@ -9,7 +9,17 @@ import { hrtime } from '@env/hrtime';
import { GlyphChars } from '../../../constants' ;
import type { GitCommandOptions , GitSpawnOptions } from '../../../git/commandOptions' ;
import { GitErrorHandling } from '../../../git/commandOptions' ;
import { StashPushError , StashPushErrorReason , WorkspaceUntrustedError } from '../../../git/errors' ;
import {
FetchError ,
FetchErrorReason ,
PullError ,
PullErrorReason ,
PushError ,
PushErrorReason ,
StashPushError ,
StashPushErrorReason ,
WorkspaceUntrustedError ,
} from '../../../git/errors' ;
import type { GitDiffFilter } from '../../../git/models/diff' ;
import { isUncommitted , isUncommittedStaged , shortenRevision } from '../../../git/models/reference' ;
import type { GitUser } from '../../../git/models/user' ;
@ -58,14 +68,29 @@ const rootSha = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904';
export const GitErrors = {
badRevision : /bad revision '(.*?)'/i ,
cantLockRef : /cannot lock ref|unable to update local ref/i ,
changesWouldBeOverwritten : /Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten/i ,
commitChangesFirst : /Please, commit your changes before you can/i ,
conflict : /^CONFLICT : \b/m ,
noFastForward : //i ,
noMergeBase : /no merge base/i ,
noRemoteRepositorySpecified : /No remote repository specified\./i ,
notAValidObjectName : /Not a valid object name/i ,
noUserNameConfigured : /Please tell me who you are\./i ,
invalidLineCount : /file .+? has only \d+ lines/i ,
uncommittedChanges : /contains modified or untracked files/i ,
alreadyExists : /already exists/i ,
alreadyCheckedOut : /already checked out/i ,
mainWorkingTree : /is a main working tree/i ,
noUpstream : /^fatal: The current branch .* has no upstream branch/i ,
permissionDenied : /Permission.*denied/i ,
pushRejected : /^error: failed to push some refs to\b/m ,
rebaseMultipleBranches : /cannot rebase onto multiple branches/i ,
remoteAhead : /rejected because the remote contains work/i ,
remoteConnection : /Could not read from remote repository/i ,
tagConflict : /! .*/m ,
unmergedFiles : /is not possible because you have unmerged files/i ,
unstagedChanges : /You have unstaged changes/i ,
} ;
const GitWarnings = {
@ -84,6 +109,7 @@ const GitWarnings = {
noRemoteRepositorySpecified : /No remote repository specified\./i ,
remoteConnectionError : /Could not read from remote repository/i ,
notAGitCommand : /'.+' is not a git command/i ,
tipBehind : /tip of your current branch is behind/i ,
} ;
function defaultExceptionHandler ( ex : Error , cwd : string | undefined , start ? : [ number , number ] ) : string {
@ -824,7 +850,7 @@ export class Git {
async fetch (
repoPath : string ,
options :
| { all? : boolean ; branch? : undefined ; prune? : boolean ; remote? : string }
| { all? : boolean ; branch? : undefined ; prune? : boolean ; pull? : boolean ; remote? : string }
| {
all? : undefined ;
branch : string ;
@ -843,22 +869,6 @@ export class Git {
if ( options . branch && options . remote ) {
if ( options . upstream && options . pull ) {
params . push ( '-u' , options . remote , ` ${ options . upstream } : ${ options . branch } ` ) ;
try {
void ( await this . git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ) ;
return ;
} catch ( ex ) {
const msg : string = ex ? . toString ( ) ? ? '' ;
if ( GitErrors . noFastForward . test ( msg ) ) {
void window . showErrorMessage (
` Unable to pull the ' ${ options . branch } ' branch, as it can't be fast-forwarded. ` ,
) ;
return ;
throw ex ;
} else {
params . push (
options . remote ,
@ -873,7 +883,128 @@ export class Git {
params . push ( '--all' ) ;
void ( await this . git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ) ;
try {
void ( await this . git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
const msg : string = ex ? . toString ( ) ? ? '' ;
let reason : FetchErrorReason = FetchErrorReason . Other ;
if ( GitErrors . noFastForward . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . noFastForward . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = FetchErrorReason . NoFastForward ;
} else if (
GitErrors . noRemoteRepositorySpecified . test ( msg ) ||
GitErrors . noRemoteRepositorySpecified . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' )
) {
reason = FetchErrorReason . NoRemote ;
} else if ( GitErrors . remoteConnection . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . remoteConnection . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = FetchErrorReason . RemoteConnection ;
throw new FetchError ( reason , ex , options ? . branch , options ? . remote ) ;
async push (
repoPath : string ,
options : { branch? : string ; force? : boolean ; publish? : boolean ; remote? : string ; upstream? : string } ,
) : Promise < void > {
const params = [ 'push' ] ;
if ( options . force ) {
params . push ( '--force' ) ;
if ( options . branch && options . remote ) {
if ( options . upstream ) {
params . push ( '-u' , options . remote , ` ${ options . upstream } : ${ options . branch } ` ) ;
} else if ( options . publish ) {
params . push ( '--set-upstream' , options . remote , options . branch ) ;
} else {
params . push ( options . remote , options . branch ) ;
} else if ( options . remote ) {
params . push ( options . remote ) ;
try {
void ( await this . git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
const msg : string = ex ? . toString ( ) ? ? '' ;
let reason : PushErrorReason = PushErrorReason . Other ;
if ( GitErrors . remoteAhead . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . remoteAhead . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PushErrorReason . RemoteAhead ;
} else if ( GitWarnings . tipBehind . test ( msg ) || GitWarnings . tipBehind . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PushErrorReason . TipBehind ;
} else if ( GitErrors . pushRejected . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . pushRejected . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PushErrorReason . PushRejected ;
} else if ( GitErrors . permissionDenied . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . permissionDenied . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PushErrorReason . PermissionDenied ;
} else if ( GitErrors . remoteConnection . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . remoteConnection . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PushErrorReason . RemoteConnection ;
} else if ( GitErrors . noUpstream . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . noUpstream . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PushErrorReason . NoUpstream ;
throw new PushError ( reason , ex , options ? . branch , options ? . remote ) ;
async pull (
repoPath : string ,
options : { branch? : string ; remote? : string ; rebase? : boolean ; tags? : boolean } ,
) : Promise < void > {
const params = [ 'pull' ] ;
if ( options . tags ) {
params . push ( '--tags' ) ;
if ( options . rebase ) {
params . push ( '-r' ) ;
if ( options . remote && options . branch ) {
params . push ( options . remote ) ;
params . push ( options . branch ) ;
try {
void ( await this . git < string > ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ) ;
} catch ( ex ) {
const msg : string = ex ? . toString ( ) ? ? '' ;
let reason : PullErrorReason = PullErrorReason . Other ;
if ( GitErrors . conflict . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . conflict . test ( ex . stdout ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PullErrorReason . Conflict ;
} else if (
GitErrors . noUserNameConfigured . test ( msg ) ||
GitErrors . noUserNameConfigured . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' )
) {
reason = PullErrorReason . GitIdentity ;
} else if ( GitErrors . remoteConnection . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . remoteConnection . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PullErrorReason . RemoteConnection ;
} else if ( GitErrors . unstagedChanges . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . unstagedChanges . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PullErrorReason . UnstagedChanges ;
} else if ( GitErrors . unmergedFiles . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . unmergedFiles . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PullErrorReason . UnmergedFiles ;
} else if ( GitErrors . commitChangesFirst . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . commitChangesFirst . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PullErrorReason . UncommittedChanges ;
} else if (
GitErrors . changesWouldBeOverwritten . test ( msg ) ||
GitErrors . changesWouldBeOverwritten . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' )
) {
reason = PullErrorReason . OverwrittenChanges ;
} else if ( GitErrors . cantLockRef . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . cantLockRef . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PullErrorReason . RefLocked ;
} else if (
GitErrors . rebaseMultipleBranches . test ( msg ) ||
GitErrors . rebaseMultipleBranches . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' )
) {
reason = PullErrorReason . RebaseMultipleBranches ;
} else if ( GitErrors . tagConflict . test ( msg ) || GitErrors . tagConflict . test ( ex . stderr ? ? '' ) ) {
reason = PullErrorReason . TagConflict ;
throw new PullError ( reason , ex , options ? . branch , options ? . remote ) ;
for_each_ref__branch ( repoPath : string , options : { all : boolean } = { all : false } ) {