@ -14,19 +14,15 @@ const template = html` |
${when(x => x.name !== '', html<HeaderCard>`<span class="foreground">${x => x.name}</span>`)} |
</h1> |
<p class="header-card__account"> |
<span class="status" |
><span |
class="repo-access${x => (x.isPro ? ' is-pro' : '')}" |
title="You have access to GitLens+ features on ${x => (x.isPro ? 'any repo' : 'local & public repos')}" |
>✨</span |
>${x => x.planName}</span |
<span |
class="status" |
title="Can access GitLens+ features on ${x => (x.isPro ? 'any repo' : 'local & public repos')}" |
><span class="repo-access${x => (x.isPro ? ' is-pro' : '')}">✨</span>${x => x.planName}</span |
> |
<span> |
<span class="account-actions"> |
${when( |
x => !x.hasAccount, |
<a class="action" title="Sign in to GitLens+" href="command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp">Sign In</a> |
html<HeaderCard>`<a class="action" href="command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp">Sign In</a>`, |
)} |
${when( |
x => x.hasAccount, |
@ -59,18 +55,29 @@ const template = html` |
</div> |
<span class="actions"> |
${when( |
x => x.state === SubscriptionState.Free, |
html<HeaderCard>`<a class="action is-primary" href="command:gitlens.plus.startPreviewTrial"
>Start Pro Trial</a |
)} |
${when( |
x => x.state === SubscriptionState.FreePreviewTrialExpired, |
html<HeaderCard>`<a class="action" href="command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp">Extend Trial</a>`, |
html<HeaderCard>`<a class="action is-primary" href="command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp"
>Extend Pro Trial</a |
)} |
${when( |
x => x.state === SubscriptionState.FreePlusTrialExpired, |
html<HeaderCard>`<a class="action" href="command:gitlens.plus.purchase">Upgrade to Pro</a>`, |
x => |
x.state === SubscriptionState.FreeInPreviewTrial || |
x.state === SubscriptionState.FreePlusInTrial || |
x.state === SubscriptionState.FreePlusTrialExpired, |
html<HeaderCard>`<a class="action is-primary" href="command:gitlens.plus.purchase">Upgrade to Pro</a>`, |
)} |
${when( |
x => x.state === SubscriptionState.VerificationRequired, |
<a |
class="action" |
class="action is-primary" |
href="command:gitlens.plus.resendVerification" |
title="Resend Verification Email" |
aria-label="Resend Verification Email" |