,
html < HeaderCard > ` ${ x = > x . daysRemaining } ` ,
) }
$ { when (
x = > x . state === SubscriptionState . FreePreviewTrialExpired ,
html < HeaderCard > ` <a href="command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp">Extend Trial</a> ` ,
) }
$ { when (
x = > x . state === SubscriptionState . FreePlusTrialExpired ,
html < HeaderCard > `
< a href = "command:gitlens.plus.purchase" > Upgrade to Pro < / a > & nbsp ; & nbsp ; < a
> & nbsp ; < a
class = "action is-icon"
href = "command:gitlens.plus.logout"
aria - label = "Sign Out"
title = "Sign Out"
@ -51,22 +46,6 @@ const template = html`
> < / a >
` ,
) }
$ { when (
x = > x . state === SubscriptionState . VerificationRequired ,
html < HeaderCard > `
< a
href = "command:gitlens.plus.resendVerification"
title = "Resend Verification Email"
aria - label = "Resend Verification Email"
> Verify < / a
> & nbsp ; < a
href = "command:gitlens.plus.validate"
title = "Refresh Verification Status"
aria - label = "Refresh Verification Status"
> < code - icon icon = "sync" > < / c o d e - i c o n
> < / a >
` ,
) }
< / span >
< / p >
< div
@ -76,8 +55,36 @@ const template = html`
aria - valuenow = "${x => x.progressNow}"
aria - label = "{x => x.progressMax} steps completed"
< div $ { ref ( ' progressNode ' ) } class = "progress__indicator poo " > < / div >
< div $ { ref ( ' progressNode ' ) } class = "progress__indicator" > < / div >
< / div >
< span class = "actions" >
$ { when (
x = > x . state === SubscriptionState . FreePreviewTrialExpired ,
html < HeaderCard > ` <a class="action" href="command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp">Extend Trial</a> ` ,
) }
$ { when (
x = > x . state === SubscriptionState . FreePlusTrialExpired ,
html < HeaderCard > ` <a class="action" href="command:gitlens.plus.purchase">Upgrade to Pro</a> ` ,
) }
$ { when (
x = > x . state === SubscriptionState . VerificationRequired ,
html < HeaderCard > `
< a
class = "action"
href = "command:gitlens.plus.resendVerification"
title = "Resend Verification Email"
aria - label = "Resend Verification Email"
> Verify < / a
> & nbsp ; < a
class = "action"
href = "command:gitlens.plus.validate"
title = "Refresh Verification Status"
aria - label = "Refresh Verification Status"
> Refresh < / a
` ,
) }
< / span >
` ;
const styles = css `
@ -134,6 +141,7 @@ const styles = css`
display : flex ;
flex - direction : row ;
justify - content : space - between ;
align - items : center ;
flex - wrap : wrap ;
gap : 0 0.4 rem ;
@ -172,6 +180,50 @@ const styles = css`
. status {
color : var ( -- color - foreground -- 75 ) ;
. repo - access {
font - size : 1.1em ;
margin - right : 0.2rem ;
cursor : help ;
. repo - access :not ( . is - pro ) {
filter : grayscale ( 1 ) brightness ( 0.7 ) ;
. actions {
position : absolute ;
right : 1rem ;
top : 0.8rem ;
. action {
display : inline - block ;
padding : 0.2rem 0.6 rem ;
border - radius : 0.3rem ;
color : var ( -- color - foreground -- 75 ) ;
. action . is - icon {
display : inline - flex ;
justify - content : center ;
align - items : center ;
width : 2.2rem ;
height : 2.2rem ;
padding : 0 ;
. action :hover {
text - decoration : none ;
color : var ( -- color - foreground ) ;
: host - context ( . vscode - high - contrast ) . action :hover ,
: host - context ( . vscode - dark ) . action :hover {
background - color : var ( -- color - background -- lighten - 10 ) ;
: host - context ( . vscode - high - contrast - light ) . action :hover ,
: host - context ( . vscode - light ) . action :hover {
background - color : var ( -- color - background -- darken - 10 ) ;
` ;
@customElement ( { name : 'header-card' , template : template , styles : styles } )
@ -232,21 +284,40 @@ export class HeaderCard extends FASTElement {
get planName() {
switch ( this . state ) {
case SubscriptionState . Free :
return 'GitLens+ (Local & Public Repos)' ;
case SubscriptionState . FreeInPreviewTrial :
case SubscriptionState . FreePlusInTrial :
return 'GitLens+ Pro Trial' ;
case SubscriptionState . FreePreviewTrialExpired :
return 'GitLens+ (Local & Public Repos)' ;
case SubscriptionState . FreePlusTrialExpired :
return 'GitLens+ (Local & Public Repos)' ;
return 'GitLens Free' ;
case SubscriptionState . FreeInPreviewTrial :
case SubscriptionState . FreePlusInTrial :
return ` GitLens Pro (Trial ${ this . daysRemaining } ) ` ;
case SubscriptionState . VerificationRequired :
return 'GitLens+ (Unverified)' ;
return ` ${ this . plan } (Unverified) ` ;
default :
return this . plan ;
get hasAccount() {
switch ( this . state ) {
case SubscriptionState . Free :
case SubscriptionState . FreePreviewTrialExpired :
case SubscriptionState . FreeInPreviewTrial :
return false ;
return true ;
get isPro() {
switch ( this . state ) {
case SubscriptionState . Free :
case SubscriptionState . FreePreviewTrialExpired :
case SubscriptionState . FreePlusTrialExpired :
case SubscriptionState . VerificationRequired :
return false ;
return true ;
updateProgressWidth() {
this . progressNode . style . width = this . progress ;