@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
import { MessageItem, QuickInputButtons, Uri, window, workspace } from 'vscode'; |
import { MessageItem, QuickInputButtons, Uri, window } from 'vscode'; |
import { configuration } from '../../configuration'; |
import { Container } from '../../container'; |
import { |
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import { QuickPickItemOfT, QuickPickSeparator } from '../../quickpicks/items/com |
import { Directive } from '../../quickpicks/items/directive'; |
import { FlagsQuickPickItem } from '../../quickpicks/items/flags'; |
import { basename, isDescendent } from '../../system/path'; |
import { pad, pluralize, truncateLeft } from '../../system/string'; |
import { pluralize, truncateLeft } from '../../system/string'; |
import { OpenWorkspaceLocation } from '../../system/utils'; |
import { ViewsWithRepositoryFolders } from '../../views/viewBase'; |
import { GitActions } from '../gitCommands.actions'; |
@ -401,21 +401,13 @@ export class WorktreeGitCommand extends QuickCommand { |
context: Context, |
options?: { titleContext?: string }, |
): AsyncStepResultGenerator<Uri> { |
let uri = state.uri ?? context.defaultUri; |
if (uri == null) { |
const folder = state.repo.folder ?? workspace.workspaceFolders?.[0]; |
if (folder != null) { |
uri = Uri.joinPath(folder.uri, '..'); |
} |
} |
const step = QuickCommand.createCustomStep<Uri>({ |
show: async (_step: CustomStep<Uri>) => { |
const uris = await window.showOpenDialog({ |
canSelectFiles: false, |
canSelectFolders: true, |
canSelectMany: false, |
defaultUri: uri, |
defaultUri: state.uri ?? context.defaultUri, |
openLabel: 'Select Worktree Location', |
title: `${appendReposToTitle( |
`Choose Worktree Location${options?.titleContext ?? ''}`, |
@ -446,120 +438,89 @@ export class WorktreeGitCommand extends QuickCommand { |
state: CreateStepState, |
context: Context, |
): StepResultGenerator<[Uri, CreateFlags[]]> { |
const chosenUri = state.uri; |
const chosenFriendlyPath = truncateLeft(GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(chosenUri), 60); |
let allowCreateInRoot = true; |
let chosenWithRepoSubfoldersUri = chosenUri; |
const folderUri = state.repo.folder?.uri; |
if (folderUri != null) { |
if (folderUri.toString() !== chosenUri.toString()) { |
const descendent = isDescendent(chosenUri, folderUri); |
if (!descendent) { |
chosenWithRepoSubfoldersUri = Uri.joinPath(chosenUri, basename(folderUri.path)); |
} |
/** |
* Here are the rules for creating the recommended path for the new worktree: |
* |
* If the user picks a folder outside the repo, it will be `<chosen-path>/<repo>.worktrees/<?branch>` |
* If the user picks the repo folder, it will be `<repo>/../<repo>.worktrees/<?branch>` |
* If the user picks a folder inside the repo, it will be `<repo>/../<repo>.worktrees/<?branch>` |
*/ |
const pickedUri = state.uri; |
const pickedFriendlyPath = truncateLeft(GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(pickedUri), 60); |
let canCreateDirectlyInPicked = true; |
let recommendedRootUri; |
const repoUri = state.repo.uri; |
if (repoUri.toString() !== pickedUri.toString()) { |
if (isDescendent(pickedUri, repoUri)) { |
recommendedRootUri = Uri.joinPath(repoUri, '..', `${basename(repoUri.path)}.worktrees`); |
} else { |
allowCreateInRoot = false; |
recommendedRootUri = Uri.joinPath(pickedUri, `${basename(repoUri.path)}.worktrees`); |
} |
} else { |
recommendedRootUri = Uri.joinPath(repoUri, '..', `${basename(repoUri.path)}.worktrees`); |
// Don't allow creating directly into the main worktree folder
canCreateDirectlyInPicked = false; |
} |
let chosenWithRepoAndRefSubfoldersUri; |
let chosenWithRepoAndRefSubfoldersFriendlyPath: string = undefined!; |
if (state.reference != null) { |
chosenWithRepoAndRefSubfoldersUri = Uri.joinPath( |
chosenWithRepoSubfoldersUri ?? chosenUri, |
...state.reference.name.replace(/\/g, '/').split('/'), |
); |
chosenWithRepoAndRefSubfoldersFriendlyPath = truncateLeft( |
GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(chosenWithRepoAndRefSubfoldersUri), |
65, |
); |
} |
const recommendedUri = |
state.reference != null |
? Uri.joinPath(recommendedRootUri, ...state.reference.name.replace(/\/g, '/').split('/')) |
: recommendedRootUri; |
const recommendedFriendlyPath = truncateLeft(GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(recommendedUri), 65); |
const chosenWithRepoAndNewRefSubfoldersUri = Uri.joinPath( |
chosenWithRepoSubfoldersUri ?? chosenUri, |
'<new-branch-name>', |
); |
const chosenWithRepoAndNewRefSubfoldersFriendlyPath = truncateLeft( |
GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(chosenWithRepoAndNewRefSubfoldersUri), |
58, |
const recommendedNewBranchFriendlyPath = truncateLeft( |
GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(Uri.joinPath(recommendedRootUri, '<new-branch-name>')), |
60, |
); |
const step: QuickPickStep<FlagsQuickPickItem<CreateFlags, Uri>> = QuickCommand.createConfirmStep( |
appendReposToTitle(`Confirm ${context.title}`, state, context), |
[ |
...(chosenWithRepoAndRefSubfoldersUri != null |
? [ |
FlagsQuickPickItem.create<CreateFlags, Uri>( |
state.flags, |
[], |
{ |
label: context.title, |
description: ` for ${GitReference.toString(state.reference)}`, |
detail: `Will create worktree in${pad( |
'$(folder)', |
2, |
2, |
}, |
chosenWithRepoAndRefSubfoldersUri, |
), |
] |
: []), |
...(chosenWithRepoSubfoldersUri != null |
? [ |
FlagsQuickPickItem.create<CreateFlags, Uri>( |
state.flags, |
['-b'], |
{ |
label: 'Create New Branch and Worktree', |
description: ` from ${GitReference.toString(state.reference)}`, |
detail: `Will create worktree in${pad( |
'$(folder)', |
2, |
2, |
}, |
chosenWithRepoSubfoldersUri, |
), |
] |
: []), |
QuickPickSeparator.create(), |
...(allowCreateInRoot |
FlagsQuickPickItem.create<CreateFlags, Uri>( |
state.flags, |
[], |
{ |
label: context.title, |
description: ` for ${GitReference.toString(state.reference)}`, |
detail: `Will create worktree in $(folder) ${recommendedFriendlyPath}`, |
}, |
recommendedUri, |
), |
FlagsQuickPickItem.create<CreateFlags, Uri>( |
state.flags, |
['-b'], |
{ |
label: 'Create New Branch and Worktree', |
description: ` from ${GitReference.toString(state.reference)}`, |
detail: `Will create worktree in $(folder) ${recommendedNewBranchFriendlyPath}`, |
}, |
recommendedRootUri, |
), |
...(canCreateDirectlyInPicked |
? [ |
QuickPickSeparator.create(), |
FlagsQuickPickItem.create<CreateFlags, Uri>( |
state.flags, |
[], |
{ |
label: `${context.title} (directly in folder)`, |
description: ` for ${GitReference.toString(state.reference)}`, |
detail: `Will create worktree directly in${pad( |
'$(folder)', |
2, |
2, |
detail: `Will create worktree directly in $(folder) ${pickedFriendlyPath}`, |
}, |
chosenUri, |
pickedUri, |
), |
] |
: []), |
...(allowCreateInRoot |
? [ |
FlagsQuickPickItem.create<CreateFlags, Uri>( |
state.flags, |
['-b'], |
{ |
label: 'Create New Branch and Worktree (directly in folder)', |
description: ` from ${GitReference.toString(state.reference)}`, |
detail: `Will create worktree directly in${pad( |
'$(folder)', |
2, |
2, |
detail: `Will create worktree directly in $(folder) ${pickedFriendlyPath}`, |
}, |
chosenUri, |
pickedUri, |
), |
] |
: []), |
@ -667,20 +628,14 @@ export class WorktreeGitCommand extends QuickCommand { |
label: context.title, |
detail: `Will delete ${pluralize('worktree', state.uris.length, { |
only: state.uris.length === 1, |
})}${ |
state.uris.length === 1 |
? ` in${pad('$(folder)', 2, 2)}${GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(state.uris[0])}` |
: '' |
})}${state.uris.length === 1 ? ` in $(folder) ${GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(state.uris[0])}` : ''}`,
}), |
FlagsQuickPickItem.create<DeleteFlags>(state.flags, ['--force'], { |
label: `Force ${context.title}`, |
detail: `Will forcibly delete ${pluralize('worktree', state.uris.length, { |
only: state.uris.length === 1, |
})} even with UNCOMMITTED changes${ |
state.uris.length === 1 |
? ` in${pad('$(folder)', 2, 2)}${GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(state.uris[0])}` |
: '' |
state.uris.length === 1 ? ` in $(folder) ${GitWorktree.getFriendlyPath(state.uris[0])}` : '' |
}), |
], |